Posted by ๐Ÿ… Open Faith๐Ÿ… (Big Cat Form's)(Open)

๐‘’ (#89197)

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Posted on
2017-11-15 01:25:54

Main Roleplay Thread




Role play form


Big cat breed:



Sexuality: (Optional)




History/Backstory: (Optional)

Misc/ETC?: (Optional)

Pride form's(2/4)

Name of pride:

Leader of pride:

Pride territory?:(Optional)

Pride History/background?:(Optional)

Want to join a pride?(this is completely optional you don't have to join a pride if you don't want too!)

Name of pride you want to join:

Rank in pride:(pm or ask this player on the rp or ooc what the rank's in the pride are.):

Why do you want to join?:(optional)

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Edited on 15/11/17 @ 10:39:44 by ๐Ÿ”ฎ ๐’ช๐“‡๐’ถ๐’ธ๐“๐‘’ (#89197)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-11-15 09:48:32

Name: Storm

Big cat Breed: Liger

Age: 3.5 Years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Although he is a hybrid between a lion and a tiger he is on the smallish side, but making up for his lack in stature he is very agile and able to think on his paws. He inherited his mother's white tiger striped pelt and his father's imposing light brown mane. Storm also has beautiful silver eyes. He has several scars littering his entire body from past battles, but his most notable wounds are on his hind left leg where, after being released, he accidentally stepped into a snare trap.

Personality/Trait's: Although still pretty young and inexperienced in many ways the young male, with his imposing strength and wisdom commands respect from everyone he meets. He is weary of all big cats that are not part of his pride, but he has a weak spots for cubs

Mate: River

Cub's: Yuki (Adopted Son), Aputi (Adopted Daughter)

History/Backstory: Although Storm was born in captivity his mother taught him how to hunt and his father taught him valuable fighting lessons. He never saw himself as being able to become a leader, but he was worried that if he did not step up to the task no one would.

Misc/ETC?: -

Name of pride: Rising Sun

King of pride: Storm

Queen of pride: River

Pride territory?: The Prides territory spans the expanse of an entire mountain. You often find smaller pray like, Mice, Lizards, Small Birds, and Snakes. As well as larger, more dangerous animals like, Hawks, Eagles, Owls, and Polar Bears which should never be messed with. Others can be hunted though like, Elk and Musk Oxen, but it takes one very powerful cat or several smaller cats working together to take them down.
Up on the mountain, often covered in a blanket of snow, lays a big cave almost hidden from view behinde a gathering of large boulders. Once you come closer you notice a clearing before entering the cave, where cubs are trained to become full fledged members of the Pride. Once allowed inside you are greeted by a large Cave, with a surprisingly high vaulted ceiling and long stalactites hanging from the ceiling. As you look to your left you spot a pile of freshly killed pray, alway well stocked despite the inhospitable conditions of the territory outside. Right in front of you, there is a tall maund of large rocks gathered, where the king presides over his Pride and calls to meetings. The maund has an alcove underneath it where the king, with his queen resides. Beside it lyes the entrance to the rest of the cave, which reaches deep into the mountain. Once inside you are greeted by the sight of glow worms covering the ceiling and walls, providing light in this dark depth. The cave you come to is quite large this is where Guard's and Hunter's share their nests. Moving forward you find two caves nestled close to each other, where the apprentices live in the first cave and the nursery is located in the second. Moving past this caves you come to the end of the way with a celestial sparkling pool, being feed byย  clear natural spring,ย beside a halve visible cave, here the Prides Healer dwells.

Members and Rank

King: Storm

Queen: River

Deputy:ย Atoklu

Healer: Mila

Guards & Hunters:ย Sauda, Akira

Apprentices:ย Yuki,ย Taehyung, Asha

Cubs: Leon, Prima, Sarabi, Asim


Name: Yuki

Big cat Breed: Snow Leopard

Age: 5 Months old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: ?

Appearance: Small curious snow leopard with olive eyes.

Personality/Traits: Yuki is very playful and adventurous cub. He loves living in the mountains, because his favorite thing to do is climb up the steep, rocky sides. He really wants to learn how to hunt and fight, but for now he's happy to simply pouncing on leaves and pebbles.

