Posted by The Next Hope!

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-07-12 16:59:06

Main Roleplay Thread


Sign-up Form

Age: (Teachers: 25+)
Brief History:
Sword or Bow Description:
Shield Description:
Armor Description:
Dragon's Name:
Special Ability:
Description of Dragon:
Personality of Dragon:
Stats: (Rider & Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):0/10
Attack:0/10 & 0/10
Defense:0/10 & 0/10
Quick-Thinking:0/10 & 0/10
Intelligence:0/10 & 0/10
Strength:0/10 & 0/10
Agility:0/10 & 0/10
Endurance:0/10 & 0/10

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Edited on 12/07/18 @ 17:02:19 by Viper (#91328)

Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 20:04:03
Name: Theo Alder (Tay-oh)

Age: (Teachers: 25+) 27

Occupation: Teacher of Flying

Appearance: Standing at around 6'4/6'5(he doesnt really care how precise he is) Theo can be fairly intimidating. His broad shoulders and brawny physique can leave some feeling a bit hesitant to ask him for help. And honestly, His demeanor doesn't really help with that. Theo won't take any of your shit. He rarely finds things funny, and can be quite hard to impress, which makes his job a bit easier, as he teaches the younger students how to fly thier dragons. He has fairly wavy, dirty blond hair that reaches just a bit longer than his shoulder, which he usually tucks back into a bun in order to keep it out of his face. His eyes, while nothing too special, are a pale forest green, not that you could really see as you'd be squinting too much from the sun. His skin tans wonderfully in the sun, so during winter, he has Vysenia fly into the sky and lays on her back to catch some rays. He doesnt think of it as vanity , but merely as keeping his image intact. While he doesnt smile often, when he does, it's not some brilliant smile that lights up the room. But it does bring a softness and kindess to his eyes that isn't easy to find.
Personality: If one had met Theo, one would most definetly not call him and affectionate, or even animate man. He doesnt really see the point of strong emotions besides anger and annoyance. But really, thats what he has Vysenia for.
Brief History: Born in a different area than most in the camp, he has always felt a bit sperated from others. His mother dropped him off at the school, hoping that he would have a somewhat better life than her had been. So he never really knew his family, not that he cares.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Sword or Bow Description: Theo was never one for fashion, so his longsword is one of a fairly simple design. Made with Damascus, the longsword has a hilt made of strong oak, stained like his shield, with a band of gold in the middle of the hilt. The guard is steel plated with gold. A dragon's head, resembling Vysenia's without the horns, extends each of the ends of the guard, creating a classic look

Shield Description: His round shield is make of solid oak and stained to a dark brow, so that when blood get on it, it doesnt look too dirty. In the middle of this large peice is a celtic knot painted on with pure gold and heathed to the point that it cannot come off.

Armor Description: Pure medal armour is not practical when one is in battle on a large dragon, so Theo's armour is made of a combination of leather, chainmail, bronze, and fur. The fur edges the leather and connects it to the chainmail, making it all one seamless peice. The leather is engraves with Celtic runes, the religion of his mother, though not one he practices today. But what could it hurt to have a little more protection? The bonze plate wrapped around his shoulders and stomach is to protect him during battle, along with his leather and bronze gloves.

Kin: Korana (Mother), Casek(Father), Jinoah(Sister)

Dragon mark: Theo's dragon mark is, oddly enough, not on his hand as it is most people. His mark is on the right side of his neck. The large mark draws a mild resemblance to the druid tri-swirl, but it curves along the back of his neck, the swirls curling down his back until just above his lower lack. He figured that his mark's size is probably due to the size of his own dragon

Dragon's Name: Vysenia

Special Ability: Vysenia is able to control the shadows and mist around her and her rider. This means she can create beings out of these shadows that are about to attack their enemies. She can fill a room in darkness, allowing her and Theo to get away

Description of Dragon: Vysenia, being around 20 years old is just about done growing. Even Theo hopes she's done growing. She is currently a staggering 41 feet tall and just about 290" in length, taking after her rider in the size department. Her scales are a muted forest green, helping her to blend in more as she flies above the trees and through mountains. The two twisten horns on the top of her skull are a briliant gold, as are the large spines that run along her back and to her tail. Her tail then has spines running along the top until it gets to the tip, afterwhich her tail speads so that she can use it like a spiked club in contact. It also hugely help her when trying to change direction mid-air. Her long neck is much thinner than the rest of her body, making her look more fragile than she actually is.

Personality of Dragon: Vysenia is basically a polar opposite to her rider. She is known around the school for being very maternally oriented and often will help any who seem to be struggling. For this reason she has issues with her size and enormous teeth. But when it come to any kind of battlefield, wether it be political or war, she will back Theo up and defend him again any danger.

