Posted by • Pine Hollows • [Sheets]

ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-30 20:04:59

Main Roleplay Thread


Fill out this form and I will let you know via PM if you're approved.

<*img src="IMG link here"*>

Marital Status:

Distinguishing Marks:

Best Skill:
Worst Skill:

Extra Notes:

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Edited on 30/12/17 @ 21:15:26 by ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-30 20:58:08

Name: Tenko Akiyama
Alias(es): Ten, Ko
Age: 20
Species/Breed: Canine/Red Fox Shiba Inu
Gender: Transgender (he/they)
Orientation: Pansexual/romantic
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Record store clerk / part-time student / college radio dj/host

Height: 5'5"
Build: Husky, slightly curvy (140 lbs)
Distinguishing Marks: His tongue and paw pads are the same blue color.

Personality: Tenko is a goofy kind of guy who enjoys making others laugh. He's very compassionate and gentle when it comes to others (that earn it). When he is in public and becomes overwhelmed, he will close up and get quiet. His introverted nature gets in the way of his goals more often than not.
• Autumn/Halloween
• Indie music
• DnD
• Crystals
• Gardening
• Fossils
• Documentaries
• Paranormal/Cryptid stuff
• Insects
• Being the center of attention
• Spiders
• Dancing
Best Skill: Acting
Worst Skill: Mathematics
• Small spaces
• Drowning
• Heights
History: At a young age, Tenko was disowned by his parents due to his "life choices", as is common among transgender furs. It did not affect him too much, as his relationship with them had been damaged to the point where it couldn't be fixed.

He crashed on couches until he was taken in by an older couple. They lovingly took care of him as if he was their own, and helped him whenever he needed it. Once 18, he moved out on his own, into an apartment complex near the local university. He began college, got a job, and started a tumblr blog on the side, quickly gaining followers due to the hipster-ish content of his blog. His life started looking up. He was now free to be himself.
• Biological parents - enemies
• Foster parents - friends
• Rudy (neighbor) - friends
• Braxton (neighbor) - friends
• Ila (neighbor) - friends

Extra Notes: Tenko has anxiety, depression, and OCD.
A gallery of Tenko's outfits references can be found here.

Tenko's reference lineart source is here.

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Edited on 02/01/18 @ 15:36:26 by ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

OHATROPA (#62029)

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Posted on
2018-01-01 12:15:48
(Art credit to #129886)

Name: Celeste LaFontaine
Alias(es): Star, Cel
Age: 18 years old
Species/Breed: Shorthair Cat / Feline
Gender: Cis-Female
Orientation: Heteroromantic / Asexual
Marital Status: Not in a relationship
Occupation: Waitress - Singer (self-employed performer)

Height: 5'1 ft
Build: She is shorter than average and rather thin since she doesn't eat much.
Distinguishing Marks: Two cream and darkblue dots at the corner of her eyes, and she has cream paws. She has several complex markings on her flank. She also has a long, dappled tail.

Personality: Celeste is an outgoing, nerdy girl with a tendency to talk too much and too fast. Sometimes she can be sarcastic but she is overall a really nice person and always tries to do the right thing. She is big into aesthetics and astrology, but not into fashion or makeup or anything like that. She has a reputation as a nerdy/rebel type of girl, and she's fine with being just that.
Likes: Celeste loves hot chocolate, Tumblr, and anything that has to do with zodiac. She loves pastel colors and monochrome colors, causing others to call her "basic" or "gothic". She loves chokers.
Dislikes: She hates rude and uneducated people who try to flaunt it. Although slightly rebellious, she hates people who set out simply to disrupt others without a real reason. She loves the nighttime, but is deeply afraid of the dark and ghosts.
Best Skill: Singing
Worst Skill: Math / Dancing
Fears: The dark, ghosts, and spiders. She is also afraid of being bullied by others.
History: Celeste grew up in a family that didn't support her interests, so she moved away. She was a city kid born into a country family, and that just didn't work out. She wants to one day be a famous performer, but for now she works as a waitress at a small restaurant where she is sometimes permitted to perform on weekends.
Relationships: Her family was angry at learning their daughter's dream was to become a famous performer, and even more angry when she informed her parents she was asexual and did not crave family life. When she became eighteen and graduated school, she moved away.

Extra Notes: She is an excellent writer and voracious reader, and is also big into Theatre and musicals.

