Posted by Night of Blood|Roleplay Post

zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 13:04:14

Night of Blood

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For centuries there have been myths and legends of supernaturals and monsters. But have you every thought of how these stories originated? The answer is simple: a mirror realm of magic.

Everyone must be prepared for the Night of Blood...


The Council
In this Mirror Realm of Magic there exists a Council which governs all the creatures and monsters and supernaturals who live there. They have put in laws that should a human be found, they will be reported to the town hall immediately. If the human's intentions are read (via telepathic ritual) as hostile toward the Mirror Realm Inhabitants, then they shall be put down.

If their intentions are not so, then they will be judged accordingly. Any non-hostile human will be assigned to a supernatural or monster who will be responsible for the human's actions. It is up to the supernatural or monster what they do with the human, whether it be they put the human to work, or simply watch over the human as they make a home in this place. If a human disobeys repeatedly and they break the laws, then it will be up to their assigned Watcher to take care of them correctly.



True Realm:
In the human world the current season is Fall/August, with the leaves turning yellow, red, and orange, making the trees look like fire just before they fall to the ground and spread their warm colors everywhere. It is a week and a half until the humans' Halloween, when they will be dressing up as the monsters they have no idea exist.
The town where this takes place is small, surrounded by trees and forest. Most trees in the forest are pine while the trees closer to town are leafy, like oaks.

Mirror Realm:
The supernatural's home is naturally darker most of the time, even in the day. While the area is more or less the same in geography, the plant life is quite different. Since this place has more magical properties and magic essence flowing through everything, nature flourishes 24/7 and this allows many different kinds of plants to grow that would not be seen in the human world.
Since people here use magic to maintain their houses, many of the buildings have a lot older architecture. Where grocery stores stand in the human world, there are potions shops, reagents shops, and many other places built to house and distribute magic items.
The forest here houses plentiful creatures and animals that are much different from the True Realm ones. Though, the forest is dark and easy to get lost in at night, so it is not for the faint of heart.
Special: Often on the night of blood, (especially since it is near the human's halloween) Supernaturals and Monsters dress up as different species to make fun of the humans Halloween. If they choose not to, there is still a festival that takes place in the park around this time every year. The festival is HUGE on the Nights of Blood, since it's such a magical night.

Time, Weather: It is "early" afternoon, around 1:35 PM, and the sun is starting to set. For the Mirror Realm, their sky is turning red and the moon is shining brightly. for the True Realm, their moon is taking on a slight red tinge, often called a blood moon. For both, few clouds drift through the sky, lined with similar colors to the sky. Rain is expected to start falling around midnight.

EVENT: (Not taking place as of yet) As soon as the moon is fully visible in the sky, portals will start to open up. Magic from the Mirror Realm will be ever so slightly leaking through the opening portals, causing some of the magical inhabitants of the Mirror realm to be weaker than usual. This simply means that their mana levels will drain quicker when using magic, causing exhaustion to come faster.
However for those creatures and monsters who live mostly off of magic, they might feeling a little bit more of the effects.

Current Characters:

Kat Sparrows / 19 / Cis-Female / Bisexual / Human (❀ π™ΊπšŠπš ❀ (#139161) )
Lyra Jackson / 20 / female / Straight / Human (Dawn (#119968) )
Aero / 23 / Female / Straight / Werewolf (Dawn (#119968) )
Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human (Shian)
Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human (Shian)
Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster (Shian)
Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore (Shian)
Castilian Blue / 221-21 / Male / Bisexual / Void Kitsune (Joker Wolf)
Calista / 25 / female / Pansexual / Arachne (Gortys)
Zayn / 28 / Male / Homosexual / Werewolf (Sherlock and Watson)

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Edited on 06/06/18 @ 19:27:47 by Shian (#120324)

zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 13:30:28
Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, park. / Interaction:
Tristan was in the park, riding on his skateboard. He didn't really enjoy being out in the park, but he'd been told to get out of the house for a while. Thus is why he is currently outside, where he doesn't want to be. At least it wasn't too hot out. Summer here was just unbearable, it often got very humid and muggy.

Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street. / Interaction:
Scarlet was leaving home, heading toward the store. Her father was gone for a week long trip, which she was thankful for. Unfortunately that didn't mean she just couldn't eat or end up living off of ramen for a week. So she had to head to the store. Which sucked because the kids on the block liked to pick on her, but at least most of them were elsewhere.

Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster / Location: Mirror Realm, Forest / Interaction:
Aries was pacing in the forest, not looking very happy. He is making a plan for when the portals started appearing. He had to at least stay in town, where a lot of people were. There would be a lot of people there, though, celebrating the special night. Which was absolutely stupid for a few reasons: one, larger groups of people could mean larger groups of people transferred between realms. Two, it was really noisy. At least humans wouldn't be able to pick off lone supernaturals who were weakened by the draining magic.

Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore / Location: Mirror Realm, Reagents Shop / Interaction: None
Anselm was simply taking care of his shop. He went to one of the back rooms, which functioned as a greenhouse and for him to grow special herbs. As always when he was inside, he was in his humanoid form. He picked up a pair of shears and began cutting off the dead stems on the plants, humming quietly.

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 13:52:23

Kat Sparrows ❀ 19 ❀ Human ❀ Location; True realm = Street ❀ Mentions; Apollo ( Npc canine ) [ None- Indirectly ]


The blonde merely paused outside the doorway before cheering on Apollo to join her jog, which she took almost every day under the suns dying gaze. Apollo, being the pup he was, had tried his luck in trying to avoid the leash Kat threatened to lock on his harness-- which didn't go far when the leash did, in fact, click into the metal loops of the harness bared on his lilac coat.

Kat took no time in locking the door, and cheerfully making her way down the sidewalk with the curious dog, who'd stop to try and smell everything he'd seen in sight, and fail at doing such as the red leash tugged against the matching harness.
The writers blue gaze traveled over the scenery around her, thinking up stories of blazing forest fires where people baring magic fought to escape the never ending smoke-- or maybe! The story of a first kiss, taking to the time of high-school maybe-- even the thought of a murder mystery story had manged it's way to the growing list of writings to be done sooner or later, maybe never, but they'd still have a place in her mind, even as more flooded her, and dragged her into deep thoughts.

[ Bleh ]

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 15:05:37
Castilian Blue | Male| 221/21 | Void Kitsune |Thief| Location: Mirror Realm - Allyway | Mentions - None (open)

The fox darted into an Allyway, soon after the wail of a woman screaming head been heard. He watched from the dark ally as a group of people gathered around the woman. My jewels! They are gone! is all that was heard as he scurried away from the action. He slowly came to a halt after leaving the scene of the crime a few blocks away. He transformed back into a human form, pulling out the jewels the woman was screaming about from his pocket and observed them. He held a mischievous smile as he put them back in his pocket. " Job well done Cas. Job well done." he said to himself softly.

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Edited on 04/06/18 @ 15:30:30 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 15:16:48
Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore / Location: Mirror Realm, Reagents Shop / Interaction: None
Anselm paused, hearing a scream in the distance. He paused his work, setting down the shears. Turning, he strolled out of his shop and closed the door behind him, locking it with magic. He went to go investigate the sound. If someone was hurt he'd at least try to help them and heal them. Just to be safe he shifted to his true form, his eyes darting everywhere and senses on high alert as he headed in that direction.

Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster / Location: Mirror Realm, Forest / Interaction:
Ari paused, then opened his wings. He examined one, then the other. Good, nothing too bad injury wise. He went to the nearest tree and started climbing it, aiming to take flight. He maneuvered his way toward the topmost branches. Thankfully it was spaced out away from the other trees. He took flight, launching himself into the air and beating his wings harshly to lift himself off.

Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street. / Interaction:
Scarlet kept walking, looking at least somewhat happy. She shied away from everyone who passed nearby, prompting a few confused looks. Oh, well. She didn't need to concern herself with their feelings- she just needed to make sure she didn't get hurt. Absentmindedly she scratched at the edges of the bandages on her arm, huffing. Well, she definitely learned to stay away from windows now. Windows are scary.

Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, park>>Street / Interaction:
Tristan headed out of the park, going toward the street. He swerved around several people, some of which gave a few annoyed grumbles. He just wanted to go home, but maybe he would meet someone soon. Though he wasn't paying much attention to where he was going and there was a very real chance he might crash into someone.

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 17:39:04

Kat Sparrows ❀ 19 ❀ Human ❀ Location; True realm = Street ❀ Mentions; Apollo ( Npc canine ) - Tristan [ None- Indirectly ]


The female had been pulled from her thoughts, no, not by the skater who'd been rapidly approaching her on the sidewalk, but by the pup who'd been whining and annoyingly pulling away at the red harness as though he knew the on coming fate. Kat was mere seconds away from letting out a gruff command to the dog when her body slammed to the ground in a fluster of pale skin, and icy blonde hair.

A noise the mix of a meek, fearful screech, and the sound of a sudden cut off kinda cough escaped her mouth as she hit the dark grey, almost black, pavement. Her hands faster than her body, and easily catching herself just inches from face planting into the leaf covered ground. And even then, she hit the ground lightly with a roll, clutching her knee in the moment of numb pain-- scarlet printed itself on her.

Apollo, the lilac merle colored dog, meekly darted back before crouching forward to sniff his owners slight pain. Before his piercing blue gaze lifted to see who else had caused the sudden clash, and new found unhappiness to Kat.

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Edited on 04/06/18 @ 17:59:37 by ❀ π™ΊπšŠπš ❀ (#139161)

Gortys (#45274)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 18:52:56
Calista | 25| Female | Pansexual | Location: Mirror Realm, a street corner| Mentions: N/A (Open)

Calista lazily stirred the contents of the pineapple smoothie with her straw, watching the yellow contents swirl. She had been drinking it as a celabratory off-of-work drink, bored out of her mind. Despite the fact Calista may have been bored, atleast she was on break. Outside of work she enjoyed releasing the glamour, it was pleasant to not constantly be using magic, no matter how relaxed it made others. Plus, she doubted she needed to hunt anytime soon so her appearance wasnt a huge concern at the moment. She was jolted from her thoughts as she heard the scream of a woman a few blocks away, cringing in suprise and dropping her straw. Calista watched in horror as it fel to the ground and bounced along the pavement, picking up all sorts of horrible dirt and germs.

'Perfect', she thought at the straw with a scowl, as if an annoyed enough look could magically cause the straw to reverse its fall. She crouched her spider half low so she could pick it up between her forefinger and thumb with a napkin and disgustedly threw it in the trash. A wasted straw. And she had thought things had been looking up since her shift ended.

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 18:59:53
Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street / Interaction: Kat
Tristan yelped when he crashed into someone, and ended up sprawled on the ground. He banged his head on the pavement and yelped, ears ringing. After about a minute he tried to sit up, groaning. "Ah.... crap..." He muttered, lifting a hand to rub at his forehead. he cursed again under his breath, glancing around to see who he hit.

Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street. / Interaction:
Scarlet paused after a moment, then watched someone ride past on a bike. At least she didn't get hit, that was a good thing. Well, she thought so at least. It sucked having to have bandages, they made her skin itch but she couldn't scratch it without putting pressure on the wounds underneath.

Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster / Location: Mirror Realm, Forest / Interaction:
Aries flew toward the town, tail swinging back and forth. He made a sharp swing of his tail and dipped his wing, turning. He looked down toward the ground, scanning the outskirts of the town for anything.

Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore / Location: Mirror Realm, Reagents Shop / Interaction: None
Anselm, finding nothing about a scream, sighed and headed back toward his shop. He'd hoped to help, but unfortunately could not. Looking around with a slight swing of his head, he saw not many of the passing people cast a glance at him. While manticores were not common, magical creatures roaming the streets wasn't so strange.

