Posted by Night of Blood|Roleplay Post

zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 13:04:14

Night of Blood

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For centuries there have been myths and legends of supernaturals and monsters. But have you every thought of how these stories originated? The answer is simple: a mirror realm of magic.

Everyone must be prepared for the Night of Blood...


The Council
In this Mirror Realm of Magic there exists a Council which governs all the creatures and monsters and supernaturals who live there. They have put in laws that should a human be found, they will be reported to the town hall immediately. If the human's intentions are read (via telepathic ritual) as hostile toward the Mirror Realm Inhabitants, then they shall be put down.

If their intentions are not so, then they will be judged accordingly. Any non-hostile human will be assigned to a supernatural or monster who will be responsible for the human's actions. It is up to the supernatural or monster what they do with the human, whether it be they put the human to work, or simply watch over the human as they make a home in this place. If a human disobeys repeatedly and they break the laws, then it will be up to their assigned Watcher to take care of them correctly.



True Realm:
In the human world the current season is Fall/August, with the leaves turning yellow, red, and orange, making the trees look like fire just before they fall to the ground and spread their warm colors everywhere. It is a week and a half until the humans' Halloween, when they will be dressing up as the monsters they have no idea exist.
The town where this takes place is small, surrounded by trees and forest. Most trees in the forest are pine while the trees closer to town are leafy, like oaks.

Mirror Realm:
The supernatural's home is naturally darker most of the time, even in the day. While the area is more or less the same in geography, the plant life is quite different. Since this place has more magical properties and magic essence flowing through everything, nature flourishes 24/7 and this allows many different kinds of plants to grow that would not be seen in the human world.
Since people here use magic to maintain their houses, many of the buildings have a lot older architecture. Where grocery stores stand in the human world, there are potions shops, reagents shops, and many other places built to house and distribute magic items.
The forest here houses plentiful creatures and animals that are much different from the True Realm ones. Though, the forest is dark and easy to get lost in at night, so it is not for the faint of heart.
Special: Often on the night of blood, (especially since it is near the human's halloween) Supernaturals and Monsters dress up as different species to make fun of the humans Halloween. If they choose not to, there is still a festival that takes place in the park around this time every year. The festival is HUGE on the Nights of Blood, since it's such a magical night.

Time, Weather: It is "early" afternoon, around 1:35 PM, and the sun is starting to set. For the Mirror Realm, their sky is turning red and the moon is shining brightly. for the True Realm, their moon is taking on a slight red tinge, often called a blood moon. For both, few clouds drift through the sky, lined with similar colors to the sky. Rain is expected to start falling around midnight.

EVENT: (Not taking place as of yet) As soon as the moon is fully visible in the sky, portals will start to open up. Magic from the Mirror Realm will be ever so slightly leaking through the opening portals, causing some of the magical inhabitants of the Mirror realm to be weaker than usual. This simply means that their mana levels will drain quicker when using magic, causing exhaustion to come faster.
However for those creatures and monsters who live mostly off of magic, they might feeling a little bit more of the effects.

Current Characters:

Kat Sparrows / 19 / Cis-Female / Bisexual / Human (❀ 𝙺𝚊𝚝 ❀ (#139161) )
Lyra Jackson / 20 / female / Straight / Human (Dawn (#119968) )
Aero / 23 / Female / Straight / Werewolf (Dawn (#119968) )
Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human (Shian)
Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human (Shian)
Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster (Shian)
Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore (Shian)
Castilian Blue / 221-21 / Male / Bisexual / Void Kitsune (Joker Wolf)
Calista / 25 / female / Pansexual / Arachne (Gortys)
Zayn / 28 / Male / Homosexual / Werewolf (Sherlock and Watson)

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Edited on 06/06/18 @ 19:27:47 by Shian (#120324)

Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-06-08 05:47:53

Kat Sparrows ❀ 19 ❀ Human ❀ Location; True realm = Street ❀ Mentions; Apollo ( Npc canine ) - Tristan [ None- Indirectly ]


Kat chuckled, looking up and brushing a hand through her blonde hair. "The names Kat! Nice to meet you?" she made it rather blunt that she had been asking if his name, but still, she'd been kind enough to not make it sound like she meant it so..mean.

