Posted by Rulers and Tyrants (Character Sheets)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-01 09:01:50

Main Roleplay Thread


Please the character sheet as shown below. Anything in parentheses is optional as well! If you are wanting to play a cub younger than 7 months, please be sure to have a parental figure lined up prior to RPing!! Ranks available include; wanderer/rogue, warrior, den/broodmother, healer, scout, huntress. Ranks that you need permission from the prides ruler include; advisor, head den/broodmother, lead warrior, head huntress, priest(ess), lead scout,

Please make sure you have spoken with the owner of a pride prior to joining it! Also discuss with players first if you are trying to create relationships between your OC and theirs







((Rank Wanted:))




For reference (in case it is needed) in this RP sizes go in this order:

Male Tigon --> Smilus ---> Male Primal --> Female Tigon---> Male Felis ---> Female Felis ---> Male/Female Ferus ---> Female Primal ---> Male Lion ---> Female Lion ---> Male Leopon ---> Female Leopon ---> Mal/Female Dwarf

Other Links:

Follow this link to post your Pride description!

Go here to post a character sheet!

This one will show you to the deities (and you may add your own!)

For the actual RP, go here!

To just chat and talk, maybe come up with plot points, the OOC Forum is the perfect place!

We'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself here!!

To get some help figuring out how to insert images, change font type, and more- this link is really useful!!

And this is a link to my adoption forum!

Our Google Docs:
Herbs and Uses made by Ray
Languages made by Frost
The differences between lions/prides made by Frost as well!
The Agate Family made by me!
Explaing the Sleekwater Head Grave Tender Role made by Frost

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 18:53:40 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

- Avi - (#303308)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-13 09:49:37
Name: Astraea, or Starry night

Appearance: Astraea is a leopon with an almost gold colored fur, and black stripes that match her spots, and has blue eyes. Her fur is fluffier then most leopon’s. Overall, she has a very feminine appearance.

Age: One year

Gender and orientation: Female

Pride: Cavewalkers

Rank: None, she is to young to have one yet.

Rank wanted: She is unsure of which role she wants.

Backstory: Astraea was born into the Cavewalkers pride, with her brother, Orion, since her father was brutally killed by outsiders from another pride. Her mother was never fond of her and her brother, and left the little time she had for them and leaving it up to the pride. Because of this, her brother grew very protective over her, helping her as their mother never did. While she was trained to become a brood mother, he was trained to become a cave guard.

Personality: Reserved, honest, and polite, Astraea tries her best to please others without annoying them. She’s kind to others, but is particularly close with her brother.

Other: She wishes to go out more, but is unable to.


Name: Orion, or Rising Dawn

Appearance: Orion is an all black leopon, with dark blue eyes. He is larger then most leopon’s his age, and has fluffier fur then usual.

Age: One year

Gender and orientation: Male

Pride: Cavewalkers

Rank: None, he is to young to have one.

Rank wanted: Cave guard

Backstory: Born into Cavewalkers with his sister, Astraea, his mother avoided them, as she didn’t want anything to do with both him and his sister. His mother deeply hated her twins, mostly because of how much hey reminded her of their father, who had been brutally killed by outsiders of another pride. Because of this, he grew protective of Astraea, acting as an parental figure more then a sibling for her. While he was trained to be a cave guard, Astraea was trained to be a brood mother.

Personality: Unlike his sister, he is more talkative then her, although less kind. He is straightforward and sometimes labeled as brutally honest by others, not every empathetic, although those close to him know of his true kindness.

Other: He doesn’t have many friends, but is particularly close to his sister. He is very introverted.

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Edited on 19/07/22 @ 13:01:16 by Avi/Kai ♡ (#303308)

OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2022-07-13 11:51:27


Name: Pippin

Age: 9 years

Gender(orientation): she her, pan

Pride: Cavewalker

Rank: jobless / cave walker

((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: she was born blind and learned to walk the caves all by herself. And it’s what she loves doing. Oh…. And never think she doesn’t know where you are

Personality: calm and kind, she enjoys some company…





Name: Alma

Age: 6 years

Gender(orientation): she her bisexual

Pride: Cavewalker

Rank: broodmother

((Rank wanted)): queen (or at least to bear cubs)

Backstory: she was born into the cave walker prode…. Not much to do there honestly

Personality: friendly and loves to chat





Name: ‘Silent Mountain’ and/or Rock

Age: 7 years 2 months

Gender(orientation): he him, demisexual

Pride: cavewalkers…. Kinda not really

Rank: cave wanderer

((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: born in the caves he never really left them. He knows the deep paths and can walk in them with his eyes closed,

Personality: quiet and more of a recluse


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Edited on 19/07/22 @ 12:56:06 by 7-TEA[UBASTEspotsPatchCLEAN] (#196088)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-07-13 15:58:58
Name: Domino

Appearance: gnVFwlp.jpg

Gender/orientation: He/Him (cis) unlabeled

Age: 6 years and 7 months

Pride: Sunbaked

Role: Healer

Backstory: Domino honestly has not a clue about his past- he finds himself seemingly wandering till he’s needed. And will stay until he’s done.

