Posted by In the Bitter North... OPEN! CS

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 23:09:47

Main Roleplay Thread


Form: (This can be rearranged to better format a post as long as all necessary info is in it.)

Gender/Sex: (If gender is different from sex, post both)
Sexuality: (All are welcomed here. If you aren’t alright with that, this RP isn't for you.)
Breed/Species: (Note, Wolves are cruel, snobbish and believe dogs are filth. Wolves in this rp are not nice, if your wolf is super sweet, they won't be accepted. Please keep note of the pack mentality. Omegas could be an exception, but please ask about them.)
Crush: (Please develop these via RP- This slot is to add them in later)
Mate: (Please develop these via RP- This slot is to add them in later)
Offspring: (Please [usually] develop these via RP- This slot is to add them in later- Please also note who is rping as them.)
Theme Song: (Optional)
RP Sample: (You only need this for your first character. By the way, if I catch you trying to use someone else’s roleplay post as your sample you will automatically be disqualified and I will inform the roleplayer in question you have stolen from them. I have seen this happen more than once which is why I bring it up.)

Your sheet will be approved on the main introduction post!

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Edited on 20/02/18 @ 18:44:45 by Dez {1-800-I'm-Not-Slappin} (#66551)

nPie-3.3k] (#101361)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-03-13 06:44:44


4 years 6 months


Pansexual, homoromantic

Reo is a large wolf, he's definitely muscular, but he doesn't look muscular because of his height. He has dark grey fur, close to black with light speckles on his back. He has a white stroke across his chest and scruff, his paws and jaw are also white. Reo's eyes are a sharp, stunning yellow, he has large ears.

Gray wolf mix. (Mainly gray wolf, but not pure)

The Wolves

Beta, if not then Fighter.

Reo is considered one of the kinder wolves, he's understanding and will listen to your explanations. Kinder or not, he's still cruel to dogs, he'll say they are lesser than an Omega and fight dirty, he'll also tell you they're cunning like foxes, but he won't tell you that they're weak, and you should believe him, there are some truly massive dogs that exist, Reo still believes they could beat him in a fight, size isn't everything! But then again this is coming from a massive wolf.

Reo is a bit sadistic, he won't think twice about punishing a wolf of his own pack, he believes keeping the wolves in check is the way to go in order to have a strong pack. You know what also makes a pack strong? Trust. He knows a pack won't go anywhere without trusting in a packmember, this very well doesn't mean Reo won't doubt a suspicious newcomer, but rather, he believes telling the truth, and earning the trust and love of his packmates is the way to go. He's a rule-sticker and will do anything his alpha commands.

This wolf, truly loves fighting and training, he loves the thrill in real battles and the thinking and plotting new moves in practices, he often leads fighting practice for the younger wolves, blood doesn't stop him from anything, he loves the feeling of something warm surrounding his teeth and gums, with the distinct taste of salty blood dripping out- he's talking about eating fresh prey... or is he?

When he was younger, Reo was a playful wolf who was a bit of a prankster, occasionally, he'll let his younger side show again. He has a lot of room in his heart and doesn't judge his fellow wolves and packmates easily, he can't say the same for dogs, they put one pawstep out of line and Reo will be looking at them with looks that can kill.

Reo is quick in both thinking and moving, although definitely not the most graceful or stealthy. At least the sound of his paws thundering across the earth will give you a chance to run before he gets to you! He's a great fighter, with the perfect combination of strength, speed and wits, although very stubborn and doesn't care much for himself and his own health. He hates admitting loss and is naturally protective of others, whether they can protect themselves or not. He used to go overboard and accidentally injure other creatures more than he intended to, he still does sometimes, but at least he has now gotten used to his large size and strength.

It's very hard to change his mind, not only in arguments and discussions, but also how he views other wolves. If he doesn't like you then good luck changing his mind, if he does like you, then he'll try to think the best of you no matter what your actions are. Reo also holds grudges, he remembers when you snatched a plump hare out from right under his jaws and took credit for the killing when he clearly, was less than a whisker length away from killing it. This was 3.5 years ago. He does tend to have a lot of negative thoughts, he beat himself over small mistakes and blames himself a lot.

Reo was born just out of his pack, his mother was weak from giving birth and some brutish dogs killed her when Reo was a few months old. He surely would have been killed too, if the pack didn't find them and rescue him and his siblings. Unfortunately, his siblings got bitten, they didn't survive another day despite the efforts of the Delta. Reo grew up a fairly normal life in the pack, he had a lot of ambition and promise, he strives to be the best wolf he can be and prove other wolves he's worthy of being in the pack.
Yes his history was boring, but not every wolf has a fancy background and backstory.

None yet

None yet


Theme Song:
Monsta X - Fighter (Was listening to this song and thought it was a bit fitting? Kinda?)