Apollo rolled over, his tail flicking about in his spurt of doggy weirdness. Kat went to finish wrapping the bandages before looking up and offered out a hand of band aids, and the left overs of bandages, simply putting them on the table as her way of moving onward.

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casu consulto (#78689)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-08 14:02:12

Benjamin | Male | Human | Location : True Realm, Park | Mentions : None

For some reason heading into the park - and not past it - had seemed like a good idea… Benjie could not work out why that was now. He stood for a moment, his dark-eyed gaze flat and unreadable as he took in his surroundings. For a moment his lips thinned, irritation making the otherwise neutral façade crack -- and then he saw the bench and he remembered his motivation for coming this way. He could sit on a bench - collapse on a bench, pretty much, but he somehow managed to sink down with a semblance of grace - and rest.

He let the surprisingly heavy rucksack he carried slide down his shoulder and onto the bench beside him. Benjie did not quite release his grip on the back as he massaged his shoulder, trying to ease the ache and the tension in the joint as he did so. He ignored the burning sensation in his side.

He aimed for being inconspicuous, but Benjie was vaguely aware that achieving this might be beyond his ability. As a rule he didn't exactly make for an eye-catching figure. Slightly shorter than average and deceptively slight-looking in terms of build he truly did not go out of his way to draw attention to himself… But he did often attract trouble. To try and avoid this he ducked his head and lowered his eyes, tracking an ant's progress across the path near his feet… At that angle he could just about keep an eye on his own immediate vicinity. This was admittedly made more difficult due to his hair. He'd resisted the suggestion of a hair cut and he sort of regretted that now… The dark, unruly locks kept falling forwards to obscure his vision.

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Dawn (#119968)

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Posted on
2018-06-08 16:21:12
Lyra Jackson / 20 / Female / Straight / Human / Location: True Realm, Park>>Street. / Interaction: N/A
Lyra picked up her belongings and packed them in her bag. She got up and started walking to town, somewhere she could, finally, eat and maybe, just maybe, write a bit more on her story before the day ended. As she continued, she started to hum a random melody that, for some odd reason, seemed to appear everywhere.

Aero / 23 / Female / Straight / Werewolf / Location: Mirror Realm, Town / Interaction: Aries
Aero watched as the guy, who had been previously flying, landed down near her. She stared at him intently - trying to figure out what type of supernatural he was - as her eyes widened in surprise. A skeleton with wings, she thought with an amused smirk. "Hello." She said with an amused tone.

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-08 22:29:41
Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster / Location: Mirror Realm, Town / Interaction: Aero / Mentions: Aero
Aries seemed discomforted by the amused expression and tone... He narrowed his eyes. "I came to warn some people about the Night of Blood. It's tonight. The town hall is selling items for disguise purposes so if you get transferred you will be unnoticed by humans. The items also have capabilities to send messages to the Council so they can attempt to bring you back in case of teleportation" He listed off, the whole speech sounding rather practiced and monotone.

Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street / Interaction: Kat
"I'm..." Tristan hesitated, not sure he should give this stranger his name. "I'm Red." He said, saying his unfortunate nickname. The one time it came in a positive aspect into a conversation. "yes, nice to meet you." He added, seeming very very awkward at the moment. He couldn't remember a time where he had ever been this nervous in a situation. He also needed to stop mentally blaming things on his recent injury, because that was a temptation arising every few seconds.

He glanced at the bandaids being put on the table warily. He also didn't recall ever being this paranoid. what if the bandages had some kind of poison on them? He inwardly sighed, convincing himself that any of the scratches on himself weren't bad enough to need bandages.

Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Park / Interaction: Open
Scarlet spotted the female she saw before walking away, and she spotted a male figure walking into the park. Being generally too anxious to start a conversation on her own, she instead decided to just let her imagination wander. Which, in hindsight, was a bad idea. Her mind liked to wander to rather demented things.

Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore / Location: Mirror Realm, Reagents Shop / Interaction: -Calista-
- Waiting -

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-06-09 15:04:43

Kat Sparrows ❀ 19 ❀ Human ❀ Location; True realm = Street ❀ Mentions; Apollo ( Npc canine ) - Tristan [ None- Indirectly ]


Addison meekly looked up after fixing bits of bandages and bandaid's on her hands, she could feel the awkward raditing off the boy- `Does he suffer from social anxiety? Did I do something wrong? --` The questions flooded her head before she looked away, speaking out words as a way to try and fix whatever was going on.
"This is probably weird...some person taking you into their household and everything.." She let out a chuckle, brushing a hand over her forehead. "Sorry...Hm! Besides that, feeling better?"

Apollo stood from his bed, the tiny toy left limp against the brown bed as he trotted up the stairs to whatever lived above, to whatever stayed upstairs. The lilac merle dog came back down seconds later, carrying another toy- must've gotten bored of the old one.

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Dawn (#119968)

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Posted on
2018-06-09 21:03:05
Aero / 23 / Female / Straight / Werewolf / Location: Mirror Realm, Town / Interaction: Aries
"You seem rather uncomfortable." She said prosaically. "It's tonight, huh. Not to be rude, but you should practice comedy. You sound like an ad for some new item the way you're voice is right now." Aero said, her tone returned to an amused one as she finished her terrible "advice".

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Edited on 09/06/18 @ 21:05:38 by Dawn (#119968)

casu consulto (#78689)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-10 12:47:46

Benjamin | 24 | Male | Human | Location : True Realm, Park | Mentions : None

The quiet and maybe Benjie's own weariness worked together to lull him into what was perhaps a false sense of security. He blinked hard to try and stop his eyes from closing; it was partly successful. The bench he sat on wasn't even particularly comfortable… and he knew that he couldn't really linger. With an air not dissimilar to a hunted animal he swept a look towards the park gates. It was not a look that suited him - adopting the role of the hunted bruised his pride.

He lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck, easing a little of the tension there as he did so. Benjie cast a quick glance at the sky, trying to judge the time of day -- and from it how much longer he might get away with lingering. Not much longer, he told himself with a ripple of discontent. He needed to get up and move but he couldn't find the will to do it. Yet.

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2018-06-10 23:06:21
Sorry if replies are short, I'm tired and it's hard to focus vwv )

Ari/Aries / ??? / Male / Pansexual / Skeleton Monster / Location: Mirror Realm, Town / Interaction: Aero / Mentions: Aero
Aries hissed quietly, his wings twitching. "yeah, yeah, whatever. It's not like I really have a choice. Now if you're done 'not insulting' me, I should just leave you alone." wow, someone's salty. He's just annoyed and he isn't taking kindly to teasing at the moment. Plus, he hated being laughed at. He got the sudden urge to claw something in the face.

Tristan / 17-19 / Male / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Street / Interaction: Kat
Tristan shrugged. "My head still hurts. I just need to sit down for a while before I try and head home." He responded to the last question only, not really wanting to respond to the first comment. That would just bring more awkwardness to the conversation! he looked at the dog, who had brought a new toy into the room. He smiled a little, wanting to try and pet the dog but a little afraid to in case he might bite

Scarlet / 18 / Female / Bisexual / Human / Location: True Realm, Park / Interaction: Open / Mentions: Benjamin
Scarlet saw the male she'd spotted a minute ago sitting on a bench, wondering what was up with him. He seemed rather tense, but there was absolutely no way she would walk up and outright ask him. Even in a town considered safe like this one, walking up to suspicious people like that was a good way to get shanked. (I like the word shank ok) Still, she didn't really catch herself staring until she'd been doing it for a solid minute, and turned her head quickly to look nervously down at the ground. She anxiously hoped that he(Benjamin) Hadn't seen her staring.

