Posted by 🐅 Open Faith🐅 (Big Cat Form's)(Open)

𝑒 (#89197)

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Posted on
2017-11-15 01:25:54

Main Roleplay Thread




Role play form


Big cat breed:



Sexuality: (Optional)




History/Backstory: (Optional)

Misc/ETC?: (Optional)

Pride form's(2/4)

Name of pride:

Leader of pride:

Pride territory?:(Optional)

Pride History/background?:(Optional)

Want to join a pride?(this is completely optional you don't have to join a pride if you don't want too!)

Name of pride you want to join:

Rank in pride:(pm or ask this player on the rp or ooc what the rank's in the pride are.):

Why do you want to join?:(optional)

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Edited on 15/11/17 @ 10:39:44 by 🔮 𝒪𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓁𝑒 (#89197)

clouds (#126311)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 14:21:58
Name: Mila

Big cat breed: Cheetah

Age: About 3 years old

Gender: Female

A cheetah with big amber eyes

Personality/Trait's: Mila can be shy, but she is one of the fastest runners around. Once you get to meet her, Mila is one of the nicest cats you will ever meet. She has her moments where she is irritable and stubborn, but she will care for those who care for her. She can also be very skiddish

Mate?/Cub's: none/OPEN

History/Backstory: (Optional)
Born in the wild plains, she was taken from her family and taken to a zoo when she was only around 1 years old. She hasn't trusted many since then, especially humans. She wasn't treated very well in the zoo and was used more like an object than a wild animal. When she escaped, she was free to sprint and run her hearts desire out.

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Edited on 25/11/17 @ 20:30:11 by CJ (#126311)

Potato Queen (#127304)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-11-25 19:50:40
Name: Epsilon

Big cat breed: Lion

Age: 2 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: (Optional) Demisexual


Personality/Trait's: Nervous, falls over occasionally because he placed his paws wrong

Mate?/Cub's: None

History/Backstory: (Optional)

Misc/ETC?: (Optional) He hates monkeys

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-25 23:44:55
Name- Calou

Breed- samatron tiger

Gender- male

Sexuality- straight

Appearance- average tiger...

Personality- cocky and a huhe show off

Mate- none, though finds vain intrest in Brutalis

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-11-26 13:51:26
Name: gaara

Big cat breed: baycat

Age" 2 years


Sexuality: (Optional) homosexual

Appearance: a very large red furred cat the humans dyed a Japanese marking to his fur because he acted like a demon and escaped

Personality/Trait's: he is cruel and unforgiving only getting along with certain other cats and is planning to team up with a caracle named spruce

Mate?/Cub's: none

History/Backstory:he was only a cub when he was taken from his mother he was already insane he illed her after his father left them gaara always hated humans and had taken fingers before they put him on seditives and clipped his claws and dyed a japanese mark on his flank he escaped the human prison and found his way into the wild where he met a caracle named spruce

Misc/ETC?: (Optional)

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(Cl-Cherry) (#26218)

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Posted on
2017-12-04 16:11:07
Role play form

Name: Jeze

Big cat breed: Albino Mained Lioness (Cause - Inbreeding)

Age: 5 lion years

Gender: F

Sexuality: Strait

albino maned lioness, red eyes, pink skin, white fur (can pass all 8 white Vit markings) dozens upon dozens of claw & blade scars adorn her battered body from her time as a caged pit fighter.

Jeze can be very shy and quiet with newcomers, verging on skittish if cornered or pressured. However, she can become very needy and snuggly once she comes to trust someone, dead loyal even if they don't deserve it. Will become very shy, anxious and withdrawn around angry or upset lions due to her bad history.


Mate?/Cub's: Prego via IVF Mate Unknown (number unknown if any survive at all) Anyone up for the father being a different big cat or a throwback via frozen aka Primal/smilis?

