Posted by Lioden Pet Peeves: Agree or Disagree

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2022-06-16 06:35:36
Pretty simple, and a nice way to vent I'd say! :) All you need to do is state a pet peeve you have about lioden as well as whether or not you agree with the peeve of the person above you. Pet peeves can pertain to just about anything on the site, such as gameplay mechanics, forums, lion appearances, etc.


Comment 1 - I hate when people breed dirty lions with my king!

Comment 2 - I disagree, inbreeding doesn't matter to me. I don't like when someone's studding is private

Comment 3 - Agree, it is hard to find a good stud sometimes! I don't like (blah blah blah)

You are free to include a reason for your pet peeve as well as why you agree or disagree, but it's not required!

I will start:

I dislike den CSS as it makes it hard to see font sometimes!

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💛🧡 (#434371)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-06-13 09:46:50

i'm so sick of ludicrous studding rules. i just saw one who said "NO LIONESSES WITH LESS THEN 4 MARKS" when the king himself had only 3- literally what does it matter to you bruh, you aren't getting the cubs
AND they wanted the studders to pay 3 gb for EACH breeding item used, no exceptions (so the person had to pay 6 gb if they wanted to breed with their buffalo and lion scrotums). THAT, and the base price was like 5 gb or something.
like bruh there's a reason nobody's studding to you

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Ratsss (#252006)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-06-16 20:06:28
I REALLY agree

I feel like there should be more rare and uncommon bases. The ratio of base rarities are way too different.
Example: In any given base category there would be 5 common, 1 uncommon, 2 rare, and 15 specials

Idk why be this really bothers me :/

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CaitlinSnep (#215326)

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Posted on
2023-06-22 17:22:03
Honestly, I agree! It'd be nice to have more variety in that regard.

I hate hate HATE how expensive dynasty slots are! I get emotionally attached to a lot of my lions and it's annoying and emotionally draining having to pick and choose whose records to erase if I don't have enough SB to purchase another slot.

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BlueDragon (#260307)

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Posted on
2023-06-22 18:03:05
1000% agree. I get attached to so many of my lionesses, and while for now I have a bunch stored who I can get rid of for less (though not zero) emotional backlash for me, I wish they were a bit cheaper. Or that they didn’t increase in price. I mean, for a ton of my lions I have bios/decor/storylines for them, and I don’t want to worry about potentially having to erase them in the future.

I’m not a fan of whatever they’ve done to make this years June event harder than last years. By this time in 2022, I had already bought 2 bases and some decor, and this year I have bought 1 base and am on track for a second, but it will be down to the wire. I’m not sure if they messed with the KB drops or what, but this event is my favorite event bc of the storyline and the gods and the bases (Ankh is my all-time favorite base in the game, and Ubaste and Ra are up there too) and seeing people hate it this year is upsetting, bc there’s clearly something that was done to make it harder for whatever reason. idk what was done, but the discrepancy between the number of KB I was able to obtain last year vs this year—a difference of about 800 KB from my math earlier this week—is insane (I’m also active the same amount if not more this year, so the discrepancy shouldn’t be this severe). It’s to the point where I feel bad for people who joined during this event this year, bc it was so much better last year and I feel like they’re getting the wrong impression of the June event (bc it has been sooo good in the past).

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Edited on 22/06/23 @ 18:06:55 by BlueDragon (#260307)

UtsubyoYona (#210720)

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Posted on
2023-06-25 15:32:26
Agree. I didn't had time for attack and grind KB's, even with the daily 200 energy. We needed more option, my energies are not enough. I just abandoned the quests, and only doing the main storylines. I didnt really liked the decors too.

Most of the lethal's makes me so sad or disgust me. It makes me uncomfortable because it looks weird and it makes me sad, because they die at young age.

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Skydicer (#116586)

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Posted on
2023-06-26 11:40:48
agree to this like a thousand times over. The lethals are very sad, especially harlequin and cyclopia. Those make me very uncomfortable and are the few that I don't ever want to own. It's sad and quite honestly the art and idea of the cub being inside out makes me incredibly uncomfortable with the harlequin. and the cyclopia one makes me uncomfortable since the eye looks abnormal (obviously) but like its a persons eye on a lion or something. But they both make me incredibly uncomfortable.

I wish people didn't gatekeep rl's and rl markings. There are multiple breed only marks that I have a hard time getting a hold of right now for a breeding project because people gatekeep the marks and BO attributes. I've mostly had positive interactions with people, one in particular was really nice about letting me attempt a crunchy on their nrlc recently. But there are a select few who do have some markings that I need and just flat out ghost me after reaching out. I have made sure that nowhere on their profiles or lionesses profiles if it says anything about "DNI" or "Don't ask to xx" before reaching out and still get ignored or angry responses. It just makes me a little upset since I have no other way of obtaining these marks unless I try hundreds of times with rma.

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Edited on 26/06/23 @ 11:44:54 by Skydicer (#116586)

Marcie 🖤 [G2
Uneven 9x Vit] (#148390)

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Posted on
2023-06-26 12:03:36
I kinda have no opinion on this one. On one hand the people you are reaching out or wanting the marks from have no obligation to share their lioness or the marks with you, even if they don’t put something on their profile. The lioness is theirs and they are allowed to do what they want with it, even if it seems selfish. Everyone’s just trying to get by and everyone knows once a marking spreads it will no longer hold the same worth. But then on the other side.. I guess there’s a whole moral thing and people don’t like hoarders overall. Saw this with the cleftie. I understand the issue and frustration behind it, but I also understand that whoever owns that lioness or seems to control those marks ultimately gets to decide what is done with it and that they have earned the right to that decision.