Anselm / ??? / Male / Bisexual / Manticore / Location: Mirror Realm, Reagents Shop / Interaction: -Calista-
- Waiting -

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Edited on 10/06/18 @ 23:08:35 by Shian (#120324)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2018-06-11 04:12:33
Castilian Blue | Male| 221/21 | Void Kitsune |Thief| Location: Mirror Realm - Allyway>Street| Mentions - None (open)

After a while he felt relief when his petty crime had been unnoticed. Then he heard something fall. It sounded like a metal tin can colliding with the cold ground. Which made him spin his head to see who or what had caused such a ruckus. What he made out in the dark allyway had been a small calico feline looking creature and it seemed to be making it's way to Cas. The small feline gave a soft meow before proceeding to rub against the man. Castilian had to admit that he didn't perfer animals, especially dogs, but a cat would be fine with him as they can wear a bell collar and he had been obsessed with bells. That seemed the only thing that was important to him at the moment. He bent down to the cat and had given it a light touch on it's forehead and then moved his hands down to were he was able to scratch the feline's chin. It gave louder purrs when Cas had petted it, making him think that it really enjoyed it.

He then got up, giving a small sigh at the same time. "Alright kitty cat I have to go. I don't think I could keep you so I'm sorry for that." he muttered to the cat as he turned away and began to walk. While he walked the only thing he heard now was his footsteps but then heard muffled ones as well. He turned around seeing the cat trail behind him. His eyes narrowed as he turned around to face the feline. "You can't come with me, so stay put." he said before turning around to walk again. Once more when he listened for his footsteps he heard other ones. His head lowered, he had given up. Why did he think a cat would listen to him anyway. He gave a reluctant stare at the cat before he sighed. "Alright fine but you will not stay for too long, go it?" he said as the feline walked at his place now. He rolled his eyes as he began to walk into the direction of the exit of the ally. Now he was on the streets with a cat by his side. Hopefully the cat doesn't bring any attention to me. Only time will tell. Right now he was just trying to get out of town and into the forest.

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Edited on 11/06/18 @ 04:19:22 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

casu consulto (#78689)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-12 12:56:28

Benjamin | 24 | Male | Human | Location : True Realm, Park | Mentions : Scarlet

His skin prickled uncomfortable as Benjamin looked up - and found himself under some sort of scrutiny. Well, perhaps scrutiny was too strong a word… The girl staring in his direction didn't look threatening. With his brow furrowing slightly he returned the stare with one of his own. Benjie's stare was flat and slightly challenging - and then puzzled. As a general rule being stared at by either sex unnerved him - but he supposed he made for an odd figure. He was out of place; looking for a temporary hiding place might have been easier in a different part of town. Shifting slightly he sat back, tucking his chin into the collar of his jacket as he did so as thought he might look less visible in doing so. It didn't work.

Benjie cleared his throat and pushed aside several witty remarks. Quirking an eyebrow, he spoke with a slight drawl that hinted at mingled amusement and irritation. "Problem?"

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2018-06-18 21:13:55

Zayn Malik|Twenty-Eight|Male|Werewolf|Location-Mirror Realm-Street|Mentions- Aries,Areo|

Zayn had puzzled facial expression as he looked up, his sensitive hearing picking up on the sound of...flapping. Mocha eyes locked into what seemed to be a....flying skeleton? ’What the hell?. Zayn thought to himself as he quirked an eyebrow. He watched as it landed next to someone, after a few seconds of staring Zayn looked away from the two and went down the sidewalk....After a few minutes Zayn arrived at a small store that he went to religiously, ‘Zacharias Macello. Zayn had gotten meat from here since he was a child, it was the best in all of the True Realm. Zayn entered with a small smile on his face as the smell of all types of meat filled his nose....

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Edited on 18/06/18 @ 21:16:59 by Sign Of Helena (#111475)

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