Posted by Rulers and Tyrants (Character Sheets)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-01 09:01:50

Main Roleplay Thread


Please the character sheet as shown below. Anything in parentheses is optional as well! If you are wanting to play a cub younger than 7 months, please be sure to have a parental figure lined up prior to RPing!! Ranks available include; wanderer/rogue, warrior, den/broodmother, healer, scout, huntress. Ranks that you need permission from the prides ruler include; advisor, head den/broodmother, lead warrior, head huntress, priest(ess), lead scout,

Please make sure you have spoken with the owner of a pride prior to joining it! Also discuss with players first if you are trying to create relationships between your OC and theirs







((Rank Wanted:))




For reference (in case it is needed) in this RP sizes go in this order:

Male Tigon --> Smilus ---> Male Primal --> Female Tigon---> Male Felis ---> Female Felis ---> Male/Female Ferus ---> Female Primal ---> Male Lion ---> Female Lion ---> Male Leopon ---> Female Leopon ---> Mal/Female Dwarf

Other Links:

Follow this link to post your Pride description!

Go here to post a character sheet!

This one will show you to the deities (and you may add your own!)

For the actual RP, go here!

To just chat and talk, maybe come up with plot points, the OOC Forum is the perfect place!

We'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself here!!

To get some help figuring out how to insert images, change font type, and more- this link is really useful!!

And this is a link to my adoption forum!

Our Google Docs:
Herbs and Uses made by Ray
Languages made by Frost
The differences between lions/prides made by Frost as well!
The Agate Family made by me!
Explaing the Sleekwater Head Grave Tender Role made by Frost

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 18:53:40 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-01 12:41:48
Name: Panya (Pon-Ya)

Apperance: C94Ysb2.png

Gender/Orientation: Cis Male, straight

Pride: Afyasi's Oasis

Rank: N/A

*Warning, mention of Ptsd and self harm as a trigger response*

Panya was one of the more resilient pit males. Having survived his cubhood there and was free'd by Harbinger and Hyena. He is very quiet- and always has been, hence his name. Which means Mouse. He's also named this because he tends to attract rodents but mostly mice. He cares for them and has a small pack that travels with him. The one closest to him is named Kiboko and is very fat and irritable.

When he was born Coy found amusement in him- despite being clawless and having a thin mane- he was oddly good at battle. Yet he often refused to eat the ones he killed- his mice secretly bringing him food that they could carry so he could live.

Personality: Panya is very skittish and shy, getting stressed in over crowded situations. He's very quiet and meek- often smaller than most lions his age. Many still pick on him for his demeanor and past. He doesn't truly care, thinking that they're only telling the truth.

When Panya gets overwhelmed or panicked he will start to rip out the small tufts of mane around his neck- which can be visible by the large amount of scarred patches that circle it. He also does this to his paws and tummy. Things that make him do so are usually as follows: Death of a loved one, Loud noises/situations, Messes, Getting covered in dirt or mud, fights, The mention of Coy, People messing with his things, Large animals, Aggressive Adols (Specifically males), Male lions in general, Blood, and vultures.

However, Kiboko often helps Panya from doing this- laying in whatever spot he may want to chew. His coo's also soothe Panya.

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-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-02 20:02:05

Name: Aneesha (A-knee-sh-a)

Gender: Female
Pride: Afyasi's Oasis
Orientation: Bisexual
Rank: N/A (Might be potential brood mother)

Personality: Aneesha is well known for her kindness and optimism — both of which act as her greatest strengths, as they've guided her safely through the various hardships faced throughout her life. She can also be playful and somewhat sassy, as she takes advantage of their sour moods to tease them into a better one or just help them have a better day.

Due to her strong sense of kindness and goodwill toward others, Aneesha can at times be unwary and easily manipulated.

Backstory: Aneesha was born and bred in sunbaked, or is now known as Afyasi's Oasis. Her mother had come from a long line of mutations and having a double uterus she was manipulated by her husband, Aneesha‘s father into having cubs in hopes to generate more. In the end, her mother was killed shortly after her birth after not producing what she was made to do.

After that Aneesha was moved into where other lionesses with double uterus stayed in hopes of having the mutation. There she was kept inside at all times, never interacting with any other lions or seeing outsiders as told so by the head lioness in the den.

