Posted by Talons (bird rp)

Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-01 22:13:28


Great arial wars painted the skies with blood before the giant condor, Euthera, united them under the banner of a great nation. She is strict and enforces every detail in the laws though she knows whats best. Or does she? Will you rebel against your queen? Or will you remain loyal to the Aither Nation?

The provinces rose from the ruin of the war, an enormous canyon separates the area from a desert to the west, a high mountainous region to the north, the south is home to lush rainforests and the east is open plains. The canyon has been carved out over the years in honeycomb like structures that make for birds hollows, with shops being manned on the ground. The northern redwood trees only house the royal or rich, and to poor live in disorganized tree hollows in an area of the canyon dubbed "the fens".
(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

This rp involves many features that include me being constantly active. So their are updates reguarly!

Dont worry about pm'ing me. I know how it feels when i go AFK, ill just pm you if its not accepted so you can start rping right away while i varify.


Available shops
Shamanic apocrathary (herbs and remedies)
Hunters Flight (meat, bones, hide, etc)
Clickaki collector (Jewels, jewelry, etc)
Royal smith (Battle claws, helmets, wing blades, etc)
Canyon smith (lesser battle claws, helmets, wing blades, etc. Cheaper.)

water levels- High
winds- calm
Temp- cool
Effect- high humidity. Incoming storm!

Scout spotting
Incoming enemy troop, prepare yoyrselves!

Character Sheets

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Edited on 16/12/17 @ 11:57:30 by The Cajun Rogue of Xmas. (#130413)

Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-01 22:56:46
(Yes i start rping early. 🔪¯_(°-° )_¯)

Euthera soared above the kingdom, watching the thousands of birds come and go. The poor made their homes in the disorganized trees as the township was well built and homes and shops were chiseled into the canyon side. Beyond so, the almighty redwoods stood with enormous hollows that were the length of the entire tree. Only the rich or royalty inhabited them.
She looked slightly down before tilting her left wing slightly and decending upon the ground with a gust of wind from her mightly wings. Her magnificent crest of feathers shown in the glistening light, but she had a solemn feeling when she slowly walked through the township. Her battleset dragged and clinked together on the ground mimicing the sound of restless chains.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-01 23:40:35
She eventually sighed and flew upward in a burst becore returning to ride the strong winds. Flying over the enormous canyon, her appearance roused multiple citizens. Most were mesmerized, but one even threw a piece of scrap metal at her, though she acted like it never happened and continued flying comepletley unfazed.
A few black specks emerged from the horizon, a rebel band surely.
A mixed group of a black eagle, three peregrine falcons and a turkey vulture. They were armed with heavyweight battlesets, the falcons wearing masked helmets as well. The vulture had silver wing blades hooked from its joints. She scowled and let out a mighty screech, alerting the ones below.

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Edited on 02/12/17 @ 11:37:25 by The Rogue of Xmas. (#130413)

dreambiter (#126411)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-04 19:48:44
Seeing the queen flying overhead had gained Hazard's attention as she strolled through the canyon, sharp eyes on the lookout for any trouble. She had tilted her head skyward to watch the eagle pass, the absolute picture of majesty and power, and let her heart fill with admiration for a moment.
The warmth of awe was quickly replaced by the heat of adrenaline, however, as she heard the queen's alarm screech. Immediately, Hazard threw herself into the air, taking off ungracefully as she caught her gangly body on broad wings but managing to climb into the air with powerful wingbeats.
"Your Highness! I am at your side!" She called as she approached, sizing up the rebel opponents. Hazard didn't have any armor of her own, and she was best at fighting on the ground, but a challenging fight would be a good way to show off to the queen, and besides, what was the point of an easy one?

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-05 07:00:11
It didnt show well, but the enormous condor smiled under her mask made of the skull of a long dead enemy adorned with jewels and crested with peacock feathers. She rushed at a diving peregrine going for her spine before quickly, in almost a backflip motion, threw out her talons and seized it in the silver and obsidian battleset. The force quickly shredded the small bird and crushed its wings as its lifeless body fell to the ground below. Easy, she thought, but the giant turkey vulture barreling toward her would be another matter. In a kind of a suicide style attack, it covered its face with its left wing and hurled its weight at her, hitting shoulder to shoulder. She lost her balance and didnt have the time to unfold her wings before hitting the ground, angered, but unharmed.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-06 16:02:51
Hazard wasnt the only one roused by the racket of battle. A black eagle rushed in from the distance, torso plated in lightweighttin. Talons soaked in a flammable gas the birds called fire bane. He sent a shower of sparks down, strikeing two chunks of flint together before his talons flared to life. ''Dorian.'' Euthera said to herself.

