Posted by Eternal Dusk - A Vampire RP with RPG elements~

UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-05-30 04:32:03
A time where vampire myths are commonly believed, and suspicion of the undead is high.
You reside in the town of Rivercrest, which seems like just another town, but when night falls it becomes far more sinister.

You are a vampire, and now it's time you have to choose whether you'll be swayed by your immortal bloodlust and feast to your undead heart's content, either manipulating your way to the top, using your wits to avoid being caught, isolating from the mortals and only interacting when it's time to feed, or simply slaughtering all those who oppose you. Or, you could try your best to shun who you are, and feed as little as possible, or only on consenting humans. But without feeding, you'll soon begin to find your immortality dwindling.
But, it's not just human hunters you have to worry about, werewolves will stop at nothing to rip you to shreds, if you're not careful, the toxic rays of dawn could soon turn you to mere ashes, or other vampires who find your existence irritating could try to slay you.

The roleplay is currently set in the 12th century.

As a vampire, you have to feed often, or you will begin to weaken. For every couple in-roleplay weeks, you have to feed, if you do not, your stats will drop by one, and your given immortality will soon begin to dwindle. You can kill an npc while feeding, or you can try your best to restrain yourself from completely killing them, or even ask for consent, but however, all of these come with their own consequences.

For example, if you try to ask an NPC and it fails, (An action that takes into consideration the NPCs personality, their relationship with you and your own Charisma stat.) Their suspicion of you will be very high, which will cause other NPCs to begin to shun or distrust you, or even hire mercenaries to hunt you down. The same with killing, if you're caught while feeding or killing, the town's suspicion of you will rise dramatically.

As the roleplay progresses over the irl months, and from how fast the roleplay progresses, the time period will also change, adapting through the centuries. And as your vampire ages, they will also grow stronger and you can choose 2 stats to improve per century.

Vampires in this roleplay will follow quite basic rules, they will turn to ash if exposed to sunlight for more than a couple seconds, they can only be killed by total removal of the head or heart, a weapon through the heart, or complete destruction of the heart or head. A vampire will look like a normal human when not feeding or feeling intense emotions, but their irises will turn red and fangs will grow. Vampires usually have the same abilities, their strength varying from how close they are to the first vampire, so a mortal turned by a vampire that was turned by the first vampire would be far stronger than a vampire turned by another vampire 8 generations from the first vampire.
It also depends on how long it was since the vampire last fed on human blood. But, the traits all vampires have are, immortality, enhanced sight, sense of smell, and hearing, super speed and strength, and enhanced regeneration.
Other powers are possible including telepathy, telekinesis, mind reading, hypnosis, invisibility, pyromancy, and more, although those are extremely rare. They cannot turn into a bat or grow wings.

1. kwitter #194232 - Vampire's name; Lothar Penn
2. MarshyChili #206954 - Vampire's name; Cassandra Williams
3. N/A
4. Casper #207233 - Vampire's name; Mickaël Amé Romain
5. N/A
6. N/A

If interested, please check out this thread below for the rules and more info.

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Edited on 02/11/20 @ 11:35:55 by UmbralAmaryllis [Lights off] (#125769)

MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-07-01 11:41:42
Cassie looked at Matilda suspiciously, before giving her a small smile. "Sure." She started, sitting down and leaning against a tree. "As you already know, we-" She said, pointing at herself and Estrid. "Are Vampires, and that thing down there, is a werewolf. " She took a deep breath. "As you probably know, Vampires have to drink blood in order to survive, like you have to eat food, or drink water." She sighed. "As you could tell, Werewolves and Vampires don't get along that well. "

"I guess, to sum us up, Vampires are the slaves to the sun, and Werewolves are servants to the moon."

(Vampire Diares Reference lmfao)

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-07-01 11:54:50
Estrid spoke up. "About 300 or so years ago, it wasn't always like this.. Werewolves and Vampires didn't get along, but it was more of a mutual understanding not to bother one another. But Werewolves began targeting human villages, slaughtering them. And the tension grew and grew, with more attacks. It soon became an all out war. First, most of the vampires in the area, including I, just tried to chase them out, but it soon became clear that more drastic actions were necessary. Over the years, a group of ancient vampires including myself nearly drove them to extinction. But clearly they're back."

