Posted by Pride & Glory ║ Character Sheets

Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2018-04-19 18:42:39

Main Roleplay Thread


Pride & Glory

Character Sheet


Cub: 0 - 11 months
Adolescent: 11 months - 2 years
Young Adult: 2 years - 4 years
Mature Adult: 4 years - 10 years
Elder: 10 years+


Your characters sexual orientation

See Below for Available Ranks

1 - 5 Cubs in a litter


Personality / History

Description of your characters appearance


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Edited on 21/04/18 @ 14:38:15 by Ohnicio (#86486)

Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2018-04-19 19:03:58


3 years






Personality / History
Generally laid back for a young lion, Kadek brushes off the teasing of other lions without hesitance. Though slightly insecure his mane may never grow as full and luscious as some others, he can display vanity and faux-smugness quite often. He prefers the company of females, a gentle soul at heart. Sometimes he can be quite rambunctious, get over excited and ahead of himself, which rightfully earns him a smack.

An average sized but slim young male lion. His mane is lighter than most, tawny and fawn shades through his not yet quite full mane. His face is smooth and pelt clean, not yet scarred by the experience of life.



4 years






Personality / History
Malai is quite a serious creature; her humor is dry and patience thin. Jealousy, aggression and power tend to drive this strong-headed female. If any decisions within the pride are made with a tie in votes, she's the first to volunteer to fight for her say - literally.

A slightly larger lioness with a strongly built body. Her identifying feature is a dark stripe on on forehead, and oddly big paws.


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Edited on 23/04/18 @ 12:10:13 by cin☆vo h2hoe (#106573)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2018-04-19 19:28:45



7 years old.




Imani | Daughter | 1 Year Old | Adoptable.

Subira | Deceased.

None currently.

Personality / History
As a cub Roho was quite the adventurous young lion. He had a habit of disappearing beyond pride borders in his spare time, forever curious and eager to learn something new. As he grew older he gained a bit of an ambitious streak, often whispering to his friends and kin of how he would be pride leader someday. Adulthood mellowed some of these desires and he focused more on becoming an exemplary guard. Often he felt he wasn't doing enough. Not strong enough. Not fast enough. Not intelligent enough. Only...average.

He lives life to the fullest, still retaining much of the same fascination with the world around him he had as cub. He is an active cat who prefers to be kept busy rather than lounging around camp and very social, enjoying the company of his pridemates. He's somewhat philosophical in nature, a thinker and more clever than he gives himself credit for. Roho is also a good listener and at the very least is a lion one could come to if they wish to vent free of judgement.

Calm and serene, he's rarely angry and handles most disagreements with a level head. If and when you do upset him his tone tends to come across sharp and clipped. You'll also find he's quite sarcastic and isn't afraid to give any cat a verbal lashing if needed, but arguments never resort to physical violence and regret is usually quick to follow if he's truly hurt someone's feelings.

Other than wandering off a bit more than his parents would have liked, Roho's cubhood was simple and free of strife. He grew into a fine young lion and left his birth pride around two years of age, soon after meeting a small gang of sisters led by a bold lioness called Subira. He joined up with the girls, and it wasn't long after this the two young lions became mates, their bond growing beyond friendship. They waited to have cubs, wanting to experience life for awhile before starting a family, but Subira was pregnant by the time they both were both nearly six.

Unfortunately the cubs came earlier than expected and the birth was troublesome. Subira lost too much blood and died shortly after Imani was born, and another nursery queen drew her away from her mother's still warm body and closer to her own belly as their father roared in sorrow, his grief inconsolable. He found comfort in helping Subira's sister Jua tend to his daughter, focusing solely on them and his duties to their small group to keep himself occupied. He shut everyone else out for a time, though he did appreciate the attempts to console him.

It was a slow process of healing, but he finally started to open up again when his small pride met their current one, deciding to join them. Roho seems to have little issue with serving as one of many males guarding the pride over a being a sovereign king.

Roho is a large lion with a very pale tan, nearly white pelt and a well developed, thick mane. He weighs 550 pounds and is exactly 4 feet tall at the shoulder. He has a regal image with a long, straight muzzle that resembles a roman nose, covered in shallow scars as most lion's faces tend to be. He has a compact, muscular build and short, soft fur save for that of his mane and the tuft of his tail which are much longer. His expressive eyes are a pale blue-white color and his nose is dark pink surrounded by black along the edges and flecking throughout.

Jua is also open to be adopted if anyone is interested.