Cub's: N/A
Family: Storm (Adopted Father), River (Adopted Mother), Aputi (Sister)

History/Backstory: He was born in the zoo to a kind mother and father, but sadly he was separated from them when they were placed in their new habitat. After a lot of searching for his appearance he decided to join the Rising Sun Pride for security and protection. Since then he has been adopted by the pride and made a lot of new friends.

Misc/ETC?: -

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Edited on 14/02/18 @ 11:32:30 by {~LightQueen~} [WCU] (#59203)

River|WCU (#115059)

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Posted on
2017-11-15 10:11:19

Pride: Rising Sun

Rank: Wants to be queen

Big cat breed:
Golden/Strawberry Tiger

2 years


Sexuality: (Optional)

Image removed by moderator

Loving , is extremely loyal to her pride, always listens to her pride mates, wants a couple of litters of cubs

Mate?/Cub's: Not yet but just have your character ask mine in roleplay and i will most likely say yes, really really really really really wants cubs

Misc/ETC?: world prefer mate to be a white tiger but my mate does not have to be a tiger at all, but i will only choose a mate through roleplay

Ice nodded and then leaned down to touch her nose to Storm's ear , whispering " I saw a fox when i was out with Feather, she didnt believe me though! , it was just sitting there and staring at us ! " Then she proceeded to nose Storm's injures , feeling for heat or swelling but didnt find any , although his wounds were gushing blood , calling to her apprentice Featherwhisker " Hey Featherwhisker ! Can you please bring me some poppy seads , cobbwebs , marigold , and comfry ?" After Featherwhisker had brought her the herbs she covered and tended to Storm's wounds , all while stroking his back with her tail to comfort him . When Storm had fallen asleep , she headed out to find Firestar and Featherstorm

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Edited on 24/11/17 @ 21:19:01 by Wyndy [Pearl Primal] (#12183)

๐‘’ (#89197)

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Posted on
2017-11-15 11:03:55



"But mama, why is it dangerous?" -Aspen

"Because my dear, this world is too melancholy." -Banshee

Name: Banshee

Big cat breed: Tiger

Age:4 Year's 8 Month's.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight/Bi-curious

Appearance: Banshee is a orange Siberian Tiger, she stand's up 87 Inches and weigh's a good 220 Lb's. Her eye's are a warm yellow with a mix of sectoral brown, and her paw pad's are a light pink color. Her Fur is heavy built for the colder season's and easy to make it to defend her self and her cub. Banshee's canine's are measured to be 2.9 Inches while her claw's are measured to be as little as 3 1/2 inches long. Banshee, has bright orange colored fur along with black stripe's that help blend in with tall grass during the summer time. Banshee's under fur is a lighter color then her fur which help's with blending in as well.

Personality/Trait's: Banshee is very protective and cunning. She is known to be very overly protective of her daughter, and will fight to her own death just to protect and save her daughter from other's. Banshee is very playful and seem's to be Cubish for her grown age, and even still like's to play with her food, when she get's the chance too. Banshee is very kind and gentle hearted and is very motherly to cub's, she will even raise something that isn't the exact same thing as she is. She was once portrayed as the most friendliest one in the zoo, but after the releasing of the zoo and less social interaction with human's, she has become more intense and unsocial with them. Banshee refuses to fight something defenseless and will not attack someone or something older then her, or very injured or horribly sick. However for her survival and her daughter's, she will do whatever she can to make sure their lives are Fufilled.

Mate?/Cub's: Her Daughter Aspen.

History/Backstory: Banshee was adopted into the zoo after her mother had Abandoned her as a newborn. She loved the human's at the zoo and was pretty calm and gentle when playing with the zoo keeper's. Once Banshee got older she had a cub of her own and gained a motherly trait. She adored her daughter and the Human's called her Aspen. Banshee and Aspen interacted with the human's until a couple week's later they got released back in the wild.

Name: Aspen

Big cat breed: Tiger

Age: 5 1/2 month's

Gender: Female

Appearance: Aspen is like a small portrait of her mother but with Dim icy blue eye's That stand out against her orange and black fur. She weigh's 10.1 Lb's and stand's at a good few inches. Aspen's claw's aren't hardly sharp but are growing as she age's. Her under coat is a pale under coat like her mother that help's with blending in case she need's to hide or watch her mother hunt quietly and unseeing. Aspen was born premature so for her age she is very small and light. She doesn't eat much so her weight is lacking, but however she is still oddly healthy. Her nose is black speckles with pink and same with her paw pad's except they are Pink with black paw'd speckle's on them.