Other: He was born in a differrent region than most other people, so he ahas an accent, which sounds close to modern day french (pink feather)

Stats: (Rider & Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):10/10
Attack:8/10 & 9/10
Defense:9/10 & 7/10
Quick-Thinking:10/10 & 7/10
Intelligence:8/10 & 8/10
Strength:8/10 & 10/10
Agility:7/10 & 6/10
Endurance:6/10 & 7/10

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Edited on 09/11/18 @ 10:01:12 by Rainy (#50952)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-11-09 06:29:03
Name: Amelia (Emi) Hallow

Gender: Female

Position: Student

Age: 16

Appearance: Amelia is a round faced girl with freckles along her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. She has vibrant green eyes and long brown hair reaching to her knees. She has olive skin, and is a bit short for her age. She's skinny, but curvy, and typically wears a light blue shirt with laced sleeves and collar, as well as khaki shorts. Her "Mark" is a crying face with no eyes on her arm that cries tears down her her finger tips.

Personality: Amelia is kind, but very blunt, and often she gets tongue tied and flustered, as she is the type to blush easily. She prefers to spend time with boys, not really being the girly type. She is klutzy, but learns quickly, and is an excellent listener. She loves to spend her time is libraries, and reading is her favorite past time.

Brief History: Amelia grew up in a household where her mother was dead, and, having no siblings, she lived only with her dad, who was crippled after a gun fight. She took care of him until she was 14, and he died from a stroke. The rest Revealed in Rp.

Sexuality: Straight

Sword or Bow Description: Amelia carries a bow, carved from an oak tree. Its painted a dark grey, with a carving of a tear in the middle.

Shield Description: Amelia's shield is made of a similar but slightly weaker metal than her armor. It is a shiny grey with a tear emblem on the side.

Armor Description: Amelia's armor is made of a strong but smooth shiny grey metal, slightly bendy to allow more flexible movements.

Kin: None

Dragon's Name: Razor

Gender: Male

Special Ability: Razor is able to sprout razor sharp spikes from under his skin, hence his name. He can sheath and unsheathe these spikes as he pleases, and they can get to be roughly 2 inches long if he uses them in every spot possible. However, they can be as long as he pleases, but the longer they are, the less spikes he has.

Description of Dragon: Razor is the size of a horse, with startlingly black shiny scales and bright aqua eyes. He has spikes on the end of his tail and on his head.

Personality of Dragon: Razor is, despite his intimidating appearance and name, a marshmallow. He's kind and shy and blushes easily, for a dragon, very much alike yet different to Amelia.

Other: Pink feather

Stats: (Rider & Dragon) Stats: (Rider & Dragon)
Balance (Rider only): 9/10
Attack: 10/10 (Dragon) & 7/10 (Rider)
Defense: 7/10 (Dragon) & 9/10 (Rider)
Quick-Thinking: 9/10 (Dragon) & 8/10 (Rider)
Intelligence: 10/10 (Dragon) & 9/10 (Rider)
Strength: 8/10 (Dragon) & 7/10 (Rider)
Agility: 10/10 (Dragon) & 8/10 (Rider)
Endurance: 9/10 (Dragon) & 7/10 (Rider)

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Edited on 09/11/18 @ 15:47:13 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

Rowana-banana (#90881)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2018-11-09 08:10:28
Name: Rowanna Fann(Nickname-R)

Age: 17

Appearance: Young. Her entire person radiates a youthful glow, almost tangible when she's near. She has playful short, cropped, dark brown hair with natural red streaks going through it. Her hair is almost always sticking up, which makes sense, because you can never catch her actually doing anything with it. She has wide, bright green eyes, which are almost strikingly similar to her dragon's eyes, Styx. R is a smaller girl, only around 5'3. She has paler skin, though it is darkening slightly from flying high with Styx. She is small overall, and flexible, being able to fit into small crevices and spaces others may not be able too. She never removes a small, silver, finely detailed bracelet from her wrist. Her mark is three curvy lines, symbolizing a river in certain more primitive languages.

Personality: Despite seeming young, R is often the 'darker/edgy' friend, finding humour in a darker set of jokes. She is a bit of an avid prankster. She often is isolated, and prefers to stay away from most people. But when she first touched Styx, and by always being around the dragon, the extremely kind dragon rubbed off on her, making the girl more understanding and caring. This girl is a camper and survivor, living in the woods by choice most her life, so she isn't one to be pushed around. She is confident in herself, and isn't afraid to show it.

Brief History: R was born in a small family in a small house. She never found meaning there, and often wandered off. It became so common, that she could wander off and camp in the woods surrounding her home and her parents knew she would be fine as long as she had her bow and arrows. She found Styx as a young girl, around 12. Styx was high up in a tree and was a beautiful swirled purple egg. R's agility came in handy, snatching the egg from the highest branch on the highest tree. The egg hatched later that night, while R was camping. When she left home for the school, her mother, a kind woman, gave her a ornately detailed golden bracelet, which she never removes from her left wrist.

Sexuality: Questioning

Sword or Bow Description: A small, lightweight crossbow that reloads and fires as quick as Styx can fly. The bow has a finely carved dragon on it's end, which R carved herself to signal to everyone that the bow is hers and hers only. The bow's arrows each have a purple feather on their ends, the feather belonging to Styx, as if the personal feather can help the arrow fly straight and true.