Personality: Charming and extroverted, yet weirdly calm. He tends to stay optimistic even if he’s performing surgery- and seems unaffected by most gore, threats, and violence when it comes to his reactions. He’s known to be cryptic from time to time, saying weird things in a tone that would indicate that such things are common. Beyond his normal demeanor around strangers- he is weirdly hard to become friends with. He seems to treat everybody like patient, using a lax yet formal persona around them. If you do get to know him- you’ll find he’s rather obsessive and unhinged. Finding no sympathy or care for any patient of his. He simply knows this is what he’s best at. When he cares for someone he tends to become clingy and overly protective. Always thinking of them and making sure they are happy.

Other: He’s rarely seen angry or upset. And when he is- it’s quiet an unnerving sight.

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Estranger (#300453)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 18:01:16
Name: Toxic fog (or just Toxic/Tox)

Age: 5years 7months

Appearance: xJT2J5C.png

Gender((/Orientation)): She/her (cis) Bisexual

Pride: Sunbaked

Rank: Lead Huntress

((Rank Wanted:))

Backstory: Born in a startup pride with four young lionesses and a very inexperienced king, the small pride was horrified at the unexpected birth of a mutated(ferus) cub. A rift was caused between the young pride, bickering about what to do with the abnormal creature. The mother fought fiercely to keep her until her weaning and so it was chosen to keep her until then.

Personality: Introverted, observer
In Toxic’s birth pride she was subjected to harsh verbal abuse, due to this she is relatively unfeeling and deadpan. Unsociable and awkward. Holds grudges.

((Other:)) More personality bits tbd in roleplay!!

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Edited on 14/07/22 @ 18:25:07 by Estranger (#300453)

Rayb1rd [G1 Overo] (#224266)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-16 14:52:05
Name: Okapi

Age: 2 years 5 months


Gender((/Orientation)): Female, Bisexual leaning toward men

Pride: Wanderer

Rank: Huntress

Rank Wanted: Huntress or Queen

Backstory: Okapi had always been regarded as a bit of an outsider in her pride. Pretty, but quiet and a bit of a loner. Her best friend growing up was a raven named Robber, and when she went out on her own she brought him along. Even though she is on the shy side, she has a wicked sense of humor and fun when the effort is made to get to know her. She's been traveling for a while now, and while her initial goal was to find a mate she's also happy being by herself. She's heard rumors of the different prides present in these lands, and her curiosity has peaked.

Personality: Contemplative, quiet, shy at first. Humorous and witty when she opens up. She doesn't mind being alone, though would like to know more lions.

Robber is obnoxious and loud, and in return for helping her track the herds he gets to share her meals.

Other: Her name comes from the markings on her legs!

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Ryoka (#280716)

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Posted on
2022-07-17 08:47:50
Name: Kali
Age: 3m

Appearance: go to my Teenagers Den and you’ll see her

Gender: female
Pride: Sunbaked
Rank: cub
Rank wanted:
Backstory: Kali is one of the cubs that was left in the waste den. She doesn’t remember what her mother looks like or even what the outside world looks like. Kali is a shy and timid she-cub who just wants to be cuddled with and loved on. She’s terrified of Coy, whenever she hears him or even smells him she freaks out and immediately hides in the back of the den.

Other: her name is Sanskrit and it means fairest.

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Edited on 17/07/22 @ 16:40:12 by Ryoka (#280716)

LadyLavellan {G4
Primal]💛🩷🩵 (#144250)

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Posted on
2022-07-17 11:07:09
Silversheen and Lightpaw
(I will put the images back at some point ))

Age: 4yr and & 7yr respectivly

Gender: Female for both

Pride: Sunbaked

Rank: Broodmother for both

Backstory: Silversheen and Lightpaw are two broodmothers who are only basically mutated, Silversheen has overgrown teeth and Lightpaw is clawless mush like Softpaw. Both have been part of Coys pride their entire adult lives and ave never been outside of the pridelnds, or even the dens. With the pride on the brink of war they have steped up to do what they can to help protect hose in their care.