He's leucistic, a rare, but still possible occurrence in the wild. This mutation thankfully does not come with any disadvantages unlike albinism beyond being easier to spot than other lions, which can come with it's own issues.

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Edited on 19/04/18 @ 19:31:06 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

GoldQueen (#108964)

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Posted on
2018-04-19 20:09:05
Name: Cara

Cub, 6 months



Future Wassa

None yet...

None, I might update this with an interest in the future


Personality / History
Cara is a very down to earth kind of person. She's known for giving advice and trying her best to make smart choices. This doesn't mean that she won't occasionally break rules, however, under the circumstances that she truly believes in the cause. She has a close-knit group of friends, but she is generally friendly to most lions and other animals. While Carac is a cautious character, she's all for adventures and having fun. She has a nice sense of humor but is often sarcastic. A common problem for Cara is that she gets torn between doing the right thing and being a good friend, or between following rules or expectations and doing what her heart tells her. Her history will be added later.

Cara is the normal size for a cub, with soft fluffy fur and padded paws. But she has more of a greyish tan color than the common brown, and her eyes are a mix between jade green and aqua blue depending on lighting.


Cassie wandered through the thick forest, humming her favorite tune quietly as her eyes strayed back and forth, back and forth, trying to take in as much of the rustic scene as possible. This was her favorite place to be. Out in roaming the land, a pencil and pad in her hand, no shoes nor socks on a her feet, a bottle of water, a small backpack, and the fresh air. Cassie stopped and bent down to watch two squirrels chase each other through the bushes and brambles. She sat on a rock and sighed. "This seems like a nice enough place." With a deep breath, she closed her bright green eyes and started to draw, imagining this place as if it were her own. And a few flowers here, a clearing there, oh, a fountain, perfect. The girls eyes popped open as she heard a giggle. Frightened at first, but as she looked down at the girl her face broke into a smile. "Hey, Cass. When will you tech me how to draw like that?" The girl climbed into Cassie lap, closed her eyes and whispered. "I think it's amazing."

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Edited on 21/04/18 @ 10:39:41 by GoldQueen (#108964)

Wintersolstice (#38121)

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Posted on
2018-04-20 14:55:32

Three years





N/A; Open

Personality / History:
Dakarai has always been what you'd consider a strong willed lion. Not everyone gets along with him, and he's fine with that. That however doesn't mean he doesn't care for his pride as a whole. Perhaps that's one of his weaknesses, he cares a bit too much. He just doesn't truly know how to show that. Perhaps that's why he gained the rank he did, to best put his skills to use in a way that would benefit everyone. Despite being so young, he has seen trials and tribulations when it comes to life. The rest of his litter passed away, through illness and other means. Being the only one left of his siblings, he feels it's his duty to carry on his families legacy and care for the pride. While he does wish for a mate and cubs, getting along with and impressing a female just does not come easily to this socially awkward male.

All in all Dakarai is fairly average in height and weight, though his build is more muscular than some of his male pride-mates. His coat is a dark tan in color with his mane being a dirty blonde. He has his fair share of scars, mainly littering his flank, though he does have a couple bigger ones running across his muzzle. His eyes are a darker brown in color, along with dark-tan nose to compliment his normal coat.

N/A, though if you need a RP example I'd be happy to supply with one.

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Devin (#141123)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-20 16:12:16

1year and 7months


She doesn't know it yet, but she will figure out that she is Demisexual.




Does not (as of yet) have a history.

Renn is a playful, hard to upset, sassy lady, who tends to get along with the male cubs much better than the females. She loves sarcastic humor - and uses it often. If she gets into an argument, she can sometimes get overemotional, which can lead to her not thinking clearly, therefore, saying something she didn't really mean. Renn loves her subtle stripes and often jokes that she's a tiger - a formidable and larger opponent - even though she is shorter than average. Suprisingly, even though she's often found in a word passing duel, she gets along very well with adult lions. She loves to collect random things she finds in the pridelands, and can't wait to be able to adventure out beyond. She finds it hard to learn sometimes, because of her lack of concentration.

Her fur is a light gold, with faint, darker gold stripes falling down her back. She has captivating golden eyes, and dark brown skin. She has a spot on her nose the shape of a diamond that is more of a shade of pink. She is shorter than average.


Walking down the shaded, dusty trail to the cave entrance, Renn notices something in the corner of her eye. Turning, she sees something glinting in the sunlight, just a few feet off the trail. Intrigued, she goes to investigate.

Padding through the tall golden grass towards the object the sun heats up her back quickly.