My peeve is people that advertise by saying they are going to kill a valuable lion or even any lion no matter it’s value. “Killing leopon! Buy it now”, everyone knows you’re not going to kill that leopon, you’re just trying to get peoples attention by saying something that will grab peoples attention. I don’t think it makes anyone buy any faster, if they wanted to buy it, they would. It’s even annoying on NCLs.

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Edited on 26/06/23 @ 12:04:19 by Marcie [7x Dawn] (#148390)

CaitlinSnep (#215326)

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Posted on
2023-06-26 12:08:32
Agreed! It's annoying and guilt-trippy, especially if you have a tendency to get easily attached to your or even someone else's lions. It feels extremely manipulative.

This is a small thing, but I find it really annoying when people advertise something costing more than 10 gb as "cheap". If you're not spending real money on gb and are instead having to save your sbs to buy gbs, it can take days or even *weeks* to accumulate gb. It might seem 'cheap' for people who can afford a 'pay-to-win' playstyle, but it really isn't.

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BlueDragon (#260307)

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Posted on
2023-06-26 12:24:28
I actually disagree with this. Most people I see who advertise something as ‘cheap’ mean it in comparison to other trades containing the same item/lion. For an example that I’ve actually had to do several times, if they were selling an applicator that is worth about 80 gb, but they sell it for 65 gb, they have every right to advertise it as cheap, because for that specific product, 65 gb is incredibly reasonable. I can understand the frustration, since I myself am a player who doesn’t buy gbs and only earns them through selling items/lions/etc, however you do need to understand that these people need to make gb, the same way we all do. I mean, if they’re selling an item for less than what it’s worth, it might actually be putting them at a deficit (lets return to the 80 gb vs 65 gb example again….that’s quite a loss, depending on the person). However, as a seller, you need to weigh the pros and cons of selling something for its listed price vs cheaper (since more people will be willing to buy cheaper items, but in doing so they are driving the worth of the item down, which messes with the market, on top of the fact that the seller wouldn’t get as much as they should for it). Regardless, it doesn’t really matter to anyone else besides the seller what they advertise their products as, especially again, in regards to the reason stated above, which in my experience is the major reason why most will advertise trades as being ‘cheap’.
Think about it like the real world, just because it isn’t affordable to all doesn’t mean it isn’t less expensive for that specific product.

Anyways, a tiny pet peeve of mine is how difficult it is sometimes to figure out where a decor or background comes from. I’ve gotten more into decorating some of my lions recently, but in looking for decors, sometimes I want to see if there are other ways I can get them, rather than buying them from the TC or branches (such as through events or crafting). However for quite a few decors, although I’ve scoured both google and the relevant Lioden wiki pages, it is near impossible to find where these decors or backgrounds originally come from (they aren’t in any of the event shops, nor are they in crafting…there’s some that aren’t even on the wiki, even though they’ve been in the game for a while). I wish there was some sort of thing, maybe on the decor description or in the wardrobe or something that would tell you what shop these decors are from, to lessen some confusion. Not sure how this would be implemented though.

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Edited on 26/06/23 @ 12:26:15 by BlueDragon (#260307)

ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

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Posted on
2023-06-26 12:35:11
agreed (sometimes the wiki is lacking when it come to details)

I dont it when someone ask you to lower the price of something thats already very cheap
(not even haggling or offering items but telling you to lower the price by a gb or 2 when said thing only cost 3gb -.-)

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Edited on 26/06/23 @ 12:36:40 by ellu [g1 glass] (#139157)

Nill (#259465)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-07-03 11:06:33
agree, if someone told me to lower an already low item, I'd just ignore them

My pet peeve is when people make offers for the raffle lions before the lion is even out. It just feels like they expect the person who gets it to be willing to sell heats/clones. I can't really explain it, but it kinda irks me in a way. Like, I know it can be frustrating when people get a rl and keep it to themselves, but at the end of the day it's their lion, their not obligated to share it with the public if they don't want to.

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UtsubyoYona (#210720)

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Posted on
2023-07-03 11:11:02
100% agree. I would also block them asap.

The fact that pride dynasty is not free makes me sad. I can understand why, but I really miss my lions and its a little bit expensive to me when I will reach to a point when i need to buy a lot of slots. I know these are just pixel lions, but I still have feeling for my females and I feel really anxious what if i can't buy more slots and I need to delete a female that I already write a story, decorated her, etc. :(

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💛🧡 (#434371)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-07-05 12:52:28
Agree, I just erased some of my older lionesses because I needed space and I was less attached to them but it still made me sad :(

Not just this site, this is in general on the internet, but I’ve noticed especially on this site that people cannot use apostrophes/grammar correctly to save their lives- I understand typos once in a while, or a mistake due to being fast or whatever, or poor translation, but seriously. For the native English speakers, ya’ll are teens/adults. Make an effort.

Your English teacher would be very disappointed.

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ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

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Posted on
2023-07-08 04:59:24
mostly disagree, sometimes you have to type fast/have a shitty keyboard but i do slightly agree (it would really help in professional emails lol)

i hate trades that have lions listed as g2 that are actually g16 just cause they're the second lion in the heritage to have a mut

the only mutie gen that matters is pointed out in the name of their mutation ie. a g1 pon says "Leopon (First Generation)"

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Edited on 08/07/23 @ 04:59:49 by ellu [g1 glass] (#139157)

JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2023-07-08 14:38:43
Big agree! People mislabeling lions in general really gets me. Like adult lions being listed as AMPs vs their mutation.

This is a small thing, but people naming trades for lions things like “extreme beauty” and things like that, just for it to be a 2 mark common base cub. I know looks are very subjective, but clickbaity TC titles just grind my gears.

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