Posted by Decay | RP Thread | Closed

Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-08-13 23:23:55

This RP is closed and has been remade here: LINK

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This is a remake of an old RP that I'm incredibly fond of. You can find the original here.

Click image for it's source.

A feminine, monotone voice echoes through the halls of a suburban family home, "An estimated 250 dogs live at the plant itself, 225 in the city of Chernobyl, and hundreds more roam around, for a total of more than 1,000, according to SPCA International. Wolves and the need for food have driven the dogs from wooded areas surrounding the plant into the Exclusion Zone." Suddenly, a sharper female voice cuts in. "Don't watch something so depressing, sweetie. The puppies are fine." The screen goes black.

setting music
The city is picturesque from the television screen. Though living amongst the crumbling, overgrown, radioactive buildings is another hell entirely. Dogs whose ancestors were abandoned by their masters in order to escape the explosion generations ago still remain here to this day, too far into the Exclusion Zone to be saved by any humans residing outside of Chernobyl. Many have been born with birth defects, sometimes visible but more often affecting their minds, organs and lifespans. Two major packs have risen out of the dust, Abolition and Insurgent. The packs have always been at odds but due to the encroachment of wolves and low resources, space is low and tempers are at an all time high. Can they come together to overcome the odds or will their own greed tear them down?


Current season: Early Winter. [Frigid temperatures. Long nights, short and dark days.]
Current major events:
Time Skip!! 9/5

Two Abolition dogs have been killed by Insurgent pack members. This has caused unrest in both packs.

A massive snow storm has swept over Chernobyl, bringing an early winter and a shortage of supplies.

Packs and Characters:

Image Sources: 1, 2

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Edited on 17/11/21 @ 17:42:16 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

E (#237195)

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Posted on
2021-09-22 15:48:03
Shadow | Den (Insurgent Camp) | Quillion, Stoney
Shadow watched over Quillion and the pup as they slept, occasionally poking their head outside their den to check on the other members of their pack.

Luxnas | Insurgent Outskirts | Being, Bates, Demesu, Stixx
Lux snapped at Stixx once more before following Being into the building, his one eye darting around the darkened space in an attempt to see what had caught his attention. "What is it Being? Is someone there?" He let out a low growl of warning in case whoever was there was thinking of attacking them.

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murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2021-09-22 16:00:57
Being| Insurgent Outskirts| Mentions- Bates, Luxnas, Stixx, Demesu

Being brushed his tail against Luxnas as he came in. 'I believe so.' he growled. 'Come out now,' he ordered the unseen dog. 'And you might get away with no injuries. If you don't, and I find you, then I'll have some fun you won't get out alive from.' he raised his voice menacingly. Blood still dripped from his face, splatting dark almost blackish red blood on the floor. Being didn't seem to mind however.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2021-09-22 16:05:55
Name: Bates | Location: insurgent territory | Mentions: Being, Luxnas, Stixx, Demesu
:bates growled lowly anad shoved his way between Lux and Being, standing sniffing and stepped forward about to dig the dog out:

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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-09-22 19:59:09
Quillon | Insurgent Warrior | Location: Insurgent Camp.
Mentions: Shadow, Stoney.

He was standing in the outskirts of the city, dark clouds settled across the sky. In the distance stood a pack of dogs. They seemed familiar but no matter how he studied them, their features blurred together in his mind. He and they had been staring at one another for the longest time, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Suddenly, they began to charge forwards. He went to run away but found himself unable to move, each step causing him to sink further downwards. Glancing at his paws, he was met with marshy, water-ridden, ground. He had become trapped in the hip-high mud and was struggling to escape. Opening his mouth to yell out, he felt something clamp around his leg and yank him violently into the dark earth.

Quillon lurched back into wakefulness, his chest heaving as he sat up and glanced over his surroundings. "A dream..." He mumbled, allowing his head to flop back down against the soft bedding. Two dogs were present at his side, though as he squinted to see them in the dim light their features were muddled just as the dogs in his dream. "Shadow?" He questioned in a gravelly voice, studying the dark mass of fur. The smaller dog was a mystery. Ryker? He wanted to question, eyebrows furrowing from confusion. No, it couldn't be. Ryker is still with the loner. He was still struck by a heavy grogginess, one that seemingly wouldn't let up. His wounds were aching unbearably but there was a tightness that hadn't been there before. They've been bandaged? Ah, Raymond... He thought, allowing his eyes to close again just for a moment. They must had tended to him while he was knocked out. "How long have I been asleep?" He spoke without reopening his gaze, his voice fading as he was lured back towards sleep.