Shield Description: The shield is also lightweight for easy maneuverability. It has a painted sliver outside, reflecting light for random clever plans(or pranks), when ever someone needs to be blinded, which actually happens more than you think. It has a delicately painted dragon on its inside, in the exact detail as the bow's dragon.

Armor Description: Lightweight and easy to move in is R's favorites. Her armor is a chain-mail and leather, making it easy to move in on a dragon. She ignores the frilly 'girl' stuff, and went for simple and straight to the point. Her armor is camouflaged, making it easier to sneak in the dark. Again, a small dragon in the same detail as the shield and bow is on the right shoulder.

Kin: Mother- Ann Fann, Father- Dan Fann (deceased), Sister- Estalla Saxton(married, away from home)

Dragon's Name: Styx

Special Ability: Along with the regular powers of a land dragon, fire and smoke, Styx is able to influence other creatures emotions and, for the feeble minded, steer their thoughts to a certain direction. A quick example of this is- A small bird is terrified of Styx. Styx closes her eyes and sends a calm, happy feeling to the bird. Bird quiets down. If Styx wishes the bird to sit on her nose, since the bird is relatively weak-minded, she can will the bird to do so, though it would be twice as draining on her energy as just influencing it's emotion.

Description of Dragon: A feathered dragon with a pastel violet underbelly and a mix of vibrant purple/violet feathers. Styx is well adapted for the cold because of her feathers. She has large, feathered wings that slowly tint into a white at the ends of the pastel purple feathers. Styx has a small black horn, with an intricate green swirl decorating it, above her nose. She is small and nimble, similar to her rider. She has one white claw on each foot, while all the others are black. Her eyes are the same color as R's, a bright green. She is small and nimble, just like R.

Personality of Dragon: Styx is one of the most understanding, caring, and sweet dragons. She can tell when someone is sad or angry and tries to fix it, hence her abilities. Her calm personality is very influencing and almost contagious, affecting anyone near. Her personality undermines her rider's, being the 'better' and nicer of the two.

Other: Pink Feather

Stats: (Rider & Dragon)

Balance (Rider only):8/10

Attack:6/10 & 7/10

Defense:8/10 & 7/10

Quick-Thinking:9/10 & 8/10

Intelligence:8/10 & 9/10

Strength:6/10 & 7/10

Agility: 9/10 & 8/10

Endurance:8/10 & 9/10

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Edited on 09/11/18 @ 21:28:18 by Rowana-banana (#90881)

Yukiterasu (#142191)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-09 17:07:25
Name: Kirin Abbadon

Age: 17

Appearance: A small male standing at about 5'4" with curly light brown hair and ice blue eyes. He is thin, and lacks definitive muscle, but it is still there. He has pale skin, and a slightly feminine build.

Personality: A bit reserved and quiet. He can be seen as mean to those that he doesn't know, preferring to stay by himself rather than in a group. He has trust issues with those around him, preferring to keep them at arms length from himself.

Brief History: A simple farmboy who lived off the land on his own, riding and caring for horses in his free time along with archery, he became skilled with the bow and arrow after a few years. [WIP]

Sexuality: Gay

Sword or Bow Description: A simple hickory wooden bow, with a metallic arrow rest. The string itself is made up of natural sinew from animals he hunted.

Shield Description: He uses a small wooden buckler with metal rims attached to his non dominant lower arm so he is able to still use his bow if required.

Armor Description: [WIP]


Dragon's Name: Keras [Care-us]

Special Ability:

Description of Dragon:

Personality of Dragon:

Other: Pink Feather

Stats: (Rider & Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):0/10
Attack:0/10 & 0/10
Defense:0/10 & 0/10
Quick-Thinking:0/10 & 0/10
Intelligence:0/10 & 0/10
Strength:0/10 & 0/10
Agility:0/10 & 0/10
Endurance:0/10 & 0/10

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Bloodblossom (#131214)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-09 18:58:27

Nikita Dane



Nikita is short and slim standing at only 5’1 being 123lbs. She has smooth lightly tanned skin, a small nose with a slightly upturned tip. Thin lips with a distinct cupid's bow, naturally a light pink. Her hair is a platinum blonde, almost white and has been since her birth. Her eyes are an icy blue with darker blue around her pupil. She is usually dressed in tight-fitting pants made of a highly flexible material, and a tank top covered by a leather vest. Her mark is simple, a spiral just between her shoulder blades, the line that makes the spiral isn't as smooth as usual it's more jagged like it has been torn.

Nikita looks sweet and timid, but looks can be deceiving. Her unthreatening appearance is her greatest weapon, aside from her sizeable dragon companion. She can be caring and compassionate… if you're a dragon. If your a human, don’t expect flowers or anything. Much like her parents and older brother she isn’t a touchy-feely person and prefers her alone time. Her sarcastic and somewhat offending attitude is just a part of her. She has a tongue as sharp as her sword and isn’t afraid to use it. Even when unintentional she comes off as blunt and seemingly aggressive.

