Posted by :Storymode: Temperate Savanna

Historia [Storymode] (#105232)

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2020-09-01 15:12:33


Our Temperate Savannah is a mixed woodland-grassland ecosystem characterized by trees that are widely spaced. The open canopy allows sufficient light to reach the ground to support a herbaceously rich environment. This is surrounded mainly by grasses. Many herbal remedies are available here, especially nutgrass and marula fruit. Umganu can be harvested by stripping the bark from the trees marula fruit grow on.

Animals that thrive here as competition, or as threats are the caracal, cheetah, honey badger, hyena, leopard, serval, stripe Hyena, and wildebeest.


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Edited on 01/09/20 @ 19:56:03 by Historia [Storymode] (#105232)

Boy💀[story mode] (#175539)

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Posted on
2020-09-01 20:11:36
Well I guess I'll start us off w/ an encounter :)) // Divai, after a short time chasing after the gathering locust swarms, pulled an herb she recognized out of the ground. She sniffed it for a moment. Was now a good time to go into a shamanic trance? No, she decided, stashing the herb into her pouch in case the spirits requested her presence later. She continued to wander the savannah alone, her tail twirling through the tall grasses. She waited eagerly for someone or something to come along and entertain her.

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[Storymode] (#213942)

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Posted on
2020-09-01 20:34:50
I'll send my seer over to you!// Lues walked the way she always did, a nervous step of her paws. She hated the savanna and its open, endless plains- she saw too much, and yet much too little. The deep colored markings on her body, as well as the black dust she almost always had around her paws, tended to scare away whatever was within sight of her. Prey, other lions- they bolted as if they had seen a spirit. Which she sure as heck could be. Brushing a locust off her face and trying not to look into the distance a familiar scent hit her- feline. A scent of herbs on them too, like the mystics and wind-watchers the pride loved so much. The marked female watched them from far, tail tapping the ground and startling a colony of ants.

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Boy💀[story mode] (#175539)

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Posted on
2020-09-01 20:51:09
@ Bronzewing // Divai caught the scent of Lues on the wind and turned around to face her. Startled by the appearance of the other lioness, and sensing the presence of another spiritually attuned lioness, she dipped her head with respect and crossed the plains over to Lues, speaking tentatively.
"Greetings, stranger. What brings you to this area?" she asked, lifting her head vaguely, wondering if the other lioness would have a more... prompting response.

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[Storymode] (#213942)

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Posted on
2020-09-01 20:58:40
@Ghoul Boy [story
mode] (#175539) She could feel that the other lioness was a mystic of some sort- they always had that aura around them. "Salutations, fellow stranger." she said in her slightly raspy voice. "I come here often for the long plains. It's the best spot, after all, to watch out for abnormalities." She kept her eyes unnaturally focused on Divai, only removing her gaze once she realized what she was doing.

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Boy💀[story mode] (#175539)

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Posted on
2020-09-01 21:06:52
@ Bronzewing // Divai nodded in agreement.
"It's a great location for me to search for herbs, in case I need them for some manner of mixture or salve," she said, dipping her head. She felt a certain closeness to the other lioness, although they didn't know each other well. "I am Divai, a shaman and prophetess among my people. Something tells me that you play a similar part among your kin," she said, tilting her head as if to ask Lues to confirm or deny this.

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[Storymode] (#213942)

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Posted on
2020-09-02 13:38:11
@Ghoul Boy [story
mode] (#175539)

"Well," the female admitted- "I have seen a fair amount of herbs and varied plants around the vicinity. I don't concern myself with them- I don't work with them myself." Her paw slid along the ground, dirt and rocks almost effortlessly raking up from the ground. "I am Lues, seer of deep omens and the knowledge of the world. A healer I am not, but a prophetess I am." Moving about a little, likely to get another look at Divai, she stood still and waited for her response.

