Posted by King's Cavern

YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 14:56:36
King's Cavern is a huge, spacious cave with walls overgrown with greenery off all sorts along with a hot spring pool in the center of the cave. There's large pointed rocks sticking out from the walls while less broad ridges go all around the cave. There is a hole in the roof of the cave that allows sunlight and moonlight to leak in. There are several entrances to the cave, all smaller tunnels that are either unstable of damp with water damage. Upon entering the cavern you and any pride lions you bring with you automatically accept the regulations of the cavern. Those regulations are; Food is to be shared with everyone, There is to be no fighting [tussling is okay], and there will be no conflict. King's Cavern is a safe haven for truced lions.

Rp away! Remember to direct post's toward members by adding their user and lion name at either the top or the bottom of the block!

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YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-25 12:50:54

Hell's royal Bloodshot

As the lioness' gaze turned Hell's would follow. She noticed Queen Spyro sending them a glance but soon averted it when going on with her own business. She'd then look over to her two lioness', striking beauties they were. "The fissure patched and the black one are from my pride." She spoke, assuming Aurelia had been catching a glance of them. "The fissure patched is called 'Slashed Dynasty', we call her 'Slashed" for short. The black one is called 'Shadowfall's beauty', we call her 'Shadow"." The lioness continued. She quite enjoyed speaking of her lioness', she was proud and fond of each and everyone and liked to show them off whenever the chance was given.

@ Aurelia

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Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-08-25 15:40:46


Aurelia purrs in understanding. "Up on the ledge is LeopardFur. And I think Snowi might have followed behind us. But I don't know." Aurelia stretches out a bit more and her claws catch on the rock and when she pulls them back, one of them tears slightly.
She huffs and presses it underneath her body. Pulling her attention away she says in a faraway voice. "I've always liked patched lions. They just have this dark appeal."

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Edited on 27/08/21 @ 18:38:58 by Ellesmera (#236564)

YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-28 15:16:44

Hell's royal Bloodshot

The lioness nodded slowly as she'd gaze up at the rosette covered lioness now known as 'Leopardfur'. Hell had a few questions as to naming but she knew very well she had no right to judge seeing where she was coming from. SOon the lioness averted her gaze elsewhere, perhaps looking for a lion that could fit the name 'snowi', since that seemed to be a sort of theme with the current lion's she's been presented. Upon hearing the sound of claws grinding against the solid rock below, Hell pinned her ears back, cringing at the sound. Evidently, she didn't like it, but didn't say anything as to it.

When Aurelia began speaking again, hell gave her her attention once more. "Indeed, I'm rather fond of them myself. That and melanistic lions. They all have a menacing appeal to me." she cooed in agreement. "I used to know a lion, they were called Ikari. Met them at the championships when I was younger when I went to go watch my father fight. They had..I believe was shadow patches. They were absolutely stunning and had this ominous undertone to their entire character." Hell ranted on about yet another lion.

@ Aurelia

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Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-08-29 07:07:25


Aurelia apologizes for the noise and listens thoughtfully to Hell's Piece. It seemed to her that Hell liked lions. Like a lot. Aurelia carefully stored that away into her brain and continued with the conversation. " I've never seen a Melanistic Lion before. Only patches. One of my pride is achromatic though. But I don't find her as interesting. And I don't really think Melanistic lions are to practical out in the desert. What with darker colours attracting more heat and such."

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YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-29 12:34:41

Hell's royal Bloodshot

While Hell indeed held great interest in lions, she wouldn't call it an obsession. More so an outcome of pride. She's proud to be such a powerful creator and admires those who share her species. But anyways "We have both in our pride." she noted, being sure not to sound as if she was bragging. "The melanistic one is called 'Already cursed" and the achromic is callled 'To be blessed'." Hell continued. Soon the lioness grew from the topic, having noticing how she might have been coming off to her newer partner in conversation. She'd begin looking elsewhere in the cave, noticing a few more lions walking in here and there. Hell would stare at each new entry intensely. Not to be creepy, but it was kind of her job to keep track of who entered and who exited.

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Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-08-31 18:06:21


Aurelia nodded in interest and mused " Your lions have very interesting names. My pride's names are just one word, sometime two put together. And they usually are descriptive. I can't match your lions with names."
She watched Hell watch who came in and out of the cavern and queried " Is it your job to know who comes in and out of Kings Cavern?"