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Edited on 23/07/22 @ 14:49:02 by LadyLavellan (#144250)

OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2022-07-18 20:21:22


Name: Najwa

Age: (how ever old Angel is

Gender(orientation): she/they/he pansexual

Pride: Lushpelt —-> sleekwater

Rank: snag/ hidden royal —-> priest

((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: born of Casta’s blood, a sibling of Angel. Born with no eyes they were taken and hidden away, as to not taint Casta’s image… even now they hide away with the snags…

Personality: yet to be figured out

((Other))- {IMPORTANT} — they are a hermaphrodite .they have both female and male parts.

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Edited on 19/07/22 @ 11:58:14 by 7-TEA[UBASTEspotsPatchCLEAN] (#196088)

OClean] (#196088)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-19 14:09:25


Name: Adwin

Age: 6 years

Gender(orientation): she , bisexual

Pride: sleek water

Rank: to be crafter

((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: came from Lushpelt as a snag, she is very skilled with her hands and would help the snag healer with splints and tools and such, she also makes pouches and all that good Jazz. She’ll make a little friend black mongoose

Personality: friendly and open to friendships and conversations, she loves to hear ppl rant. A bisexual panic

((Other))- love this bb, give them some love




Name: Mynte

Age: 5 year

Gender(orientation): he they pansexual

Pride: sleekwater

Rank: to be Gardner

((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: a dwarf thrown into the snag den, he’s a lil fighter but loves plants

Personality: a very very flirtatious lion, will try and get anything he can XD. He loves tending to plants. But he’s a bit lazy and you might find him on mushrooms under a tree

((Other))- lol he’ll get flustered if you flirt back




Name: Elvira

Age: 6 years 2 months

Gender(orientation): she they. Omnisexual

Pride: sleekwater

Rank: to be healer

((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: she was sent into snag den as a newborn and tried to help their friends and other snags through out their life… they’ve been beaten and threatened to be skinned. They have seen some shit

Personality: quiet and concentrated, she doesn’t really have much to talk about.. if you flirt she has no clue what you’re doing. She’s not used to compliments or affection

((Other))- She has patches of fur missing where they had skinned off bits of her pelt

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-07-19 18:48:16

Name: Mudstone
Age: 4 years
Gender/Orientation: She/They, pan and poly

Pride: N/A (Family name is Dirty Agates)
Rank: Wanderer
Rank Wanted: N/A

Born to a family of prideless lions in the mangroves, Mudstone views strangers as intruders. Her father is hellbent against joining or merging with a pride unless they are mated into another family, he believes prides should be destroyed and only families should remain. Mudstone's mother is docile and timid, agreeing with whatever her mate declares.

Mudstone was born as the middle cub in a litter of 3, with another litter before her and two after her. Her family is large and abundant and claims the mangroves as their own territory, but refuse to mark it or defend it as they all assume everyone will move on eventually. They live deep within the trees where it is almost impossible to walk amongst the stumps and roots.

Kinda awkward and unsure how to interact with others. Her jokes usually make no sense and she flips between obeying her father and not knowing why they wouldn't want a pride.

- The family is smaller than the average lion, between pon and female lion in size
- Lithe and nimble, built for climbing trees and swimming
- Family is made up of Grandfather, Grandmother (the head of the family), Father, Mother (married in), Uncles, Older Siblings, Litter Mates, Younger Siblings, Aunts, Cousins. It is a big family but not pride big.

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Edited on 19/07/22 @ 18:48:34 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

Jay (it/he) (#286384)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-19 19:11:24

Name: Agatha
Age: 4 years
Gender/Orientation: she/he, bi, ace

Pride: N/A (Family name is Dirty Agates)
Rank: Wanderer
Rank Wanted: N/A

Born to a family of prideless lions in the mangroves, Agatha views strangers as intruders. His father is hellbent against joining or merging with a pride unless they are mated into another family, he believes prides should be destroyed and only families should remain. Agatha's mother is docile and timid, agreeing with whatever her mate declares.

Agatha was born as the eldest cub in a litter of 3, with another litter before her and two after her. It was heart breaking loosing the last litter completely and most of Harris's litter. His family is large and abundant and claims the mangroves as their own territory, but refuse to mark it or defend it as they all assume everyone will move on eventually. They live deep within the trees where it is almost impossible to walk amongst the stumps and roots.

He is a massive pushover, but she will defend his family with her life. She often is found swimming in the marshes and meandering about.

-I totally did not just remix Mongoose's post, what are you talking about /lh

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Edited on 11/09/22 @ 17:51:37 by Juno (he/they) (#286384)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-07-19 19:16:31
Name: Harris

Appearance: 4oDDVgJ.png

Gender/sexuality: He/Him (cis) Straight

Age: 1 year and 2 months

Pride: Dirty agates (family)

Rank: Younger litter

Backstory: Harris was born in the younger litter with his siblings. And had a habit of tattling and paranoia. And honestly still does.