Matilda was left stunned after the story. "You're 300 years old??" The ancient vampire scoffed. "More around 800, us vampires don't age."

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Edited on 01/07/20 @ 12:37:11 by SinnamonHowell (#125769)

MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-07-06 19:51:05
She chuckled softly. "She would look ancient if she didn't age." She joked, laughing slightly.
"Thanks for your help." She added, glancing at the woman. "Just, please, please don't tell anyone. Nobody can know. About anything." She pleaded.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-07-07 04:42:32
The woman smiled and nodded, before promptly asking something. "Could I learn more about your kind? I'm not scared, but this is all so new and strange to me." She said with a sweet tone, her blue eyes glistening.

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-07-07 10:41:40
Cassie seemed taken aback. She was so interested in Vampires, it was unreal. Doubts ran through her head. Estrid seemed to be content, so she should be too. Then she remembered something the InnKeeper said.. called her a different name? She meekly said, "There isn't much besides that, however you seem very curious, is there anything specific would you like to ask me and Adreana- " She coughed, glaring at Estrid. "Oh silly me, I meant Estrid. I got someone else on my mind I guess." She laughed.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-07-07 11:18:34
Estrid seemed taken aback somewhat by the name mentioned, but kept her cool, however shooting Cassie a wary glare which Matilda didn't seem to notice.

"Uh.. Where do I start?" Matilda said, a small moment of awkwardness overtaking her. "Are you.. Stronger than a human? Can you turn into a bat?"

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-07-07 12:49:01
Cassie grinned inwardly. She didn't know exactly what revolted around the name, but it seemed like she could gain some leverage with it.

"Much stronger. " She answered. "Practically immortal." She added, fixing her hair. "And for you second question, I don't think so. I am a younger vampire, and have seen others have abilities like Mind Reading, and hypnosis, which, I think I might have a handle on." She bragged.. "So, Vampires can do all sorts of stuff, but I don't think Shape shifting is of the sorts.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-07-07 12:58:23
Estrid spoke up, suddenly growing rather impatient. "Yes, that's about right I suppose. But are you aware that it's getting near dawn?" She snapped before lowering her voice, quiet enough that Matilda couldn't hear.

"We need to talk, Fledgling." She growled, her prior.. Somewhat agreeable mood seemed to have completely vanished.

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Edited on 07/07/20 @ 12:59:04 by SinnamonHowell (#125769)

MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-07-07 19:04:45
"Ahh yes. It might be best if you leave." She said quickly, nodding to Matilda. Her face seemed somewhat controlled as she began to turn around and walk away.

Estrid was breathing heavily behind her, as she dreaded turning around. She did so very carefully and slowly, knowing that name disturbed her. "What is wrong with you?" She asked, slightly quirking her lip up.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-07-08 03:04:30
Estrid's face was furious, her red eyes blazing as she glared. "Wherever you learnt that name. Forget it." She snapped, her voice was icy cold and low.

You could see her body tense, but this anger didn't seem controlled like her usual outbursts. You could almost hear fear in her voice.

She began to walk away, keeping as much composure as she could while limping on her newly healing leg.

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Edited on 08/07/20 @ 03:07:36 by SinnamonHowell (#125769)

Casper (#207233)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-08 07:44:07
(omg omg omg im so sorry ive been offline I took a break from lioden but im back now oof lets just pretend Mickael took a trip to Dubai or something)

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-07-08 09:05:02
(That's fine! Glad to have you back! Only an in-roleplay night has passed.)

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Casper (#207233)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-08 09:41:08
(what im writting next is what happened since the moment I disapeared lol)

Everything was buzzing around Mickael. The sounds were muffled, his vision distorted and blurry. He was walking alongside Cassie, looking over at her while she spoke to the weird old man and staying close to her as she would speak with the innkeeper was as if he was not there. Mickael would stare into the void, think about nothing and didn't acknowledge any information it was given or analyze anyone that was near.

He was now standing with Cassandra in front of the rooms, he wans't thinking where to go, who to choose or how to hunt.

In reality, he has never been this hungry or fought that much. His stomach would ache and turn while Cassandra vanished into a room. His mouth was watering. A lot. Saliva would drip to the floor and to his shirt. His fangs were outgrowing his mouth and just...hanging outside of his lips. ´

While Mickael's vision was still blurry, he was feeling very clearly his body shake. He rose his hand and could see his fingers tingle and his skin greying, with veins sticking out.