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ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-01 14:59:11

(credit goes to #108075)

Name: Vyctor Blackett
Alias(es): Vyc
Age: 23 years old
Species/Breed: Feline / Smilodon (saber-toothed tiger)
Gender: Cis-male
Orientation: Homosexual/romantic
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Barista

Height: 5'11"
Build: Slim (155 lbs)
Distinguishing Marks: His teal markings stand out among his dark fur. He has several piercings: left eyebrow barbell, 1" plugs, snakebite studs, septum, nipples, and navel.

Personality: Vyctor is a punk. He is often rude and insensitive, but he doesn't mean to be that way. He despises people but also craves social interaction. Because of his past, he is mentally and emotionally scarred, and it won't be easy to get close to him.
• Playing guitar
• Singing
• Capitalism
• Scummy people
Best Skill: Performing
Worst Skill: Socializing
Fears: Death, loneliness, and being a nobody are some of his fears
History: Vyctor is a native to Pine Hollows; he has seen everything there is to see there. He was born to a young couple, who struggled to keep all of them fed. His childhood was rough, and when he was twelve, his parents split.

His mother gained custody of him, and blamed his father for the divorce. A deep hatred for him grew in Vyctor. He took care of his mother, helping her around the house, getting a job at sixteen, and overall being a good kid. Then his mother got sick.

She held on for as long as she could, but soon passed. Vyctor was barely seventeen when it happened; she had a disease that progressed rapidly. The courts ruled to give his father custody, and off he was shipped to his father a few towns over. It was awful. Although his father wasn't physically abusive, he would gaslight and manipulate Vyctor. This happened for half a year before he ran away.

He snuck out one night, backpack on hand, and hitchhiked all the way back to Pine Hollows. He couch-surfed for a while before getting a small, affordable place. His father never came looking for him, though he was always paranoid he would see him on the street someday.
• Mother (deceased) - friends
• Father - enemies

Extra Notes: His usual clothing style is a mix between punk/grunge and hipster.

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Lucius [KT] 🌈 (#86278)

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Posted on
2018-01-01 19:31:29
Lineart by possxm @ DA.

Name: Lucius Rosette Rosewood
Alias(es): Luci/Lucy. His friends from college call him Rose or Rosy/Rosie.
Age: 19, soon to be 20.
Species/Breed: Fennec Fox
Gender: Cis-male, despite his feminine middle-name.
Orientation: Pansexual - He prefers males, but he's dated women before and was recently engaged to a genderfluid individual.
Marital Status: Single - recently broke out of said engagement.
Occupation: Varies. He's often going odd-jobs, often seen as a barista for all sorts of places, a driver - sort of like an Uber, a digital artist, and a hair-stylist (doubling as a makeup artist).

Height: 4'8'' - oh yeah, he's tiny as all hell. Don't worry, he doesn't mind short jokes.
Build: Particularly curvaceous for a male. Short, thin waist, flexible and graceful. Around 80 lbs, most of it being his fluff.
Distinguishing Marks: With his fur being mostly white, the odd auburn markings above his eyes that look quite similar to poorly done eye-shadow are pretty dang obvious.

Personality: A sassy, privileged little brat. He's incredibly flirtatious and has the tendency to bat his eyelashes whenever he's in trouble. Despite his size, he's not afraid to bite, having those feminine-type anger issues, and he... "fights like a girl". No, not that wimpy stereotype; he's going to yank your hair so hard that you'll see spots. Otherwise, he is a genuinely friendly and benevolent person and isn't judgmental in any way, shape, or form. He's the type of person you want to confess your murder to... He'll just nod and offer to help hide the body, then ask if you want a cup of coffee while you're at it. Pretty chill kid.
Likes: Iced tea, iced coffee, stuffed animals, cozy/loose clothing, crop-top sweaters and boxer shorts with long socks (his favorite lazy-day outfit), flower crowns, both pastel and vibrant colors, constant praise, novels (his favorite genres are actually realistic romance, horror, and adventure), comic books (though he'll never say it out loud).
Dislikes: His entire godforsaken family, literally anyone under fifteen years old, tight clothing other than certain types of pants, people who wear excessive or bright makeup, libraries, large or pushy crowds, amusement parks, water (like pools and stuff... he'll go to the beach but if you dare try to pull him into the water he's going to punch you in the throat).
Best Skill: Kind of like a love-doctor/therapist combo.
Worst Skill: Dealing with children.
Fears: Being ignored/forgotten, large bodies of water, heartbreak, loneliness.
History: Seeing as Lucius's birth was not planned, his parents gave him up for adoption immediately after his birth (he was born in the back of a limo, by the way). He hopped from several different orphanages until he was finally adopted (against his will) by two women named Rosanne and Rhia to be their two daughters' older brother. With his naturally rude and rebellious nature, they found it hard to care for him but continued to do so anyway, up until he hit age fifteen... where he kind of just did the whole "Screw you, I'm joining a circus" thing and bolted. He didn't actually join a circus, but he would've been better off if he had with how much trouble he'd gotten in with the authorities.

