Posted by Kobalos - An Interactive Species - {CLOSED}

That1Idiot (#171947)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-08-24 13:09:01


shopping breedingtraining

What is this thread about?

This thread will serve as the HQ for the Closed Adoptable Species, The Kobalos! The Kobalos is an interactive, genetics driven adoptable: Breed, Explore, and Train your Kobalos into the best champions they can be! Read on to learn more about what a Kobalos actually is and a bit of lore about them!

The adoptable artwork on this thread was made by the lovely Teke #87476!

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Edited on 17/12/19 @ 12:13:14 by That1Idiot (#171947)

Lae yūrei (#133089)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-08-31 17:32:16

A. Press to be taken to the Feral Kobalos

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That1Idiot (#171947)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-08-31 18:13:25
@Kyrie (Ginoz) (#111358)

Your greeter smiles at you and offers you a treat. "She's a little standoffish towards new people, think that might be a left over trait from her days as a Schutzhund dog, her personality seems to call for it! Though... with her deafness maybe she should have been used for tracking..."

You tune her out as she goes on to rant about how any handler should have known that a dog that was deaf would not have been the best to use in competition type that used plenty of vocal commands and grab the treat. The Kobalos perks up again in interest as she sees it and her tail begins to move slowly across the kennel floor.

A. Offer her the treat?
B. Preform another action {Insert Here!}

@Lae yūrei (#133089)

Your greeter grumbles something that vaguely sounds like, "Can't say I didn't warn you," before turning swiftly and marching outwards the kennel area. You are greeted by the deafening sound of howls, barks, and growls as soon as the door opens and have to move quickly to keep up with your greeter.

She leads you down twisting isles of kennels until she comes to a door that once opened leads the pair of you outside into a courtyard of sorts. "Wait here," her tone is clipped and she leaves quickly into the courtyard and out of your sight. A short while later there is a cacophony of sound as three distinct howls can be heard, resonating and echoing around the courtyard.

Your greeter returns, looking a little pale and disheveled, a while after the howling started. "Right. We've got three ferals... let's see here," She begins to read from a folded up piece of paper that she produced from a pocket on her shirt:

1. XY/Bbu/dd/VV/WW/aa/Stl/mbmb/UU/aar/ee/RR/II/null
2. XX/bubu/DD/vv/Wu/pcps/tsts/msms/Uu/anan/erer/Rr/II/null
3. XX/bbh/dd/vv/WW/aa/tstl/msmb/uu/Aa/erer/Rr/II/poly

"Who... who do you wanna meet?" She glances back over her shoulder at a particularly loud howl that is followed by an even louder bark.

A. Pick a Feral Kobalos {Insert #1-3}
B. Ask a Question {Insert Here}
C. Preform Unlisted Action {Insert Here}

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Edited on 02/09/19 @ 15:09:07 by That1Idiot (#171947)

Kyrie (Ginoz) (#111358)

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Posted on
2019-08-31 18:17:56
A. Offer her the treat

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That1Idiot (#171947)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-08-31 18:25:51
@Kyrie (Ginoz) (#111358)

She approaches you slowly as you hold out your hand with the treat in it. You find yourself pleasantly surprised with how gentle the tiger-colored Kobalos is when taking the treat from you. After the lifting the treat from your hand, her jaws snap open, tossing the treat up into the air and snap close as it falls back down into her waiting maw.

A low, grumbling sound emits from her and she moves to rub herself against your body. It would seem you've made a friend.

A. Adopt this Kobalos {Send Payment of 1 Gb/1400SB, items are taken case-case PM me!}
B. Go see another Kobalos {Insert number 1-3}
C. Preform Unlisted Action {Insert Here}

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Kyrie (Ginoz) (#111358)

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Posted on
2019-08-31 18:26:58
A. Adopt this Kobalos {Payment sent :)}

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Micah (#180139)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-08-31 18:58:24
B. Go into the Kennels {Rescued Kobalos}

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NorthBound (G3
Spotted Bush) (#104248)

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Posted on
2019-08-31 19:06:26
B. Enter the kennel (Surrendered/Abandoned Ex-Champions)
I'm so so excited for this. Thank you!!

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That1Idiot (#171947)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-01 06:04:50
@Micah (#180139)

You ask your greeter to take you to the rescued Kobalos compound. She nods her head, offers you a smile and leads the way. As the door opens, the deafening sound of howling greets your ears as you are lead off in the direction of the compound that keeps the Rescued Kobaloi.

