Posted by Lioness Island

Shut.terbugged (#130317)

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Posted on
2018-10-17 13:02:39
There is an island off the coast of Africa where no human can reach. Male lions are unable to swim there either. No, this land is inhabited only by lionesses and their prey. The landscape houses every habitat, every plant, and a certain magic atmosphere all it's own. The lionesses are all in one expansive pride, and even though they live by their own rules, any lioness who kills another is banished, pushed out into the real world. In this beautiful fantasy world, what will happen? And can you write your own story?

Ranks -

Lead lioness -

Healer - Sirona - King gamma the spoopy (#130317)

Huntresses -

Zaromi - Zaromi (Lights off!) (#152024)

Zemora - wubwubbub

Thandiwi - drew

Broodmothers -

Hella - Eugenix

Adolescents -

Glory - Eugenix (#150845)

Gamma - Samoa

Cubs -

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Edited on 18/10/18 @ 12:15:05 by King Gamma the spoopy🎃 (#130317)

Eugenix (#150845)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-17 16:35:59
Ooh! I'd love to join this. I could be an unconfident huntress in training or a stressed out and sarcastic af broodmother. XD

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Edited on 17/10/18 @ 16:36:12 by Eugenix (#150845)

Shut.terbugged (#130317)

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Posted on
2018-10-17 16:37:16

You can be both! Just set up your characters in the characters sheets forum.

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Eugenix (#150845)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-17 16:42:36
Maybe just the one unless we're short some people? :)

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Shut.terbugged (#130317)

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Posted on
2018-10-17 16:46:56

Well, you don't have to if you don't want to, but we literally only have two characters right now, both played by me.

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Eugenix (#150845)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-17 16:51:57
Hmm.. On second thought, I changed my mind. ^^ I can use these two characters. :D

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Raine [Mott
Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-17 18:57:58
One question. If males cannot habituate the island, how are there broodmothers? Were they already pregnant prior to being isolated or..?

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cherry | bo triple
rosette (#152024)

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Posted on
2018-10-17 20:09:15
Oo this sounds interesting, I'd like to be a huntress

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Shut.terbugged (#130317)

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Posted on
2018-10-18 06:35:42

Sometimes abandoned cubs get washed onto the island, and so there needed to be some lionesses to take care of them.

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Shut.terbugged (#130317)

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Posted on
2018-10-18 06:40:29
Alright, please PM me with any more questions! Roleplaying starts below!

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Eugenix (#150845)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-18 06:42:56
Wait! I still have to input Hella! Haha.

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Shut.terbugged (#130317)

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Posted on
2018-10-18 06:47:49
Sirona breathed in the incense-riddled scent of her den, ignoring the bitter taste of herbs in her mouth and letting herself enjoy the simple yet calming scent of lavender. She had been sorting herbs for a while, and so she wasn't really that surprised when a rumbling from her stomach alerted her to the biting hunger brewing in her lower gut. How long had she been in here? Oh gosh, she hoped nobody had gotten to thinking she was a hermit... she raced quickly out, seeing that nobody seemed too mad at her for staying inside so long. She sighed, and smiled gently. She had been foolish to think they would think lesser of her for doing her job... yes, she was alright. She walked over to her favorite grove of trees, enjoying the company of the wind and the plants. Some of her whispers played around her, particularly the cub-aged ones. She took to preening the more feathery parts of herself, and enjoyed the calm atmosphere.

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Samoa (#158467)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-10-18 08:54:21
ooh can i put in my mutie she's a adolescent pie when she ages up she'll be a broodmother is that ok??

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Shut.terbugged (#130317)

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Posted on
2018-10-18 08:57:47

Sure! please post her in the character thread though. There's a link to it in the main post.

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Eugenix (#150845)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-18 09:17:16
Some feet away was a small meadow hidden behind a copse of trees. It was a fairly open space; airy and a bit dry due to the season, but with enough lush canopy up above to provide shade to the group of lionesses below.

Or rather, two lionesses and a gaggle of noisy, playful cubs. It was midday after all, time for the young ones to stretch their legs and expend their seemingly boundless energy chasing each other. That... and gossip between friends.

The younger of the two lionesses, a pretty Dinar named Glory, seems almost tearful as she gingerly licks the new wound on her front paw. It is hardly a gash, the result of an accidental run in with a mother cheetah and her cub during the hunt, but she looks upset nonetheless.

"I am telling you, Glory, it's fine," snaps the older, larger lioness irritably. "She barely grazed you. You may as well have been snagged by a bramble."

"But, Hellaaa," comes the whining complaint. "What if it leaves scar?"

Hella's ear twitches in annoyance. "Then it leaves a scar! What am I supposed to about it? I already have enough problems as it is," she snarls as she pointedly bats away an aggressively playful cub from her bawling playmate. The action was non-too-gentle though, prompting the sudden duet of crying cubs.

Hella sighs despairingly. She pulls the two close to her and proceeds to lick them gently. After a few moments, the two cubs calm down and start to wiggle around restlessly in her hold. The dinar watches in silent awe of Hella's natural cub-quieting skills. It is always amazing watching her friend at work.

A little envious, Glory moves towards the two cubs and offers them the feather behind her ear. The bright blue of the vulturine immediately catches their eye and they pounce on it and out of Hella's legs with renewed enthusiasm, returning to their antics. The dinar glances at her friend slyly. "You know," Glory begins, "you could really put more effort into controlling your temper with the cubs."

Hella rolls her eyes. "You know as much about being a broodmother as you do a being huntress," she drawls.

Glory scoffs and playfully slaps the elder lioness with her paw, only to regret it as the pain of her wound shoots through her leg. "Ow, ow, ow!" she cries. Hella cackles with laughter. "Oh my gods!" she gasps, slowly rolling over as she clutches her heaving brown sides. "Amazing."

Glory growls. "Shut uuup!"

In truth, the broodmother could afford to laugh quieter. The young lioness would get into big trouble for skipping her training if they got caught.

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Edited on 18/10/18 @ 17:15:58 by Eugenix (#150845)

Shut.terbugged (#130317)

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Posted on
2018-10-18 09:23:36

Sirona's ear twitched when she heard laughter. She'd always liked the sound. She decided to go and see what was so funny. Maybe she'd even make a friend or two! On that thought, she smiles and trots over to where she heard the sound coming from. When she got there, she tripped unceremoniously on a shrub. "Oww..."

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