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 19:08:13

Kat Sparrows ❀ 19 ❀ Human ❀ Location; True realm = Street ❀ Mentions; Apollo ( Npc canine ) - Tristan [ None- Indirectly ]


Apollo let out a faint whine before turning back to lick at his owners face, as though he'd bared some type of magical healing power within his slobber. Kat meekly paused, removing her hands from the bloodied knee so she could push herself upwards- to nearly collapse back into the pavement. Giving no sign of struggling, she turned to the being who'd carelessly caused the crash, and asked what could've been the most dumbest question if it weren't for her slightly worried tone.

"You alright there?" She chimed weakly, trying her luck on standing up once more, this time careful to not apply so much weight on her right leg. Reaching out a hand to help him up even if it would cause her to fall.

Kat's blue gaze looked over the male who'd simply caused the clash, and even in the time where she should've been snappy, and maybe a bit of harsh- she bared a smile and the utmost kindest in her voice. The writer seemed the most interested in the crimson hair that Tristan adorned over his golden eyes.

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-05 09:47:47
(On mobile sooo I might forget to do coding and stuff, and might be shorter than normal)

Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street / Interaction: Kat
Tristan looked at Kat with narrowed eyes. "I guess I'm okay. Not dead at least." He tried to get up, then winced. "Ugh..." he groaned and stayed where he was. "Okay I might not be so good." He probably didn't have a concussion, but he still hit his head kinda hard.

(Other ones will probably be a little short until they get interaction.)
Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street>>store / Interaction: Open
Scarlet eventually reached the store, walking inside and looking around. She just went to the back of the store to get cold stuff. Like milk. Or cheese.

Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster / Location: Mirror Realm, Forest>>Town / Interaction:Open
Ari flew a little lower as he reached town, maybe he would end up on guard duty again. That would be fun. Staying up all night, in the cold, looking for the human fleshsacks.... okay he was already talking himself out of this, that sucked.

Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore / Location: Mirror Realm, Reagents Shop / Interaction: None (Open)
Anselm shifted back to his humanoid form upon approaching his shop, walking inside and to his makeshift greenhouse. Now he set upon his work again. He picked up the shears and began cutting off the dead branches of his plants.

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-06-05 10:00:52

Kat Sparrows ❀ 19 ❀ Human ❀ Location; True realm = Street ❀ Mentions; Apollo ( Npc canine ) - Tristan [ None- Indirectly ]


Kat took a pause for a mere second before kneeling down- on her good knee- and settling a hand on his back. The kind smile worn down just by the second, her hands careful to not press anything as she looked him over before speaking lightly.
"my house in just around the corner, I could fetch you some pills or water, anything you need?" Kat kept her voice low and smooth, knowing how easy it was to gain a headache like this. "If you could walk, I can help you there." She seemingly mumbled to herself, her blue gaze drifting off a bit.

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2018-06-05 15:30:06
Zayn Malik|Twenty-Eight|Werewolf|Location: Mirror Realm, Home|Mentions: Buzzard and Jack|

Mocha colored hues stared at the blank canvas, Zayn had been like this for a complete week. The creative he had with last few masterpieces had left him, groaning Zayn stoood up from his stool and walked out of the messy room, he always left this room messy, paint cans filled the room along with splats of different colors on the walls, there were usually crushed up paper balls there along with some dirty dishes and other stuff. Most of the House was clean, Zayn wasn’t a dirty person he just liked to keep this room dirty. The sound of paws hitting the floor filled the house as Buzzard and Jack came running, well it was really just one, being that the two shared a body. The two headed wolf barked happily as Zayn shut the door, a toothy smile appeared on his face as he looked down at them,” You missed me didn’t you?” Zayn asked as he patted their heads, Zayn shuffled past and down the stairs, his stomach started growl as he did....