Personality/Trait's: Aspen is a very curious cub. Her mother always told her Curiosity killed the cat. Aspen love's to play around specially in the snow and is very Prideful and Generous. Aspen is very easily amused and pretty much giggles about anything which make's her pretty interesting. Aspen is very skittish however and is known to "fight" if startled the wrong way. She is very Compliant and honest about the truth and often can't hold back a lie which is the thing she dislike's about her self, she feel's if she gives the honest truth maybe she could meet more cub's one day and make some interesting friend's with other's she hadn't met before. Aspen is an introvert however and has a huge Separation Anxiety if she is away from her mother too long, and often cries out for her until she come's back.

Mate?/Cub's: N/A

History/Backstory: Aspen was born in the zoo, and was released in the wild with her mother Banshee. Aspen is only a couple month's old so doesn't know much and her back ground is pretty unknown.

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Edited on 15/11/17 @ 11:11:39 by ๐Ÿ”ฎ ๐’ช๐“‡๐’ถ๐’ธ๐“๐‘’ (#89197)

Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-11-15 15:35:54

|| Name ||

|| Breed ||
Snow leopard

|| Age ||
11 months and 2 weeks old

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Appearance ||
Work in progress, adding later.

|| Personality/Trait's ||
Taehyung is a charming and growling feline who is so full of charisma, but behind his tantalizing eyes and rude tongue lies a leopard who is totally naive, funny, down-to-earth, and very carefree. Most of the time, he'd be considered the dumb blonde in a group, and he is. He sometimes mixes up his own words, and tends to be slow when understanding complicated things that aren't in his knowledge range, although a lot of times he can give bright and surprising ideas. Taehyung has the mind of a small cub, and is probably more immature than most leopards around his age. He is very carefree and doesn't worry too much, and tends to be a bit strange, once crouching down in front of a flower and asking for its name. Taehyung absolutely loves cubs or any baby animal, and plays around with them very well. He can also survive just by talking and entertaining himself, be it by making a conversation with himself or simply dropping whatever important he had going on just to go over and blow on a dandelion. If he's happy or in a good mood, he'll show it, and if he's tired or in a bad mood, you'll notice it too that he's a bit more quiet than usual. Heโ€™s usually seen hyperactive and bubbly, and if you suddenly see him quiet or not talking, something might be wrong. Taehyung is generally open and expressive of his feelings. He is pretty much an extrovert, and never should be left alone or else he'll end up getting himself into trouble. He is very friendly and social, even to strangers, he is an absolute social butterfly. If he ever had a mate in the future, he'd love to have cubs and would be a great father as he is caring and playful, yet knows when to be serious.

|| Mate?/Cub's ||
No mate as he is a bit young, but he'd be interested in having cubs in the future when he's older.

|| History ||
Taehyung was orphaned at only a month of age, his mother having been killed while hunting, though to him the cause of death was unknown. After being found, he was brought into the zoo, mainly keeping to himself for awhile. When he had hit around eight months of age, he had came across a white tigress, quickly taking a liking to her and opening up. He had stuck around Akira for awhile, seeing her as a mother-like figure despite her lazy personality, and still stayed with her even as they were released back into the wild.
|| Name ||

|| Breed ||
White tiger

|| Age ||
3 years and 4 months

|| Gender ||
Female, tigress

|| Sexuality ||

|| Appearance ||
Work in progress, adding later.

|| Personality/Trait's ||
Akira is the type of tigress who doesn't give a care in the world about anything and knows what she likes and does what she wants to do, and if she doesn't want to do it, she won't and will work her way around having to do something she doesn't want to do. She tends to be very lazy and loves to sleep, rarely having the motivation to do anything that requires a lot of movement for him. However, there are times where she can be very energetic and if food is involved, you will have her full attention. Because she doesn't move around very much and tends to be lethargic, she isn't very athletic or fast but is very stealthy and cautious of his movements. Akira isn't a very impulsive feline, and tends to think thoroughly before going through with saying or doing something. She is very intelligent and a quick learner that learns through being taught or observation, but tends to have a short attention span unless she is very interested, managing to learn in only a span of a few hours or less to an entire day. She dislikes noise and prefers to be in quiet places, and she isn't very fond of other animals who talk too much, usually just cutting them off by leaving while they are in the middle of talking. Surprising enough, Akira has a big soft spot towards cubs and absolutely adores them, becoming an entirely different tiger who is playful and caring when around them, and will immediately go back to her old self once their attention is somewhere else. She isn't a tiger who is very sensitive, but can get somewhat easily offended if insulted and tends to have a knack for being sarcastic. If she ever had a significant other, she'd noticeably soften and become a bit more tolerant of other animals being around her.

|| Mate?/Cub's ||
No mate, and having her cubs would be something she'd be hesitant on. At the moment, she takes care of Taehyung.