Kardama| Loner | Location: Insurgent Outskirts.
Mentions: Artemis.

Kardama watched with a heavy gaze as the storm finally fizzled away outside. She stood and shook her smooth coat, running her tongue across her scarred muzzle thoughtfully. The day is passing us by... With a quiet hum, she cast a musing leer towards the wolfdog pup. Allowing her booming voice to break the stillness of the room, she spoke at last. "Little one, it's time to leave." Her words weren't soft nor soothing, no longer worrying about the lass possibly being asleep. The forest was calling her once again, and she wanted to get as far away from this territory as her legs would take her before night set in. "Come now. Describe your home to me." She inquired as she stepped up to the doorway. Lifting her massive paws, she dug the piled snow out of the way to allow them a clear passage. Bursting back out into the sunlight, her eyes narrowed from the blindingly bright snow.

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murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2021-09-22 20:08:09
Artemis| Insurgent Outskits| Mentions- Kardama

Artemis jolted awake from a dream of finding her family, but then as she reached them they burned in front of her, and she was stuck, unable to help. Arty shook off the lingering stands of dread and stood up wearily. β€˜Oh, okay.’ She said, then thought. β€˜We live in an old broken car, but I’m not going back until I find them.’ She growled stubbornly. She stepped out of the building into the light wind. Her lemony-white pelt was buried in the snow as she stepped out and she hissed and climbed back up, spreading her paws to even her weight out.

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2021-09-22 21:56:14
Reo | Abolition Scout | Location: Abolition/Insurgent Border | Mentions: Aramis, Slate

Reo watched as the female threw the prey aside and stiffened her own stance. Snarls rippled through the air as they had a staring contest. The spotted dog spoke with venom in her voice and Reo flinched ever so slightly. Her words were a lot worse than he was expecting; but true nonetheless. Admittedly, the only reason the male spoke up about the food because he was still a little peeved over the lost rabbit earlier. He puffed out a breath as he had nothing to say to the dame. He rather be caught in a stupid remark than try and make even more of a fool of himself trying to cover his own ass. His eyes shot forward as the other mutt threaten his jewels off? What a strange threat. The sighthound merely took in her words as he watched her every move. It didn't appear that she wasn't moving close to him at all.

His eyes narrowed at the stranger's words. 'Tell me, does it look like I've been in a fight recently? Unless; you have proof that I killed that dame as well. After all, if the stupid broad hadn't been taking a stroll in our territory, she wouldn't have died.' The canine snarled at her words. Surely, Mavy was stupid enough to cross the border but their other pack shouldn't be talking of the deceased in that way. But... the words she spoke cleared something up in his head. How did this stranger not know about the dead dog below him? Reo let out yet another growl. I know that she was in your territory. As much as I hate to say it, you guys had a right to kill her. But only because of that. Maybe try talking to her first next time. She was only hunting for her hours-old pups at the time." The sighthound tried to add a bit more guilt to the statement. Perhaps someone in that pack can feel bad. The dog continued speaking. But are you dense? You think I'm talking about her? Forget a cow, maybe you're just some dumb rabbit." He looked down to the carcass next to him and gently brushed off the snow off of Jade's face and body. He peered over at the female, his tone just a bit softer but still firm. "I'm talking about this lass. As you can clearly see, she's on our territory and Insurgent scent is all over her. Tell me it's not a coincidence. First a warrior from our pack and now our delta? I didn't know you guys were so ruthless.", Reo spat out.

As he spoke out those last words, Reo saw another dog walked towards the spotted one. This one definitely looked a lot bigger than both of them combined. But why was he acting all submissive in front of his packmate and and enemy in front of him? The sighthound stiffened at his sight and raised his haunches. He has to become more perceptive of his surroundings if two of them attacked him. His fir rippled on his back and growled a deep growl at the other dog. "Now what are you doing here too? Didn't know you guys like to team up on the innocent." The dog remarked as he watched the two closely.