His mothers retrieved him from a juvy cell, luckily. Dumb kid used the excuse "I was making art and they got in my way" to explain why he was caught doing graffiti of a rose on the side of a restaurant and sprayed an offer's face pink. He ended up going back several times before his attitude finally straightened out when he was around eighteen, and by then, he went off to college to get his cosmetology license after moving out. He found Pine Hollows while house-hunting with his fiance that he met in college and decided to stay because the place was... "hella cute", as he called it. Their break-up was very recent, but it wasn't violent and was a "I don't think we're ready for this... perhaps we should stay friends" mutual agreement. He and his ex-fiance are still close friends.
Bio. Parents - Doesn't know them, has no interest in meeting them but wouldn't be opposed to it if he randomly received a text one day from either.
Rosanne and Rhia - Iffy. He pretends to hate them, but really, he just finds their persistent "love" annoying.
Adelaide, little sister - He doesn't talk to her and has no interest in being her older brother.
Analiese, little sister - Same as Adelaide... Is it obvious that he has commitment issues yet?

Extra Notes: His eyesight is terrible and he wears both glasses and contacts.

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Edited on 02/01/18 @ 13:16:37 by Marc (#86278)

Lucius [KT] 🌈 (#86278)

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Posted on
2018-01-02 12:56:52
Lineart by possxm @ DA.

Name: Vincent Bellamy Delacroix
Alias(es): Vinny, Vin, V, Cent/Cents
Age: 25
Species/Breed: Mutt - unknown breeds... Lucius just calls him his "bunny-cat", although he's actually a canine... mutt.
Gender: Genderfluid, biologically male
Orientation: Demisexual biromantic
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Went from being a hair stylist [went to the same school as Lucius], to a bartender [at least he knows how to deal with loud/drunk people now], then settled with being a librarian.

Height: 5'2'' 1/2
Build: Curvy, awkward, underweight [76 lbs]
Distinguishing Marks: He has a rose tattoo [a tattoo on fur, I know] on his left outer thigh and a pretty design on his ankle. Those black "things" are actually markings, not socks, but he likes to put black ankle socks on and then take the, off and have people like "How many pairs'a socks you got on, dude?"

Personality: A very sluggish and quiet person. He's basically socially incompetent at this point, often seen clinging to his roommate's arm and keeping his head down. He's not the typical blushy, stuttering shy kid, though... He just doesn't talk. He looks as though he's constantly depressed and exhausted as well, and he is actually quite tired twenty-four seven. He's the type to hang around in the background and keep attention drawn to... literally anything else, and he will never get anywhere near arguments and disputes, especially between lovers.
Likes: Peace and quiet, all types of music, napping, tea, writing [mostly fanfiction and short stories], the indoors, coffee shops, sitting by the fireplace, comedy movies, theater, cooking.
Dislikes: Wild parties, loud noises, loud people, loud music, being awaken from a nap, having his reading/writing interrupted, being shown excessive affection [a dislike that Lucius likes to ignore], large crowds.
Best Skill: Culinary arts
Worst Skill: Socializing
Fears: Basically everything having to do with people.
History: Yet another parent-less child. Vincent's mother died during childbirth and his father was killed in a car accident. What happened after his father's death is something he does not wish to share with anyone, not even his beloved roommate, but he never did allow himself to get re-adopted and had people help him so that he could keep going to school. He went to college for about five years [he had to switch colleges halfway through], getting him his Bachelor's Degree. Why he didn't aim for better jobs, he doesn't know. Perhaps it's because "better jobs" often means that he has to interact with people.

He met Lucius in the first college he went to and was basically adopted by the much younger weirdo. They dated for a while and had become engaged by the time Vincent turned 24, but they soon realized that perhaps they weren't the best match, and decided to revert to roommates/best friends. They consider each other brothers now.