The lioness filled her mind with lies, saying how the world outside was far too dangerous for her and that she was safer inside. And so she stayed and waited, not knowing about the war or the gore that plagued the outside u til it was after the death of Coy. At that time Aneesha was allowed to venture Outside as she only saw the lush and lavish pride land she was told, exploring her forever paradise. Not knowing the horror that had happened to the pride and the lions around her.

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Edited on 02/09/22 @ 20:06:53 by Raya (#258201)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-04 11:52:13

Name: (lady) Hadleigh

Age: 9 years and 3 months

Orientation: Cishet

Pride: Afyasi's Oasis

Rank: Double Uterus den mother

Backstory: Hadleigh joined sunbaked after Coy's troops stole her away from her old pride due to her mutation. She was one of the first lionesses in Sunbaked that was known to have a double uterus. She was hesitant but warmed up to the pride when she realized she'd be treated like royalty. She supplied Sunbaked with many cubs over the years, many with mutations being fathered by Coy.

Few of her children still live in Afyasi or are alive today, most having died in the war efforts or fled once Harbinger came into power. She resents both Harbinger and Hyena Hop for this- yet is still waiting for a chance to get things in the pride back to the way they were. Despite the king's new rules, many of her DU girls refused to comply with his new standards- including Hadleigh. Believing that such mutations are still above most everything.

Personality: Hadleigh is known for being manipulative and abusive, often harshly lashing out at her girls only to do a 180 and dote on them lovingly. She puts her girls above all else, and will have them mate with no lion below amazing.

She's very snobby and uptight- seeing her girls as trophies or dolls if anything else. She has a favoritism towards Aneesha, seeing as she seemingly has two mutations- which she had never heard of. She makes this known to the rest of her girls, who seemingly resent Aneesha for it. To others she's cold and cruel, not caring much for life and wishing Coy could rule again. Finding a sick sense of joy in the killing of cubs that had no mutations.

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murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2022-09-06 01:01:52

-[pretend he's a cheetah lol]

"I don't always know what the future may hold, but I know who holds the future."

Name: Callahan (Refers to himself as Dreamer sometimes, just to irk Motaji)

Age: 4 years

Gender/Orientation: Male, Gay/Poly

Pride: None

Rank: Loner [High Priest of Motaji]

Personality: A quiet, skittish cheetah with a tendency to run away at the first sight of danger. He earned these traits from his anxiety-prone adopted fathers, Mwanga and Mkui. Dreamer is often found in trees or high up. He prefers to eat herbs, which he knows lots about, as opposed to hunting and eating other animals. Often the leaves and roots are not enough. He is anxious and worries a lot, despite his laid-back and chill nature.

Backstory: TW: Death

Callahan was born to a lone female cheetah whose name he never knew. His mother was an unusually small creature, prone to colds and sniffles and became sick soon after giving birth. Eventually, she died of malnutrition, leaving her son to fend for himself. The orphaned cheetah cub walked as far as he could, but finally fell into unconsciousness. Callahan dreamed of a kindly lion nudging him to his feet and telling him that it is not your time and that he must follow them to a shaded grove of trees. The lion told him to go to this place, and help would be there. Then he woke up. Slowly, the weak cub made the long journey to the trees, collapsing once more just on the edge. A pair of leopards found him and took him to safety. From then on, the two leopards, Mwanga and Mkui, raised the little cheetah as their own. They are the ones who nicknamed Callahan 'Dreamer', because of how often he dreamed, and how accurate some of the 'visions' were.

Callahan kept of dreaming of the mysterious lion, who would watch fondly from his peripheral as the little cheetah played in windblown fields or chased down the fastest of prey across the land. The lion seldom spoke, though occasionally they would, warning him of things to come, such as the time a huge clan of hyenas went through the tree grove or the violent storm that ripped across the sky. In time, Callahan came to realize he was favored by Motaji, a major sleep deity. This was a little confronting to the young cheetah, though the lion assured him it was destiny.

The dream god came to Callahan again when he matured, offering to stay by the cheetah's side (more or less) and make him the deity's High Priest. Callahan accepted and left his fathers, roaming wherever he pleased and offering healing or visions alongside his beloved sister, Shiva.

