Posted by Aetherclan and Terraclan border/interaction

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-12 09:35:53
This RP is part of "The United Clans" universe.

Welcome to the border between Terraclan and Aetherclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules!
This thread is also used for any cross clan interaction!
Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky!
This RP takes place by the lake territory.
This thread also takes Aether/Terra interaction posts.

Current Event: Check here!

Character threads

Aetherclan: Clicky
Aetherclan sign-up thread: Clicky
Terraclan RP thread: Clicky
Terraclan sign-up thread: Clicky
Gathering thread: Clicky


Terraclan was recently formed by Terrastar. Aetherclan only has strange scents to go on, as Terraclan's cats often stay hidden and try to avoid being seen. For now, they observe their neighbour, waiting for the right time.
The right time has come and Aetherclan now knows Terraclan exist, however they still do not have much information to go on, other than that their new neighbour seems rather aggressive.


Admin: Sedrik
Admin: Ash [WCU]
Admin: Lightqueen
Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord)

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Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions:

Starkit - 1 moon - Clan Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan

This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen

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Edited on 28/07/19 @ 19:00:50 by Mohja-dar (#117968)

Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2018-11-10 17:10:20
Stonekit-2 moons-kit-healthy-Terraclan/AetherClan boarder- mentions: Mintwhisper, Maplepaw

Stonekit was saddened when both Mintwispher and Maplepaw told him he shouldn't cross the border. He had hoped that he'd at least be able to see his new friend. Stonekit was shocked at being offered a place in Terraclan. He could feel Maplepaw's tension, so he figured something was wrong. His fur started to fluff up, he was more confused and worried than ready to fight. He didn't want to fight, Mintwhisper was nice, why should they fight? Why does this cat want us to leave our clan. That's not allowed is it?
Stonekit looked to Maplepaw for answers. What did she think, were they allowed to switch clans? Were they in danger?

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Edited on 10/11/18 @ 17:11:10 by Snowkit (#23944)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-10 20:19:25
Terrastar - 39 Moons - Terraclan Leader - Injured - Terraclan Territory - Mentions: Maplepaw, Stonekit, Mintwhisper, Open!

Terrastar stood between the two Aetherclan cats and the border, glancing up at Mintwhisper and flicking his tail to tell her to go to the other cats. He returned his attention to the two young cats. "Terraclan need strong, young cats like yourselves." He mewed, further trying to convince them. He quickly noticed Maplepaw's injury, a thought coming across him. "And you're injured, let our medicine cat tend to you. I'm sure your kit would love to meet kits his age." He added, trying to convince at least the kit want to come. From what he could tell, the apprentice was very attached to the young kit, and he had a feeling she would do anything for him. If his assumptions were correct, he could tempt the kit back and the she-cat would follow. "I think Firekit and Cloverkit would love the company."

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Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2018-11-10 20:30:34
Mintwhisper - 33 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Terrastar, Stonekit, Maplepaw, Open!

Mintwhisper looked at her leader curiously, well it was true Terraclan could always use new warriors it was strange that he would take cats from Aetherclan. She supposed it could be that it was because Maplepaw must have some training already but this interaction would definitely not go over well with their neighboring clan. The red she-cat nodded respectively to Terrastar before moving back toward her clanmates. She caught whispers of the rest of the conversation but continued on. It'd be nice to befriend Maplepaw and Stonekit instead of them inevitably growing up to be enemies. That thought was purely selfish though.

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Poison (#25603)

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Posted on
2018-11-10 22:01:58
Maplepaw - 8 moons - Apprentice - injured shoulder - Terraclan territory - Mentions: Mintwhisper, Terrastar, Stonekit

Maplepaw's caution only increases when Terrastar directs Mintwhisper to leave. She begs the red warrior with her eyes to stay and be a buffer between them and her leader, but of course, Mintwhisper obeys her leader. Maplepaw doesn't blame her as she would have done the same in her position. "Aetherclan needs us too," Maplepaw dares to say, still shaking, but trying her hardest to stay brave for Stonekit. She could feel the kit tense beside her and looks down to him, catching him looking at her. The apprentice gives him a small strained smile. It's okay. We're fine. Nothing is wrong, she tries to convey without words. She isn't sure how well it is interpreted though.

Twitching her white-tipped tail, Maplepaw turns back to Terrastar. She becomes nervous again when he brings attention to her shoulder. The cobwebs Lostsoul had put on her are starting to fall away, showing a section of her wound, bleeding again. Tensing her body must have opened it up again. She swallows and gives a fake smile to Terrastar. "Oh this? It's fine. I'll have Rubynose check over it once we get home. It's nothing serious."