Leaning in close to the shiny... thing... she sees it's buried in the ground. Hmm... she just took a bath and doesn't want to get unnessaserily dirty... picking up a stick from a nearby bush, she starts to slowly unearth the mysterious treasure.

She shouts triumphantly, having finally dug up a small, shimmering rock from the dirt.

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Edited on 20/04/18 @ 16:20:24 by Devin (#141123)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2018-04-20 17:23:36
Image removed by moderator

A beautiful lioness with the eye color of molten gold. A dark ring of back fringes around them, increasing their beauty. Muscles rippled underneath her light tan, sleek fur. She is big with big paws, and round ears, one of which is scarred. She has a squared body, and soft fur. She is intimidating to the young and small but her eyes always carry a soft, sweet, healthy glow when near young cubs.
She has a handful of scars she has earned while being a Chihiro, hwr muzzle displaying a long scar from her muzzle to a few inches away from her lips.


3 years

Female, She/Her

Bisexual, though she leans more to males


None, PM me if you want your char to have her as a mate

None, But she would like to have some

Candice is a somewhat caring lioness, making sure no one feels left out or abandoned. She is loyal, but she is only loyal to whom she believes deserves her loyalty. She is serious in difficult situations and is a clever thinker.
But whenever you anger her, she gets snarky and very disrespectful. When angered or provoked, she has teeth and claws and knows how to use them correctly. If you hurt her family or anyone who she loves and cares about, she gets beyond furious, and would jump into combat without a plan. She is skilled in battle, with strong paws and cruel claws and teeth.
One thing about her is how she gets along with others. Candice matches moods with others constantly, and is a good listener.
She lacks in speed, but her strentgh and stamina surely makes up for it. She has exellent stamina and could run for a long time, but if she runs for too long she has to prepare herself for fatigue and very achey legs.

Above, near picture


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Edited on 26/04/18 @ 03:26:14 by Wyndy [Pearl] (#12183)

Bizarre King (#81586)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 07:08:21





12 Months


Cis Male ~ Homosexual








Intelligent and poised, Wazi is a formidable force against his foes, but couldn't be more loyal and doting to the ones he loves. Albeit, it takes quite the perseverance to earn his trust and break his terrifying exterior, but it's worth the trouble for Wazi, at his core, is an honest, caring and thoughtful individual. With his perception is keen, nothing getting past his observant eye. This makes him especially efficient both on guard and in the heat of battle. Wazi is never shy of a fight, and has been known to be more aggressive than passive- defending his familiars and standing up for his beliefs and values.
His ability to be attentive to detail, Wazi will notice even the faintest of changes, and pick up on the subtle mannerisms of others that would otherwise go unnoticed, while more often than not keeping quiet about his observations rather than pointing them out- unless he finds it necessary to do so. He usually is one to keep to himself, but will not turn down any interaction that seems worth while to him or is either engaging or amusing to him. Inevitably, Wazi prides himself in his quick-wittedness and eloquence when speaking to others, never missing a chance to charm, trick, or intimidate them- depending on his intentions. Because of this, he is extremely persuasive, but will not hesitate to use brute force if his silver tongue does not get him what he wants first.
Vulgar and rebellious, the young lion can be quick to bare his teeth. Wazi isn't the trusting type, and will come off defensively if he categorizes you as suspicious and or a threat to his pack. If you happen to find yourself on his shit list, it wont be a very promising relationship with Wazi as much as it would be a bloody one. He lacks patience, and his tolerance for a foe is lacking if not absent all together. Once you cross him, the only side of Wazi is a merciless and vengeful one.
On his worst days, or in the face of an enemy, Wazi is anything but warmhearted. He will often hold himself in an aloof and uncaring nature. His disdainful elegance will demand respect, and his heavy set gaze could chill a room. If angered, he is impulsive and quick to take to violence. He is prone to being insensitive and finds it difficult to admit he was wrong and apologize. In fact, the word "sorry" hardly ever gets past his lips after an argument or feud in which he was at fault. Stubborn and sometimes rather apathetic, Wazi is more apt to make more enemies than friends, but the friends he does have he holds in high esteem and will not hesitate to sacrifice himself for them.


A pale looking lion with thick fur that is kept groomed regularly by the meticulous lion. The beginning of a matching mane grows in tufts at the base of his head and around his neck. His body of a stocky build. Although short in stature, the young lion is filling out quite fast during his younger months, and his pudgy roundness looks to being replaced with thick, bulging muscle. Wazi's eyes are sharp and as cold as their icy blue color.