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Edited on 08/09/22 @ 00:10:25 by Murderthistle |Semi-hiatus? (#230278)

OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2022-09-07 13:48:32


Name: Marula

Age: 6 years

Gender(orientation): she her

Pride: Afyasi’s

Rank: DU lioness

((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: just a Double Uterus lioness in the pride. And a looker too and she knows jsut how pretty she is—

Personality: rather quiet and a bit snarky and snooty.





Name: Hog

Age: 9 1/2 years

Gender(orientation): he him

Pride: Afyasi’s

Rank: (freed) pit male

((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: a lion that came from the guards training pits, battered about as much as he was, not sure how he’s alive. He does his best though is often picked on for his lack of a mane. He has a soft spot for cubs and likes to tell rather exaggerated stories of his scars

Personality: quiet, but a kind soul if you talk to him.


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- Avi - (#303308)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-07 14:14:04
Name: Izel

Age: A year old, nearly two

Gender & Orientation: Female, and although unlabeled, she has attraction to all genders, pansexual.

Pride: Afyasi’s Oasis

Rank: Du adolescent

Rank wanted: She claims to want multiple ranks- as she seems to be equally gifted in them all. Although, she truly someday wants to grow up and become a head rank.

Personality: She seems to be gifted with all talents, this is due to how she feels she needs to excel in everything she does, in order to appease others. She believes herself to be a coward, although when faced with dire times and situations- she is shown to be quite brave, and sometimes stand-offish with how she acts. She may seem, and act like a bully and be quite rude- but, she actually does care what others think of her, and has shown to get upset and even sad when lions don’t want to be around her, sometimes resorting to hanging out with other small animals, as they cannot understand each other, but at least they stay by her side, in her eyes.

Her anger and mood swings are ways for her to deal with her past traumas and experiences- and, although her actions are inexcusable, she still tries her best to become better with how she treats others and herself- although there is yet to be improvement in her attitude and treatment of others.

(( ! TW: Mentions of abandonment, self-hatred, self-blame, traumatic events, depression, and brief mentions of death ! ))


Born in unknown lands, in the cold, harsh winters- Izel and her mother were on the brink of death, as there was no other lions helping her and her mother after Izel’s birth. From th beginning of her mother’s pregnancy, Izel’s mother was shunned and looked down upon- from everything to her over-grown tooth mutation, her mother already hated her un-born child before Izel could even breath. Once Izel was born, it seemed everything became worse for her mother. The pride was suffering from the harsh conditions of the weather, and struggled even more when it came to making sure the pride was safe and fed- so, to cope with this, the pride left the lower-ranking lions starving, as they were unable to leave the pride, nor escape.

And Izel’s mother was one of these victims- but, instead of blaming or hating the king or the pride, she instead blamed it all on her cub, Izel, bullying her for months, sometimes hurting her, but always made sure to not leave a mark, as she believed herself to be self-righteous, and going as far as leaving a bruise, was bad- although hurting her child, was not.

Due to the starvation and cold weathers Izel was forced to endure, Izel became easily cold and sickly from birth, and fed into her mothers abuse and lies, blaming not only herself, but the pride as well, and the longer her mother’s and pride’s abuse continued, the blame soon became hatred- hating the other lions, whether they were to blame or not, she despised them.

This hatred only worsened when Izel’s mother abandoned her on another pride’s land, where she was brought into their brood mother’s den, where hatred towards others became apparent once her lash-outs and mood swings started showing, especially when she was with the other cubs.


- Still prone to coldness, even the smallest of winds cause her to be sickly- so she wears warm clothes and decor no matter the weather.

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Jay (it/he) (#286384)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-07 18:10:24

Name: Shiva

Age: 3 years

Gender/Orientation: female (she/her) / queer

Pride: Loner

Rank: Callahan's sister

Backstory: tw: abuse, just in passing

A little after a year of Callahan being Mwanga and Mkui's only cub, Shiva showed up as an adolescent leopard. Her growth was stunted due to abuse and mal-nourishment that her birth mother treated her with. If you ask her about it, she'll say she doesn't remember, which is true, but it seems a little forced.

Shiva eventually caught up to where she was supposed to be in speech and mostly the understanding of the world, but she is much smaller than your average female leopard. Shiva had nothing particularly spectacular happen to her like Callahan did, but she loves her brother with all her heart. Shiva followed Callahan out into the world, following him and helping him be the High Priest of Motaji.