RP Sample:
Reo opened his powerful jaws to take a good breath of air. "This way" He barked commandingly. His large paws left imprints on the soft dirt as he fought on a head, it was going to rain soon, if they were to catch the dog that had stole their prey, they really needed to hurry before the scents were washed away. The muscular dark grey wolf rushed on ahead, he looked back and cocked his head once, in a 'let's hurry' kind of way. The scent was getting stronger and stronger, like the dog had went directly back to it's home. Stupid mutts... , Reo thought sneeringly.

The dog really didn't expect wolves to ambush him. You just went right into our well marked territory and hunted there, did you really think we wouldn't notice? Reo asked rhetorically to the dog, knowing full well it wouldn't be able to hear his thoughts. A lithe and young sandy colored wolf next to him popped up from a distance, despite being young, Salea was one of the best and quietest wolves they had. Reo shared a look with her and turned back to the two wolves next to him, a white large and muscular, similar Reo himself in size, and a prettier light grey wolf with many scars across her pelt. "Jolt, Mina, let's go" Reo half whispered in excitement.

Really, how could the dog be so dumb? He lead them right to his mate and pups, and not only that, his whole pack of dogs, it was a tiny pack, only consisting of 4 visible dogs as far as Reo could tell. The dog that had stolen prey was probably the leader, he was large sized for a dog but scrawny, the other dogs were even scrawnier and were very average to small sized for dogs. The other dogs all greeted the supposed leader, the 'leader' tore open the stolen prey and halved it with who Reo assumed with his mate while all the other dogs hungrily watched. Reo snarled eagerly, he let out a deep noise between a growl and a bark before he launched into attack, he bowled the dog right over.

This fight was easy! Or at least it was before sand was kicked into his eyes. Dirty tactics, as expected Reo clawed at his eyes, while his stunning yellow eyes were watering, the dog launched himself on Reo's back, clinging on well. Reo reared back trying to shake the dog was, he would roll over, but he didn't want to expose his stomach to dogs. Another dog sneaked forward, escaping the fight between itself and Mina. It nipped at Reo's paws in a weak attempt to harm the wolf. With ease, Reo brought his paws down, pressing all his weight into it, on the unsuspecting dog that was trying too hard to get a good grip on his legs. He heard a satisfying crack and a whimper, he didn't know what part of the dog cracked, but he didn't care. "Go help Selea, I'm okay" Reo gasped at Mina, seeing the youngest of the bunch get pinned down by a dog, she would probably be okay but he didn't want to take chances.

Reo kicked his back paws up, sending the unstable dog on him flying forward. What was the point of clinging on if you couldn't even do any harm while you were on top? He charged for the dog, he wasn't going to kill the mongrel, but he annoyed Reo, so he would. With ease, he grabbed the dog's throat as it tried to launch itself at Reo. Too easy! , he thought to himself. He tossed the body aside. Looking around him, Bolt had really finished off the bloody mess of what used to be a dog, and the spine of the dog Selea and Mina were fighting, was in an impossible angle.

The male wolf neared the remaining dogs, the mother and puppy, she yelped and snarled at him. "Get away!" she growled, it sounded much more like a whimper. When Reo didn't back away, she flattened her ears. "Please! Spare the pups" She begged. Maybe he wouldn't have killed her or the pups if he didn't suddenly remember the death of his own mother and siblings, slaughtered by dogs in similar circumstances the mother dog and her pups were in. Revenge. Reo thought, remembering his own mother, the kind wolf that tired herself hunting to produce milk everyday for her puppies, the proved to be mostly fruitless as only one of her puppies survived.

He flicked his tail at Mina. She didn't need another signal to lunge at the mother and pin her down, the cruel she-wolf pinned her down for her to watch the death of her puppies, she whimpered and closed her eyes, flattening her ears against her head. Well, that works too . Reo picked up the first puppy, the biggest of the three. He dangles it up high before dropping it down and catching it mid air. Blood oozes out of the puppy's dead body as he tossed it aside. Selea curiously leaned forward. Reo nudged her and stepped back for her to kill the second one.

Excitement sparked in Selea's eyes, Reo figured this was her first time killing something that wasn't prey. She made it quick, biting on it's soft skull until it caved in. Reo stepped forward again and put his paw on the last puppy, he leaned his weight on the paw, and the puppy's fragile body was crushed under the much much larger wolf. Mina bit the neck of the mother dog as Reo turned around to leave. "Let's go back". He left feeling very satisfied, it truly did feel as if he had gotten revenge even though these incidents were both mere coincidences.

Shin - WIP

1 year, 3 months



Shin is a thin and very fast wolf, he's a little bit small for his size. He has a unique pelt, made of grays with tinges of yellow, orange and red. some parts of his fur is white. His eyes are green.

Gray wolf mix.

The Wolves


Shin is a determined wolf with lots of ambitions, he's a little bit playful but takes his training very seriously, he hasn't decided whether he wants to be a hunter or fighter yet. He hasn't had any bad experience with dogs, but he's heard tales of how terrible they are.


None yet

None yet


Theme Song:


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Edited on 19/03/18 @ 18:47:43 by Seoul [Korea] [Cherry Pie] (#101361)

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