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Skippy Brambles Bon
VaunenπŸŽ€ (#188943)

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Posted on
2021-09-22 23:11:16
Aramis | Insurgent Scout | Location: Insurgent Border
Mentions: Reo, Slate(Directly) Fang(Indirectly)

The dame was surprised that the brute didn't speak more like she expected him to, a brow raising as she looked somewhat pleased at the fact. He's not as stupid as Aramis initially thought, she'd give him that. "I know that she was in your territory. As much as I hate to say it, you guys had a right to kill her. But only because of that. Maybe try talking to her first next time. She was only hunting for her hours-old pups at the time." Aramis huffed slightly, once again surprised that the brute seemed to.. agree with what she said? At least, to some degree. She tore her hot gaze away from the brute, her tongue swiping around her jaws as unease pricked at her shoulders. She suspected his last words were meant to guilt her, and it worked, well, it only fueled the guilt she was already feeling previously. Aramis subconsciously refused to let that guilt show, refusing to regain eye contact with the other for a few moments before she'd speak again. "I wasn't saying she had to, or deserved to die." She growled a little defensively, her tone significantly less violent than it was before. Her floppy ears pricked slightly as he spoke again. "But are you dense? You think I'm talking about her? Forget a cow, maybe you're just some dumb rabbit." Aramis looked more irritated than she was angry with the brute now, eyes rolling before they'd closely follow where his paw was going. "What the hell are you going on abβ€”"

Aramis's words were cut off however, as the brutes paw brushed away a few clumps of snow, revealing greyish fur underneath, and eventually a face, and from where Aramis was standing she could see that some of the fur was stained with crimson. Her eyes rounded significantly at the sight, her aggressive demeanor melting completely in that moment as she blinked at it. "I'm talking about this lass. As you can clearly see, she's on our territory and Insurgent scent is all over her. Tell me it's not a coincidence. First a warrior from our pack and now our delta? I didn't know you guys were so ruthless.", She didn't even speak at the brutes words, stunned into silence, but the flick of her ear indicated that she in fact heard everything he had said. Aramis believed his words about Insurgent scent clinging to her, in fact, she could smell it herself now that she was paying more attention, and it would explain why he came at her in such a hostile manner. The first thought that came to mind was a fellow scout, Fang, to be exact. Was she in the wrong for believing he was the murderer anyway? He seemed to feel okay with it when he admitted to his first murder, the recollection of which making her mouth taste sour. And this time a delta? Insurgent is going to be thrown into a war because of him, that idiotic brute. The eery silence that the spotted dame went under, and her trained gaze on the corpse probably wouldn't have broken for a while had it not been for Slate's sudden appearance. Her head spun to see him coming to her side, before his much larger frame would collapse right next to her.

Aramis would shuffle to the side away from him as he did so, eyes rounded with alarm and surprise, widening even more so as his body convulsed. "Slate?" She started, ears flipping back against her skull tightly as she sniffed at him warily. "The hells gotten into you-" She asked, moments before the abolition dog would let out a deep growl, regaining Aramis's attention. "Now what are you doing here too? Didn't know you guys like to team up on the innocent." Her lips curled back slightly, her irritation from before quickly rushing back to her as she sent a cold glare in his direction. "Oh shut up! If i wanted to kill you I would have done so already." She spat out, her words holding an awful amount of truth within them. If Aramis was the murderous mongrel he so confidently claimed she was, she would have made an attempt already, especially because the brute was just a little bit more thin compared to her. Aramis had her morals though, as long as he stayed on his territory, she wouldn't touch him.

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Edited on 22/09/21 @ 23:11:38 by Skippy Brambles Bon VaunenπŸŽ€ (#188943)

yoWAi mO (#238465)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2021-09-23 01:14:05
Roland | Loner | Outside of Territories | Mentions; Vanadis [directly]
"Yuck, I like kid more than young broad. Whatever that means. I get to call you Old Man if you get to call me kid though." Roland huffed at that, ear twitching in annoyance. "Broad means woman. Nothing else." He glanced back at her, growling gently. "And 'Old Man?' How generous." His voice quieted down and he stalked forwards, setting his paws down gently onto the snow so that it didn't crunch as loudly. His ears swiveled towards the pup and he glanced back at her once more. "I have to be quiet, right? So i don't scare the rabbit away like that mouse." He nodded, eyes moving away from her and studying their surroundings for a moment. A broken down truck overrun by plants, a pile of rotted wood, some cinder blocks... He moved towards the truck. "You can stand by, for now. I will let you try to catch the next one, but first, I need to ensure that we do have at least this rabbit." He stopped at the open bed of the truck, which he figured from it's position and the location of the rabbit scent, would provide an optimal view of the hunt. He motioned for her to come forwards. "I'm going to set you up here so you can observe. Come on."

