Posted by King's Cavern

YOLA (#235067)

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2021-08-20 14:56:36
King's Cavern is a huge, spacious cave with walls overgrown with greenery off all sorts along with a hot spring pool in the center of the cave. There's large pointed rocks sticking out from the walls while less broad ridges go all around the cave. There is a hole in the roof of the cave that allows sunlight and moonlight to leak in. There are several entrances to the cave, all smaller tunnels that are either unstable of damp with water damage. Upon entering the cavern you and any pride lions you bring with you automatically accept the regulations of the cavern. Those regulations are; Food is to be shared with everyone, There is to be no fighting [tussling is okay], and there will be no conflict. King's Cavern is a safe haven for truced lions.

Rp away! Remember to direct post's toward members by adding their user and lion name at either the top or the bottom of the block!

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💗NinjaFeline (#230484)

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Posted on
2021-08-22 22:26:57

After quite a while of traveling, I soon pad into the cavern through one of the tunnels. I travelled alone- no royal guard or other lions with me. I was a smaller primal lioness- leaner with my muscle mass, but strong nonetheless. My gaze cuts around to the other lions, almost looking uncomfortable. I wasn't the kind to socialize much, but Kellior had said it would be good.

I head up to the hot spring that was toward the center of the cavern, laying down next to it. I hold my posture up, my ears flicking around. I was in a spot where I stayed alone, away from the other lions.

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YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-22 23:07:58

Hell's royal Bloodshot

The dark lioness lounged on a ridge alongside the cave, lazily watching the life mingle and converse within the cavern. With a deep inhale, she sighed, rolling her large frame over to lay on her stomach, only to lift herself up with her front paws into a sitting position. She'd notice a few of her lioness' greeting one of the queen's upon her entry. Hearing the voices of her beloveds she naturally perked up and directed her long pointed ears forward at the lioness'. There, she caught the view of Queen Spyro. A smaller lioness of the primal breed painted in gorgeous reddish brown colors laced over with a tint of blue and some darker spotting and lighter stripes. Hell's eyes could only widen slightly as she'd take in the view of such an admirable lioness. Her daydreaming would only cut short due to one of her lioness' clearing her throat. Slashed was glaring absolute daggers at Hell, causing Hell to shy some under the lioness' watch. When the gaze was lifted Hell would exhale a breath of relief. She may love them, but some of them frightened her to the core.

Peace having been somewhat ruined, the lioness rose to her paws to lean forward and stretch a nice long stretch. She'd grunt in satisfaction as she shook her mane around some before leaping off the ridge and landing on the floor with a thud. A huff could be heard coming from the lion as she began stalking forward toward the spring water. Though her paws were heavy, she stepped lightly, barely making a sound between each paw and the earth's floor. After a few more steps were taken she had reached the waters edge. The lioness lowered herself down in a crouching position as she['d close her eyes and begin slowly lapping at the water.

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💗NinjaFeline (#230484)

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Posted on
2021-08-22 23:57:16

As the other lioness had leapt down from her ridge, my ear closest to her had flicked over, hearing the thud. There was no surprise- based on the scent, all of these lionesses belonged to her pride. I give her a side glance, as she makes her way over to the spring. I looked calm, collected. After I study her for a moment, I dip my head in greeting, and respect. She was... Well, much larger than me- larger than a Smilus, which was saying something. She was a golden brown, almost, with a lighter belly and red accents. Black and dark grey designs littered her fur. I suppose, that travelling with your entire pride made the journey safer.

Why would I travel alone, then? Or, at least, I had thought so.

I hear a huff behind me, in the direction I came from, and I simply sighed. So much for the peace. Tukar, a lioness one could consider a hodgepodge of color, quickly pads up to me. She looks around, in mild curiosity, greeting the lionesses she comes across. As she sits down next to where I was laying, I slowly sit up as well- flexing my claws, just to stretch. "... You know, you shouldn't run off alone like this. What if a rogue came along?" She says, her voice filled with concern.