Brief History:
Nikita spent most of her childhood with her older brother Mal, while he trained and worked with his dragon Arsyn. So even at the age of four, she had a love and deep respect for the creatures. She thought they were beautiful and each one was unique, just like every human being. Mal taught her how to care for dragon eggs and hatchlings, that’s how she met Amethyst. She had been eight years old at the time and Mal had just brought a new collection of eggs home from his job, gathering and protecting abandoned eggs. There were about six in the group some large and rough, others smaller and smooth. Earthy colors, bright colors, and black and white.

Her attention had been on only one egg after she had dashed from the house and demanded he let her help he had handed her a medium sized egg. Purple in color with a thin layer of what looked like gemstone around the outside, the egg was beautiful and different from the others. She liked it and as she expressed her fondness of the egg her brother only chuckled and told her that she could be responsible for that one. He did warn her that after they all hatched they were all going back to the nursery where he worked. Slightly disheartened she understood, but she was determined to take better care of this egg than Mal ever could!

It took the egg six months to hatch, every day she would sit by the egg in its ‘incubator’ and read to it. Different books her mother had brought home from the library told her more and more about the eggs and some even told her how to distinguish what type of dragon could be in the egg. She had a whole list of types of dragons scribbled on a small torn piece of paper and at the top was ‘Gemstoneian Steelcrown’ she thought it sounded cool. Once the egg hatched and the unsturdy hatchling stumbled from the egg, Nikita called for her brother and watched closely as he inspected it trying to tell what type of dragon it was. She provided the name at the top of her list and he agreed that she was right, the tiny purple critter no bigger than the family cat was, in fact, a ‘Gemstoneian Steelcrown’.

After a few days of caring for the little purple female, Nikita decided to give her a name, for her purple coloring she chose her favorite gemstone, Amethyst. Noticing the bond between the hatchling and his sister, Mal convinced their parents to let her keep the dragon and he was the one to enroll her into Dririam’s riding school once she turned sixteen and eager to learn. Nikita was ecstatic and couldn’t stop yammering about how happy she was and how much she love, love, loved her amazing older brother.


Sword Description:
The blade made of tungsten metal, has a small slightly curved crossguard, offering just enough protection to the owner's hands, as well as adding a weight balance to the blade. The cross-guard has an elegant dragon tail on each side, this is clearly a weapon not meant to be wielded by a commoner. Both sides of the pommel is decorated with a single amethyst gem, no expense is spared for this gorgeous weapon.

Shield Description:
The shield's edges are reinforced with double rows of small spikes and have been decorated with a scaly texture. Its center is garnished with symmetrical dragon tails and even metalwork.

Armor Description:
The breastplate is made from various layers of rounded metal sheets, they resemble scales. The upper legs are covered by a chainmail skirt reaching just below the groin. The lower legs are protected by greaves which have several curved spikes attached near the bottom, shaped like claws. Despite the protection, her armor provides she hardly wears it, she sticks with her usual outfit.

Father: Halforth Dane [Alive]
Mother: Salinea Dane [Alive]
Brother: Malcolm Dane [Des.]

Dragon's Name:

Special Ability:
By allowing a flame to brew in her chest Amethyst can produce a deep purple haze from her chest. This haze acts as a temporary hypnotic and makes anyone who inhales it susceptible to Nikita’s voiced commands.

Description of Dragon:
A deep purple covers her body from head to tail, they fade a little towards her stomach into a lighter purple. A few silver scales decorate her face and match well with her silver toned eyes. She is a slim dragon being only 92ft long and 20ft tall with silver twisted horns atop her head, as if in a permanent crown. Her eyes are framed by the darkest purple scales, they seem almost black making her silvery irises pop.

Personality of Dragon:
Amethyst is a sweet dragon with a calm disposition, quite the opposite of her hot-headed rider. She is usually submissive to male dragons, but will often huff and ‘bully’ other females. She doesn’t get agitated easily unless it involves Nikita, she is overly protective and can become extremely aggressive to protect her best friend.

Pink Feather

Stats: R D
Balance: 9/10 - ---
Attack: 6/10 - 6/10
Defense: 7/10 - 8/10
Quick-Thinking: 9/10 - 9/10
Intelligence: 8/10 - 9/10
Strength: 6/10 - 7/10
Agility: 9/10 - 9/10
Endurance: 9/10 - 9/10

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Edited on 09/11/18 @ 19:37:15 by Bloodblossom (#131214)

Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2018-11-09 21:16:03
Dyami Grey



Dyami stands at a shocking 7'2, with broad shoulders and a well-defined body. He has very pale skin and his hair is pure black and long, reaching mid-back and always pulled back into a braid. His eyes are a solid sea-green. Scars lace his body, especially the lashes across his back, and he generally tries to hide them. His mark is a black circle interlaced with a web-like appearance and dragon claws cutting through the fabric.