Your greeter leads you through the compound deftly until she stops in front of a pod of three kennels. You examine each.

The first has visible claw marks on the glass. You can hear a low growling originating from inside the glass. Looking up, you see a note, it reads:

You move on to view the second kennel. You can hear barking from inside this one though it sounds to be far more excited than a warning to yours ears. You find the note, it reads:

You examine the third and final kennel. Its quiet. You're not even sure if a Kobalos is truly in there. The note on the door reads otherwise, its reads:

What will you do now?

A. Ask your greeter to meet a Kobalos {Insert Which One (#1-3)}
B. Ask your greeter what the notes mean
C. Ask another question {Insert Here}
D. Preform unlisted action {Insert Action Here}

@Lucid (#104248)

You open the door, having to shout over the escaped sounds of barking and growling to tell your greeter that you would like to be taken to meet some of the Ex-Champions. She nods her head and gestures for you to walk through the door. You exit and she quickly overtakes you to lead the way.

The pair of you stops in front of a pod of four kennels, though the last kennel on the end already has some one there and looks like adopting the tiger-colored kobalos. You decide to examine the three kennels in front of you.

The kobalos' shadow in this one can be seen pacing closely to the glass door. A soft whimpering can be heard. There's a note on the kennel that reads:

The second kennel's kobalos can be seen faintly through the glass. They are pressing themselves up against it, standing on their hind legs and leaning their head back to howl every so often. You find the note, it reads:

The third and final kennel's kobalos is barking continuously with a hoarse voice. You get the distinct feeling they have been barking for quite a long time.... The note can be found in the same location as the other two, it reads:

What will you do now?

A. Ask your greeter to meet a Kobalos {Insert Which One (#1-3)}
B. Ask your greeter what the notes mean
C. Ask another question {Insert Here}
D. Preform unlisted action {Insert Action Here}

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Edited on 01/09/19 @ 13:11:19 by That1Idiot (#171947)

Lae yūrei (#133089)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-09-01 07:04:20
A. Pick a Feral Kobalos {2}

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NorthBound (G3
Spotted Bush) (#104248)

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Posted on
2019-09-01 09:25:21
C. Ask another question
How long has this one (#3) been here? They seem quite energetic yet it's taken a toll on them over the years.

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Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-09-01 09:41:58
May I B. Go into the Kennels {Surrendered Pets}?
Good to always start simple and find a easy friend beforehand :D

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That1Idiot (#171947)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-01 11:18:13
@Lae yūrei (#133089)

Your greeter nods her head stiffly and leads the way to a cage that reminds you of the keeping pens some zoos use to introduce new animals to each other. She points to a smaller cage that is inside the large one as your approach a gate that leads inside.

"I suggest you go in there," she says, "We'll let her out once you're all set..." She trails off hands you the keys to the smaller cage and opens the gate into the larger one. The cage itself is just small enough that it would force a Kobalos to interact with you but large enough so that they could conceivably 'get away.'

On your walk to the cage were you will stand you notice a few entrance/exit doors that the Kobalos will most likely be coming into this holding cage from. The more you listen, the more this theory is proven correct as the howls, barks, and growls each seem to be originating from the openings. You reach the cage for yourself, step in, and lock the door behind you. Inside you notice THREE containers, one holding TREATS of various types, another holding TOYS of all shapes, color, and function, and the last holding a DEVICE that, after your examine it for a bit, seems to make noises like the ones coming from the tunnels.

A speaker blares to life from the corner: "I see you've gotten yourself situated. I'll be monitoring from afar to make sure things don't get to out of hand so don't worry to much. We've never had a Kobalos break the safety cage before... yet."

'How reassuring,' you think to yourself before the speaker continues. "We will be opening the gate for FERAL #2 in 5.... 4... 3.... 2... 1!" A beeping sound is heard from the middle gate and a faint, flashing red light can be seen.

You barely have time to blink before a flash of ruby fur is thrown against your safety cage, causing the whole structure to shake violently. The kobalos rebounds off the structure and glares at you, growling lowly. You examine her briefly, taking in her speckled saddle back, sock, and underbelly marks catching your eye. As she holds her head low and begins to circle the cage, you follow her with your eyes. You notice that she has the mixed ear type and... no tail?


What will you do now?

