Posted by [Closed]Galaxy Wolves- Explorable adopts- Breedabl

Suzy (#151148)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 14:04:44
Hello and Welcome! This mystical forest is littered with shiny wolves of many colors! Feel Free to take a look around, bid on some things, explore, whatever you want! Have fun and please be respectable! If you don't like the wolf you found, you can ask be about it. please be kind!

We have a clan! Join here-

We have a discord server! Ask me and I'll send you an invite link!

I Consider 1300 to equal 1
All your adopts are stored here! Data Base

Here some wolves are strutting their stuff, hoping to get adopted! Will you adopt one?



Here you can explore! There are four spots where you might find items, wolves, and maybe some

Exploring costs 150

Mythical Forest - The air feels cold, the tall trees cast eerie shadows on the clearing. The trees are tinted blue and purple, and the water is sparkling! Many Blue and Purple Wolves have been spotted here!

Sparkling Cave- The dark cave is illuminated my the shiny stones! They all shimmer a pale gray light. It seems pretty deep. Care to explore? Many gray and black wolves have been spotted here!

Sunny Clearing- Wolves come here to rest, there is a nice pond in the center of the clearing! Maybe you will find wolves here? Many bright colored Wolves have been seen here!

Gathering Place- You will for sure find a wolf here! It is bustling with activity! Wolves are greeting each other, and pups are playing games of tag! Wolves of all colors are found here! Wanna check it out?

NEW Dunes- You see a vast wasteland of dirt and sand. There is a small muddy pond a little ways off. You heard rare items can be found here, but you might not always get something. Natural colored wolves have been seen here.


Breeding costs 300
Wolves can breed! Each Wolf can have 1-3 pups!

Rare Wolves are more likely to have Rare pups then Common wolves!

So that's it folks! Thank you for checking this out! The more people buy these the more Auctions I will create!

Item Shop!
The shop can be seen here!

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Edited on 01/11/19 @ 18:17:33 by Suzy (#151148)

Suzy (#151148)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 19:58:06

Note! I upped the price to explore! It is now 150 Also if you want to sell a wolf, you can tell me and I will put it up on the auction, and the winner can pay you directly! Thats right! EARN And there is now an Item Shop!

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Edited on 11/05/19 @ 20:02:52 by Suzy (#151148)

Leah (#145564)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 20:11:36
Can I explore the sparkling cave with my female wolf twilight?

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🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 20:13:31
Suzy, why did you increase the price for the exploring? I think it is fine as 100 SB. Just wondering.

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Suzy (#151148)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 21:12:19
I am in desperate need of right now! I will lower once I am good again!

Twilight enters the sparkling cave excitedly! Bounding here and there, she notices a burst of light in the corner! A wolf steps out, He has bursts of color all over! You greet each other! Congrats you have a new friend!
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare

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Leah (#145564)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 22:03:54
I shall call him Apollo! Can I please breed twilight and apollo please!

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Ishuna [7/100 GB] (#112036)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 05:03:05
Nova, our small puppy friend, notices not only her friends are coming back, but there are now three more... and they're puppies like her! She yips, before running over excitedly. The male of the group runs in front of his sisters, taking a protective stance and growling. It takes a second to realize that Nova means no harm, but when he does, he barks and starts to play with her! The biggest of the pups, a female with blue markings, jumps up, and barks. Nova and her then pretend to be bunnies, while the male just watches. Nova notices that the last, and most certainly the prettiest, is still hiding behind her mother's paws. She tries to bound over to say hello, but not only does the pup jump away from her, Nico grabs her! Nico chuckles softly as he drops Nova back to the ground.

"Nova, Skyla is a bit shy. You have to give her some time before she trusts you. The other two, the boy Cloud and the girl Neo, they seem to enjoy playing with you! Why don't you go and play with them for a while?"

Nova looks once more at the now named Skyla, before Neo tackles her to the ground. They laugh, and after a couple of hours of play time, Lapis takes them so they can sleep at their den. Nova drags Nico, however, to the gathering place! She slaps Nico in the face with her tail playfully, before gathering the beetles and throwing them at the gate, slipping through and running off to go greet the new wolves!

(I also just realied you put me in the sparkling caves, but it's alright! I actually really like Nico! :3)

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Suzy (#151148)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 05:57:38
Ok! Sorry it took me so long!

Leah! Twilight gives birth to two pups! Congrats!
(Btw Random number generator decides how many pups!)

Rarity: Uncommon
Gender: Female
Rarity: Average

Nova Runs straight up to a puppy her age, bouncing around them and nipping their ears! The puppy, who appears to have stars in her fur, joins in. The play for hours! So cute! You've made a friend!

Gender: Female
Rarity: Uncommon

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Leah (#145564)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 05:59:55
They are adorable I will name them violet and Kaisa

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Ishuna [7/100 GB] (#112036)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 06:09:53

Nova and the new pup, who has revealed their name to be Stardust, play for hours and hours, until Nico says they should head back to the den. She yips, excited for stardust to meet the other pups, and they run ahead of Nico. He tries to get them to slow down, but in the end, they get back to the den an hour before him. The rest of the family is sleeping, so everyone decides to take a nap.

(I'll be back with more sb soon! :3)

Edit: Holy crap, I already have 6 wolves. This is waaaay to addicting! Love them all <3

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Edited on 12/05/19 @ 06:11:51 by Ishuna (#112036)

Leah (#145564)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 06:13:52
Could I please explore the sunny clearing

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Suzy (#151148)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 07:50:30
You explore the Sunny clearing, not finding any wolves, you attemp to hunt. You bring down a rabbit, and start to eat. You hear a twig crack behind you, you turn your head to see a thin wolf behind you, his teeth seem very long. You offer to share your carcass, and he agrees. You got a wolf, and a Carcass! Carcass will ensure an ultra Rare pup on your next explore!

Gender: Male
Rarity: Ultra rare
Mutation: Overgrown Teeth

You got a mutated wolf!

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Edited on 12/05/19 @ 07:51:13 by Suzy (#151148)

Leah (#145564)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 07:52:50
Yay I'll name him enki

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Suzy (#151148)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 07:54:24
Do you guys like the idea of having mutations?

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HeraldofHares (#111045)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 07:55:00
May I ab both auctions with SB :o?

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Leah (#145564)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 07:55:15
Yes seems cool

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