Posted by Eternal Dusk - A Vampire RP with RPG elements~

UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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2020-05-30 04:32:03
A time where vampire myths are commonly believed, and suspicion of the undead is high.
You reside in the town of Rivercrest, which seems like just another town, but when night falls it becomes far more sinister.

You are a vampire, and now it's time you have to choose whether you'll be swayed by your immortal bloodlust and feast to your undead heart's content, either manipulating your way to the top, using your wits to avoid being caught, isolating from the mortals and only interacting when it's time to feed, or simply slaughtering all those who oppose you. Or, you could try your best to shun who you are, and feed as little as possible, or only on consenting humans. But without feeding, you'll soon begin to find your immortality dwindling.
But, it's not just human hunters you have to worry about, werewolves will stop at nothing to rip you to shreds, if you're not careful, the toxic rays of dawn could soon turn you to mere ashes, or other vampires who find your existence irritating could try to slay you.

The roleplay is currently set in the 12th century.

As a vampire, you have to feed often, or you will begin to weaken. For every couple in-roleplay weeks, you have to feed, if you do not, your stats will drop by one, and your given immortality will soon begin to dwindle. You can kill an npc while feeding, or you can try your best to restrain yourself from completely killing them, or even ask for consent, but however, all of these come with their own consequences.

For example, if you try to ask an NPC and it fails, (An action that takes into consideration the NPCs personality, their relationship with you and your own Charisma stat.) Their suspicion of you will be very high, which will cause other NPCs to begin to shun or distrust you, or even hire mercenaries to hunt you down. The same with killing, if you're caught while feeding or killing, the town's suspicion of you will rise dramatically.

As the roleplay progresses over the irl months, and from how fast the roleplay progresses, the time period will also change, adapting through the centuries. And as your vampire ages, they will also grow stronger and you can choose 2 stats to improve per century.

Vampires in this roleplay will follow quite basic rules, they will turn to ash if exposed to sunlight for more than a couple seconds, they can only be killed by total removal of the head or heart, a weapon through the heart, or complete destruction of the heart or head. A vampire will look like a normal human when not feeding or feeling intense emotions, but their irises will turn red and fangs will grow. Vampires usually have the same abilities, their strength varying from how close they are to the first vampire, so a mortal turned by a vampire that was turned by the first vampire would be far stronger than a vampire turned by another vampire 8 generations from the first vampire.
It also depends on how long it was since the vampire last fed on human blood. But, the traits all vampires have are, immortality, enhanced sight, sense of smell, and hearing, super speed and strength, and enhanced regeneration.
Other powers are possible including telepathy, telekinesis, mind reading, hypnosis, invisibility, pyromancy, and more, although those are extremely rare. They cannot turn into a bat or grow wings.

1. kwitter #194232 - Vampire's name; Lothar Penn
2. MarshyChili #206954 - Vampire's name; Cassandra Williams
3. N/A
4. Casper #207233 - Vampire's name; Mickaël Amé Romain
5. N/A
6. N/A

If interested, please check out this thread below for the rules and more info.

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Edited on 02/11/20 @ 11:35:55 by UmbralAmaryllis [Lights off] (#125769)

MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 10:34:31
(Its fine, lmfao)

Cassie jumped back as her gaze was met by a beyond mad one. "Listen, I can explain!" She said, tensing up as the man sat upward. This was not going to end well.

"I am super sorry!, I am a maid, and I was just cleaning your room up! I was supposed to earlier, and the Inn Keeper would kill me if he found out I disturbed you, but- Sir, is there something on your neck?!" She asked, leaning forward. "Oh my gosh! Its blood!" She gasped. "What in Gods name was that from?" She lied.


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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 10:47:18
(Just to check, are you enjoying the roleplay so far? And, if there's anything you'd like to see in the future, or see changed?)

The man still looked suspicious, but he seemed to believe your lie. He got out of the bed, still fuming but seemingly not at you as much. "Bitten by parasites while I sleep, woken up at midnight by a lazy maid.. Tell the slimy little man who runs this place I'm leaving." He grunted, before grabbing his bag and storming out, slamming the door with surprising strength for a human.

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 10:52:37
(yeah, I love this roleplay. One of my favs on Lioden so far! I don't see any problems with it! <3)

Cassie let a sigh of relief. She was glad he believed her. She just hoped she didn't get in shit by the Innkeeper, for getting caught.

She stretched her arms and headed back out, fully fed.