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Edited on 31/08/21 @ 18:15:11 by Ellesmera (#236564)

YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-08-31 20:49:42

Hell's royal Bloodshot

The lioness nodded. "We have interesting naming traditions. So we've been told." she shrugged. Each name holds some meaning, whether it be of physical description, personality, demeanor, or popular opinion." Hell continued, her head now turning to look at Aurelia. "We would have called you 'Scorpion's toxic sting'." She'd nod smiling some. As to the second question she was asked, she'd respond with a nod "Yes. I'm the founder of the cavern, as such I take it as my responsibility to make sure no one comes in under false acceptance." she explained, sounding slightly more serious than before. It was evident Hell took the task seriously. The security was not taken light around the cavern.


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Ellesmera (#236564)

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Posted on
2021-09-01 10:45:22


"What would make me a Scorpion? And I didn't know that you founded this place. It is a very nice meeting area." Aurelia asked and dropped a compliment into the mix. She could tell that Hell was very proud of her work here and didn't want it to be disrupted by some random lion.

Aurelia swung her head around to watch the other lions. Still paying attention to the conversation at hand. She had led a quite sheltered life and wanted to learn as much as she could about all of the lions.

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💗NinjaFeline (#230484)

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Posted on
2021-09-01 13:00:05
Soon enough, a lioness enters the cavern. She stretches, lazily heading over toward the rest of us. She was a beautiful array of purples and reds- with orange on her nose, which fades into pinks. The reds almost give her a look as if she's glowing from the inside, from the Scoundrel marks. She smiled toward us all, bowing her head when she reaches me. Her name was Neona. "Good evening, My Queen... Your adoption Cave is going quite well. I have come along to update you.." Following behind her were a piebald cub, a patches adolescent, and what seemed to be a felis female adolescent. The two adols were almost grown. Inta was the patches, Julo was the felis, and little Luki was the cub.

I perked my ears, listening to her then. I suddenly looked quite interested- a lot more so than before. Kellior and Tukar also turned to listen with interest, but not as much as I do. I actually almost seem to smile back, upon hearing the lions who have arrived. That's good- really, really good. The adolescent turned, heading off to explore the cave. Luki stayed next to Leona, looking around at the other lions and lionesses with curiosity. She seemed to be pretty calm, especially for a cub.

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YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-09-01 14:39:26

Hell's royal Bloodshot

"Excellent question. But I do not know the answer. It is simply a feeling. That's what we go off of when naming. A feeling. The aura of the lion." She explained briefly, though there was more she had other statements to reply to. "Thank you. I'd like to agree but it's not in my character to be self-righteous." The lioness chuckled softly.

Upon the entry of more lions, Hell's ears drew forward and she had sat up in a very quick movement. She almost seemed provoked, or on edge, when really she was what others describe as 'reactive'. She observed the cubs following behind the gorgeous lioness, trying to determine where they stand. All in all she figured the answer was out of her favor, but not her pride, not her problem.

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Lia (BLM) (#190815)

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Posted on
2021-09-02 12:37:28
I walk into the cavern with Ash, Ebony, and Seafoam behind a younger lioness and her cubs, sighing as I settle down in a secluded corner where I can watch the youngsters. They appear to be discussing something. Ah, well, it's none of my business. If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that butting around in other people's business is a good way to start a fight, particularly when one is dealing with royals.

Noticing that my cubs are about to start wrestling, I shush them. "Listen and watch carefully. Your father agreed to let you come with me because you are our future. It's time you began to learn what that means."

They nod solemnly. "Yes mama," they say in unison (as usual).

"Good." I lean into them, lowering my voice to ensure privacy. This particular part of the cavern doesn't seem to project sound, but bats are very good eavesdroppers and are easily bribed. "Up until now, you've had a relatively normal cubhood. You've frolicked about, done your training, played your pranks, and eaten your bugs, just like every other cub. But today, things are different. Today, you are no longer merely Ash, Ebony and Seafoam. From this day forward, as far as anyone outside of the pride is concerned, you are the Princesses Ash, Ebony, and Seafoam of the Hidden Plains, heirs to the throne of King Leonao and Queen Vandal, and you must act like it." Seeing their frightened and worried expressions, my face softens. "It will be okay. All you have to do today is stay close to me, pay attention, mind your manners, and keep quiet. You do that every day, right?" They nod. "Then you'll be fine. We'll go over everything else at home."

They nod again. "Yes, mama." I sigh in relief. We'll make it through this session alive.