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Edited on 23/09/21 @ 01:17:00 by πŸ‹ (#238465)

OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2021-09-23 03:42:23
Name: Slip | Location: insurgent Camp | Mentions: isa, curly,
:he didnt mind being plopped down, holding in a small yelp. but he looked around and stood up his large paws still too big for him as he waddled back towards Isa, he didnt really want to be around anyone else:

Name: Froot Loops (Loops) | Location: abolition territory | Mentions: Sigge, Ferrer
:froot loops the little cat, was leading the pup to a clump of frozen herbs, he knew that one medicine dog would come looking for herbs:
"come on pupper,"

Name: Sigge | Location abolition territory | mentions: sigge
:the little pup waddled after them, cold but able to move about thanks to loops:

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Mystic340☾ (#47157)

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Posted on
2021-09-23 07:36:19
Kahno | Location: Abolition Camp | Mentions: Fiochmhar

He tensed for a moment, settling soon after Fioch curled into him. Kahno glanced at her for a moment, confusion clear on his face. "Has something happened to Jade?" He questioned, not aware of the dog's passing. Looking away soon after, he nodded at her words. "It sure has been." He mumbled back.

Demesu | Location: Insurgent Borders | Mentions: Stixx, Bates, Being, Luxnas

They know I'm here, I should run while I still can! He looked back and forth quickly, his body shaking badly with fear. I just need to-- His thoughts stopped, soon echoing out of his mouth and into the open air. "RUN! Get out now!" His voice carried meant only for the dachshund mix.

Demesu was quick to stand up, carrying himself into the back door. Forcing all of his strength into the closed-off exit. He was lucky that it moved, buckling under his strength. Though it did open it clearly slowed him down.

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Edited on 23/09/21 @ 18:04:12 by Mystic340☾ (#47157)

E (#237195)

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Posted on
2021-09-23 09:46:09
Shadow | Den (Insurgent Camp) | Quillion, Stoney
Shadow's eyes flew open as Quillion bolted into a sitting position. "Quill~!" They whispered, joy causing their voice to come out higher. "You're awake! I was starting to worry you had lost too much blood." They nuzzled his cheek as he flopped his head onto their paws. "How long have I been asleep?" Shadow licked his cheek to keep him from falling back to sleep. "You've been out cold most of the day. Didn't even wake when Raymond came to check the bandages I had put on your wounds, or when I went out to stretch a bit and came back with that pup." They nodded their head in the direction of the pup. Their tail was thumping on the hard ground of their den, causing dust to cloud around them. "I've been so worried, I hope you get better soon. I don't think your mother was very happy to hear that you were back. I heard her growling all the way down here." They sighed softly, looking towards the wall of pelts that marked the entrance to their alcove. "She might try to kick you out, and possibly kick me out for treating you." Their gaze hardened. "I won't let her hurt you though. She'll have to go through me to get to you." They gently rest their head on his neck, as his head is on their paws. "You should probably get some more rest love, I'll watch over you, I promise." They start humming again, a soft lullaby that they pulled from the darkness of their memories.

Slate | Insurgent-Abolition Border | Aramis, Reo, Jade(Deceased)
Slate was still shaking as Aramis tried to talk to him, and he let out a tortured whimper. "The memories... they won't stop.... I keep seeing it... the spray of blood.... the light fading from her eyes..... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!" The last was a pained yelp as he threw his head back. "SoMe oNe eND ThIS TortURe PlEAsE!!" His voice was filled with pain and horror as he sobbed, his mind fracturing.

Luxnas | Insurgent Outskirts | Stixx, Bates, Being, Demesu
Luxnas shivered as Being's tail touched him, his fur standing on end as he basked in the glory of being touched by one such as him. He growled as Bates pushed between them, but it cut off as he got his first good look at the other dog. He dipped his head, awe widening his eyes.
Lux turned as Demesu bolted out of his hiding spot, dashing after him. His jaws snapped shut on his hind leg just as the door opened and he growled, dragging him back towards Being. He put his paw in Demesu's sholder, pushing him into the contrete, before looking to Being, his curly tail wagging. "I caught him for you."