Personality: Shiva is loud-mouthed and bold. The leopard has no qualms speaking her mind, which has lead her to get into some sticky situations. Mwanga and Mkui believed she was like this due to her speech developing later in life. She is an excellent contrast to her brother, always trying to pick a fight with the first thing she sees fit. Shiva still doesn't quite get that all her actions have consequences.

Other: She's only a bit bigger than Callahan in size.

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Edited on 14/09/22 @ 19:07:12 by Juno (he/they) (#286384)

Jay (it/he) (#286384)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-08 19:22:16

Name: Lily of the Valley "Lily"

Age: 1 year and 8 months

Gender/Orientation: Enby (she/her)/ Lesbian

Pride: Afaysi's Oasis

Rank: DU Adolescent (Double Uterus mut, her tail is explained soon)

Rank Wanted: Scout

Lily of the Valley was born to a nomad lioness and lion. Both of them had the bobbed tail mutation and if their cubs didn't they would make them have a bobbed tail by cutting it off with a sharp rock. Most of the time, the cubs died due to lack of medical attention. Lily was one of the ones to survive this gods-awful process.

Since she was not born with the mutation, Lily was belittled and mocked by her parents and siblings that stuck around. When she was old enough to take care of herself, she disappeared, never to be seen again by her birth family. She wandered close to the territory where Coy had laid claim to, and since she looked to be mutated she was welcomed into the pride. After finding out that she had a double uterus and not a bobbed tail, Coy placed her under the care of Lady Hadleigh.

Lily of the Valley didn't fit in with the other double uterus girls that Lady Hadleigh was taking care of. She felt dirty and unwanted in their presence, but found solace in the few visits that Frost gave to the others. Fascinated with the line of work Frost did, and fascinated by the piebald, Lily decided that she wanted to be a scout.

Lily is a very shy and quiet lioness. She doesn't like confrontation and is a "people-pleaser" through and through. She doesn't agree with anything Hadleigh says, but is terrified of her, causing Lily to come off as closed and secretive. She really just wants a friend to hang out with.

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Edited on 14/09/22 @ 19:06:13 by Juno (he/they) (#286384)

『 Fxllingstxrs
』🌺 (#283822)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 21:18:42

11 months


A beautiful golden tigon w/ onyx rosettes and piercing red eyes.

afab genderfluid
(any/all pronouns)

(But also very picky. Won't breed to them unless they're a king/queen and demand it. She is indeed fiercely loyal to Coy Fish.)


To be determined.
(Will most likely be none, a breeding toy. . . . unless I can convince dear Mongoose to let her become a badass guard? )

Khatsu is probably the most stubborn little cub anyone could ever meet. She knows exactly where her loyalties lie, and just how much it means to her to prove herself. She's fierce and free-spirited, but often also carries a stoic aura with her. Khatsu has standards, and won't talk to just anyone unless they truly do deserve it. A snotty little cub with big dreams? Would be a shame for them to be crushed. (Pls no LMAO ) Khatsu is a well-controlled lightning storm, you just never know when she strikes until she actually does, because darling, she strikes strong and quick. See her gone with the blink of an eye.

From the moment she was born, Khatsu was constantly reminded that she would never be anything other than a prize owned by the pride's king, Coy Fish. That she would never get to experience life beyond the borders of their pride or know what it was like to know freedom. The amount of talking her mother did, warning her of the dangers of their pride. . . Khatsu knew she should heed them, but felt nearly composed to ignore them, instead. She was stubborn and determined to prove herself before she became a year old. To prove she was worth more than becoming an object. So, Khatsu fought with other cubs, and battled fiercely in hopes of being recognized for her potential. Of course, the cubs she battled were not prized possessions themselves, but rather, the wasted and "ugly." Many times was Khatsu reprimanded sternly by the head broodmother, Royalfrost, and yet she ignored the lioness, simply claiming she "would one day be better than she could ever dreamed."
All-in-all, at only 11 months old, Khatsu has done so much to prove she is a fierce and ruthless warrior to her king in hopes of becoming more than just a toy, more than just a breeding project. Hopefully, when she turns a year old, fate will not let it be her destiny to become anything short of fantastic. She need only wait, now, for her king to say his piece.

It would be cool for her to surprise herself and become a guard because I picture her as a badass, ruthless, and sort of maybe evil warrior henchmen for the pride. Just a little bitch.
She is also open to having family members! I don't mind! Just please contact me, first!