I finally speak up then. My voice was smooth, and even with the fangs I articulated well. Most primals have a lisp, but I learned a long time ago how to speak... Properly. "Are you suggesting I can't hold my own? I would have to disagree." Everything about me screams formal, stoic. Hard to intimidate, and even harder to kill. Even though I was a smaller primal, it just meant I was faster, and much more graceful.

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Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-08-23 14:19:23


I walked into the Kings chamber with a confident air around me. I knew that I was considered exotic or unearthly and I played that right to my advantage. Even though I was just an Ambassador and not a real king, I still acted as though I was. I immediately noticed the Large Female Primal with a entourage of other lioness and another primal, this time a slight one sitting alone but talking to a colourbomb of a lioness. They were extremely different. After grabbing a bite to eat, I settled down in one of the ledges on the wall farthest from the door. I could see and hear most of the happening's about the cave and the lioness that accompanied me LeopardFur joined me.

" Did you see that amount of lioness's and primals here. It's insane." I excitedly shoot at her.
Ever the calming force, My "Mother" as I called her that. Though she was not my blood, replied " I did dear. It is strange. But you are even stranger my Aurelia."
Her calling me strange was a inside joke. She had picked me up as soon as Samar had brought me to the pride and claimed me as her own. Strange was the only thing she said as she washed the mud off of my fur and gave me my name. Strange Dawn she called me. As Aurelia meant Dawn. That was too be my name.

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Edited on 23/08/21 @ 14:20:10 by Ellesmera (#236564)

YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-23 14:38:50

Hell's royal Bloodshot

She'd lift her head from the pool as droplet's of water rolled down her chin and dripped back into the water below. Looking around she noticed many other lions arriving here and there, one of which coming up to Queen Spyro. Though Hell knew better than to eaves drop in on someone else's conversation, especially uninvited. To fill in the time gap, the lioness rose and leaned back on her haunches, looking around the cave further more to take a look at the new arrivals. Her snake eyes would land on Aurelia. Hell couldn't recall initiating this Queen but sooner or later figured she was a member of whichever ruler's pride. After a few more moments of examination and admiration, she'd rise to her paws and turn, walking away from the pool and over to the North entrance where she'd brush up against Lethally unorthodox, or more commonly known as "Lethal". The male would give Hell a delighted purr before speaking in his deep monotone voice. "Hell, Fire's approach from the south at alarming rates, I believe we'll have to rotate territories once more." He'd sit down next to Hell as she'd next to him, her eyes fixated on him carefully as he'd deliver the news to the king. "If we do, I'll have to wait a few days. We have pregnant lioness' and cubs that were born only today, we cannot risk putting them on such a journey so early." Hell spoke, her voice laced with concern and slight aggravation due to the severity of the situation. "I understand, I just figured I'd let you know in advance." He nodded, backing off the topic some upon noticing the change in her body language. The male would scan around the cavern, taking a few notes of the individuals lurking about. He was far less friendly than Hell was, he was far more reserved as well. He liked to be on his own, this general scene was enough to make his stomach turn in social disgust. Naturally, rather than torturing himself further he'd turn and begin walking on out, den bound.

Hell would watch her submale leave, after he was completely out of her sight she stood and began stalking over to the pile of carcass'. She'd sniff around it some before picking out a Zebra which she'd drag out from the pile some ways before laying down and beginning to feast by her lonesome. Though, lions in the cave typically knew they were free to approach Hell whenever need be. If they wanted to join the lioness' they were okay to do so. She wouldn't bite. Not yet at least.

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Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-08-23 16:47:58


LeopardFur noticed my staring at the other lion's and gently head butted me. " Go socialize strange girl. You can't stay here the whole time. This is a meet and greet sort of thing. Go."
I playfully growled at the older lioness and pounced onto her. We wrestled for a moment before she pushed me off and mock threatened to decapitate me if I didn't go interact. I sent her a dirty glare and jumped off the ledge. My agile body landed almost soundlessly on the ground of the cavern. One last growl at LeopardFur and I was off. As I survied my choice's I noticed the bigger primal Lioness dragging some food over and thought Whats the Worst that can happen? I walked over to the lioness and introduced myself. " Hi. I'm Aurelia of Samar's Pride."