Personality: Obsessive, Curt, Irritable, Pouty, paranoid, and untrusting of others outside his family.

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Edited on 29/08/22 @ 20:53:48 by Frostblight (#282750)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-07-19 19:26:30

Name: Grandmaw Jasper
Age: 15 years old
Gender/Orientation: She/Her, pan, mono

Pride: N/A (Family name is Dirty Agates)
Rank: Wanderer (Matriarch of the family)
Rank Wanted: N/A

Jasper's mother made her home in the mangroves, as did her mother's mother, and her grandmother's mother, and her great grandmother's mother, and so on and so forth. For as long as anyone can remember, the Dirty Agates have lived without a pride and within the mangroves near the sea. After countless generations, the family has become adapted to life in the water and trees and would be renowned for their swimming and climbing if they ever interacted with other people.

For eons (according to Grandmaw), the family has been without a pride and is proud of it! They don't need no outsiders mingling and only trust their family members and those mated into the family. Grandmaw keeps a very strict grip on the family, knowing her time is near, and tries to train her son's mate to take over as the matriarch. She has low hopes so she's also trying to force any of her other daughters and in-laws to train for the position. She also heavily and severely enforces the family rule of jewelry- requiring each family member to wear at least one adornment made of either jasper or moss agates. If they don't, she assumes they are asking to be removed from the family and will treat them like outsiders.

If you ask Grandmaw, the family has never once prayed to a deity or god and believe such practices to be devilish. The only 'god' they believe in is the sturdy support of a branch beneath their paws and the cool water as it parts around them while they dive.

Gruff, hardass, and quick to anger. She doesn't do sarcasm or jokes and everything is serious when she is involved. She's an absolute grouch, unless you are one of her grandchildren. Then she spoils you rotten and berates the parents for not being good enough. Kinda toxic

- Mated to someone idk who yet
- Matriarch of the family
- Will update with more familial lore as needed!!

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Edited on 19/07/22 @ 19:35:53 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

- Avi - (#303308)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-19 19:31:54
Name: Katniss, sometimes called Kat

Appearance: Dark orange, almost brown stripes spread out across their back, legs, and arm, a dark green base. They have a large scar on their arm, which spreads to their face, making them blind in their right eye. They wear a jasper earring on their right ear and a moss agate one on their left, usually wearing moss agate jewelry on their legs and arms.

Age: 4 years

Gender and orientation: Non-binary, uses they / them, and he / him, demisexual and asexual.

Pride: N/a, ( Family name is dirty agates )

Rank: Wanderer

Rank wanted: N/a

Backstory: Katniss was born to a father who hated prides, hellbent against joining them, and their mother following what ever their father said. They were born as the youngest cub to a litter of three, and their family lives deep in the mangroves, a dangerous place. Due to the danger of their home, they scared themselves, which is why they have the scar across their arm and face. They learned to live with this, however, and grew more dependent on their other senses, especially their hearing.

Personality: Katniss finds it hard to empathize with others, and sometimes can act selfish, only kind and caring for those they have known for a long time. They’re reckless and hot headed. Their stutter is stemmed from their embarrassment for their looks, and their anger is because of both his stutter and looks.

Other: Katniss is kind to few, and loving to even fewer, usually showing no kinds of emotion, even if they want to.
Katniss usually speaks with a stutter.

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Edited on 23/07/22 @ 18:25:05 by Avi/Kai ♡ (#303308)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-07-19 20:02:23
Name: Grandpaw Howlite (howl for sort) (DECEASED)

Appearance: 56HJuIu.png

Gender/ sexuality: Bisexual and Cis (he/him)

Pride: Dirty Agates (family)

Age: 15 years and 1 month

Backstory: Howlite found the family when he was chased from his own. He begged to stay- only being shooed away at every turn. He fell in love with Jasper, soon secretly giving her presents in hopes that she may make him her mate./ He also constantly tried to make good with the family- despite Jasper's mothers protest. When Jasper became the matriarch. He was allowed in and mated to her.

Personality: Howlite is very calm and lax. Sometimes to his family's dismay. But he's also fiercely loyal. Yet open minded. He always makes sure to do his best and please his wife- whom he adores and admires with all his heart. Still giving her gifts whenever he can find the time. He's soft spoken and often very passive, not loving confrontation.

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Edited on 28/08/22 @ 13:05:16 by Frostblight (#282750)

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