Terrastar is a cheater. Maplepaw worriedly looks to Stonekit to see what he will say. She really wants them to go back to Aetherclan and see what Fernstar has to say about all this, but the auburn tabby knows how lonely Stonekit has gotten with her always going off training with Owlflight. She wouldn't blame the kit for being tempted to make friends. She was the same way. All Maplepaw knows is that whatever Stonekit decides, she will follow. She is his guardian and will always be with him. She made a promise.

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Dreamspace (#149022)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 17:33:21
Rubynose - 13 moons - Medicine cat - Battered (Healing) - Terraclan/Aether border + Terraclan Territory - Mentions: MaplePaw, Terrastar (Indirectly: Lostsoul, Doesong, Cypresspaw.)

Rubynose slid through the bushes coming up behind Maplepaw and what he assumed was Stonekit, the bundle of fur wrapped securely in Maplepaw's tail. It took him a moment to register that a second scent mixed with the familiar Aetherclan scents. He looked across Maplepaw and could see the large tom known as Terraclan's leader, seeing that tom brought a flurry of emotion through him. Mostly anger at what he'd done to his leader, and fear at what possible corruption he might be trying to do to his fellow clanmate. Without any hesitation he stepped out beside Maplepaw, he couldn't fight but as long as he was there beside Maplepaw, he knew she'd be brave. He glared at Terrastar his eyes full of dark and cold emotion towards the leader.

"What do you want with my clanmate, Terrastar" The tom hissed, his tone more bitter when he forced the leaders name from clenched teeth. He may not be the most intimidating, especially with the many wounds littering his body, but he always had an air of confidence of strength, and he hoped Maplepaw would understand, and would stay strong and brave too. He watched the shady leader, taking in the claw marks dug into the broad shoulders of the tom in front of them. Possible wounds from the battle with Fernstar? Most likely, If he took away one of Fernstar's lives he must have been caught off guard to see her brought back to life. It's odd to see it happen, and he's lucky to have never seen it happen... yet.

After that thought however was when he remembered the cat's who'd been following him, and he began to wonder if they'd come along with to stand up for the apprentice or if they'd stayed behind the bushes to watch this nonsensical dispute. It was his job to settle these disputes and here he was making one... how ironic. He almost rolled his eyes at the thought but caught himself before hand and returned his focus to watching every move of the leader. He'd just have to wait and hope the rest of the group had followed in his steps, even if they were too big a trail for many to follow.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 18:09:08
Stonekit-2 moons-kit-a bit tired, but healthy-Aether/Terra Border-Mentions

Stonekit was comforted by the small smile Maplepaw had given him. He took it to mean it was up to him weather they stayed or went. He thought seriously about it for about as long as any kit thinks hard about anything and was about to open his mouth to say 'he'd like to meet the other kits, but he really needed to get back and tell his clan he never did find the apprentices...', when Rubynose walked up. Stonekit was happy to see the medicinecat, until he saw all the wounds on him. Stonekit noticed the obvious hostility between Terrastar and Rubynose even before Rubynose spoke with malace dripping from his words. Stonekit looked up at Terrastar and said, "I need to get back to camp, Im sure my mom is looking for me...", he lied straight to Terrastar's face without blinking. He wanted to leave, and if saying his mom was waiting would get him to leave this area he would. He looked up at Maplepaw, "You'll take me home right? I dont know the way...", that wasnt a lie, he really had no idea how to get home...

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Katqueen310 (#159397)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 18:27:32
Lostsoul - 12 moons - Loner - Healthy - Border/Terraclan territory - Mentions: Cypresspaw, Rubynose, Doesong, Maplepaw, Stonekit, Terrastar

She watched as Rubynose stepped out of the bush, projecting a wave of confidence even though his body was littered with wounds. She saw his eyes flicker, obviously trying hard to stifle the need to roll his eyes, but Lostsoul was too observant. Lostsoul, thinking fast, rubbed herself against a border marker quietly, effectively masking her scent with Aetherclan's. She stalked in the shadows until she was just behind Rubynose, hidden by the med cat. She looked over to Maplepaw and saw that the young apprentice had partially torn through the cobwebs. Lostsoul huffed, probably gaining the cat's attention and angrily stalked over to Maplepaw. "What did I say about not tearing the cobwebs Rubynose put on!? You are going to be the elder's personal slave for moons!" Lostsoul put all her annoyance in cuffing Maplepaw's ear. She purred and rested her head on top of Maplepaw's. "You don't listen that well at all, do you?"

