Posted by The Lost Souls rp OPEN

rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-05-07 18:08:10
This is a role play based on the old Legends of Ireland where the Fae people were a magnificent race that came to this world aboard ships, ships that were far more advanced and far More beautiful than any human of that age had ever seen. This strange race tall, pale skinned, clear eyed, soft-spoken were clearly very different from their human counterparts. They had the gift of magic. They could control the elements and new already how to forge weapons of iron and many other things that the humans had not yet learned. The Fae, being innocent and trusting, taught the humans everything they knew therefore giving the humans ability to create fire and weapons and better their civilization, but the magic was strictly theirs to protect and to wield. The humans, being jealous and green beings used all the weapons and everything that the fa e had taught them to wage war against the unsuspecting race, eliminating them completely.. or so they thought. Many of the FAE, upon dying, used their magic to lift their souls out of their bodies and mix it with whatever human being was near to them, and so the Fay hybrids were born. These people were unusually more beautiful than the common human, and had special gifts of which they learn to hide for fear of being burnt at the stake. These hybrids sought company of one another and begin forming covens, living life is normally as they could, suppressing their powers and practicing them only in secret and now in this day and age, a secret Church has learned about their existence and has set out to eliminate these hybrids. They're called the witch hunters.
There are two known covens, and it is their duty to save their race.... Or will they perish in flames like their ancestors? Or...will they rise up against the humans?

This is set in modern times.

Pregnancy is allowed, and if a character has a child or a child character is being planned, please pm me first.

Only the four heirs to the Fae people can awaken the true magic that will wear thin the line between this world, and the magical one, therefore allowing magical creatures to awaken from their slumber deep.within the earth were the.secret of magic is strictly hidden.

Your character can be:
Fae hybrid
Witch Hunter

Animals.that can be seen, or rped after the.hidden world of magick is awoken by the heir of the Fae kingdom, there are four heirs to the Fae Kingdom. Two Male, Two female. But Morgaine is the High Queen, and in counsil has the final word.

After.the veil.between this word and.the magical is weaked, these.creatures can be seen, mentioned, or.roleplayed. must pm me first.

Talking animals
Dark Fae
Pm me if you have any you ad.

Pm me if you are wanting a leadership role.
High Queen Morrigan: MagicShadow #190011
High King: Open
King: Mailier Ceilince (polygoespurr (#230307)
Queen: Arinya |{|GWolf|}| (#206934)

Here is to sign up.

Arinya |{|GWolf|}|
MidKnight (MidKnight (#222934)
Mebh (⚔Murderthistle⚔ (#230278)
Atlas (Valorpride (#192643)
Elena (Lionlvr (#146607)
Mailier Ceilince (polygoespurr (#230307)

Mountain Manor:
Kari (MagicShadow #190011)
Liam |ArtemisRose|| (#193151)
Rosette (Scorpioness (#225561)
Talon (Darkness (#107499)

Forest Hill:
Morrigan (MagicShadow #190011)
High Priestess Lía Ellesmera (#236564)

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Edited on 09/08/21 @ 05:49:57 by MagicShadow*triple rosette* (#190011)

MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-06-07 13:19:54
MidKnight stepped forwards cautious as always. She felt she had to come nearer. But she still wasn't sure about her.
She turned to her pack and told them to wait there unless she was attacked. She turned back to the woman.

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Lionlvr (#146607)

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Posted on
2021-06-07 13:24:10
Elena's mind continued to spin, and her eyes landed on the new stranger who had aided their escape. She stood and made her way over towards him, calming herself. "Hi, um.. I have many MANY questions but the most important one that comes to my mind is where are we? Also, I'm not completely sure what there is to discuss but I have to leave town now that I can't work and they know my face so.. what am I doing here?" She managed, her mind still reeling.

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Brindlecloud (#104551)

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Posted on
2021-06-07 13:42:50
Talon allowed herself to stay close to him for a moment before raising her head. He was right. It wasn't her fault they couldn't make it out, but it still bugged her that all she could do was throw up a defensive wall. She coiled her arm back settling her hand in her lap overlapping it with her other. She decided to keep her words to herself her gaze flicking to Elena. Talon kept silent at the question that popped out, asked towards Liam. She wished to rest a bit more before she returned home to explain the situation to her adopted family.