History/Backstory: Jeze pov:
I was born in the wild to a pride deep inside the Tanzania reserve, my white fur and sensitive pink skin made me an outcast right from the begining but my father loved me anyway. My mom and aunts taught me to hunt when I was a cub and when I turned one I was allowed to follow them out. However soon that was not allowed as the prey could see me coming every time. Grandmother says its not my fault my mother was also my sister. They said I was cursed and maybe I am... Because as I turned two, I began to grow a mane like my twin brother Talo. Shortly after I was chased away by my father as he threatened to kill me if I ever returned. As I wandered around outside the reserve I soon learned humans were bad news, and I would have the scars to prove it for the rest of my life. I had been sleeping off a scavanged meal under a nice safe acacia sapling grove when I was shot with some red bee/bird mutant thing. I mean it stung me and it had pretty red feathers so what else could it have been right? Anyway, soon I began to get dizzy and fall over myself in an embarrassing heap, when I woke up I was deep in a strange den with no way out. I could hear lions and other things around me screaming and snarling outside my new den prison. I paced as I looked for a way out only for one side to open I took my chance and bolted through the door. It was the worst mistake I had ever made, I was now trapped in a round ravine thing with two other skinny angry lions, who were already covered in bloody cuts... They lunged for me and i was forced to learn fast or die, I tried to reason with them at first but they were dead to my pleas, I learned that my mane saved me a lot of damage and aided me by giving me a safer opening to lure them in close enough I could rake my claws into their soft parts like the eyes, belly - or uh jewels. The Pit they had called it, I called it hell. I hated it there, fight-kill-get fed, I was four when i was rescued by that nightmare and taken to the zoo where I was healed and put through lessons. I had never had any friends as they kept me in a 'cage' all my own it was nice there. They didn't make me fight I was fed well and had a warm den, I had friends that I spoke with through the fences and the pipes. Only one day just after my 5th year, my two-legged ape girl -who fed me and raked up my poo- came in crying and spent the day with me, petting me and crying. I didn't understand until i was darted again as she was leaving and I looked at her, she had betrayed me to the bad people. Only I woke up in the grassy chilly tundra I had seen outside only with fewer trees....