Mickael lost his balance, tripping over himself. The only thing holding him being a wooden wall being him. His nails digging again into the wall, just like they did with the bark before. He couldn't remember anything that happened after he arrived at the city with Cassie but he did know he was hungry. Very hungry.

"AAaaaargh!!" He muffled screamed. His shaking hand leaving the wall and holding against his mouth, getting wet with all the spare saliva dripping from it. Sitting in the floor, the shaking becoming more apparent, possessing now his entire body.

He tried to crawl away from that mess, heavy breathing. His hearing and vision were coming back, but they were different. Mickael could now hear everything too well, he heard the breathing of the sleeping guests, the wind outside and his own guts growling. The vision stopped being blurry but every color now was more vivid, so vivid it hurt his eyes. Mickael hit his head against the wall again and again trying to make everything stop, trying to stop his hunger and his senses. But that only made his head hurt even more.

Mickael grasped his hair and pulled it, crouching and shrinking his frame. Now completely panicking on the floor.

Suddenly, everything stopped. The sounds, the images, the shaking, everything. The only thing he could feel was a sharp beep (similar to the ones you hear after an explosion) running through his ears.

He stood up, nails completely grown into a pointy end, fangs sticking out of his mouth, skin grey and his pupil completely dilated, covering his eyes in a pitch black color with only a tint of blue sticking out.

His vision crossed the three doors, feeling the scent of the three individuals. One was disgusting, the fowl stench of alcohol making Mickael sick, he shook his head, trying to lose the scent particles. The other belonged to viking man, which was already taken by Cassandra, the smell of his blood was, however, not very pleasent.Maybe his blood type was not Mickael's type. Then the last one. That one was a lot more tasty looking. The scent was sweet...yet with a pinch of salty, the perfect balance.

Mickael entered the room, glancing over the lady. She was really pretty but Mickael was not looking for that at that moment. His guts twisted and turned with the idea of tasting her sweet tender blood, more saliva was spilled into the mattress as Mickael grew hungrier and hungrier. His instinct finnally drove his hand into her touch, trailling her leg from heel to thigh, feeling her pulse and the texture of skin that was soon to be felt.

After leaving her leg, Mickael placed his hand on her side, quickly following with the other on the other side. His movements were slow and carefull, is steps almost impossible to hear. Mickael took off his shoes without using his hands and carefully placed both on each side of Rose, leaving some time for the bed to settle and the sounds to calm down.

He was now completely hovering above Rose, filled with antecipation for the sweet taste of his all-time favorite drink. His head completely facing her neck, ready to take the lead, a single drop of spit falling into her.

Mickael's mouth opened completely, his jaw cracked letting it open even more and his skin teared at his mouth corners. Four extended fangs dangling at Rose's neck. Mickael waited some minutes for the perfect moment. A moment where Rose would be so far into dreamland she wouldn't be able to hear a crying baby. A moment where Mickael could get the best grip and angle. And that moment eventually came. He clenched his teeth around her neck, however, not as harshly as he did with Mrs. Bennet, instead of shaking skin to get every inch of blood, he profuted Rose's skins, then withdrew his teeth, letting the blood drip from the recently made holes. Next, he simply "kissed" the wound, without the help of his fangs, and sucked the juice right from the package, without making any more of a mess.

(sorry for long wait and long text. I re-wrote this like....3 times. I also started writting without reading Sinnamon's warning of the passed night so sorry :( )

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2020-07-08 10:43:06
(It's fine! Marshy and I are currently tied up in a scenario at the moment, but I can add you back into the 'plot' the next in-roleplay night. ^^)

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MarshyChili (#206954)

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Posted on
2020-07-08 18:45:58
(HAHAHAHAHA. Mickael missed alot😂 )

What was so special about that name? And was that a trace of fear in her voice? Hmm. She was getting very curious now. She glared at her leaving, prancing away from the wreckage. Cassie sighed and rested her head against the bark of the tree, thinking.

This was a very interesting night. One, she freaking attacked a werewolf pack, and made it out alive, two, a human being willingly allowed Estrid to feed on her, and three, she had some power over Estrid, with that name. And where the heck did Mickael go? Probably writing that letter. Mickael with a K and a E. She chuckled softly.

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