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Valkyrie (#285871)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2022-09-10 09:13:56
Name: Nyx

Age: 2 years 5 months

appearance: 5-FB2-B46-C-330-A-4-BB1-A99-C-B08-C2054-D099

Gender((/Orientation)): Cis female lesbian

Pride: none

Rank: Rouge

((Rank Wanted:)) Scout or hunter

Backstory: Born to a pride who didn’t want her, Nyx was abandoned as a cub. She spent most of her life as a cub wandering and eating the scraps of dead animals and humans kind enough to feed her. When she turned 1 she saw a few humans setting up camp. Not knowing who they were she stalked closer. She had no reason to distrust humans after all, most of them had been kind to her in her months as an abandoned cub. She jumped out of the bushes expecting them feed her but, instead they instead pulled out some sort of thing with a trigger. Nyx didn’t know what it was but her instincts told her to run, so she did. She heard them yell something but couldn’t understand over the loud banging sounds she heard from the weapons. After a loud pop she felt a searing pain in her leg, but still kept on running. But she couldn’t run anymore, her leg had gone numb and the rest of her body had as well.

She woke up frightened and alone in a dark, cold, cage. That didn’t last long as she passed out again. When she awoke, she was in some sort of container that led to a light that looked like the sun. the door was opened and she bolted out, only it wasn’t the sun, there were people all around her, only separated by a chain fence. Another container was opened and a leopard leaped out, it was covered in scars and looked terrified and angry. People were yelling and waving their hands in the air, the leopard was snarling, lights were blaring, suddenly the leopard leaped at Nyx. She wasn’t expecting the leopard to attack her, so she went down. Nyx started to fight back, but it was too late. The leopard had pinned her. Nyx didn’t want to die, she wasn’t ready. Suddenly her vision went red and next thing she knew she was standing above the leopards shredded remains. Nyx was bleeding badly and suddenly passed out.

After a few months of the cage fights, Nyx became the one everyone would bet on, she won every fight with new scars to remember them by. Although the humans loved her, she hated the humans. They were the ones who brought her here, they were the ones who created this hell she lived in. By the time she was 2, she had become very strong, strong enough to break out. When they would feed her, they would leave the doors open to easily get in and out. When her next feeding came, she pretended to be asleep, the human who fed her threw the slabs of meat on the ground next to her. Before he knew it, Nyx was on top of him and had already bit is neck so he couldn’t scream for help. She broke out, massacring humans on the way, it was a bloodbath. When she got outside she ran and ran and ran until she couldn’t anymore. She was finally free.

Personality: Nyx is very distrusting and does not like talking much with other animals, she doesn’t talk about her past or what she likes or dislikes with other lions. She doesn’t have a specific territory, she travels wherever she wants. She pretends to hate cubs, but she secretly has a soft spot for them.

Hates: humans, enclosed spaces, leopards, being too close to someone, being in a large group, seeing cubs get abandoned
Dislikes: most lions, talking to others
Likes: hunting
Loves: being outside/free, wandering, human meat, running, being alone

((Other:)) will kill humans on sight and takes abandoned cubs to the giving tree/to gorillas. She will attack if provoked or something triggers her

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Edited on 16/09/22 @ 16:29:45 by Valkyrie (#285871)

Jay (it/he) (#286384)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-11 17:11:29

Name: Tzipora

Orientation/Gender: Cishet (she/her)

Age: 6yrs, 7mons

Pride: Celestial Dawnings/Lunar Pride

Rank: Queen

Tzipora was born into the pride, learning the ways of pride life from her youth. Her mutation was passed off as a marking that Peirce bought, thankfully. She lived her life in the shadows, but was loved by her parents with all of their hearts. She was enthralled with cubs; hoping to one day be a brood mother.

She and Kabir met way before he became king with Raiden still protecting him. The kind lioness quickly fell in love with the tigon, hoping that the both of them could eventually rule the pride with kindness and love. Tzipora wouldn't trade her spot for the world, loving and caring for all of the pride as her parents did her. Now, that she has cubs, she hopes that she and Kabir can give them more than enough love.

Tzipora is kind, caring, and wouldn't be able to hurt a fly. She's the parent you want to ask if you want the answer yes to. Though, sometimes she's too nice, allowing for things that shouldn't be allowed. Even still her thoughts are appreciated in the pride, as she has a different view on the world than most other lions.