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Boy💀[story mode] (#175539)

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Posted on
2020-09-02 14:19:18
@ Bronzewing // Divai nodded. "I use the herbs around here to enter trances. In these hypnotic states, the great spirits of this land speak to me and whisper their secrets to me," she purred. She studied Lues for a moment, considering the possibility that the other lioness might be aggressive. She decided against it- if Lues wanted to attack her, she thought, she would have already.

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[Storymode] (#213942)

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Posted on
2020-09-02 19:47:38
The painted female dipped her head as a small nod. "I hope those spirits of yours warn you of danger." she spoke. "Even here, things find a way to sneak up on you." The thought that Divai could be aggressive never hit her- there was no reason for them to have a reason to fight. Maybe some of the angrier submales would, but not more civilized felines.

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Boy💀[story mode] (#175539)

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Posted on
2020-09-02 20:31:13
Divai swept her gaze around the vast savannah, suddenly more watchful, heeding Lues's warning. Realizing it was no more than a simple remark, she stood down.
"True, true, every place can be dangerous," she purred, "Even a vast, empty land like this one." she swished her tail back and forth. "If I may ask, which pride are you from? Do you hail from around here?"

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[Storymode] (#213942)

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Posted on
2020-09-02 20:54:21
Lues moved a bit more, almost in a semicircle around the other feline. "This land, you can see an enemy approaching- but the real question is whether one can escape in time." she spoke, sitting down and turning her marked head up into the sunlight. Squinting as if she was being burnt, her gaze drifted back down to Divai. "I hail from the river- and not the one you may be thinking of. It is very far from here, but it is not a walk that hurts the pads of your paws."

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Boy💀[story mode] (#175539)

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Posted on
2020-09-02 21:00:18
Divai nodded calmly. "I see, yes. I am from a canyon area- just down into the valley, in between those mighty cliffs," she said, pointing with her nose. "We live an isolated existence. It is not often that I meet another lioness who is not my sister by oath, let alone a shaman or any lioness so wise and bold as yourself." she smiled, hoping the other lioness appreciated compliments. She glanced to the left and caught the scent of a lone antelope, lying in the grasses and hoping to remain concealed. She looked back at Lues. "Say, we may be shamans, but we can both hunt, I presume. If we catch that young antelope, perhaps we could share a meal?"

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[Storymode] (#213942)

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Posted on
2020-09-03 16:02:09
Lues tried to remember if she recognized the location that the shaman was describing. "I have never been near there." she eventually spoke. "Isolated locations make you closer with your sisters. While mine should be easy to access we rarely see fellow lions- the only lions I have happened across were enemies of mine or part of the omens that stalk our world." Her tail flicked across the ground like a snake. The scent of the antelope didn't even occur to her until Divai pointed it out- it felt as if her nostrils always smelled a strange, acidic odor. "My skills at the hunt are low, but I should be able to catch up in speed alone. I may give it an attempt."

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Boy💀[story mode] (#175539)

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Posted on
2020-09-03 16:05:15
Divai nodded to her. "I could probably bring it down. I was trained for a short time in hunting before I chose the path of a shaman," she said. She began to circle around the back of the antelope, sniffing the air to see if it may notice her. She glanced to the side, hoping Lues would mirror her movements.

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[Storymode] (#213942)

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Posted on
2020-09-03 16:17:00
"I have never been taught the skill of the hunt." she spoke. "The skill of bone-reading, yes- but the hunt, no." Lues did her best to mirror the other lioness's movements, although she looked behind her in a nervous fashion every so often, as if just the action of hunting made her vulnerable to something.

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Boy💀[story mode] (#175539)

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Posted on
2020-09-03 16:39:47
Divai noticed these nervous glances and shot the other lioness a reassuring smile.
"Worry not. Follow my movements and try to grab the antelope by the neck," she explained. "In just a moment here, I will start to run, and the antelope will be within our grasp. Just latch on with your claws and..." she sprung forward, bounding after her prey as the thing stood up, startled, and broke into a gallop. She swerved around behind it, each leap bringing her closer to her prey. She glanced back every moment or so, checking to see if her companion was doing okay.

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