As for the progression of jobs, Vincent did first start off working in hair salons, but a certain incident made him realize that he could not deal with the customers of that environment. Long story short, he had to pepper-spray some brat in the eyes with very expensive leave-in conditioner. After that, he decided to work at a bar as a bartender [he still doesn't know why the heck he decided that was a good idea] and he quickly quit that job due to harassment. Soo, finally, he decided to get the job of a librarian, where he can cry under the desk in peace so long as he's quiet.
Any sort of family is unknown to him, but he kind of has this elderly couple he considers his "aunt and uncle", as they were the ones to helped him continue school.
Lucius - his beloved roommate and ex-fiance. They're best friends and are legitimately inseparable. The only arguments they have is over whether this one guy on the internet is cute or not and who drank all of the Sprite.

Extra Notes: He's Lucius's roommate, he has a mildly heavy French accent, and he speaks fluent French and Spanish.

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Edited on 02/01/18 @ 13:17:29 by Marc (#86278)

Jae [Clean G3
Sunrise] (#122301)

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Posted on
2018-01-02 15:44:39
Image Coming Soon!

Name: Oliver Beowulf-Albertyne
Alias(es): 'Owliver', Mr.Beowulf, Ollie
Age: 20
Species/Breed: Barn Owl
Gender: Genderfluid, identifies as male most of the time.
Orientation: Pan
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Part-time tutor, and also being a TA

Height: 6'
Build: Thin and lanky, even with his fluffy feathers. (100 lbs, he has hollow bones)
Distinguishing Marks: His large circular glasses, worn leather messenger bag, and his sweater vest is with him wherever he goes. Has William Shakespeare's coat of arms tattooed onto his shoulder, Percy Shelley's on his arm, and Lord Byron's on his thigh. He also has pastel pink feathers and looks androgynous.

Personality: Oliver is a meek, quiet 'nerd'. He has a hard time conversing with people one on one, but his ability to speak in front of a crowd is superb. He is trying to be more outgoing, since he currently doesn't have many friends, but He is, as others would describe him, an 'extreme doormat'. He is terrified of doing something wrong, so he tends to follow orders from others, as he is a staunch perfectionist. However, he is most in his element with Academia, hotly debating over any and every opinion of his. Even though he seems reticent, there is a part of him that wants to be unrestrained and wild.

Likes: Reading, writing, art, music, knitting, and the Romantic movement. He also enjoys surrealist comedy, however, he only really shows it on his blog.

Dislikes: Sports (He enjoys cricket and croquet though). People trying to talk to him while he's working. People who are blatantly wrong about Edgar Allan Poe.

Best Skill: Debating, he is strangely good at it, despite his social anxiety.

Worst Skill: Conversing.

Fears: Messing up, people talking behind his back, the idea that all of his accomplishments are a lie.

Oliver was adopted as a hatchling by the Beowulfs. They had been a loving family, however, he couldn't live up to his older brother's examples. He has been weak since birth, resulting in him staying at home all the time, reading to escape boredom. Even though he excelled at school, his family still hoped that he would instead become a sports star like his brother. Oliver did indeed try, as he became the baseball coach at his school. Even though his family loved him, Oliver knew that he wasn't what they wanted, and so, he developed a steady, constant fear that every compliment they've ever payed him was a lie born of pity. Oliver tried even harder to win their affections by throwing himself into school, become the head of the debate team, and flying through grades. When he graduated at 16, his parents were rightfully proud of him, but still, he feared their disapproval. When he moved to Pine Hollows, he truly felt like he has been freed from a shackle he's been in all his life. He originally wanted to study law, however, he quickly changed his major and sought to pursue a literary PhD.

His family - On good terms

Extra Notes: He has anxiety and autism. He is also studying to learn French and Russian. Also, he has a few piercings that he's quite ashamed of.

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CrazyAkuma (#102410)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-02 18:41:01
Name: Leon Torres
Alias(es): Leo(everyone), Spots(Fiona, occasionally his other siblings)
Age: 23
Species/Breed: Leopard
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Writer/ Artist/ Mechanic(when art and writing fails, something to fall back on)

Height: 6'4
Build: Lean
Distinguishing Marks: Spots, a large brown blotch on his right ear. Black framed glasses when he doesn't have in contacts. Forest green eyes. His fur is a deep honey gold with cream under his chin and all the way down to his lower stomach, stopping around his hips. The obvious leopard markings; his spots. He has a very long sleek tail