Misc/ETC?: ???

~~~~may have 1-3 cub slots available of unknown paternity. Maybe primal/smilus?

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Edited on 04/12/17 @ 16:17:49 by Crypts {GlaMane|2xFelPrima} (#26218)

Ryanna (#107615)

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Posted on
2017-12-16 16:41:00

Name: Aputi
Big cat breed: Snow Leopard
Age: 3 months
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
The source because lioden got grumpy
Personality/Trait's: cheerful, skiddish, and playful
Mate?/Cub's: none
History/Backstory: Aputi was rejected by her mom for her bigger and healthier brother. During the realize the humans though she was being cared for by her mother. But she was later abandoned.
- She scared of being abandoned again
- Bad separation anxiety
- Open for adopted mother and or father

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Edited on 16/12/17 @ 20:44:52 by Ryanna (#107615)

Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-17 18:47:58
my last character, and a pride!

Name: Hunter [ he has an Australian accent so, Hunta]

Big cat breed: Liger hybrid of a barbary lion and a sumatran tiger

Age" 6 years

Gender: male

Sexuality: (Optional) straight

Appearance: rather large, standing abot three and a half feet at the shoullder. his markings include light brown stripes and a pure white base, perfect for blending into snowy foilage. has one scar through his left eye, not blind in it but vision is inpaired from years of inbreeding, making the scarred eye pale with a red pupil. has an overgrown claw mutation, adding tto his menacinf appearance. his mane is thick, largely displaying his size to be double than it appears.

Personality/Trait's: cruel, though reasonable and gracious to any close to him. protective of his friends and endlessly ruthless toward outsiders. Is extremely protectcive of Lorelai.

Mate?/Cub's: has one cub, Lorelai, though Hunters mate was taken by the frost. is looking for a mate. Lorelai is only six months old, it is increasingly hard to feed her for his fathering instincts pretty much skipped a generation. Lorelai is a very beautiful cub, stripes well defined and her fur base is more golden than white.
[i kinda want to do something where Yuki has a crush or something on her. haha im serious though.] Without her mother, Lorelai's ribs are shown through her pelt often, and she stands shakily. Oftenly, Hunter refuses to let her walk becauseof this, and carries her most of the time. Her eyes are sad, a light pale color and her vision is horrible due to malnutrition and inbreeding. Lorelai knows true struggle and suffering, poor cub.

History/Backstory: (Optional) this creature is shrouded in mystary, refuseing to speak of his past. All that is known is that his much loved mate had died during a blizzard, it scarred him. He was torn between sadness and worry, for Lorelai had to be forcefully weaned early and grew up weak and malnurished.

Misc/ETC?: (Optional) inbreeding had granted him the sheer size of a barbary lion and the speed, lightweight frame and relentless strength of a sumatran tiger.

Pride form's(2/4)

Name of pride: SnowBlood pride

Leader of pride: hunter

Pride territory?:(Optional) on the west border of the rising sun prides barren mountain. in the rain shadow of the mountains is lush foilage and dense trees, making up most of the territory. the pride den is a clearing of trees with a giant stone overhang that acts to block snow and rainfall, along with many small caverns inside. Lorelai and Hunter's cavern is on a ledge that Lorelai is too weak to jump up herself, so Hunter cleared out a cavern underneath it for her. Ferns surround the clearing, though inside is kept clean beside the overhang. The territory is rich in smaller prey such as birds and small cats and fox, though Hunter isnt afraid to take elk from the mountains.

Pride History/background?:(Optional) Hunter came across this land, swearing hed someday conquer them.

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Edited on 22/12/17 @ 22:42:23 by 🕆🐾Cajun Rogue🐾🕆 (#130413)

Ahadi (#114197)

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Posted on
2017-12-18 18:16:45
Name - Sauda (Swahili for dark complexion)

Big cat breed - Lither hybrid (Father was a Asiatic lion and mother was a black panther)

Age - 4.7 years old

Gender - Female

Sexuality - Bisexual

Appearance - Sauda has a dark golden-brown pelt as well as near-black paws and tail, having bright amber eyes with tan underfur. She has a larger frame compared to other females as she earned her father's strength but still a sleek figure from her mother, having slicked-down fur that slightly fluffs up around her head and neck.

Personality/Traits - Sauda, although she has a mixed heritage and odd body type, is actually a sweetheart when she encounters other big cats and creatures, always wanting to make sure they are fine or sustained. She can become cuddly if the other big cats warm up to her, but is already affectionate enough to seem like she loves everybody. Her emotions tend to control however as they easily take her over, so she clearly shows when she is mad, upset, distraught, happy, or depressed.

Mate/Cubs - Sauda has stayed single ever since they had all been released from the zoo, yet however longs to find her special mate and have a family to take care of. She especially loves the thought of having cubs to take care of, like playing with them, cuddling with them, and making sure they are all fine.

History/Backstory - Her parents were part of the zoo when it was still in business and had a bit of a secret relationship, since their species rarely interacted with one another or get along. The others, or at least a few of them, didn't find out until Sauda was born. When she became an adult was when her parents passed, causing her to become a slight emotional mess which carried on through the rest of her life and when they were all released.

Misc/ETC - Sauda loves to stick her tongue out a lot as well as make funny faces, as well as curling up in the grass to take naps in the sun in positions others might not find that comfortable. A few examples would be curling up in a small ball, folding her limbs to where they are very close to her body, or where she is sprawled out all over.

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PirateLion (#118284)

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Posted on
2017-12-22 14:18:42
Name: Kodjo

Big cat breed: Lion

Age" 5 years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual


Personality/Trait's: Kodjo is a quiet, shy, and skittish male that tends to get scared easily, when he opens up to you however he’s quite loving and gentle, he is also quite intelligent when it comes to herbs, he would be a fine healer if he was in a pride.

Mate?/Cub's: He’s wanting a mate. (Prefers male)

History/Backstory: (due to his original past being unrealistic, this will be the substitute) Kodjo was captured and treated horribly by humans, they littered his pelt with scars and forced him to walk on fire. Not only that, they would beat him and burn his eyes, leaving them blind, why did he never fight back? He has a muzzle thing on his mouth and his paws were chained so he couldn’t claw. One day he escaped, and the zoo found him.