She looked down to see a little bundle of fluff shivering into Maplepaw's side. She immediately recongnised it as the kit we've been following. "Hello little one, don't worry, me and Maplepaw will keep everyone safe." Lostsoul turned back to the woods and yelled, "And maybe another warrior if they would like!" Lostsoul turned towards the cat blocking them from getting back over the border. "You must be Terrastar, that was rude of you to hurt our leader like that." She smiled, "Now I suggest you let us take this troublesome kit and apprentice back or else I'll have to see if you have nine lives like our leader."

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 18:36:52

Cypresspaw|6 Moons Old|Med. Cat App.|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Stonekit|Mentions Indirectly: Terrastar, Lostsoul, Maplepaw, Rubynose, any other Terraclan cats|Location: Terraclan Border

The young tabby toms ears where pricked, as his mentor explained. To be honest he had more questions than answers, when Rubynose was done. The young apprentice knew better though, then to ask for more. Cypresspaw tried to keep up, sometimes this was hard, he hatted how he was always so slow, do to his blind eye.
Seeing the clearing up ahead, Cypresspaw slowed, the border. He looked up to his mentor, where they going to cross? The dark grey tabby tom tensed, as he could hear words drifting over. That was Maplepaw, he could remember the young she-cats voice. Staying in the bush, just inside of Terraclans territory, Cypresspaw looked out. He was a bit intimidated by the Terraclan, he looked fierce and.... and injured. This made the young apprentice step a bit out of the bush, to get a bit of a better look. This is when first his ears and then his good eye, noticed Stonekit. This seemed to burn a small fire in the shy toms heart, this little kit, in such a dangerous situation. The only thing this little kit should be encountering, that would scare it, should be grumpy elders and mean leaves. Seeing the loner, a loner, move forward to protect and comfort the apprentice and kit, Cypresspaw gained more confidence.
Stepping past his mentor, the dark grey tabby tom stopped next to Maplapaw's other side. Giving a kind glance to the kit, the tom dipped his head down. With his strange eyes, the medicine cat apprentice looked the kit over. Stonekit seemed fine, no injuries, maybe a few scratches, but that was it. Letting out a slight sigh of relief, Cypresspaw shoot Terrastar a glance. What was he doing? Why would the leader of a clan be out here?
The young tom nodded his head, as Lostsoul's words, "She's right, we'll protect you and get you back to camp safely", Cypresspaw said, giving the small kit a comforting lick on the head.

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Chompchomps (#155830)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 18:46:15
Ratpelt - 13 - warrior - Healthy - Border - Mentions: Terrastar, Rubyrose, Stonekit, OPEN

Ratpelt's ears are swerved back as he listens to the cats. He's pelt is twitching with anger as he listens to the proposal Terrastar had given. "Terraclan need strong, young cats like yourselves." EXCUSE YOOOOU?? Ratpelt's tail lashes back and forth as he sits behind the cats. His furrows tuck tightly together and he lets out small grunts of disapproval of his leader. Just becoming a warrior, he feels overly offended due to the fact he was already called old. "Like rude. So freaking rood. Terrastar can go eat fox dung and fight Fernstar again and hopefully he wont come back," he grumbles unconsciously to himself.

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Katqueen310 (#159397)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 18:53:41

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Edited on 11/11/18 @ 19:02:57 by Katqueen310 (#159397)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-11 19:37:02
Terrastar - 39 Moons - Terraclan Leader - Injured - Terraclan Territory - Mentions: Maplepaw, Stonekit, Rubynose, Lostsoul, Cypresspaw(ID), Ratpelt, Open!

Terrastar was about to insist to Maplepaw that she should not be traveling much with an injury like that when Rubynose slid into view. Annoyance slithered through him as he realised that this was the third Aetherclan cat to step onto his territory that day. "I wanted to bring her to Oakpaw so he could tend to her wound." He replied truthfully, ignoring the clear malice from the smaller tom. He was about to add on to his response when he heard the tiny kit speak up. He admired his courage to speak up like that, not having met any cat his age to dare. "Very well, seeing as Rubynose is here now, I suppose-" He was interrupted rather rudely as yet another cat stepped out from the bushes and onto his territory. He watched the new cat as she scolded the apprentice and the kit, scenting her Aetherclan reek, but not recognising her. It took all his willpower to not yowl at the now 5 Aetherclan cats on his territory. They were even more ignorant of the warrior code than rogues!

