Posted by The wild horses

Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-01-12 16:12:18
So, you were a happy, healthy horse and then your owner drove you to a field, and never came back.but, you meet a wild stallion named Ash.

Our beautiful territory...


x1 Lead Stallion: Ash
~The strongest stallion in the herd, protects the other horses that are in the lower ranks~

x1 Lead Mare: None
~Lead Stallions choice, second in charge. Steers herd away from dangers~

x5 patrolers: None
~Skillful horses that are able to stay quite for long periods of time. There job is to patrol the borders of their territory~

x5 Broodmares: None
~Mares who want foals badly, they can breed with the lead stallion and following stallion if they let them of course~

x8 Battlers: None
~Horses who protect the herd from dangers~

x4 Gathers: None
~Horses who spend most of their time collecting herbs for the healer and also gather food. Most greatly appreciated~

x1 Healer: None
~A highly spiritual horse who has a way with herbs, most respected like the Lead Stallion~

x1 Healer in training: sasha
~Young horses who are training to be a healer, still don't get messages from the dead just yet~

x5 Yearlings: None
~Young horses who are training to become a battler, patroller, or gatherer~

x5 Suckling: None
~Mares with young offspring or pregnant~

x5 Foals: None
~Younger horses who aren't quite old enough to become a Yearling and normally the irritating ones~

x8 Elders: None
~Respected horses who have served the clan well~

x1 Following Stallion: None
~Third in charge, often becomes lead when the lead dies or takes over as a sub if the lead is sick or gone for a period of time, can breed with broodmares but have to have permission first~

Dead horses: None

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Edited on 14/01/18 @ 11:27:21 by Cat [020gb for heir] (#120816)

Bracken (#133788)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 14:49:50
(( Do you mind if another person joins? ))
Jax headed through the forest, tripping and stumbling awkwardly over uneven tree roots that stuck out of the ground. She wasn't trying to feed the paranoia lingering at the back of her mind but her ears were pricked, picking up every small snap and rustle of the surrounding trees. She wasn't quite sure why she was here. Her owner, a kind old Amish man who she often plowed fields for, had dropped her off in a clearing. After waiting for him to return for an entire day, she had decided to leave, picking a random direction and shoving her way into the forest. She was very unaccustomed to the forest, having been born and raised walking on flat dirt, concrete and stone. This was all so strange. Why would he leave her here? What had she done wrong? She had never bucked, bitten or refused to pull a load or plow a field. These dejected thoughts ran through her head as she pushed her way through the trees. She finally noticed a break in the neverending forest, heading towards it more quickly. A clearing! And there were more horses there! She picked up her pace, trotting up to meet them with a friendly "Hey!"

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 15:54:20
Ash srorted "hi"

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Bracken (#133788)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 16:05:46
She stepped back a little, taken aback by his annoyed tone. She glanced around at the other horses before speaking. "Hello. I'm just glad to run into someone else here! I was starting to get a little paranoid that I was all alone out here." She chuckled, relieved that this was not the case. "I'm Jax." She added. She probably looked like a mess with twigs in her mane and dirt on her fur, she thought self-consciously, shaking a few leaves off of her back.

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Lumir (#119636)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-13 19:02:06
Waterfall nodded. "Nice to meet you all." She turned away, trotted a little ways, and began to graze on fresh grass.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 19:39:33
"Well, we should get going. The wolves will be here soon." He trots up to a high cliff

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Bracken (#133788)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 20:05:28
She quickly returned Waterfall's more friendly greeting before her ears perked up at Ash's words. "So there ARE wolves here??" The threat of predators just made this whole situation more real to her. Her owner had left her here for some unknown purpose, with nothing but her four hooves to defend herself. Because of her species, and her many years of plowing fields, she was quite big in stature and pretty strong. But she had no experience in fighting outside of play-fighting and wrestling with other horses. Oh, and these guys were here too. She felt a little safer with other horses but still... wolves were scary! She had heard stories from the wild horses that were brought to the farm to be tamed. Stories of their sharp teeth, piercing yellow eyes, and their lust for blood. She shivered a little, following close behind... what was his name? "I don't think I caught your name." She said, falling into step besides him.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 20:09:54
"Ash, and yes there is wolves here."

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Bracken (#133788)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 20:20:44
"Well, nice to meet you..." Jax replied, looking towards the woods and perking her ears up nervously. She scanned the darkening treeline, trying to see through the trees to unearth the predators lurking within the forest. Were there panthers too? Lynxes? She had never even seen a wolf before. And she had a feeling that ranch dogs didn't count as wolves. She swished her tail nervously and trotted closely behind Ash, following him up the slope. She decided not to ask any more questions for now.
( She is a shire horse by the way. Just fyi. )

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 20:37:02
(Pls update your character, i want to know your rank.)

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Bracken (#133788)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 20:41:25
(( How do I do that? Do I need to give a description or bio? And as far as rank, I kind of just got here - is anyone else an actual part of the herd besides you? Either a healer in training if possible, or a patroller. ))

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 20:44:44
Can i join? I love horses.

Can my character be mixed breed? Don't worry i will follow all the role - play rules.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 21:44:32
Enyone can join! And mine is a mixed

(I am always updating something so just pls bare with me.)

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 21:47:11
Thank you. I will post a character sheet for my character tomorrow. Please let me know if my character is accepted.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 21:50:21
Everyone is! Oherwise i feel it is not very fair.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 21:51:25
(Lets all pretend that i can spell. Xp)

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