There was a short break in the river that separated the Eastlands from the Pridelands that had been formed by a mass deposit of dirt and rock. Mchuzi could walk back and forth along the bridge without even getting his paws wet, and it was deep enough into the underbrush that no one could even spot him going back and forth from the Pridelands to the Eastlands. It was far more discreet than waltzing on into Eastland territory via across the wide open plains- where he and his reddish pelt could easily be spotted from miles away. He couldn't afford the king knowing of his little excursions to visit Eris and her new pride, which had nothing to do with his work at all. However, if worse comes to worse, he'd probably use his rank as a scapegoat. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that. It was one thing to go behind Mzigo's back, but another to lie directly to his face. Mchuzi gulped, trying to push the worrying thoughts into the back of his head as he planned tonight's meeting with Eris. He would find the king first, finally tell him about the peace treaty, make a trek there tonight in secrecy to discuss business and then meet her tomorrow during the day for a more casual get-together. It would seem less suspicious that way and he'd be able to spend some time with her in the light of day instead of sneaking out all mysteriously in the dead of night only to have to leave two hours before daybreak. This way, he'd have plenty of time to get whatever it is he had on his mind and lay it out between them. Mchuzi was eager to resolve their friendship. With a heavy sigh, the red lion turned from the river after a cool drink from its waters and headed back towards Pride Rock. On his way, he noticed a zebra running with an anxious sway of its striped neck. Mchuzi paused and watched as it kicked up dust and whinnied before prancing off into the distance. Odd.. He thought idly to himself. Where was its' herd?






3 months


Female ~ Undecided








Like most cubs, Imani has a wayward set mind and an adventurous soul. It's hard not to want to explore the world around you, that's why when it comes to venturing off Imani is all too guilty. Minding her elders is something she has yet to learn, and with the attention span of sprightly newborn kitten she's no stranger to mischief. It's a wonder how she manages to both charm and annoy her pride mates, but it might have something to do with her big, doting eyes whose absence wouldn't allow her to get away with most things she does. Although she tends to be quite the handful, there's no doubt about her eccentric personality and originality- two aspects that give Imani her trademark magnetism. But, with uniqueness comes seclusion. Most aren't so tolerable of Imani's sometimes strange and offbeat personality, shunning her for her unorthodox ways. She finds comfort in the ones that do appreciate her, however, and is usually too optimistic to comprehend others' distaste towards her.
Her naivety may contribute to the cub's plight of seeing the good in every lion and every situation, but it mostly just has to do with who Imani is. She's trusting to a fault, and too empathetic to bring harm to others. Anger is an alien emotion to her, but when felt she handles it with a surprising air of maturity. She is indefinitely forgiving and will always sacrifice herself in the face of judgement to spare the ones she loves. It's impossible for her to hate, so as it is difficult for her wish ill on others. As most kind souls go, Imani is always eager to assist those in need and has a knack for cheering others up. She strives for peace, and is a natural born mediator, succeeding in finding neutral ground even in the most hostile of situations.


Imani's pudgy exterior is only an illusion, for her thick fur bunches around her face and underbelly. Beneath the double coat, her body is actually quite slender, nevertheless she has a lot of bulking up ahead of her. Her fur is darker along her backsides and ears, fading into a gradient of sandy brown to white at her paws an underside. Her eyes, copper and big like a doe's, take up most of her face, while her muzzle is petite and points out at a sharp angle.

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Edited on 21/04/18 @ 21:57:56 by Bizarre King (#81586)

tawny (#143870)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-04-21 07:52:29



-Demisexual (Homosexual)




Personality / History
-Atieno is not one to shy away from a challenge, or authority. He is quick to show his claws if he thinks it will come to a fight, and won't hesitate to charge forward, teeth bared and claws unsheathed. His quick-thinking and loyalty to his pridemates doesn't stop his sarcastic, rude remarks and comments occasionally made, even when unnecessary. The hot-headed male is always the first to head towards danger if it seems like an adventure or challenge to him. Though he comes off as a negative individual, Atieno can be quite playful and friendly - if he feels like it. Often he uses dark humor to scare others off when he is in a mood - or just a plain ol' threat.

Image removed by moderator.
-A lean, dusty-gold male just beginning to grow out his dark-colored mane around his neck. His bright gold-yellow eyes portray the aggressive fire within the young male, as do his sharp, onyx-black claws.