His ears twitched as the she-cat turned on him and spoke to him in a tone that made him think she truly had no clue what she was doing. As the she-cat finished her threat, his eyes hardened a little. "Is that a threat?" He questioned, his tone a little annoyed. He had been about to let the cats go home as soon as Rubynose had turned up, but the extra cats coming over and this foolish she-cat made him want to use their bones as his scratching post. However, he did not let his internal feelings be known, instead electing to turn and give Ratpelt a stern look. Returning his attention back to the Aetherclan cats, he stepped aside. "Please be more aware of the border in the future." He mewed. He was fighting hard to not attack the group. He was injured enough. "Oh, and rolling in Aetherclan's scent markers was a good idea to disguise yourself. And I'm assuming you've done something to make these cats trust you." He was addressing the loner she-cat. "Do keep in mind however, threaten me like that on my territory again and it won't end well for you." He sneered, towering over her. He stepped back further and turned from the border, marking it quickly before walking over to Ratpelt.

"Ratpelt, I respect you as a warrior and your skills are great." He started, giving Ratpelt a rather fond look. While the warrior's sometimes uncontrollable mouth was a pain in the tail, what he had said was true. "But please, when you see Aetherclan cats on our territory, do something about it." He demanded. He staggered a little as pain from his shoulder wounds shot through him. He had almost forgot about them as adrenaline had pumped through him during his interaction with the Aetherclan cats. He took a shuddering breath and cast his gentle brown gaze in the direction of camp. Oakpaw should be there, he could heal him.

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[he/they] (#105742)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 20:10:32
Stonefell - 21 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Terraclan Territory - Mentions: Ratpelt, Mintwhisper, Terrastar

Stonefell swallowed, having watched her leader interact with the Aetherclan cats with silent dignity. Her muscles remained tense, prepared to leap to her leaders aide at any time. She had hoped to add something, anything to back up Terrastar's point—but her nerves were too fried to say anything remotely cohesive.

What snapped Stonefell out of her zombie-like trance was her leader hissing in pain. Shaking her head, the grey shecat leaped to his side. "Terrastar," she meowed, her nose twitching, "we'll help you to camp, don't worry."

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Poison (#25603)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 22:34:18
Maplepaw - 8 moons - Apprentice - Injured shoulder - Terraclan territory - Mentions: Stonekit, Terrastar, Rubynose, Lostsoul, Cypresspaw, Ratpelt and Mintwhisper indirectly

Maplepaw is startled when Rubynose walks up beside her. She hadn't even realized he was there, so nervous waiting for Stonekit's answer. Seeing the tom being so brave and confident despite his wounds strengthens her resolve to stay with Aetherclan. If the medicine cat can be this brave and challenge the leader of another clan, an apprentice training to be a warrior certainly can. Maplepaw's back straightens from the cower she hasn't even realized she was in and her chest puffs out in faux confidence.

It seems Rubynose's presence encourages Stonekit too. She almost gasps when he tells the big scary tom in front of them that his mother was looking for him. The auburn tabby is proud and partially hurt. Proud because in such a serious situation and being so young, he can be so brave and lie. Hurt because she is Stonekit's mother now and despite knowing it is a lie to save them, feels like maybe Stonekit has found a new mother. He did seem kind of close to that Terraclan warrior, Mintwhisper. Stonekit looks up to her then and asks in the sweetest voice if she will take him home and her worries are momentarily gone. A purr rumbles out and she licks his forehead. "Of course."

For the second time in too short a time, Maplepaw is startled by a cat speaking before she realizes they are there. Her white-tipped ears pull back. She didn't mind the elders, but the way Lostsoul spoke, she wasn't going to like them for long. Then she gets cuffed and she lets out a small yelp, not suspecting it. Then the loner purrs and rests her head on hers. Maplepaw is getting whiplash from so many contradicting actions from the loner she didn't even really know. Was she in trouble? Was she being comforted? Maplepaw glances away from Lostsoul when she asks "You don't listen that well at all, do you?" How did she know?

The tabby she thankfully notices Cypresspaw before he speaks. One out of three isn't bad, she thinks to herself with a small amount of pride. His attention is mainly on Stonekit and she knows he is scanning the kit for any injuries. She is incredibly grateful to him and Lostsoul trying to comfort the small bundle of fur, afraid that the tension of so many cats gathered in one place will get to Stonekit. Truthfully it is starting to get to her.