Celestia | Insurgent Territory | Vanadis, Roland
Celestia was out scouting after the recent storm, her long tread leaving a very easy trail to follow. Perhaps she would come across some game to hunt while she was out. She hummed softly as she walked, her long legs keeping her mostly above the snow. She caught the scent of two loners of opposite genders but very differing ages and decided to see what was going on. She altered her gait so that she was moving slightly faster, eager to get to her destination. Her dark gray coat didn't exactly blend in with the white snow, but it was better than if she had been black.

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Edited on 23/09/21 @ 10:24:26 by α—©α’ͺEα™­α—―Oα’ͺα–΄E~α•Ό/T (#237195)

Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2021-09-23 12:55:49
Reo | Abolition Scout | Location: Abolition/Insurgent Border | Mentions: Aramis, Slate

Reo watched as the spotted dog dropped her guard at the site of Jade. He dropped his own from seeing the female's emotions. His tail dropped ever so slightly as his eyes flickered back to the corpse. She really was a good delta; the male often had hunts or scouting missions under her guidance. His eyes went to resume on the dame and a thought passed through his head. She had too much of a genuine reaction to the body. Surely, she wouldn't have reacted the way she did if she had killed Jade, right? After a few moments, the sighthound watched the interaction between the two packmates. Slate...appeared to be his name and he didn't smell...normal to say the least. 'Oh shut up! If I wanted to kill you I would have done so already.' Reo moved his head upward and tsked. She did seem right in a way. Why wouldn't she kill him if she committed the murder? Fewer witnesses that way. Not many things were adding up in his mind.

The other, much bigger dog spoke. Well, more like squealed. The sighthound's eyes widened at the stranger's confession. 'The spray of blood..light leaving her eyes..' No doubt this was about Jade. Slate was definitely the culprit after all. And now he seems to be acting unstable. It was dangerous. Sure, it's risky to have a hungry-for-blood dog in front of you, but a dog that is out of his mind? Higher risks seem to be more involved if he didn't have any sense in him. Reo took a few steps away from Jade's body. If anything happened, he didn't need her corpse to trip over. His brown eyes peered over at the spotted dame, watching her reactions. Was this Slate normally like this? However, one thing seemed to become true one way or another. The female didn't kill Abolition's delta. Oh, Reo hated this with every fiber in his being but he has his own principles to follow. "Sorry..." the light brown canine muttered out. "..for assuming you killed her. And for the insults. I was being irrational." He dipped his head in the form of a physical apology and went back to looking at the husky. What was Reo supposed to do now? It's not like he could do anything? Slate was on their side of the border, and even if he was on Abolition's side, it would be such an idiotic move to even attempt to hurt the brute.

Finch | Abolition Warrior | Abolition Camp | Mentions: Ferrer, Froot Loops, Sigge

Finch listened to the healer as he stated his problem. How did that pup manage to walk away in this storm? The wolfhound flicked her ear and nodded slightly in reassurance. "I'll do my best to help find him" Her own snout went to the ground to follow the faint footsteps. She was a little behind Ferrer, and looked to the side often, to see if the stops trailed away. As her nose grew colder, the female piqued up. "You do know though Ferrer if the pup did wander into Insurgent's territory, we can't go over there? It's an awful thing to think about but it might just be fate if he did end up over there." She spoke with gentleness; she didn't want to seem hostile in her words as the healer was already in so much pain. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a cat with... a puppy? Admittedly, Finch didn't know what Slip looked like or smelled like. Her head turned towards Ferrer and questioned, "Hey, uh Ferrer, is that the pup over there with the cat?" How was this cat and pup even walking in the snow? Surely, they should have frozen to death. Finch hoped the small dog was Slip. They couldn't lose another member to Insurgent. How ironic that the pack would lose Mavy, and her pup to the enemy.