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2017-11-15 16:44:55


Source look under the info panel


Big Cat Breed:
Golden Siberian Tiger

5.5 Years



Roman is a large Golden Siberian Tiger, a body length of 6'2 ft (75 in) and weighing in at 397 IBS. His pelt is a colour variation due to captive breeding, a color form. His coat is a strawberry blonde coloration, darker on the ridge of his nose and tail. His striping is paler than a regular tiger's, a dark-like chestnut that fades into a white undercoat. His eyes are a fiery honey brown, a wise deep gaze. The fur of his coat is moderately thick, dense and long in the winter and coarse during the summer months.

Roman has always been known to act older than he actual is. A very down-to-earth feline. He is faintly aloof around most other big cats, acting cool and distant. Just like any tiger, Roman holds a fondness for water and is usually found lounging next to a small pond or river. He is a very intelligent cat, seemingly even wise from other cats. The male is a lot more tolerant of more energetic cats than one might think, however if he has told them once to knock it off he will give a good cuff to the head to them whether a adult or not. Roman is a fairly playful being, you may even find him in a friendly sparring match or mock hunting. If were to ever find a significant other, Roman would be a affectionate being and soft.

Roman has no mate, but is open! PM me!
He has yet to have any cubs, adopted or biological.

History/Back story:

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Emily (#124836)

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Posted on
2017-11-15 18:42:04

Big cat breed:
snow leopard- leopard hybrid

3 years, 2 months



Coda has fluffy grey fur with a barely noticeable brown tint to it, and a white underbelly and pale green eyes. Her fur is littered with black rosettes. Coda's smaller than a full-blooded snow leopard and not as strong, but she's more agile than one and strong than a full-blooded leopard.

Tends to stick to herself, but when anyone talks her, she replies with respect and kindness. When Coda makes a friend she sticks by their side with complete devotion, if they're ever in need help she'll be there. She has a quirky and energetic side to her that only her friends see, and has a high tolerance for highly energetic cats. Coda's been told by her mother that she would make a good teacher to any young cub.

hesitant to have a mate, but will be willing to adopt any orphan cubs

Her mother had her after the zoo let all species mingle, she never knew her father, but her mother told stories about a large, nonexistent male leopard. Her mother had another litter of cubs when Coda was around the age of 1 year old, she played and watched over them while her mother rested or went out to hunt. At the age of 2 years old she separated from her mother and never caught sent or heard from her again. Her mother taught her how to hunt and how to defined herself, though Coda taught herself new techniques.

Coda has a nicked ear from a fight a couple months after leaving her mother, she has a scar that runs down her left shoulder to her elbow. Wears a vine/ flower bracelet on her right back paw.

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moon_star_pack (#126239)

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Posted on
2017-11-15 19:38:31
name: willow
big cat breed: white tiger
age: 3 years 3 months
gender: female
sexuality: straight
appearance: willow is all white with black stripes. she has blue eyes.
personality/traits: brave kind feirce strong curious smart energetic.
mate/cubs: kits: star
history/backstory: none
misc/etc: none

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Edited on 04/12/17 @ 17:16:37 by moon_star_pack (#126239)

birds 2 |g1
ancestral (#122034)

Horse Whisperer
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Posted on
2017-11-15 22:20:52
Name: Enga

Big cat breed: Cougar

Age: 6 years, 10 months

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance: A normal looking cougar with a scar on his cheek, torn ear.

Personality/Traits: Enga is a warrior, that's for sure. The male wasn't afraid to brave the cold of Greenland, or the harshness of the wild. He is foul mouthed, and dislikes helping or sharing with others. He is quite clever, though he often charges in battles without thinking.