A really sweet giant, Dyami loves to make you laugh. He's caring and gentle and will rarely raise his voice in anger. A good listener, Dyami has a knack for getting others to open up to him. He loves to relax and the warmth of the sun on his skin. He loves to listen to the birds sing and the crickets chirp. He's a gentle guy because he has known fear and pain. He's kind because he knows what it is like to be treated as nothing and pushed to near death. He's a sweet talker and can be compared to a flower for his gentle nature. He hates violence, hates what he used to be, hates to even see someone cry.

Dyami is an avid observer. Despite his gentleness, he can be intimidating. If anything is to come between him and his family, he is a force to be reckoned with. Dyami has a side to him that he hates. He is strong-willed and fierce, never backing down from a challenge and always willing to put himself first. This tall male is always prepared for violence even when there is peace because he needs to protect his family, his friends. He can get irritated easily and hates to be ignored.

Brief History:
Dyami was born to lower class citizens and his father was often away. His mother died when he was six and his older sister was forced to leave her childhood early because his father was not ever home. A year later, Dyami found a lone egg in the woods and kept it hidden. He snuck away to learn taught himself how to care for the egg in which he knew was a dragon. One night, as he was coming back, his father was home, the lights were on. It was close to midnight. Dyami entered the house and his father was mad drunk. The drunkenness never ceased, but to keep his sister out of the madness of his father, he accepted punishment. The egg hatched a few days later, but he kept the baby she-dragon hidden. Her black scales that shown stars in the sunlight and piercing white eyes entranced him and he couldn't just leave her. The dragon that had come to take a protective love over her care-taker Dyami went missing for a few days. As did Dyami's father and the punishments stopped. At this time, Dyami's sister found out about his dragon and enrolled him into the school for riders and their dragons.


Bow Description:
This composite bow is made of dark oak wood and its string made with horse mane strands carefully braided together and covered in sturdy, lasting hide. The bow's wood is carved in images of dragons and wolves. The handle is wrapped in black-dyed leather.

Shield Description:
This shield is of a excellent, resistance metal and it is rimmed with short, sharp spikes with a spine running down the front middle of it that is deadly thin and sharp. For each loose scale that falls from his dragon, Dyami adds the scale to his shield, effectively adding more padding to the shield.

Armor Description:
The dark metal and rock that makes up his armor is specially nicked in certain places to hold the fallen scales from any dragon snugly in place. The underside of the metal is lined with leather that adds comfort and padding. His helmet is made of the same dark material, but does not have the scale nicks. Instead, it sports a spine of spikes down the center top of the helmet and cuts around to his chin, covering only his nose and mouth. A small movable piece on the helmet servers as a cover for his eyes, leaving dragon like slits for him to see through, surprisingly giving him a wide range of vision. The ear holes in the helmet are set much like a barn owl's and crafted to help channel sound into his ears. While this can be of great advantage for Dyami, it can also damage his ears when loud noises are channeled into it at damaging forces.

Father: Marco Grey (Unknown, Assumed dead)
Mother: Rosalind Grey (Dead)
Older Sister: Tricity Grey (Alive)

Dragon's Name:

Special Ability:
Control pressure and sound or seep into the shadows and twist dreams into nightmares that can damage the host in the real world. The nightmares deplete Foxglove of her sanity so she can only use it once every 2 months.

Description of Dragon:
At 11 years, Foxglove stands at 20ft at the shoulder, an additional 4 feet with her sturdy neck and stretches roughly 145 feet, another 10 feet including her tail. Covered in black and golden white scales. The golden white scales are sparse, littered throughout the original black ones and only seen in direct light as they cast a look like she is covered in stars. The scales on her neck, chest, stomach, and the underside of her tail are thick and rough, the ones on the rest being slick and smooth, but equally tough. Her tail is broad and sturdy. Her wings (20 ft each) are similar to a bat’s, the fingers being small black scales with a black soft, leathery material in between. Her ears are simply, small spots in her head, shielded by a dark scale and she has four large, spiraled horns on top of her head that curve back, similar to a ram’s. A ridge of spikes along her back and tail. On her front legs, she has 3 8-inch claws and a fourth smaller one that serves as a thumb. Her back claws are thicker and shorter, but only 3. Her head is shaped similar to a horse’s, but broader all around. Shockingly white eyes.

Personality of Dragon:
Foxglove is a highly protective and aggressive dragon. She's hotheaded, stubborn, and an overall intimidating dragon. She often has trouble with letting anger get in front of rational thought and if it comes to Dyami and his well-being, she will do whatever it takes. Her only loyalty is to her rider and she is a brooding dragon. Foxglove's always on high alert and cautious. She's very serious and sharp-tongued, often not thinking before she speaks. Where ever Dyami goes, she sees to it that she's always with him and will not second think killing for his safety. She is Dyami's complete and utter opposite.