{This is a FREE RESPONSE prompt! Try anything!}

@ Lucid (#104248)

Your greeter smiles softly, "He has... he was abandoned here about 3 years ago?" She pauses as if trying to remember something. "Poor thing was left after his previous handler couldn't make a profit off of him, he's one of my favorites. Real sweet heart after you get to know him." She smiles back at you, "Personaly, I think he'd be a great family pet, but he also has the real potential to excel in competitions like Agility and Herding I'd think. He seems to enjoy those the most of all the things we practice with them here."

A. Ask another question {Insert Here}
B. Ask to meet him or another Kobalos {Insert # Here}
C. Preform Unlisted Action {Insert Here}

@Hiamovi [Lineage Collector] (#84217)

Your greet grins widely at you, "Indeed! They may not be the most interesting, but they are still absolutely gorgeous! I'm sure they'll make great companions, maybe once you get one, you'll consider visiting Alex and take them for a bit of exploring!" She seems excited at the idea and you simply nod your head in agreeance... she does have quiet the tenancy to ramble if you let her.

Your walk to the kennels is brief and she gestures for you to stand in front of a pod of five kennels. You walk closer to examine them each.

The first kennel's kobalos' shadow can be seen from behind the glass. They aren't making much of a sound but you get the feeling they are excited to meet you regardless. You notice a note on the glass door, it reads:

The second kennel is quiet. The only sign that a kobalos might be behind the glass is the soft clicking of nails against concrete that resonates from behind the door. You look for the note, it reads:

The third kennel has quiet a bit of noise emitting from it. The occupant seems especially excited to meet you! The note that was found on the other two kennels reads:

The fourth kennel is quiet as well... save for the soft snoring that can be heard from within. Is a sleepy boi in your future? You locate the note, it reads:

The fifth and final kennel is quiet... to quiet. You examine further and find a nose peaking out from underneath the door, sniffing at your feet. You chuckle and find the note, it reads:

What will you do now?

A. Ask your greeter to meet a Kobalos {Insert Which One (#1-5)}
B. Ask your greeter what the notes mean
C. Ask another question {Insert Here}
D. Preform unlisted action {Insert Action Here}

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Edited on 01/09/19 @ 17:25:56 by That1Idiot (#171947)

NorthBound (G3
Spotted Bush) (#104248)

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Posted on
2019-09-01 11:19:58
B. Ask to meet him (#3)

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Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-09-01 11:21:09
May I do B, ask what the notes mean exactly?
Might help a lot haha, I'm too spoiled for choice... ;w; I have a soft heart for all of them, just wanna bring them all with me!

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That1Idiot (#171947)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-01 11:52:32
@ Lucid (#104248)

Your greeter nods, huge smile on her face before moving to unlock the door. Once to door is opened just slightly enough for a body to be able to slip through you are greeted and almost knocked over from the force of a honey-colored kobalos jumping up to greet you. His tongue is lolling out of his mouth as he yips hoarsely at you.

You laugh and stroke his head, taking this time to examine him a bit further. He has the leopard spotting, collaring and boot markings, the latter two of which are covered with a bit of white fur. His hind end is shaking violently and it is at this time that you notice he has no tail! You blink in surprise.


What will you do now?
A. Adopt this Kobalos! {Send Payment 1gb/1400SB, items are case->case, pm me!}
B. Ask to meet another Kobalos {#1-2}
C. Preform Unlisted Action {Insert Here}

@Hiamovi [Lineage Collector] (#84217)

Your greeter smiles at you, "I suppose it can be a tad confusing if you haven't see them before, huh?" She comes up to point at the note on kennel #5. "These are the GENETIC TEST RESULTS for the kobalos housed in the kennel! They determine the marking patterns, base colors, eye, colors, ear types, defects, gender, and a few other things about a Kobalos. For example, this lovely girl will be a honey-based Kobalos. She carries the potential to produce diluted and vibrant variants, but does not exhibit the traits herself. She has toe markings, but no others, a color point variant, and a bit of white on her. She's got uncommon eyes and a bobbed tail with no chance of birthing a pup with a defect currently!"

She turns back to you, "Its a lot of information, but I here the BREEDER has a big book on the stuff. Its not complete yet, but I'm sure if you pay him a visit he'd let you look!"

(If you have further questions, send me a pm! The genetics get a bit wonky and It'll be easier to talk about them there! <3)

What will you do now?

A. Ask to meet a Kobalos {#1-5}
B. Ask another question {Insert Here}
C. Preform Unlisted Action {Insert Here}

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