-LOCKED - Coding Update: Breeding Tweaks and more!
Posted on 2018-08-10 13:35:32

Announcement Regarding Base Pass Rates

We would like to address an issue that has recently been brought to our attention regarding special bases and their pass rates. Based on the information that we have seen, we went ahead and ran some tests against our breeding system. It was discovered that the pass rate percentages are no longer accurate to the numbers stated in the genetics introduction news post back from mid-2015. As the number of bases has slowly but steadily increased, the percentages gradually became skewed over time. This was an oversight on our part, and was in no way intentional - we apologise for this.

As of today's update, we have adjusted the rates to work properly for breedings. However, we would like to state that breeding special (rare) bases are still just as difficult to pass on as they were prior to the change, as those bases are meant to stay rare.

Additionally, we have renamed the genetics categories to hopefully make base rarities a little more clear. Before this change, there were two rarities for bases: "Common" and "Special". "Special" encapsulated everything from customisable specials available through the Oasis to specials that could only be applied or passed down via raffle lioness. Now, we have the following: "Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", and "Special".
"Common" bases are exactly as they were prior to this change - anything that can be found in the wild on NCLs and rolled males, as well as most bases applied via Oasis, and certain combo bases.
"Uncommon" bases are now bases that were previously categorised as special, but can be applied via Oasis, such as Buttermilk, Korat, Maltese, Onyx, etc.
"Rare" bases are bases that can only be achieved through breeding, such as Anjeer, Champagne, Cocoa, Fiery, and so on.
"Special" bases are what those difficult-to-breed bases are now categorised as. These include applicator, non-common combo, and raffle-exclusive bases such as Cairngorm, Celestial, Haze, Lilac, Orchid, Pulsar, etc.

We want to make it clear that it is still essentially broken down to "Common" and "Special". This tweak only separates the different categories of "Specials" into more clarified sections, which should be easier for users to understand.

Below, we have included a rough estimate of the adjusted breeding passage rates.

Common x Common = Guaranteed common
Common x Uncommon/Rare/Special = Very high chance for Common, very small chance for Uncommon/Rare/Special
Uncommon/Rare/Special x Uncommon/Rare/Special = Good chance for Common, decent chance for Uncommon/Rare/Special

Uncommon x Uncommon can still produce Rare offspring, and vice versa.
Special will never pass unless one of the parents is also Special."



We have now implemented the cooldown change with regards to a poll we took a short while ago. From now on, patrolling will take a full hour to get the results. This means that you won’t have to come back within 15 minutes for results, and then come back 45 minutes later to patrol again once the cooldown is finished. You’ll be able to send another lion straight out after you pick up your results!


Stud Items
Two more items have been added to the ‘stud item pool’, where you can send items over in a stud request to be used on the stud you’re requesting at the point of breeding. These two items are: Opal Saltlick and Rock Salt.


New Things
** New Emotes! **
5 new emotes have been added today!

Event Encounter
A new, extremely rare encounter has been added to explore for the August Event. Will you find the Mysterious Stranger? And what gift will he bestow upon you?



Passing Tweaks:
* Double Uterus *
The rarity of Double Uterus has been modified again due to a high number of DUs being present on the site. This is lowered both from where it generates (a fresh new mutation) and from when it’s passed down via Lion Scrotum. The new rate of passing DU using Lion Scrotum is now 5% instead of the usual 25% the item gives. This does not affect other mutations bred with this item.

* Kimanjano *
Kimanjano’s pass rate has also been lowered. The rate remains the same if the mother is a Leopon as well as the cub, but is lowered if the cub is not a Leopon, and then lowered again if the mother also isn’t a Leopon.


New Markings
Fun thing - we noticed there were some markings that we simply forgot to add in over the years. One or two per update were just kind of omitted. So today, they appear for you like intended!

* Scoria Dapple
* Leg Banding Blue
* Tail Banding Blue
* Leg Spotting Fading Heather
* Leg Spotting Strong Heather

* Dim Blue
* Dim Red

Rosette, working the same as the first Rosettes we introduced to the game:
* Dark Brown Rosette




Hotfixes this week:
* Fixed sprite rendering issue in Microsoft Edge & Firefox for Fire Escape
* Combined userlog entries into one when earning a prize in Fire Escape / Poacher Chase
* Clarified error message when unable to submit score due to session timing out (Fire Escape / Poacher Chase)
* Added notice to games that reset at midnight (versus Rollover)
* Added toggle to reduce visual movement in Fire Escape & Poacher Chase


Layout tweaks

Lion Page Discussion Topic
Some of you may remember that earlier in the year, we had a developer stream in which we asked the userbase what aspects of the site they would like to have updated for convenience. One of these adjustments included an update to the “Lion Page” to make it more user-friendly and condensed. The thread link below will direct you to a Game Development thread containing a mockup for this new page. We would be extremely grateful to gather your feedback and opinions on the current mockup, as well as any tweaks, necessary changes, etc. that you feel the page needs in order to be more streamlined and easier to access.