(I have writers block right now Lmfao)

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 11:02:07
(I'm glad you like it! And same, sort of. I have a lot of ideas planned for the future, but they're all mainly quite big plot points. ^^)
The Innkeeper rushed over to you, a concerned frown on his face. "I heard commotion up there, is everything okay? Were you caught?" He glanced over to the burly blonde stomping away.

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 11:05:51
(Sure thing!)

She lowered her voice, and shook her head. "I lied." She whispered. "I said I was just a maid at the wrong place at the wrong time." She chuckled. "No worries, but I think you lost a customer." She winced, apologising. "Thanks though, I really appreciate it." She said, gratefully. "If you ever need me, I'll be here." She promised, laughing quietly.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 11:14:18
Walter shook his head, laughing slightly. "He's not a regular anyways. Absolute prick too." He paused before speaking again in a sincere tone. "Of course, our kind have to stick together. And you're the first vampire other than Adreana that hasn't tried to kill me for a while. Ah, I mean Estrid." He smiled. "But ah, I'm rambling. Good luck out there."

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 11:24:37
"Thanks, you too!" She nodded, turning around and walking away. She had no idea where Mickael ran off too, but he could hold his own. But what did Walter mean by Adreana? Was that Estrid's real name? This just got weirder and weirder. And the man not being a human? What could he be, a warlock for crying out loud! What was next, dragons? Or man-eating slugs? She laughed to herself. There was probably so much she didn't know yet.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 11:35:48
In the pale moonlight, howls echoed eerily throughout the land, you could almost feel a shiver run down your spine, the howls were obviously that of wolves, but it sounded.. Off. Something just seemed so unnerving and wrong about it.

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 11:42:28
Cassie picking up her pace. She didn't know where she was heading, just somewhere but here. Her house was back the other way, but she didn't want to risk it. Her senses were heightened, allowing her to hear and smell a lot better, but she was still impaired, compared to those of a constant blood-sucker, or werewolf, unlike herself. Cassie shuddered, even as a supernatural creature, something was troublesome in this town, and she didn't feel like facing it.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 11:50:11
Out the corner of your eye, you could swear you saw a figure moving about, hearing footsteps around you, just barely out of sight. Whatever beast caused the noise seemed to stop dead with a thump, the smell of bestial blood entered your nostrils with an offensive tang.
Do you investigate?

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 11:53:23
(Ofc ofc)

Cassie let curiosity drag her over to the mysterious area. She glanced around and checked her surroundings. She had no idea what it, or who it was.


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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 12:05:45
You see a familiar redheaded figure standing over the corpse of a huge beast, the tension in the air was oppressive and heavy, she stared intently out into the darkness, her red eyes shining bright. Turning around, she noticed you and a furious expression clouded her face, "Get back, NOW." She shouted, her voice unnaturally loud and bestial.

But before she could turn back, a massive black shape slammed into her, the gnashing of teeth and wolfish growls were an instant giveaway, you could hear bones being snapped viciously, blood pouring into the grass, but under the bulk of the wolf, you couldn't see what state the ancient vampire was in. However, the beast wasn't alone, a whole pack of werewolves were circling..

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 12:11:38

Without thinking, She raced forward and ripped the one werewolf of Estrid. She used all of her strength and threw the black Mutt towards the pack, hopefully hitting another. She stood almost on top of Estrid and snarled, spit flying from her face. "Don't You DARE Move forward." She snapped, her entire face covered in rage. She positioned herself in a fighting stance.

"Listen. We don't want to fight you. What is going on?" She growled, both the vampire and the Werewolves. The situation didn't seem to be in their favour, so it was either run, fight, or talk, and the later option seems more reasonable.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 12:24:39
(Oh shit, Cassie is a badass. Lmfao)

The wolves snapped and snarled at the two vampires, their golden eyes burning with fury. They all seemed pretty injured, now that you had a better view of them. 5 wolves in total, all muscular and ferocious as most lycanthropes, but however the black one that pounced onto Estrid was the biggest by far.

The 'Alpha' began to walk forward, teeth bared in a vicious snarl, the rest of the pack not far behind.

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 13:45:30

"I said stop!" She yelled, commanding them. She looked like she was strong but on the inside she was dying. Shit shit shit. She glanced at Estrid. "You have a lot of explaining to do." She growled.

She moved forward to the Alpha, and glared right into it's eyes. "I said enough." She snarled. "There is no need for fighting right now, and even you know it is a unfair fight." She reasoned. "And plus, I don't know if you follow any rules or anything, or a code of honour, but I KNOW its common sense that you don't attack one whom is injured, nor outmatched by a ton. At least fight fair." She scowled.

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