Maplepaw is terrified when Terrastar asks if Lostsoul threatened him. Did she? She didn't right? She looks to the loner, hoping beyond hope it wasn't. She knows Lostsoul can fight, but there is no way she can take on the leader, not to mention the warriors on standby behind him. It's a lost battle. The apprentice nods several times when it seems like Terrastar is going to let them go. "Noted! We won't cross the border again! Right Stonekit?" she says, glancing at Stonekit at the end to wordlessly warn him that that means him as well.

Terrastar looks more and more agitated the longer the group of Aetherclan cats stay in Terraclan. Maplepaw shuffles her paws, all too ready to leave. Escape. Run away. His voice is deep and makes her bones vibrate with the serious tone he uses as he talks to Lostsoul. It makes the apprentice second guess herself. Was it foolish for her to have trusted Lostsoul just because she saved her? That thought is pushed to the back of her mind though when she realizes that Terrastar is letting them go without a fight. She wonders if that would have been the case if he wasnt already injured.

Overhearing Terrastar tell Ratpelt to 'do something' about Aetherclan cats next time, Maplepaw has the urge to tell the leader that Ratpelt had tried. He wanted her and Stonekit gone immediately. Maplepaw keeps this to herself. They are free to leave and she doesn't want to push her luck by butting into business that is not her own. She rasps Stonekit's cheek to calm herself down and nudges him towards the direction of home. They should get back to camp.

A shot of pain travels outward from her shoulder when Maplepaw takes a step. She groans, finally feeling the full extent of the wound now that all the excitement has calmed down. She holds her head up high though and pretends the best she could that she's not in excruciating pain. For Stonekit. She doesn't want him to worry. Everything Maplepaw does is for Stonekit. The apprentice idly wonders if that will ever not be the case later in life. She doubts it.

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Katqueen310 (#159397)

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Posted on
2018-11-12 12:15:03
Lostsoul - 12 moons - Loner - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Cypresspaw and Rubynose, and Terrastar

Lostsoul's attitude changed immediately after Terrastar says she threatened him. In actuality she just wanted to hurry along the process so that the kit and two apprentices could get home and wounds could be checked over. She stood tall when Terrastar threatened her back, but dipped her head in understanding. Lostsoul, decideing to show kindness towards the big tom, she walks over to Aetherclan territory before turning around and calling out in a playful manner, "How'd you know? I thought I was being quiet when I did that. Not many cats have stood up to me though, so I respect you for that." She walked up to Maplepaw, that wound had to be hurting. She pressed against the cat's flank, making it look like they were walking next to eachother but in actuality Lostsoul was taking most of Maplepaw's weight off of her wound. She turned her head towards the border and yelled over to the warrior that had muttered about being called old earlier, "All warriors are important!" With that said she continued guiding Maplepaw back to camp.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-12 13:01:20

Cypresspaw|6 Moons Old|Med. Cat App.|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Maplepaw, Stonekit|Mentions Indirectly: Terrastar, Rubynose, Lostsoul|Location: Border

Cypresspaw looked up, as Terrastar spoke. He was right, they should leave, now. Looking to Maplepaw, he gave a bit of a concerned look at her injury. The young tom flinched a bit, as he could sense the very large tom getting agitated. Subconsciously, the dark grey tabby moved closer to Lostsoul.
His muscles relaxed a bit, when the Terraclan leader and warriors turned back. They should leave too. Letting out a sigh, he was glad that everyone's claws had stayed sheathed. The fire that had driven him, to stand next to the other apprentice, was starting to go out. Looking around, he noticed that Maplepaw had already turned back, to return back to Aetherclan territory. Giving one more glance to the large Terraclan leader, Cypresspaw noticed that he seemed injured. Who could harm a fierce cat like that? Fernstar, had it been the Aetherclan leader? This would explain a few things. He felt stupid, practically everyone around him seemed to know what was going on. Seeing both Maplepaw and Lostsoul start to leave, the medicine cat apprentice turned on his heels too. Hearing the last of Lostsouls words to the Terraclan leader, Cypresspaw shoot the she-cat a look. Great Starclan, how stupid could loners be? Shaking his head, Cypresspaw moved forward to walk with them.
Looking down at Stonekit, he first gave Maplepaw a nod. It was both to let her know that she did not need to worry anymore and to ask if he could take Stonekit. Leaning down, the young medicine cat apprentice took Stonekit by the scruff. He did not want the kit to fall behind or run off on his own, it would be better to keep the kit save. His body seemed to relax even more, when they finally made it over the Aetherclan border.

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