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Servalcrisis (#123221)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-06 16:18:29

Loxias stirred at the sounds of battle and bloodshed.He swooped down from his home,effortlessly avoiding the flying talons and scratching beaks,occasionally attacking other birds himself,till he swooped up to perch himself in a tree where no-one could get to him,or even see him. Loxias spread his wings out,letting them be warmed by the sun. "No new omens today." Said a voice only he could hear. From his perch he stared down at the queen. "Yeah,right."

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-06 17:01:40
Euthera watched the skies before vaulting upward and using the momentum to crash into the vulture, taking it out of the sky. Betrayed by its own talons, its battleset ripped into its own flesh, it didnt last long. She left Hazard to deal with the last paragrine, as Dorian had already taken the others. Her heavy body alighted on a higher branch in the same tree as Loxias, unaware of his presence. ''Dorian! leave the last one.'' she called out. He almost emediently turned mid air and fluttered onto a nearby perch. ''Savages.'' he said, beginning to tediously preen his feathers.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-14 17:41:14
Mentions- hazard, Loxias

Euthera lifted off the branch, it violently swayed from the sheer force. She soared, letting the wind carry her before lowering herself and landing next to Hazard. She spoke in her proud, deep voice, "You may make a formidable soldier. Impressive indeed. So? What do you say?" She tilted her head, letting the crest of peacock feathers flow to the other side.

Dorian scowled, before lifting off and swooping downward. He stopped, turning to notice Loxias. Slightly recognizing him from his hit and run in the battlefeild. He exclaimed, "What are you doing here? Are you in the queens company?" He almost laughed to himself. Him?

(Yes, he has DA Dorian voice.)

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-15 10:41:53
Mentions- Nix
(caus servalcrisis has been inactive)

Dorian, not expecting an awnser anyway, continued flying onward. He caught sight of an owl, being bored out of his mind decided to intruduce himself.
He flew around her once, giving a moment for her to recognize him. (everyone in Aither knows Dorian to be the wealthiest bird their, besides the queen.) He stopped, cleared his throat and spoke, "Why hello their. No introduction needed, your name?" he said, moving in a way that seemed natural though it was clear he was just showing off his well-groomed feathers.

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Solstice (#126780)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 12:10:02
Mentions; Dorian

Surprised when a black eagle flew around her she recognized it as Dorian. Chuckling when she heard "Why hello their. No introduction needed, your name?" And seen him showing off she said. "Why my name is Nyx, if I am correct you are Dorian the black eagle?" Shaking her wings she folded them neatly into her side's it looked like they disappeared completely. Only way you could tell where her wings where was the black tipped feathers.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-15 12:34:36
mentions- Nyx

Dorian landed, "The one and onely, charmed. You seem rather unfased to be speaking to someone like me." He remarked. was he talking down to her? Its Dorian, the legendary fighter that won his way to victory in the arena with 'fire bane'. of coarse he was. He shifted his talons, porpously trying to get her to notice they were made of pure gold. yep, he was.

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Solstice (#126780)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 13:00:27
Mentions; Dorian

Seeing that he was trying to prove something she thought 'that ain't going to work on me honey.' Father thinking that she looked at his claws and made a surprised face. Sarcastically she said "wow, love the claws. See I'm not exactly the type to respect anyone unless they have earned it so. Impress me you have my trust." And turned starting to prean her wings.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-15 13:05:21
Dorian was instantly insulted, he lashed out, "You Quaris! Ill show you impressive!" He stopped halfway through lifting a talon to attack, he clenched his talons together in frustration, "ugh! ah, you win." he said, half smiling, but it was clear he was only pretending, as the queen was perched right above them.

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Solstice (#126780)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 13:14:05
(Imma make this hard 4 u. We need to get kitty into this to xD)
Mentions; Dorian, Eutheria

Not flinching when the talons came close she say him hesitate. Knowing all the well she had insulted him and that he really would strike she saw him glance upwards then say "ugh! ah, you win." Glancing up she saw the queen and called "Why hello your highness, what may I do for you this fine day." Her crystal blue eyes twinkling in the sun.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-15 13:19:20
Euthera Smiled, "Dorian, your not giving this one any trouble are you?" She said, landing beside him with a mighty gust of wind. Dorian almost cringed, "U-u-um certainly not, Euthera. she was just..." Euthera laughed, as Dorian quickly took to the skies, grumbling to himself.
He didnt address the queen in any proper way, they must be close then. Euthera tilted her head, "Ah Dorian, always fishing for approval. ahem, ill make sure he gets his." she looked to the sky, still laughing at Dorians faild attempt.

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