Mate?/Cub's: N/A

History/Backstory: Enga's mother came from the wild, as did his father. The pair were captured, and brought to the zoo when they were both young. Enga was born a few months later, the only cub of the two. As both his parents came from long lineages of hunters, Enga was taught lessons wild-born cubs would be taught. He expanded on that knowledge, and now prowls Greenland, hunting and fighting.

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moon_star_pack (#126239)

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Posted on
2017-11-16 17:32:55

name: Mowgli
big cat breed: black panther
age: 3 years 5 months
gender: male
sexuality: straight
appearance: Mowgli is all black with yellow eyes
personality/traits: caring kind loyal brave feirce strong flirt kinda grumpy at times
mate/cubs: none
history/backstory: none
misc/etc: Mowgli loves to climb trees. sometimes he'll even eat in a tree. he also loves water.

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Edited on 16/11/17 @ 19:17:16 by moon_star_pack (#126239)

gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-11-16 18:17:10
Name: oak

Big cat breed: serval

Age" 2 years

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Appearance: she is a lanky cat long legs and small paws with a sandy colored coat black speckles all over she has a slightly short tail used for balance and steering and large eyes one green and one brown larger than normal ears and her canine teeth poke out of her mouth a bit.

Personality/Trait's: she is timid and shy afraid of blood so she eats berries herbs and other safe to eat plants and fruits she is skittish and aggressive when bothered

Mate?/Cub's: none

History/Backstory: none

Misc/ETC?: none

Name: spruce

Big cat breed: caracle

Age" 2 years

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Appearance: he has long legs not lanky like willows but he is a decent sized cat with peach colored fur and blue eyes with large ears that have tiny tufts of fluff on the ends

Personality/Trait's: he is outgoing and aggressive only taking a liking to specific other cats he feels the need to be dominant and will protect those he loves with his life


History/Backstory: none

Misc/ETC?: none

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Edited on 16/11/17 @ 19:44:57 by gaara of the desert (drinking) (#106478)

Solstice (#126780)

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Posted on
2017-11-16 18:33:57

Big cat breed:Ocelot

Age" 3 years old


Sexuality: (Optional) Bisexual

Appearance:She is a sandy colored cat with black spots and stripes all along her body.

Personality/Trait's:Sakura is a kind cat who loves taking care of kits. She gets along the best with females. She is very gentel unless you piss her off then she will rip your tail off and shove it down your throat.(im sorry i had to) She is ok at hunting but would much rather be in a den with kits than out hunting.

Mate?/Cub's: none

History/Backstory: (Optional) Sakura came from a small family consisting of inly her and her mother. One day poachers came in and slaughtered her mother while she barely got away.

Misc/ETC?: (Optional) this is one of my first rp's on lioden but i have had a bit of experience with rping

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moon_star_pack (#126239)

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Posted on
2017-11-16 19:54:45
name: wayah
big cat breed: black panther
age: 3 years 6 months
gender: male
sexuality: straight
appearance: wayah is all black with lighter black spots. wayah has yellow eyes and is missing the tip of his left ear
personality/traits: loyal brave daring energetic a flirt sometimes grumpy strong caring kind
mate/cubs: open!
history/backstory: none
misc/etc: none
(this is my third big cat my 2nd is still waiting to be accepted.)

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Rogue๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŠ (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-17 00:07:35
Name- Brutalis (brutal-is)

Breed- samatraun tiger

Age- 3

Gender- female

Sexuality- straight

Appearence- fur is a sunset red color with broad black stripes and white rims. She has a black mark across one eye., though what if this mark is not genetic? It smells strange...

Personality- loner, imcredibly intelegent, neutral (closer to aggressive) with males. Straight but not truly attracted to anyone.

Mate/cubs- none

History- an ancestor of the pure bred samatrauns and one of the last of them.
Hated her time in the zoo, though enjoys the solitude.

Etc- suffers night terrors.