Personality: Calm, laidback, adventurous, closed, awkward
Likes: Books, drawing, forest walks, nighttime, winter, cold, swimming, being with family, hiking, snakes, City life, Affection(though he says and acts like he hates it), going for runs, rain
Dislikes: hot summers, nosey people, peas, carrots, loud noises, tickles
Best Skill: Long distance hikes (anything stamina related)
Worst Skill: Talking about anything personal/showing affection
Fears: Shots, occasionally bathtubs, drowning despite his love of swimming, tickles
History: he moved around a lot as a kid. His dad was always at work and his mother a drunk, his older sister took care of all the young ones. Leo didn't really know a difference in life and knows others have it worse so he doesn't complain. He lost an older brother who was always sick. Once while playing with his younger siblings they walked in on their mother's death caused by herself. none of the siblings like to talk about it and gave him his off and on fear of bathtubs. Fiona and Nick took the young ones out for ice cream at where Todd worked after. They stayed in the parking lot that night, some sleeping in Fiona's car while others in Todd's.
Coming from a poor family, he knows how to get by with what he has.
Relationships: Mark (father), Fiona (Older sister), Nick (Older brother), Todd (older brother), Jackie(little sister), Joey(little brother) /in order from oldest to youngest/

Extra Notes: He has social anxiety that occasionally and randomly kicks in which is the source of his awkwardness despite his love to be with people, they often conflict with each other.

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Edited on 05/01/18 @ 20:51:36 by CrazyAkuma (#102410)

🌸 (#124785)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 01:14:57
(art done by myself, toyhouse here: )

Name: Peter
Alias(es): Peter, Pete, Petey
Age: 20
Species/Breed: Canine (Mutt)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual (prefers men but gets interested in the occasional lady)
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: College Student (Biology Major)

Height: 5'4''
Build: Average build. He could be seen as lean by some, but he does have some extra weight mainly in his hips and thighs.
Distinguishing Marks: Darker brown markings than base color, a lighter brown patch over his stomach and a dark brown spider marking on his back.

Personality: Peter is a very shy kid but will often speak out if something he's passionate about is brought up. These things include insects and any kind of science talk. While he is quiet and tends to shy away from conversation he craves attention and when given it will ramble until told to quiet down about anything and everything. Peter has the average mood swings of any young adult but tries not to react towards petty things. He's the "good boy" type that doesn't partake in drinking, drugs, or anything that his family might look down on.
Likes: Insects (Mainly spiders), science, rainy days, city life, occasional nature hikes, pizza
Dislikes: Overly hot and humid days, cold rooms, hot teas, beach days (he has to have some sort of goal to enjoy them. Such as "Find something super cool on the beach" instead of "Let's chill on the sand all day".)
Best Skill: Memory/Observation
Worst Skill: Public speaking
Fears: Dark open spaces, woods at night, no communication (please don't take his phone away he'll cry)
History: Peter has lived a basically average life. He always had a passion for figuring out how the world worked and from a young age eagerly looked forwards to becoming a scientist. He was born as the only child to a loving mother and father and they support him in everything he does, though do sometimes express negative feelings for things that don't match their morals. Peter was never bullied badly in school (some kids picked on him, but he didn't have a personal bully) but despite this grew up extremely self-conscious and has barely expanded his closet from oversized hoodies, sweat pants and jeans. His shyness does not stem from anything big in his life, he just tends to have trouble starting conversations by himself and would rather someone approach him. After graduating from high school, he was eager to begin his college career and moved hours away from his life long home to attend the university in Pine Hollows where he happily studies Biology and keeps up relatively good grades. He rarely goes out with his few friends (who he really doesn't know that well) and instead enjoys being cooped up inside his dorm room (which he thankfully has by himself since his assigned roommate never showed) studying, watching documentaries or reading books on science for fun.
Relationships: He is on very good terms with his family (Mother, Father, Grandparents, etc.). Other than that he doesn't have many contacts in his phone if you get what I mean.

Extra Notes: Peter will almost always be dressed in a baggy shirt or hoodie, sweat pants or jeans and a pair of sneakers. His glasses are also very necessary because without them he couldn't see his own hand in front of his face. While his glasses are large and "nerdy", he picked them out because he thought they were cute.