I get to my paws and sigh, my attention back on the youngsters. "We'll have to introduce ourselves eventually. Might as well get it over with." With this, we begin walking towards the other lionesses. They turn their heads as we approach. "Good morning."


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Edited on 02/09/21 @ 12:57:30 by Lia (#190815)

🩷💜💙 Unknown
Breeder 🩷💜💙 (#234431)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-09-06 11:43:03
Arriving into the large cavern, Graydan smirked as his amber-colored orbs landed on the sheer numbers of lions and lionesses with the area, curiosity swirled in his eyes as he was interested in most of them especially the ones with exotic markings and what not. Soon followed after him a small group consists of three females and two sub-males; probably his sons. The females all stayed close to their king as they warily looked around, they didn't want to attract unwanted attention from the other kings in the cavern. Graydan looked at his trusted queens and gave them a reassuring lick on the forehead, he dared any king to come to a whisker close to them, he flickered his tail as he walked over to an open area near the hot springs.

Settling down, the male caught three lionesses conversating together tilting his head little he wondered what they were talking about but being a gentleman he looked away and went to groom his paw and chest as they had a bit of mud on them from trekking through the jungles on his home turf. He always wondered what lionesses talk about when their in their little cliques, sighing softly he chuckled softly. "A king can only wonder."

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YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-09-09 14:13:21

Hell's royal Bloodshot

At this time of the day many lions seemed to have been coming into the cavern for one reason or another. Some may having no reasoning at all. Hell carefully noted each and every arrival. She noticed the cubs and examined them very carefully, though subtly simultaneously. Her gaze then shifted over to the male entering with what looked like an entire group. It was king Graydan. Hell was familiar with the name and had observed different behaviors here and there. She understood she was similar to her in the sense of being overly protective with the lioness'. Hell respected that, though they may be absolutely stunning, she would be stern with boundaries.

Her gaze would follow the king as he sauntered off to the hot-spring before she noted the approach of the lioness who'd been trailing in the rowdy cubs. Her ears turned first, then soon her muzzle lead the lioness' gaze to law upon the lioness. Ears drawn forward by the greeting, Hell returned it. "Good morning to you as well." she gave the group a nod and welcomed them in with a smile and the flick of her tail. Now eased, the lioness laid back down.


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Lia (BLM) (#190815)

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Posted on
2021-09-09 14:54:07
The lioness nodded and smiled towards us, inviting us in with a flick of her tail. I laid back down, eased. Good, they will not try to force us to leave After finishing the customary pleasantries, noticing that Ash, Ebony, and Seafoam were getting bored, I excused myself, and led them over to the hot springs. This should keep them occupied for a while... Noticing an older king nearby, I began to approach him.

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YOLA (#235067)

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Posted on
2021-09-09 16:57:58

Hell's royal Bloodshot

The lioness' ears drew back with slight annoyance. Was she not good enough company? Abit jealous she was. Though instead of being petty, she'd saunter off elsewhere as well. ``Excuse me, Aurelia. It was a pleasure speaking to you.`` the lioness dipped her head to the other in respects before she'd rise to her paws. Hell stood up, rising to her full height. She was able to look over a lot of the lions, being as tall as she was. A surprise for those who hadn't seen it before.

Hell slowly stalked over to her lioness', walking in a way it'd show off her rippling muscles and defined figure. Her fiery undertones would seemingly brighten in the sunlight's glare while darkening her darker patches. A mesmerizing contrast in the opinions of some. ``Slashed, Shadow.`` She greeted the lioness' with a purr as she'd rub her body up against both of them. Slashed bat at Hell's chin while Shadow gave it a loving lick after the abuse. ``You like talking to other lioness' too much.`` Slashed curled her lips into a snarky snarl of annoyance. ``I agree with her. You're making us jealous, Hell.`` Shadow giggled softly. ``Oh? I'm sorry. I kinda have to talk to them though- I can't ignore them.`` Hell's ears dropped in slight sadness, having been scolded. ``Says who?`` Slashed shot the lioness a sharp, cold glare. ``I founded this place, dear.`` Hell responded while mimicking her snarky tone as a smirk plastered her face. Slashed ears pinned against her head. Shadow, having noticed the dear's discomfort, went to her aid. The darker, much sweeter lion took a few steps over and pushed her body up against the others while purring. Though Slashed acted displeased, her pridemates knew who her soft spot belonged to.

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