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Skippy Brambles Bon
VaunenπŸŽ€ (#188943)

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Posted on
2021-09-23 14:22:30
Vanadis | Loner | Location: Unclaimed Territory
Mentions: Roland(Directly)

"And 'Old Man?' How generous." Vanadis laughed at this, before she'd look at him with a mock serious face. "I'm a kid, you call me kid, you're an old man, I call you Old Man, it's fair and square! Unless you want me to call you broad." She huffed out, eyes studying the cloud of smoke that left her maw as she did so. She didn't seem to notice how Roland had silenced his steps, snow crunching underneath her awfully loud until she saw his nod to her question. Vanadis paused, cursing herself quietly for her mistake before she promptly made an effort to plow through without as much noise. Honey hued eyes sliding to Roland's own path, she realized quickly that they made a deep enough trail so that she didn't have to hop around so noisily. Walking in his tracks, and often trying to stretch her legs fair enough to fit in his paw prints in the snow, looking up at Roland as he spoke again. "You can stand by, for now. I will let you try to catch the next one, but first, I need to ensure that we do have at least this rabbit." Vanadis's eyes flashed excitedly at the idea of catching her own rabbit, her tail, which was already waving back and forth the whole time they were out, began to pick up in speed significantly. "Really!" She eclaimed, flinching at the volume of her voice. She shrunk a bit, blinking apologetically at the brute before she'd speak again, her excitement rushing back. "I've only caught a grasshopper before." Vanadis added, her voice hushed into a whisper this time. It was her first catch ever, and you could tell by the way her chin lifted ever so slightly that she was quite proud of it. It didn't even take her more than 5 times to catch it!
Her steps eventually came to a stop as the brute paused by a truck. Vanadis craned her neck to look at it, sniffing curiously before peering at Roland questioningly, wondering why he had stopped. ""I'm going to set you up here so you can observe. Come on." At this she walked forward so that she stood in front of the truck as well, peering up at it excitedly.

Aramis | Insurgent Scout | Location: Insurgent Border
Mentions: Reo, Slate(Directly)

"The memories... they won't stop.... I keep seeing it... the spray of blood.... the light fading from her eyes..... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!" Aramis was stunned by Slate's sudden caterwauling, the fur along her spine prickling with unease from his words. She thought that the warrior had truly gone mad with what he was saying, and upon closer inspection she spotted small dots of blood, sticking out awfully against the silvery tones of his coat. Her narrowed gaze would shift between Jade's body and Slate, before it all seemed to click in Aramis's head, her heart feeling like it had dropped to her belly just as it did. All thought about Fang being the culprit had melted away as she fixed her packmate with a distrusting gaze. At this sudden realization, Slate's erratic behaviour genuinely frightened Aramis, added by the fact that she was much smaller, much weaker compared to him. One of her paws would lift off the ground too take a step back, and at first it was just one step, but quickly after it was followed by multiple until she deemed the distance between them fit. Despite her very obviously defensive demeanor, she still looked angry, but this time it wasn't directed towards Reo, but instead Slate. Speaking of Reo, Aramis forgot he was even standing just several feet away.

"What did you do." Her voice came out in a hushed hiss, and the heavy accusation held in her tone proved that she didn't even need an answer, she already knew. She doubted Slate was coherent enough to properly answer, anyway. "Sorry... for assuming you killed her. And for the insults. I was being irrational." Aramis was again aware of the abolition scout as he spoke, Aramis daring to look away from Slate to glance at him warily. At least he was apologizing, but Aramis was so overwhelmed she didn't know what to say in response. "Yeah..." She huffed out awkwardly in response, before staring at the shuddering frame of Slate. Out of all dogs, she wouldn't have suspected him. He was the same brute who confronted Fang when he committed his own murder, what happened now? Slate seemed remorseful sure, but what the hell happened that resulted in him killing someone, accidental or not. I need to get him away from here, I can't let him be acting like this in front of an Abolitioner. She thought, tongue swiping around her jaws nervously before she went to speak.
"Slate." She said, her voice small at first before she'd speak again, her voice coming out in a loud, commanding bark that she hoped would get to him. "Slate. We need to go home, now. Snap out of it." She said, not daring to come any closer than where she was to him. Should she even take him home now? There's no other place she could. I just wanted to get some food, not.. She gazed forlornly towards the rabbit she had caught. After a long stare at Slate she'd turn to the light brown brute on te other side of the border.