Survey for News
In light of the upcoming Lion Page updates (which will hopefully be in next week!) we'd like to get your opinions on our potential update of the Den page. We would like to split the page into two, make the Den page itself more focused on your King and his pride, and then have a secondary "Player Profile" page which would include all of your player stats, allies, wishlist, etc. We would love for you to complete a short survey to let us know what you think are the most important things that should stay on the Den part if we go ahead with this change:

We will no longer be removing Discord IDs, Skype usernames, etc. from the forums and den pages. It is at the user's own risk to post them. Remember to protect yourself from cyberbullying as much as possible; we don't want to hinder our community growing together.
Please be aware that we cannot moderate whatever is happening on Discord, Skype, or any other outside messaging platforms.


Raffle Lioness

Congrats King Sabor (#127391)! You have won the last raffle lady!
New lady with the Woodlands of Zanzibar BG up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Crossroads or in NEWS section under News Post List!

Polls and Dev Notes
Thank you for your votes! More mutie encounters in explore, noted!

LINK - New poll! What slot should Tigon's unique marking come in?


Next Update: Coding update! Website tweaks, bug fixing, new features, etc.!

Friday goofy doodle comic:


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Laetificat (#136379)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:15:46
Tigons when

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Ali (#80161)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:17:28
Just saw all the annoyed comments... Oh goodness....

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JaxHammer [Retiring] (#103364)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:25:26
We're annoyed for a reason. Staff should have a discussion or at least a warning before they pull huge changes like this on us. What about the people who were in the middle of breeding their DU when this happened? Will they be compensated? What about folks who don't immediately click the news?

There needs to be a days grace period before things like this go into effect.

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Eden 🌹🔥🤍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:34:04
Solaris? Solaris? Solaris? Solaris?

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pyxis (#148250)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:36:48
:v Tigons when

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🥚Alato [DoveDawn] (#141316)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:38:36

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:43:05

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🐯 Tiger-human🐯 (#94149)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:43:07
I can't wait to see the new markings, explore encounters, and the Tigons!

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Blue Pigeon 🐦 (#68580)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:44:13
I do have to admit in being slightly disappointed in this Newspost.

1. It's good that an issue with with breeding rates has been found and fixed (although it took a lot of users using their time and site currency to show that there was a problem to begin with) but I don't see why the percentages can't be released like the:
Common x Common = 100% Common
Special x Common = 15% Special, 85% Common
Special x Special = 30% Special, 70% Common,
percentages that was we were originally told. This is an especially worrying omission considering that users only realised something was wrong because they had access to these precise percentages - if the pass rates were originally left vague, then we could still be dealing with the rarity issue.

2. The DU change is far too sudden and unfair for people who spent site and irl currency (as well as time) on obtaining lion scrotums and DU lionesses. It would have been better to have a discussion page (similar to the one on the lion page we have currently) about the issue of the large flux of DU lions and how to reasonably (if at all) nerf them. Community input and a warning would go a long way in curbing anger resulting from an unpleasant surprise.

3. I am honestly perplexed by the reduced pass rate of the Kimanjano base based on how closely related the lion is to a leopon. Firstly, I don't believe that there is nearly enough Kimanjano based lions to warrant such an action - 2 pages of studs and 10 pages of pridemates (a few of which must be leopons themselves) after 3 years. Not to mention that none of the rosettes are bound by such a restriction when they are also 'mutation based quirks' (using the scientific term mutant), not even Mottled rosette when it is also spawned from a leopon, so I see no reason for such a restriction to be applied the Kimanjano base.

4. With the poll, it is a bit odd to let us choose a slot for a marking without showing us what that marking looks like. After all, thick stripes (assuming that this marking will be tiger stripes) will probably be better suited in a middle/bottom slot whilst slim stripes will probably be better suited for a higher slot. But even then, will it have a pattern on the muzzle or belly area? Because if so, then it may help for the marking to be placed before a top slot so other markings can hide certain areas.
And what will the colouration be? If it is similar to the M rosette colouration then that would make things easier, but if it is a red/ginger colouration, then maybe a medium slot location will be better than a high slot to make it easier to mix it with other colours. The problem is that with no idea of what the marking looks like, it makes the slot choice far more frustrating as it feels more like a shot in the dark rather than an actual choice.

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Edited on 10/08/18 @ 16:10:31 by Blue Pigeon 🐦 (#68580)

noRawr (#146245)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:44:50
To be completely honest, I agree. This is stupid and people have probably wasted over $75 on this. This makes me mad, sad, and honestly confused.
We are all annoyed for a reason. Also the work people have put into special bases, suddenly turn uncommon. I am disappointed and shocked, to say it out loud.

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Kazimir (#139938)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:49:33
Not yet????

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Fae (#132505)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:51:49
So...when we getting that tigon? ;D

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Fei Malik
Fáfnir (#139998)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-10 15:55:04
Love the comic xD

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~[O-O]~ (#116669)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-08-10 16:01:06
Tigon?? Not yet???

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Jupiter (#140774)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 16:03:26
I relate to that comic

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