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-05 16:20:27
Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street / Interaction: Kat
Tristan really wanted to be a jerk and refused, yet at the same time he didn't. Burying his pride, he carefully nodded, making sure not to move to fast. "I'll try to walk..." he glanced over in the direction he lost his skateboard. "Well... that's about a hundred bucks missing." His skateboard wasn't there. Must have rolled off to have skateboard adventures.

Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster / Location: Mirror Realm, Town / Interaction:Open
Ari flew down, down, down, toward the town hall. He landed outside the front, casting looks around himself to unnecessarily watch for danger. He walked into the building, on all fours. It was so fun walking on all fours. He could definitely move faster this way! But then again he had two more limbs to worry about, and he was pretty clumsy at times.

Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, store / Interaction: Open
Scarlet just roamed around the store, getting things she needed. She didn't really think about getting the food she wanted- then again... she went to the freezer section and grabbed a frozen pizza. Pizza is gooood.

Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore / Location: Mirror Realm, Reagents Shop / Interaction: None (Open)
Anselm just continued his work. He heard someone(NPC) walk in, and turned to go to the main part of his shop. "Hello, and welcome to my shop." He watched whoever it was ignore him and walk toward the back of the store. After a while the male walked up to his counter and set down a heavy book. Anselm looked at the book uneasily. "Ah, that's an interesting choice-"
"Just shut the hell up and ring it up." The person cut him off with a growly tone.

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-06-05 17:04:14

Kat Sparrows ❀ 19 ❀ Human ❀ Location; True realm = Street ❀ Mentions; Apollo ( Npc canine ) - Tristan [ None- Indirectly ]


Kat, with no warning, slowly slid her arm around the male as to support him- she was clearly fine with this, not freaked out or embarrassed at all. She snapped a weak call towards a wandering dog, his red leash dragging against the ground as he returned to Kat with a lopsided tongue.

Once hearing about how his skateboard went missing, she meekly paused, thinking of how her brother left his owner skateboard back home but, she'd never give that away. With a low sigh, she kept at a slow pace, somehow managing to grab the dogs leash from the ground, and carrying it with her.

[ sorry for the messiness ]

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Dawn (#119968)

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Posted on
2018-06-05 19:04:12
Lyra Jackson / 20 / Female / Straight / Human / Location: True Realm, Park. / Interaction: N/A
Lyra was sitting on a bench with a notebook in her hand. Every few minutes, she'd pick up her pen from beside her and jot down a few words onto the page before placing it down again and looking towards the sky. She huffed in irritation as she watched the scattered clouds dance slowly across the sky.

Aero / 23 / Female / Straight / Werewolf / Location: Mirror Realm, Forest / Interaction: N/A
Aero watched the moon intensely as she swung her right leg back and forth on the branch she was sitting on. As she watched, she started making plans for what she would do when the portals would appear.

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-05 21:14:31
Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street / Interaction: Kat
Tristan was a little surprised at the supporting motion but he absolutely refused to get flustered. Never! He just tried to keep walking with her and not be too much of a burden. He glanced over at the dog, looking a little curious. "What's his name?" he asked quietly, not really wanting to try being louder.

Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, store / Interaction: Open
Scarlet quickly bought the items she needed and headed out of the store. She saw the sun had begun to set and set in the direction of home so she could get her cold foods in the fridge. After doing so she would probably come back out to watch the sun set. But... after eating half a box of pizza.

Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster / Location: Mirror Realm, Town / Interaction:Open
Ari was inside the town hall for less time than it took him to get there. He got his mission, now he had to see it through. Heading toward the park, he was trotting on all fours. His job was to warn people about the portals and tell them about special items being sold at the town hall that would provide magic disguises should anyone be transported. He didn't like the fact that they had to be payed for though. That was a little bit of a jerk thing for the governor to do.

Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore / Location: Mirror Realm, Reagents Shop / Interaction: None (Open)
Anselm watched the male who had just been in the store, leave. Well, it was that kid's funeral if he decided to summon some demon from the first circle of Hell. Oh, well. It wasn't like the kid would die... he'd just sacrifice his soul to a demon... okay that was as good as dead. Oh well.

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