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Edited on 25/04/18 @ 07:01:50 by cin☆vo h2hoe (#106573)

Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:12:28


• Name •

• Age •
2 years 4 months

• Gender •

// Orientation //

• Rank •

• Cub(s) •

• Mate(s) •

• Personality/History •
Mbali is a snarky, sarcastic, and independent lioness who has quite a bit of self-assurance. She enjoys banter and jokes, and will point out any of your mistakes, anytime. It is, in her opinion, her most redeeming factor. She highly dislikes any form of dependence on others, and therefore doesn't mind hunting small prey alone. Nevertheless, she understands the importance of cooperation in terms of bringing enough prey to the pride. So, she uses her playfulness to build good relationships with pridemates and to her advantage. Mbali can easily use body language and small, individual quirks to read the intentions of others. This also leads to her being highly-tolerant to the badgering of others. It is not easy to offend or annoy Mbali, and she is very open to criticism.
Mbali tends to be fearless and a major risk-taker, not afraid of getting dirty - although she does try to keep herself clean whenever she's not out and about. Her want for adventure is great, and she loves stories of far away places. She loves challenges and rarely backs down from one.
Despite her often detached and sarcastic nature towards her pridemates, she surprisingly has a strong motherly drive. She enjoys hanging out with cubs, though she does prefer hunting. She is highly protective of the more vulnerable lions in the pride, and receives great gratification from safeguarding them.

• Looks •
Mbali is a slender-looking lioness, with only fluffy fur on her underside. She has a relatively triangular face with rounded cheek fluff, a long snout, and long lashes and ears. She has long limbs and a long tail, with a few scratches on her lower paws. She is of tall stature, always holding her head high and ears perked. Her fur is soft but usually lays down flat against her body. In terms of colour, Mbali has a rich golden-brown pelt on her back side, with a creamy colour on her underside and paws. Her tail is a darker brown, with a similarly coloured ring at its base.

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Edited on 21/04/18 @ 08:23:57 by Lumiere (#86771)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-04-21 17:04:54


" Oh, how I surely will go mad any second now without your heart to call mine. Your heart, so pure, and your eyes, so sorrowful. I surely might just die without you, my lover. "

• Name •

• Age •
Young Adult (3 years and 7 months)

• Gender •

• Orientation •

• Rank •

• Cub(s) •

• Mate(s) •

• Personality •
Nzuri can be described as intimidating and aggressive because of her big size, and perhaps that is true. She is known to snap at cubs that yank on her fur too hard, and growl at any disrespectful lion. She is quite fearless towards her own kind, and that being said, she has quite the mouth. If she doesn't want something, she doesn't want it. If she doesn't like you, she'll make sure to tell you that. She has a bit of a sarcastic humor mixed with a dark humor, and this alone has scared off many lions. Nzuri is very much a challenging opponent on the battlefield, and due to her hunting large animals, she is used to having to scare the daylights out of big brutes.

• History •
Nzuri was born into an illegal exotic trade. She was bought by a rich old man and he took her in as a cub. The old man had children that would frequent his house often. One day, a young child bit the large cub. She let out an angry huff, whipping around and hit the child with her paw roughly. From then on, every child and person that was in the same room kept an eye on her. One day, Nzuri suddenly snapped. She killed the small dog that inhabited the same territory.

After that, she was kept chained to a tree in the backyard. She spent her days there, dehydrated in the heat, and hiding under the small shade she was given. Until a young man jumped over the fenced yard, and called his friends over. He undid the chain, and clipped a large dog collar over the young female. At first, she ran to the corner of the yard, warily watching the three boys. They proved they were friendly by bowing, and she trotted closer, still watching warily. They snapped a rope on her collar, leading her to an old woman. There, she was taken to a crate, where they attached her to a metal bird. She was flying for an hour or so, and then was let out. She ran for the grasslands, looking back to glance at the metal bird that carried her.

The young lioness found the pride, and became fit within the ranks easily. She was a hunter by instinct.

• Looks •
Nzuri is a pretty lioness, with a soft golden pelt. She has an athletic build, with long legs and lean muscle trimming around her body. The gold coloring gets darker around her ears, and get's lighter as you go down, from a rich tan to a pale brown. A chunk on her ear is missing, as if a lion grabbed it and ran away with it. Underneath all her fur, there's a line embedded around her neck from the chain that she strained on for days, weeks, maybe even months. Small scars on all of her paws mark every time she make a mistake when hunting, like stepping on a sharp stone while in pursuit of a zebra.

Nzuri has large paws and soft brown eyes that hide her less-than-perfect personality, and make her approachable until you realize that she isn't the kindest of the bunch.

• Other •

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Edited on 22/04/18 @ 06:12:45 by Taehyung's Face Enthusiast (#84624)

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