Frost is playing the tigon and Mongoose (I’m pretty sure) is playing the spotted cub! But these are Tzipora and Kabir’s cubs <3
WFIqLiM.png 8fHiLt3.png

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Edited on 14/09/22 @ 19:05:07 by Juno (he/they) (#286384)

『 Fxllingstxrs
』🌺 (#283822)

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Posted on
2022-09-12 22:29:44

3 yrs, 2 months old

A hibiscus clouded piebald with Noctis feline and Noctis heavy rosette. She sports beautiful 'intense blood' eyes and is littered in guard garments. Her slender grace is no match for any opponent, as are her long, dark claws.

AFAB female // Heteroflexible

BarleyPlains Pride

A loyal guard.
- BUT, is currently nursing cubs!

Rank Wanted:
Perhaps head guard one day.

Demeter, as suggested by being named after the goddess of harvest and agriculture, is incredibly kind to those within her pride. She never overlooks the opinion of others and is always certain to listen before overreacting. Demeter only wants her pride to flourish, no matter who rules it. As motherly and tender as she is, however, she is an absolute 'NO BS' type of lioness. Strict and assertive first and foremost, always making sure every rule is strictly followed by the book. Failure to do so will result in a disappointed and sometimes irritated Demeter, which is arguably the last thing one wishes to release. Wise and witty, she is as fierce as fire when it comes to protecting those she cares about. The safety of her pride and everyone in it will always be her top priority.

Demeter has had an average backstory. Well, as average as life could get when being a guard for her pride. She was born to Aphrodite and Artemis, two well-respected lions of BarleyPlains pride. She and her brother, Zeus, where both an unplanned conceived pregnancy, but nonetheless a beautiful surprise. Demeter went on to become something special thanks to her special base and mutation. While her brother did bear a rare base as both their parents were high bases, he was not so lucky in the mutation compartment. However, the two were still well-respected.
When adolescent years came around, Demeter was appointed to train as a guard, having priorly proven great success in tussling and climbing, being capable to get into nearly every tough squeeze. She was trained beneath the head guard amongst the other apprentices and graduated amongst the best of the best, top of her class.
One day, she and a classmate she had gotten along with fantastically both confessed love for one-another. Now, she has just given birth to their two healthy cubs; Persephone, a nearly spitting image of her mother with her father's eyes and Poseidon, a nearly spitting image of his father with his mother's Noctis feline marking.

Her cubs!

- Roleplayed by Juno (he/they)!
- This is only him in ADULTHOOD!
(He is currently 3 months old.)
An uncommon felis primal with Noctis heavy rosette and blue eyes.

- This is only her in ADULTHOOD!
(She is currently 3 months old.)
A special clouded pie with Noctis feline 9 and blue eyes.

This litter is an EXTREMELY LUCKY ONE, as BOTH cubs are muts!
This is, in turn, because she was given a GMO Cow. HOWEVER,
should she have any more cubs, they will more than likely be regulars,
as two mut babies are enough for this girl.

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Edited on 13/09/22 @ 14:23:17 by Sapphic (she/he/it) (#283822)

Jay (it/he) (#286384)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-15 18:58:36
Name: Poseidon
Age: 3mons
Gender/Orientation: cismale (he/him)/undecided

Pride: BarleyPlains
Rank: Cub
Rank wanted: Broodfather

Backstory: My homedawg is a cub rn; I will update this (hopefully) as we go
Personality: Kind, adventurous, inquisitive, indecisive,

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Jay (it/he) (#286384)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-15 19:34:19
Name: Brush
Age: 4yrs, 7mons
Gender/Orientation: cismale (he/him)/mlm

Pride: BarleyPlains
Rank: Advisor


Brush was born under Kareem's father's rule. He was hand-chosen for the role as advisor from a young cub. He was shaped to think a certain way and was mentored under the old advisor. As a cub in between the training that both of them had to do, Kareem and Brush became good friends, learning each other inside and out. Brush took his role as future advisor very seriously, learning how to lead, and learning how to act.


Brush is a kind and hearty fellow. He doesn't ever want to fight particularly, but he will fight to the death if needed (and he will win). Brush enjoys helping out with the cubs, hoping to one day be a father himself.

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