(I hope you accept this)

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Edited on 22/11/17 @ 18:24:53 by The Rogue (#130413)

๐‘’ (#89197)

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Posted on
2017-11-18 02:45:16

``It's said to never break the one's heart unless you are the Cold hearted.``

Name: Avalak

Big cat breed: Lion

Age: 5 year's 8 month's


Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Avalak weigh's 240 Pound's and stand's to be 3.4ft at the shoulder's and on her hind leg's. She is a healthy lioness, with golden tan fur and a pale yellow under fur that changes lighter during different season's. Normally lighter in the spring and summer and darker in the fall and winter. She has dark chocolate brown eye's and her tail tip is Black. She has a Fluffy like cheek appearance and chest that keep's her body temperature at a comfortable rate to keep her warm during cold season's of green land. Her paw's are made for walking around on the snow mainly on rocky and Deep snow area's. Avalak's Hearing isn't as good as an Average lion's since she has a hearing problem but she can see and smell pretty well, Seeing up to a good 5 Mile's and smelling up to 4-5 Mile's depending on the condition and what she is practically trying to smell. She can only hear 2-3 Mile's while other's can hear more. However if something is close enough she could hear pretty decently. She has a very Gentle and shy tone since she isn't prune to talk much, but will often talk with her mate more then other's.

Personality/Trait's: Avalak Is a very generous and Secretive Lioness. She doesn't share thing's with other's she don't trust or Know. She is very protective and Outgoing and is often the first to strike if she feel's provoked in any way or manner. Avalak Is normally very Calm and Has a watchful eye. She is known to be
very alerting and sometimes even Vocal. She Adore's her Mate Malik and is very protective over him, She refuses to leave his side and will even risk her own life to save his. Independent, Honoring, and Sneaky She often can't get a hold of her self and is often a flirt toward's her mate. Avalak is very Generous and kind however toward's the one's she care's and know's of.

Mate?/Cub's:Her mate Malik/She's Expecting two cub's as of right now.

History/Backstory: She has an Unknown back story


``Love is the most strongest bond in the world. Once you have that bond it's worthless to lose.``


Big cat breed: Lion

Age: 6 year's 3 month's


Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Malik Is a heavy maned lion with a thick Barbary appearance his Mane color being a multi color, Dark brown and a dark tan blended smoothly Together. He stand's 3.8 Ft at the shoulder and on his hind leg's, He weigh's a great 281 Pound's and His heavy paw's somehow make it difficult for him to Navigate through deep snow with his Mate. He Has striking Yellow Eye's that Stand out from his fur color, and Has a Darker color then His Mate Avalak. Malik's Right ear is slightly clawed, And has scar's on the right side of his face from challenging a Polar bear for food. He Hear's up to 6 1/2 mile's and See's and Smell's good As well. Malik's Tail Length is 3.2 Ft long which help's him run and balance specially in the snow, but because how thick it is, It Also Make's it difficult to climb and run in the snow.

Personality/Trait's: Malik Is very Competitive and Bold. He Is very Territorial and Protective over His mate, and will fight to death just to protect her. The bright side is, If he make's friend's he is normally generally Polite and Truthful around them and isn't afraid to spit out the blunt truth. Malik take's thing's very Seriously specially how old he is getting but he is still pretty strong and relies on his instinct's to guide him through the most harshest time's. He never give's up and won't until he finally get's something right and when he does, He like's to share it with other's. Malik Is not boastful but instead he just like's socializing with other's he would enjoy getting to know or even try to befriend. Often he is grumpy or just simply Over protective over his Mate and Sometimes he is just a lazy butt and love's to rest. However doesn't mean he has a cub side to him! He is known to play around sometimes with bone's or feather's if he is bored and even play's with wool from sheep he has previously hunted.

Mate?/Cub's:His Mate Avalak

History/Backstory:He has an Unknown Back story.

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Edited on 30/11/17 @ 14:38:34 by ๐Ÿ”ฎ ๐’ช๐“‡๐’ถ๐’ธ๐“๐‘’ (#89197)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-11-20 08:45:48

Name: Atlas

Big cat Breed: Barbery Lion (I know that they'rย technicaly extinct, but they'r cool)

Age: 5 Years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: -

Appearance: Big albino lion with blue eyes and a very impressive light gray mane.

Personality/Trait's: Although he is a very big and muskular Lion he can be kind and gental, as long as you don't get on his badside. If you do you will regret it, dearly.ย 

Mate?/Cub's: Open

History/Backstory: Atlas was born in the wild, shortly after he was born his mother abandoned him, because of this he was raised by a kind tigress who had just lost her own cubs. The tigress raised him as if he were her own cub and he had a very happy cub hood and loved his adopted mother very much. When he was one he started exploring their territory, shortly after left his mother's sideย he was captured by humans and placed into the Zoo. When Atlas heard rumors about all of the big cats and some other animals being released into the wild, he could hardly contain himself.

Misc/ETC?: -

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