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-06-07 13:47:44
Liam Stood from where he sat next to Talon, realizing the rogue was nervous, disoriented, and scared.
He placed both hands in front of him, a sign that he wouldnt hirt her. He read her mind. Elena was her name, and her mind was like a tornado. His ice grey wyes, normally cold and uninviting softened.
"First things first, this, right now, os the safest place you can be...second, we are all fae hybrids, and third..." his woeds faded as Kari's delicate voice rang across the living room from the top of the stairs, where she stood, in a dwlicate satin dress with a handknitten shawl over her delicate shoulders with embroidered pears, dark circles under her eyes and unaturally pale.

"Elena, dear," she said in a sweet but weak voice, "Welcome to my safe haven. do stay a while...

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-06-07 13:49:07
(might be a bit slow guys, eating. ;)

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-06-07 13:52:14
MidKnight stepped into the clearing around the the human's cabin. She stared at the human and her dogs. MidKnight is pure black with gold eyes. She stood out very much once in the clearing.

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-06-07 13:57:29
Morgaine's dark grey eyes widened in shock, and why did she feel as if every inch of her skin buzzed with electricity . Her dogs began to whine in fear of her and ran back inside. Morgaine stood in shock and she looked at her hands. They were changing!!! dark black fur erupted from her arms and she grimaced in pain as her bones began to shift form. Her heart pounded in fear. What thw hell was happening to her?!

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-06-07 13:58:36
(brb guys, gonna eat)

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-06-07 14:03:55
MidKnight cocked her head. "Oh " She chuckled. "Shapeshifter like me?" She smiled.

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Lionlvr (#146607)

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Posted on
2021-06-07 14:16:54
Elena was quiet for a moment before responding. "Ok... um, I guess I don't really have anywhere specific to be." She responded. "Is there somewhere I could maybe practice with my magic and think for a bit?" She asked quietly. 'That always seems to lift my mood.' She internalized.

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murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2021-06-07 15:36:50
Mebh nodded, and scampered to the window. She gave Liam and Talon a cheeky look, then shifted to a bird and soared, deliberately going out of bounds. She flapped her wings and heard a commotion in the forest. She dove down and landed in te trees above what looked like that wolf from a while ago and some other person who was freaking out... She shifted to normal and wrapped her tail around the branch curiously.

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Scorpioness (#225561)

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Posted on
2021-06-08 02:29:17
((i was very busy lately - collage, deadlines...
((anyway, what did i miss?

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-06-08 08:11:01
(Some got rescued from h 7untwrs and they are at someone's home magicshadow leader one. MidKnight is with a rogue and they are intercat8ng. The rogue doesn't know she was far hybrid well till last post of mine but magicshadow hasn't replied to that one yet)

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murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2021-06-08 15:43:29
Mebh shifted a bit on her branch. How curious. She decided not to go barging in, remembering how that went last time. She wrapped her small claws more firmly on the wood, causing a small creak to echo.

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-06-10 14:09:30
Kari smiled, shakily gripping the stair case bars as she went down slowly, Her green eyes were dull, and Liam immediately was at her side, gripping her arm, helping her. "Kari, you should not be even out of bed," liam whispered tensely, but Kari put one delicate hand up, gesturing for his silence, and she, being his high priestess, leader of the coven, and the one who saved his life when he was just a boy, so he obeyed. He helped her over to Talon.

Kari hated feeling This weak, but she could not regret using what she considered to be forbidden magic if it had saved them all. She looked Elena in the eyes and smiled sweetly . "Stay for as long as you like. Upstairs are the guest rooms, and as for magic, until I call a meeting, if forbidden. "

With this said, Kari delicately pushed Liams arms off and turned away from the group , wishing she could teletransport to her room and cry, but no, she couldn't. Because the vision she had had just a minute ago was very serious, and distressing.

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Edited on 10/06/21 @ 14:22:59 by MagicShadow (#190011)

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