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💗NinjaFeline (#230484)

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Posted on
2021-08-23 20:17:12

Tukar paused with her... concerned voice. After a moment, she speaks up again, though. "Kellior and I said you should come here to socialize, not to just mope around by the water-" She was suddenly cut off. By me, because I suddenly knocked her into the pool of water in front of me. When she swims back up to the surface, I speak again, without missing a beat.

".... No. You and Kellior said I should come here to uphold King Darugon's legacy. I am here. I am NOT Darugon." My words carried some weight to them- how could I ever be him? That's the thing- I won't be, and my pride has to get it through their minds. "... Have I made myself clear?"

She swims back towards me, just pinning her ears back slightly and nodding. It's well known that, if I really wanted to, I could have done damage. Instead, I just pushed her into some water. She'll live. "... Good. I don't want to hear about it any longer."

"Then maybe, you would rather hear news?" Kellior, with his much deeper voice, comes up right after. He looks towards the soaking wet Tukar, then to me. I look back, giving him an expectant look. After a moment, he speaks up. "Corco wasn't on our side. He was going to take -you- out, and take your place." I knew who he was speaking about- a male, evil in nature, that wasn't in my pride any longer. But, instead of dwelling on it, I dismiss it with a flick of my tail and a wave of my paw. "It's taken care of already. I don't need to be involved."

As I speak, my eyes scan over the two lionesses. The large queen of the one pride, and what looks to be a female of another. I wasn't one to pry, so I just look away, getting to my feet. I start to step into the warm water myself.

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YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-24 13:41:54

Hell's royal Bloodshot

The lioness' gaze uplifted upon catching the sound of light steps approaching her where she laid. Her snake eyes would land on the lioness before her head had fully turned to face her. Hell's ears would draw forward, giving the lioness her full attention while she swiped her tongue across her lips, riding it of the blood that lingered. "Hello, Aurelia. I'm Hell's royal Bloodshot. But you may call me 'Hell'. " The lioness greeted, dipping her head in respects to the lion as she'd introduce herself. Little did either of them know, Hell was the bane of her very existence. In what sense? Hell is strongly against treed cubs. Her pride is very keen on the culling of the weak as to maintain their reputation and lead better lives. How does that make her a bane you may ask? Any cub that follow's Hell home from the tree, later ends up dying one way or another. If it is not instant, it is contemplated, which is much worse than a quick ending in the pride.

"Care to join me?" She'd ask with a small smile as she scooted over some ways as for the lioness to lay beside her. From a distance, Slashed Dynasty and Shadowfall's beauty watched the scene play out. Slashed has always been very possessive of Hell, and can come off as somewhat intimidating with that black cross slashed over her face. Hence the name. Shadow was less so, in fact seeming quite the opposite. She was a much more graceful lioness. Very beautiful indeed. An absolute prize to Hell if you asked. Not that she picks favorites.

@ Aurelia

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Edited on 24/08/21 @ 13:42:15 by Evade (#235067)

Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-08-24 13:50:44
I'm changing to 3rd person. I can't do 1st) Aurelia dips her head back at Hell and accepts the invite. She lays down beside the other lioness. Aurelia turns her head in a way that it lays right on her paws and points toward Hell. "Where are you from? I'm from Samar's Pride." She asks.

From on the ledge LeopardFur watches the interaction silently. Hell wouldn't have been her first choice for Aurelia to interact with but She would do.