Pink Feather

Stats: (Rider & Dragon)
Balance (Rider only): 7/10
Attack: 3/10 & 8/10
Defense: 4/10 & 8/10
Quick-Thinking: 6/10 & 3/10
Intelligence: 9/10 & 9/10
Strength: 6/10 & 9.5/10
Agility: 6/10 & 7/10
Endurance: 5/10 & 5/10

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-10 21:14:35
Name: Arya Nacona
Age: 17
Arya is roughly 5'7. She is Caucasian ethnic race with German, Irish and British background. Her hair is a golden-blonde, and she rarely wears it down, preferring it braided. Her eyes are a stormy grey. She has a small scar on her right cheek from a fight she got in when she was younger. She has never shown anyone her mark.

Arya is a snarky, bold and rash. She tends to question everything which gets her in trouble. Arya is a smart person, but doesn't always utilize her gifts. She is emotionally unstable even though she tries to carry this "im fine, leave me alone," stanza. Arya is the opposite of dainty, and isn't afraid to get her hand dirty. She will also exploit every single opportunity until her luck has run out. (will develop more in RP)

Brief History
As a girl, she lived in a small village on an island off of the coast of Ireland. She had a brother, a family, everything. Even a future as a warrior for the village.
Arya had a happy life. Had. When she was 14, her family was murdered. The young girl fled, and met her dragon, Dinah. She stated
"If I hadn't met Dinah, I would have starved."
Arya still has the family crest on her arm, but NEVER shows anyone. She eventually found her way to the academy. She can't decide whether or not she like it there.

Straight (leaning towards Asexual, however)

Arya's sword handle is made out of rowan wood. In it, this is engraved: Better to fight and fall than to live without hope.
(~Volsunga, c.12)
The blade itself is medium length and narrows out. (starts wide). It is made of iron, and Arya often huffs about cleaning it.

Shield Description

Armor Description
Leather, with iron coatings. Arya relies on agility and her fighting skills more then her armor. However, her chestplate, kneepads, and arm guards are iron.

Ratha (mother- deceased)
Vinli (father-deceased)
Aidan (brother-deceased)

Dragon's Name

Special Ability
Dinah has control over water

Description of Dragon
Dinah has the build similar to that of a IceWing-SeaWing hybrid (Wings of Fire reference UwU)
She has sea blue over-scales, greenish-blue secondary scales and white-blue stomach. Her spikes are grey and her eyes are ice chips. Her wings are the same are her over-scales (bones) and her secondary scales (fan thing? WHAT DO YOU CALL IT.MEMBRANE?). She is stands at 8'9, with a wingspan of 24 feet (across).

Personality of Dragon
Dinah, in contrast to Arya, is fun, bubbly and open. She loves to hang out with her friends and even strangers despite Arya's wishes. Dinah thinks with her heart more then her head which is not good in the long run. Despite these differences, Arya and Dinah work together very well. I also plan on expanding on Dinah in the RP :)

She loooves cats
Her rider mark is a curled feather

Stats: (Rider & Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):7/10
Attack:8/10 & 6/10
Defense:8/10 & 9/10
Quick-Thinking:9/10 & 5/10
Intelligence:9/10 & 9/10
Strength:8/10 & 8/10
Agility:8/10 & 6/10
Endurance:5/10 & 9/10

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Edited on 11/11/18 @ 16:41:50 by Hurri (#147819)

Hungwy Puppylion (#158937)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 05:00:20
Name: Spector Hartbreathe
Age: 18
Appearance: Skinny male with pale skin, white hair rolling to the left side ( left sidecut ). Standing at 6`9.
Personality: Spector is like an Introvert - emo, but instead of black he prefers white. He is very anti-social and akward, and when he rides his dragon Levithian, he prefers to just talk to his teachers.
Brief History: Spector had been raised in New York, not in a house, on an abandoned street, with Levithian. No parents, No family.
Sexuality: Straight
Bow Description: A large longbow, the size being 3`11, made of Lebanon Cedar. It is strung with Cooner Wire, although a whole wire of that is too thick, so the weapon-maker pulled it to a thin string and tied it tightly to the wood. The arrows are made of the thin wood form the stump of a Balsam Fir. The tip of the arrow is not even 1 inch thick. it is extremely thin and sideward, made of a mix of Satin and Stainless Steel.
Shield Description: A small sheild made with Osmium, and outlined with diamond. It's very small and light, but it is extremely dense. Ergo if someone were to try and stab me, I could quickly grab the sheild and move it to the place they are trying to attack, and it wouldn't even make a dent.
Armor Description: A rough and bumpy on the outside, smooth on the inside. the first layer is Osmium, and on top of that was a large amount of bumpy Biotite. Spector may look weird trying to walk in this, but when they fight him they will see WHY he wears them.
Kin: Unknown
Dragon's Name: Levithian ( Lehv - ih - Thy -ee - on )
Special Ability: Levithian's special ability is very strange, But extremely powerful. His primary ability is when fighting, he uses Audio Manipulation: Using sound waves to injure, hypnotize or confuse. When looking for a retreated opponent, he uses Bioelectrical Sensitivity: The ability to sense the electrical signatures in living men and animals. A cool thing is he speaks a diffrent language by glowing some of his swirls, his underbelly, his whole body, his muzzle, or every single swirl or part of his body at the same time.This language is called Neonial. ( Nee - On - Ee - Ul )
Description of Dragon: Levithian is a Chinese Dragon, so he has no legs and can only use his head, tail, and brain to battle. ( He is a water dragon ) He is neon green with a white underbelly, and black swirls on the sides of his back and middle of his tail, and on his muzzle. He has straight horns that are yellow, which lean to the back of his head, and he has a series of straight yellow horns on his back cheek area. One yellow spade on his tail. 169 feet long, 31 feet tall.
Personality of Dragon: Levithian is snarky and arrogant. He would do anything for Spector, but he does it his own way often. He tends to be stubborn to anyone but Spector, who he is obediant towards.
Other: PInk FOOthEER
Stats: (Rider & Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):5/10
Attack:10/10 & 10/10
Defense:10/10 & 10/10
Quick-Thinking:3/10 & 8/10
Intelligence:4/10 & 10/10
Strength:4/10 & 4/10
Agility:5/10 & 8/10
Endurance:6/10 & 3/10
Rider Mark: A large, white fire mark over his left eye.