"...I apologize on my packmates behalf for his wrongdoings.... If that means anything." She said, her voice becoming quieter by the last sentence, mostly said to herself. Aramis herself didn't really know why she was apologizing, nor if it was appropriate, but a part of her felt like she had to. It ;ooked like this brute had a good relationship with the fallen dame before she passed, judging by how softy he had looked at her corpse earlier. "We're going." She then said almost assuringly before she turned to Slate. "Slate, you hear that? We're going." She said more harshly.

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Edited on 23/09/21 @ 14:30:41 by Skippy Brambles Bon VaunenπŸŽ€ (#188943)

Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-09-23 15:42:07
Quillon | Insurgent Warrior | Location: Insurgent Camp.
Mentions: Shadow, Stoney.

He moved with little complaint, allowing Shadow to roll his head onto their paws. Begrudgingly, he reopened his eyes as they ran their tongue across his cheek. His eyes narrowed in an attempt to see clearly but his vision remained blurry and very disoriented. "Quill~! You're awake! I was starting to worry you had lost too much blood." Scrunching his nose, his mind fuzzily began to form some sort of thoughts. Lost too much blood? Is it that bad? Quillon thought doubtfully, his half-lidded stare boring into the ceiling. Maybe that's why I'm so tired. He decided after a moment of contemplating, blinking slowly as he studied the small trickle of dust floating through the air. "You've been out cold most of the day. Didn't even wake when Raymond came to check the bandages I had put on your wounds, or when I went out to stretch a bit and came back with that pup." That made some sort of sense to the groggy dog, and he accepted it quietly. He was awfully exhausted. "Maybe I can sleep for another day." He mumbled in a hushed whisper, his voice raspy and faint.

Wait. Pup? He cast a curious glance towards the tot. The blur of ruddy-brown fur lingered in his gaze for a moment before he let his stare flicker away. A soft frown formed on his face as he recollected Isa. Does she know of this pup? He thought with a quiet sigh. A sudden rush of wary curiosity entering his mind. I wonder how she's taking this? Or, if Jet made it back? Where Aramis is... None of the questions that plagued his mind made it to his voice, however. As soon as the inquiries had flooded in, Shadow had been quick to answer at least one of them. "I've been so worried, I hope you get better soon. I don't think your mother was very happy to hear that you were back. I heard her growling all the way down here." He chuckled softly at the thought of Isa's distress, finding the idea of her grumbling over his return quite comical. It was a hoarse, dissolving, noise. Jet probably received the same treatment then. He thought, his features falling once again. "Wish I would have been awake to speak to her." His voice was suddenly laced with spite. "She might try to kick you out, and possibly kick me out for treating you. I won't let her hurt you though. She'll have to go through me to get to you." Quillon's brow furrowed as Shadow spoke again, his ears flattening against his skull. "It's not your place to take the fall for my actions." His tone was still grave but had picked up a stern air. "If I receive any sort of punishment, you need to step aside and let it happen. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you." He had intended to lift his head and face the other dog with a grim expression, but they had settled their own head against his neck. Struggling to move was fruitless, as his body felt like Jell-O each time he tried to use his muscles. He let out a long sigh and pulled his legs closer to his body. "You should probably get some more rest love, I'll watch over you, I promise." Their voice settled gently in his mind as they began to hum. Whatever fret that had plagued his thoughts was replaced by the enchanting noise and he let his eyes flutter closed once again without protest, the ever-present fatigue finally overtaking him and sending him back into an involuntary slumber.

Kardama| Loner | Location: Insurgent Outskirts - Outside the Territories.
Mentions: Artemis.

"We live in an old broken car, but I’m not going back until I find them." Her jaw hardened at the bullheaded response. Stubborn thing... Watching with a secretly amused leer, Kardama almost felt a laugh creep into her throat at the sight of the brat trying to hop their way through the snow. Whatever annoyance had crackled through her body moments before was washed away, and she finally noted that this was, in fact, a young pup. Of course. They'll act like a pup if they are one. He hummed in thought. It was an obvious conclusion to any dog. Kardama, however, hadn't dealt with a puppy of any sort since she had been one. The view of the little figure struggling through the snow was admittedly laughable, but they wouldn't get far if the ankle-biter couldn't walk but a few steps without being buried alive. She huffed quietly and trudged through the snow towards Artemis' side, contemplating bending down and lifting the smaller dog out of the snow by her scruff. No. It would probably hurt the poor thing's pride. She thought with a sniff, choosing to instead walk out ahead of her and flatten the snow down with her own paws.