Misc/ETC?: He is blind, and doesn’t really like it when people underestimate him.

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Edited on 22/12/17 @ 15:10:51 by PirateLion (#118284)

doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2017-12-23 09:29:28
Name: Asha (Ash for short)

Big cat breed: King Cheetah

Age: 6 months

Gender: female

Sexuality: will develop as she gets older, but will be Bisexual, most likely.

Appearance: just like a normal king cheetah, but just a bit darker.

Personality: shy and timid, but once you get close to her, she is just a wild child. If she ended up in a pride, she would be a good warrior (once she grows up).


History/Backstory: was born in the wild, but her family was captured and taken to the zoo. Being the only King Cheetah in her litter of six, she was left out and unwanted by her mother. She really just wants to be loved.

Misc.: is deaf, but that is made up for by her astonishing sight and sense of smell. (She will become deaf during the rp)

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Edited on 23/12/17 @ 10:54:14 by Just_a_bundle_of_Depression (#133614)

clouds (#126311)

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Posted on
2018-01-01 13:06:23

Name: Prima (means first)

Big cat breed: liger, more tiger than lion

Age: newborn

Gender: Female

Appearance: Although she is a liger, many would mistake her for a tiger. She had big amber eyes and paws like a lion's paw. Her fur will become paler and more like a lion's fur over time, but she has magnificent stripes and a loud roar.

Sexuality: Straight

Personality/Trait's: She is very playful and energetic with an upbeat personality. She always wants to run around and explore, making her a great hunter and tracker as she grows older. Although she is young, she had huge paws and eyes with a bright pink nose, she stands out in the snow and plays constantly. Although she is upbeat and active, she is always ready for a nap when she gets tired!

Mate?/Cub's: none

Daughter of River and Storm

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-02-07 13:19:12

Name: Leon

Big cat Breed: Strawberry Tiger and Liger (More like a lion)

Age: Newborn

Gender: Male

Sexuality: -

Appearance: Although he is part tiger, Leon resembles a lion far more. Leon has a white pelt like his father, but he barely has a single stripe on his tiny body (Some stripes will grow in with age). The tiny liger has silver eyes, like his father. The only big part about him are his large paws.

Personality/Traits: Leon is the runt of the litter, so he is quite timid and tends to hang back and not joining his siblings, when they play. Even so the young male is quite curious about the world and can't wait to go outside.

Mate: -

Cub's: -

Family: Father- Storm, Mother- River, Siblings- Yuki, Aputi, Prima, Sarabi, Asim

History/Backstory: Leon was born as the smallest cub of River and Storms litter. Since he is smaller than his siblings Leon tens to stay by his mother, rather then playing with his siblings. He looks up to his father, the leader of their pride, and dreams of one day being as big and strong as he his.

Misc/ETC?: Storm and Rivers son.

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Edited on 09/02/18 @ 12:32:40 by {~LightQueen~} [WCU] (#59203)


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Posted on
2018-02-08 06:02:42
Sorry I could not find my last forum post

Name: Atoklu ( A-Tok-Lu) or Adofu (A-Do-Fu)= Warrior

Big cat breed: Lion

Age" 5

Gender: Male

Sexuality: (Optional): Straight

Appearance: Atoklu is a big male lion with deep amber eyes, he has a dark brown mane that stretches around his whole head. Atoklu has a sharp muzzle and a pink nose, he has long sharp fangs and claws that stretches out of his paws and he has huge paws that he uses to fight. He has a long golden tail with brown tuft of fur on the end, he has a nick in his right ear and he has a scar on his right hind-leg.

Funny- Atoklu is a very funny lion and loves so tell jokes
Confident- Atoklu is extremely confident about himself and will not back down even though he might know he is wrong but he will not show it.
Wary- he is very wary with new people so he might not even look at you but he doesn’t notice you and will soon warm up.
Protective- he is protective of his clan but will protect his family before anyone else.

Mate?/Cub's:yes ( put name here) And he does have two unborn cubs

History/Backstory: (Optional) Atoklu was born the biggest in his litter and was born with light purple eyes and had dark brown fur. As Atoklu grew up he was always the best in his training sessions but soon he was full grow and the best in fighting, but one fateful day a lone male tryed to take away his dad’s pack. Atoklu watched them fight and didn’t dare to breath but then as he respected the rules of fighting for a pack he saw the lone male cheat and he called his friends so hold his father down as he struck him, Atoklu let out a ferocious roar as he launched himself as the main lone male but was niped at by his buddy’s. As the main lone male killed off his dad he was overwhelmed by anger but then as he tryed to charge at the male but then he was hit with a massive paw knocking him down but a shot they scratched and clawed him The you spared his life but did chase him off but as he walked away he hid and watched them as they hit and scratched as the lionesses But then he saw his siblings get killed right in front of him. He was devastated after that not daring to even look back but after about a year he soon found this pride and found his mate but still so the day he thinks about how he was chased out and saw his own family get killed and he doesn’t not he need to be told to keep his family close.

Misc/ETC?: (Optional) NONE

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Edited on 11/02/18 @ 15:08:54 by littleclod |CleanSlender3Ros (#92938)


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Posted on
2018-02-08 12:21:16
Name of pride:ThunderPride

Leader of pride: ThunderDash and WhiteThorn

Pride territory?:(Optional)

Pride History/background?:(Optional)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 10:10:05

Big cat breed: Liger

Age" 4 Years


Sexuality: (Optional) straighter than a line XD

Appearance: Asim inherited his fathers small figure with his same tiger stripes pelt but with darker stripes he has light purple eyes ( it will get darker as he grows up)

Personality/Trait's:Asim is very strongHeaded and will not back down from a fight, he is very protective of his siblings and mother and father Andy will die for them as long as they are safe, Asim is very confident in himself and when he gets a idea he will get going until he gets it.

Brother- YuKi
Sister- Aputi

History/Backstory: (Optional)none

Misc/ETC?: (Optional)
Son of River and Storm

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Edited on 19/02/18 @ 10:31:38 by [#WCU]🦈SharkDog🐶 (#128606)

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