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Edited on 11/11/18 @ 17:20:40 by Mirror rorriM (#158937)

𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 14:34:50

↠ Name: Lance Thornes (Lancy, Thorn)

↠ Age: Almost 17

↠ Appearance: Lance has natural bright red hair, with more of a coppery tinge to it. It turns into a dark copper, sort of blood colored in the darkest parts, when it gets wet. He has intriguing forest green eyes, rare for a redhead. They barely hide the sharp intelligence and wits behind his irises. Lance has soft and moderately high cheekbones, with a Greek nose, all covered in a small, light dash of copper/brown freckles that end over the bridge of his nose, not reaching his fine, thin lips with near unnoticeable dimples in his usually pink-tinged cheeks.
Lance has decent muscle in his body, but still leaning to the thin, lanky side. Otherwise, he can be considered lithe. He stands tall, around 6'2 and still growing. Overall, quite handsome in his own way.
His mark is a sleek arrow going down the inside of his left forearm, with a thin poison ivy vine curling around it. It is imprinted in a simple black.

↠ Personality: An introvert with a special talent for trouble. Funny how someone so invisible can lie like a truth, unlock nearly any common lock with a bobby pin or paper clip, and blame everything on an entirely different person. Though, he makes sure to keep those traits hidden down inside of him. Most of the time. All the moments he spends silent are filled with plans and ideas, tricks and lies. Other that that, he's loyal and kind if you get to know him, confident and weird, if snappy and sarcastic at first. Lance also enjoys music, being able to play guitar and has a nice, if underused, voice. He lacks self-confidence and is indecisive.

↠ Brief History: - Lance's mother was the dragon rider, and she owned a gentle female for many years, and still takes her out for a ride once in a while.
- Dragons were accepted into the family when Lance's dad met Runa, his mother's female. He loved her protectiveness and affection, even if he didn't particularly like dragons at that time.
- Lance is an only child.
- He lived with his parents where they settled in Sydney, Australia.

↠ Sexuality: Pansexual, leaning on homo but would go for either gender

↠ Sword Description: A sleek, obsidian black sword. Obsidian is not the strongest metal, but can be sharpened to the deadliest point, which is what Lance prefers. The cross-guard is made of silver, intricate if you look at it up close but still with a simple appearance. The grip is bound in black leather. Engraved invisibly on the black blade is ne obliviscaris dolor, do not forget the pain in Latin. On occasion, a trickle of Loki's poison is led down the engraving for an extremely deadly advantage. This led to the engraving becoming the slightest tinge of green.

↠ Bow Description: Another black weapon, but made of flexible ebony wood. The grip is molded to the shape of Lance's hand, while what seems like a shallow vine design is engraved spiraling around the length of the bow before thinning out and disappearing at the tips. His arrows have shafts of the same ebony wood, while the head are made of dense obsidian, trimmed with edges sharp enough to cut skin by merely dragging it lightly across the surface. The fletchings are symmetrically placed black feathers.

↠ Shield Description: Though he doesn't like using it very much, Lance has a black and silver shield with multiple plant carvings, bordered with a line of silver. It is relatively small in size.

↠ Armor Description: As Lance is more for trickery and long range, his armor consists of tough black leather and patches of metal to protect here and there. His chest is covered in multiple large pieces, with a shallow poison ivy vine enraving curling up from just below his bottom left rib up and over his right shoulder, where the vine ends at where his quiver would go. Much unlike common medieval helmets, Lance has a supple leather hood attached to his armor, low enough for his to hide his eyes and hair but high enough to let him see with full vision. Over his mouth and nose is what seems like a high-protection cough mask. The black leather has molded to the shape of his face over time, and the front is guarded by thin sheets of metal placed geometrically with small holes where they part for him to breath. The mask goes down the front of his neck. Two symmetrical plates go off his shoulders, topped with sheets of metal. Being a rider, Lance wears a set of supple leather arm guards, though the left one covers most of his mark. They are tied with black laces. His shin guards are nearly identical, but larger and with a small patch of metal down the sides.