"That's an admirable quest, little one. Do you know where to start looking?" She questioned over her shoulder. Kardama's scarred appendages pushed through the dense snow with quite a bit of effort. It was a painful endeavor for the arthritis-ridden canine, but the sting of the cold seemed to be numbing the ache as she went along. She was intent on leading them further away from Insurgent's territory. It wasn't until her tattered nose had lost all scent of pack that her pace slowed. She glanced behind to make sure the lass was still keeping up and offered the other dog a lift of her eyebrow.

Ferrer | Abolition Healer | Location: Abolition Territory - Abolition Border.
Mentions: Finch, Loops, Sigge.

"I'll do my best to help find him" He allowed his head to lift from the ground and swing towards Finch. His exasperated gaze settled on the snow and mouth opened a few times as he deliberated his response. "Thank you." He replied after a moment before turning away again. His paws carried he and his companion closer to the border, and Ferrer's eyes remained wide as he searched the frigid land for any sign of the pup. "You do know though Ferrer if the pup did wander into Insurgent's territory, we can't go over there? It's an awful thing to think about but it might just be fate if he did end up over there." He drew in a shaky breath as the lass finally stated what had been plaguing his mind. He wanted to refute, yell out some kind hope-filled speech, but as he opened his muzzle to speak his voice came out in a wistful mutter. "Aye. I know, lass." His brow furrowed as his face fell in a crumple of emotion. "I just wish I could haveβ€” I... I hope he's alright." He stammered out, losing focus as a rush of dreadful mourning filled his mind.

"Hey, uh Ferrer, is that the pup over there with the cat?" He glanced up towards the wolfhound lass at first, confusion dashing onto his face. Following her gaze, his eyes landed on two small moving figures in the distance. The sight made his spirits lift and Ferrer's eyes widened from delight. He took a few forward leaps through the snow towards the feline and pup, gaze narrowing as he got a better look at the canine's features. "Waitβ€” That's not him." He replied breathlessly, disappointment apparent in his tone. He had been blinded by the excitement of possibly finding Slip, but it was apparent that this youngster and his own bairn were very different. They were older, with a plethora of cream-coloured wavy fur. Slip had been a smooth-coated lad, much tinier than this wee thing. "We should go have a look anyway... That tot will surely freeze to death out 'ere." He finally accepted the situation, allowing his voice to creep out after a moment of distressed silence.

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Edited on 23/09/21 @ 17:07:17 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

E (#237195)

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Posted on
2021-09-23 16:36:11
Shadow | Den (Insurgent Camp) | Quillion, Stoney
"If I receive any sort of punishment, you need to step aside and let it happen." Shadow snorted at the idea that they would ever just let him get hurt. Even if it means leaving the pack? A voice in the back of their head whispered to them. Especially if it means leaving the pack. I will never leave him like that. I'll always be here for him. Their humming stuttered at his last sentence. "I would never forgive myself if something happened to you." They stared down at him, their muzzle hanging open in shock. He does care.. and it sounds like he cares quite a bit too...

Slate | Insurgent-Abolition Borders | Aramis, Reo
Slate's eyes were rolling in their sockets, and it wasn't long before his gaze fell on Jade's corpse. He started shuddering harder, but Aramis's commanding bark tore through the shadows grasping at the shards of his mind, and his eyes snapped back onto hers. He gave one last, involuntary yelp before the shudders slowed, the disgust and horror in Aramis's eyes caulking up the gaps from where the darkness shattered his mind. He struggled to stand, his limbs shaking from hunger and weakness, his tail tucked as far under him as it would go and his ears pinned back against his skull. He looked to Reo once, and barked softly. "I am truly sorry for what I have done, I lost control of myself. I can promise that it won't happen again." He turned away once again, setting his paws towards home.

Celestia | Edge of the Unclaimed Lands | Vanadis, Roland
Celestia stood at the edge of Insurgent's territory, the scents of the two dogs having crossed over. She took one last look at the area outside her pack's control before turning away again. I need to find some food. She reminded herself, berating herself for hoping to interact with someone outside her pack.

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