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Edited on 24/08/21 @ 14:10:22 by Ellesmera (#236564)

YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-24 13:58:56

Hell's royal Bloodshot

"Samar.." she echoed, trying to recall the name. After a few moments of light thought, she'd remember the name well. "I remember Samar" she'd nod. "I'm from the Bloodshot pride, previously kinged by Venom's royal Bloodshot." She explained. The pride being the last name of the king seemed almost pretentious, but also efficient in recognition. Couldn't be mistaken with no other with such a pin pointed labelling. "We live up north, not quite the mountains, but close." she'd give further detail, not thinking too much of it. A conversation striking itself, she'd turn her frame slightly to look at the lioness more, observing her features and highlights. "What brings you hear, Aurelia?" Hell asked with what seemed like oddly deep interest. Though she meant well perhaps she'd come off as a little too 'friendly', in the eyes of a efficient perceptor.

@ Aurelia

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Edited on 24/08/21 @ 13:59:13 by Evade (#235067)

Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-08-24 14:06:38
"I've heard about the Bloodshot pride. My king sent me here on a diplomatic mission. Though that's not all I came to do. My pride lives near the desert, Sort of off to the side. Near one of the many oasis's." Aurelia answers.
At Hell's slight shifting towards her she moved in a way that would show more of her coat.


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Edited on 24/08/21 @ 14:10:45 by Ellesmera (#236564)

YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-24 14:17:23

Hell's royal Bloodshot

Hell quirked a brow at the statement, A diplomatic mission? She wanted to find out more about this, 'mission', but figured she'd let her spill more on her own, as to not seem too pushy. "Interesting, My pride would never be able to manage such conditions. A lot of us are built for colder weather, rather than hot." She'd let out a small chuckle, trying to speak in good nature. "I saw you speaking with a lioness a few moments ago, she your mother?" she'd ask, seeming simply curious. Though she was, she wanted to figure out exactly where she stood on the finely organized chain Hell created in her mind. She didn't look like the lioness, nor does she look too similar to Samar. If she wasn't so young, Hell would have assumed she was just apart of the pride, but, typically a young lion not of the king's blood meant something. Something Hell did not fancy, but wouldn't openly judge a lion for. She could understand how it wasn't their faults for ending up at the tree. Some are just born to be discarded.

@ Aurelia

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Edited on 24/08/21 @ 14:17:39 by Evade (#235067)

Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-08-24 14:23:19
Quick note, Aurelia is a real lioness in my pride but she's still an adol so for the purpose of this role I'm saying shes an adult)
" I can see what you mean by that. You have a lot of fur. Most of my pride are very thinly coated. Not that that makes you any less. And for your other question it depends on what you define as a mother. She is my adoptive mother. But I call her my mother. She was sent to watch over me and make sure I don't start any wars. By accident of course." Aurelia jokes.

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YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-24 14:32:08

Hell's royal Bloodshot

Hell listened carefully, her tail shifting slightly upon hearing what she had so guessed. Her judgement would remain internal while her exterior remained the same. "Of course, that would be a tragedy for such a fine place." she'd joke alongside the lioness, smiling a bit more than before but still remaining cool demeanored. "I can asure you, you wouldn't be starting any wars here unless you're directly, personally, threatening a ruler." she'd nod in assurance. A lot of the rulers here were of the patient sort, some less so, but typically if such a spurge of aggression came on the others would weigh in with clear minded sense to settle both parties. This wasn't the place for war, in fact it was meant for the opposite. But, things happen sometimes.

"Speaking of wars, one just ended I heard. Between so and so's pride and Painted dogs, actually. I don't particularly dabble in gossip but it hasn't seemed to have slipped my mind yet. I heard it was a surrender, opposed to a truce. Reminds me of the war my father started with the Hyena's, if that's of any surprise. I managed to call a truce and alliance in my rein, however. Some other prides frown upon it, but, to each their own." Hell had begun ranting and didn't seem to stop. A lot more spilled than se intended to, but luckily it wasn't valuable information. It was simply free for judgement.

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Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-08-24 15:37:32
"I haven't heard about any wars lately. My pride is quite isolated from the rest. My King would probably be one of the lions that would Frown but I wouldn't. Killing isn't my style." Aurelia didn't let anything else about her or her pride go. She slowly swung her head around to see what the others were doing. She noticed two lions staring at her and Hell. One more then the other.

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