↠ Kin: Father, Christopher Thornes [Alive, Well]
Mother, Lora Thornes [Alive, Well]

Relationships open to PMs :)


↠ Dragon's Name: Loki

↠ Special Ability: Poisonous fangs and breath, topped with sharp poisonous quills that shoot out of the end of his tail. They take about 7 minutes to regrow,

↠ Description of Dragon: Loki is a 12 year old drake, with a mix of fur, feathers, and scales in his pelt. He stands at 25 feet at the shoulder, and about 170 feet long, but a with a small, thin frame, still growing at his young age. His wingspan has never been measured, as he is reckless at others touching his pilots, which are insanely large, even for his species. It looks awkward on him, having wings that are almost twice the size of his frame.
Most of his body is tough scales and skin, suck as the front of his legs and underside of his tail and belly, along with slightly softer bits around his neck chin. Fur lines his crest, going down his spine from the tip of his nose down to his lower back. From there, it thins into wispy fur, like a pale green-gold flame. This 'flame' also resides behind his legs and down his tail. Jutting out from the cur along his forehead to lower neck are stiff quills, colored a pale ivory. They also find themselves in Loki's tail, where they bristle and lie flat with his emotions.
The drake has cold, hard eyes, an almost sickly pale golden color with green spreading around the pupil. Though snakelike with their slit pupils and sinister appearance, they show impossible intelligence and cleverness as the god of trickery he was named after. Above his eyes are a row of horns the same tint as his quills, the last pair sitting just below his ears and curling upwards down the back of his head. Deadly sharp and pale fangs poke out from under his lips, sometimes dripping with his fatal black poison.
His overall coloring is dark green, while is stomach, chest and neck are gold-ish and some strips above his eyes and down the sides of his tail are highlighted with emerald. Once again, his claws have the same ivory tone as his horns and quills.
Indicating his bond to Lance, Loki has a black arrow going down his front left leg, with a poison ivy vine curling down the shaft.

↠ Personality of Dragon: Loki is basically the louder side to Lance. He is openly a troublemaker, not afraid to flounce himself in front of others and is always making some kind of mess. He never really listens to his rider, often doing what he wants but along the lines of his orders. This leads to many sudden drops and speed bursts, but Lance is skilled enough to stay on his back every time, even is a lot of mental screaming is involved. The two have an interesting, brotherly relationship.

↠ Other: P I N K F E A T H E R

↠ Stats: (Rider & Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):9/10
Attack:6/10 & 8/10
Defense:6.5/10 & 7/10
Quick-Thinking:9/10 & 9/10
Intelligence:10/10 & 10/10
Strength:5/10 & 6.5/10
Agility:8.5/10 & 10/10
Endurance:7/10 & 7/10

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Edited on 14/11/18 @ 15:19:56 by Anonymous (#150179)

Dane (#159718)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-11 18:25:25
Name: Margery “Mags” Aktinro
Age: 17
Appearance: Olive skin, pulled back hazel hair, and emerald green eyes. Usually in a camp tank top and beige, loose jeans, along with black, lace up combat boots. Her marking is a pattern that looks like ice and fire swirling together, on her back, between her shoulder blades, the fire being blood red and ice being a tinted blue. About 5’4
Personality: very determined, cool and confident, pretty tomboyish but if you ask nice enough, maybe she’ll talk about girly stuff with you, doesn’t like talking about herself
Brief history: Mags came from a very strict and structured family. Her father, by default, had something against her, as he wanted a son. So Mags father was very hard on her, treating her as if she was a boy. Sometimes, even the smallest misstep could earn her a beating. Her mother couldn’t stand the abusive behavior towards her daughter and divorced Mags’s father, moving away and taking Mags with her. Mags discovered her dragon’s egg while out playing at age ten.
Sexuality: asexual
Bow description: a dark brown bow with ancient lettering carved into it
Shield: a silver sheild with the marking in her back painted onto it
Armor: silken and leather to provide maximum movement with some metal bits to provide protection, dyed to be a blood red mixed with ice blue, like her marking(she loves her marking, leave her alone lol). Her helmet covers her head and most her face, leaving her eyes uncovered.
Kin: none
Dragon’s name: Fern
Special ability: camouflage
Appearance: a pale blue dragon with white spines along her back, her tail narrows to be whip thin, covered in spikes. She has horns that curve similar to a ram’s horns and deep hazel eyes. She has bat like wings, the membrane being white with black spots. Roughly seven years old, eight feet tall with a wingspan of 65.
Personality: very kind and easily excitable. Has some trouble focusing, but when with Mags, she can usually keep her mind on the task at hand
Other: pink feather
Balance: 7/10
Attack: 8/10 and 6/10
Defense: 4/10 and 9/10
Quick-thinking: 8/10 and 2/10
Intelligence: 5/10 for both
Strength: 7/10 and 6/10
Agility: 8/10 for both
Endurance: 10/10 and 5/10

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Edited on 11/11/18 @ 18:32:21 by Luna (#159718)

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