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 16:26:40 by Mange (#124785)

xX (#129420)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 17:47:18
Its my own Artwork from Deviantart :)

Name: Cory Bashé
Alias(es): None at the moment
Age: 21
Species/Breed: Feline
Gender: Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Fry/sauté cook at restaurant

Height: 5'7
Build: Average, he's slim but has a little bit of muscle to him.
Distinguishing Marks: Has a very long Cow lick were his hair parts in the back

Personality: Cory is Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. He's able to do almost anything that interests him. He's a social butterfly and has great social skills. He gets excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Cory is open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities, he loves taking the spotlight and leading his friends and family forward to victory and fame. He is always putting the needs of others above his own, even if it hurts him. His constant need to be with others often makes him feel lonely when he is by himself, and although he seems very confident and well put together Cory is actually insecure. He's also a very innocent being and not the brightest when it comes to dirty jokes, or sarcasm.
Likes: Cooking, partying, drinking, coffee, junk food, running, and being social.
Dislikes: Staying indoors, the cold, fights, and being alone.
Best Skill: Cory is a master chief when it comes to frying fish
Worst Skill: Picking up on sarcasm and dirty humor
Fears: Being alone, and spiders, no cell phone service
History: Most don't know it but Cory came from a very which home, his father and mother were successful corporate owners, his parents had never fallen in love with each other and simply got together because he was rich and she was beautiful. Their relationship was not the best and they were always seen either fighting or just not on speaking terms, this effected Cory in a negative way. He was their only child, but he was never pampered, spoiled, or even given attention from his parents. So as he grew Cory tried his best to impress them, he was an amazing student who got all As, he was quarterback for his football team, and he was popular with everyone in his school. But still they acted like he didn't exist, he came out to them as gay hoping that maybe now they'd talk to him now that he was truly different from the rest. But instead they disowned him, kicking a 17 year old Cory out of the house never to be heard of. With the money he had left he moved to a small town in New New Bedford for 4 years before deciding that it wasn't the right place for him. So he packed up and traveled to Pine Hollows and got a job as a waiter at a small restaurant, and that's where he is at the moment. He moved up from a waiter to a Fry/sauté cook and is just trying to figure things out.
Relationships: He has no contact with anyone from his previous life before Pine Hollows

Extra Notes: Cory loves to dress in clothes that are either baggy, tight, or short. He just loves looking cute! Anything that has a Japanese symbol or words on it he will buy without hesitation.

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 17:50:39 by Xx𝒩𝑒𝓇𝒹𝓎xX (#129420)

Gold (#97673)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-01-05 18:58:02
(Pic didn't work :/)

Name: Gold M. Wilde

Alias(es): Goldy
Age: 17
Species/Breed: Feline/Mixed breed
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Asexual; she leans more towards women but will gladly date a male
Marital Status: Single Pringle
Occupation: Student in highschool

Height: 5'5"
Build: Curvy and chubby
Distinguishing Marks: She tends to wear bandages on her forearms; black stripe son arms, legs, and tail; long and floofy tail; black triangle-like marking on chest

Personality: (+ Good traits = Neutral traits - Bad traits)
+Charming(as told by friends)
-Easily annoyed
-Impatient with some things

Likes: Music, roleplaying, Dr Pepper, cursing, sweet things, drawing, food, anime/manga, friends, coffee/tea, being alone, the dark, the cold, puns/making puns, lying around, being lazy, weed, baking, singing, poetry
Dislikes: Summer, the heat, anything girly, crowds, strangers, loud noises, school, cigarettes, sports, wasps, 'players', arrogance, most of her family, annoying kids, homophobia/sexism/racism, when people call her an attention seeker, religious extremists, people telling her to be more lady-like, crying(sometimes does it daily)
Best Skill: Sewing and baking
Worst Skill: Socializing/mostly everything tbh
Fears: Clowns, deep water, basements, driving
History: (these are some highlights)
-Moved around a lot due to her father being in the military
-When she was 7 her father left her and her mom
-She and her mom moved in with her grandma and two uncles
-When she settled in she was placed into a private school where she stayed for over 4 years
-When she was 13 she started to question her religious lifestyle and her sexuality. later on she figured herself out; she was an atheist, she looked more towards science, and panromantic asexual
-At 14 she started to develop some mental issues but didn't think anything of it. As the years went on it started to get worse and she finally told her mom at the age of 16 that something was seriously wrong with her
-She currently still lives with her mom, grandma, her uncle alex, his pregnant girlfriend and their 3 year old son(Gold's cousin)
Mom- Friends
Dad- Enemies
Grandma- Neutral (she doesn't like her but they aren't enemies or friends)
Uncle- Neutral
Uncle's Girlfriend- Friendish
Cousin- Friend(I mean he's only 3 so xD)

Extra Notes: Gold suffers from severe depression, anxiety, body dysphoria, ADHD, and trichotillomania. She also self-harms but tries to control it and always hides it. Always carries around a messenger bag to keep her sketchbook and laptop in
Here are the shirts and hoodies she often wears Clicky

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Edited on 05/01/18 @ 18:59:35 by Gold (#97673)

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