Posted by Cracked Rocks Adoption Center

🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-07-25 08:32:33
|As you enter the den, you are greeted by the sight of cubs tumbling around everywhere you look, some roughhousing, some sunbathing, and some... Well, some are just being odd.| "Good evening, traveler." |An elderly lioness with striped fur says as she approaches you, some cubs following after her.|

"My name is Fox'Stone, and welcome to the Cracked Rocks Adoption Center. We have a wide variety of young females for you to pick from if you'd like to take one home, however, if it's a submale or possible heir you're looking for..." |She says as she looks over to the doorway draped with vines, a young male lion with a thin mane stepping out of it and approaching you.|

"Thats where I come in!" |He states with a grin.| "My name is Hyena'Pelt, and I run the Thorny Brush Adoption Center through that doorway, where all of our available male cubs reside!" |He explains before ushering one of the boys who had slipped into the den back to their own with a few playful baps, Fox'Stone gaining your attention once again.|

"If neither of our dens have what it is you're looking for, we have a list on the wall over there of other active adoption dens that I think you'd enjoy having a look at along with our rules!" |She says before hearing a shriek from one of the cubs, quickly going to tend to her and leaving you on your own to do as you please.|
{Adoption Rules!}

1. If a cub is not adopted by the time they are 1 year and 11 months old, they will be abandoned before the next roll over.

2. ONLY respond to the thread if you are adopting in RP, as this is a RP inspired nursery. If you do not want to RP an adoption, then PM me, and do not use the thread.

3. What happens to the cubs after they are adopted is not my concern, so I don't care what you do with them, unless it is needed for RP.

4. If these rules are ignored, then your request will be denied and I will ask that you re-read the rules before trying to adopt again.

5. If you break the rules too many times, you will be banned from the den. I will give you a warning when you're on your last strike, as a final chance.

6. If you have any cubs you don't want, you can send them over to me and I can have them set up for adoption, but please message me first, otherwise, I will not take them, sorry.

7. If you want your den to be added to the list, then please PM me about it, and do not ask in the thread. I will add it as soon as i can.
{My Adoption Centers}

The Cracked Rocks Adoption Center
Thorny Brush Adoption Center
{Other Dens You Can Adopt From!}

Sarafinas Den
Phantom Adoption Center
Take a chance
Blossom Oasis
The Eldian Empire Adoption Center
❂ Acora Sanctuary ❂

Nesting materials
Toy bundles/Amusement items
SB or GB
(Donations are always welcome, and are highly appreciated, but not required!!! Also, food is not on this list since I have W A Y more than enough food.)
NOTE FROM FINCH : Yes, the lions in this den are sad and hungry IN THE GAME!! But in the RP, their all fed and happy, I just prefer to not feed them since they wont run away, and it allows me to use the rest of my food for the lions in my pride I actually want to keep.

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Edited on 10/01/24 @ 12:02:33 by 🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-08 11:21:09
"Oh my gods, I'm dreadfully sorry for your loss, I can only hope that Hazel can eventually, over time, fill that hole her sister left in her heart." |She says with a sorrowful expression, waiting and chatting with the king until the two wake up to prepare the cub for travel. Once the cub was awake and ready to head off with the lion and her new companion, the lioness had another talk with the king before they left.| "You've adopted many of our cubs, and I can never thank you enough for giving so many of them good homes, please, do tell me if there is anything I can do to repay you." |She said with a smile. Before the group left, an adolescent walked up to the lioness, placed down a package, whispered something to her, and walked away.|

"Well, is seems that even tho i don't have a way to repay you as of now, some of the cubs and adolescents worked together to make something for you, as a thanks for taking care of their friends.| She said before placing a gift before the lion, the items used to wrap it hiding what it is.| "It is all we can offer at the moment, but I'm sure everyone is making more to come, with how many times they have been sneaking out of the den." |Before the group left, the lioness gave Hazel a last lick to the head before watching them leave once more.

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Bbug0804 (#301749)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 12:04:08
Greatful for the gift bage bows down to the likeness and all the cubs “me and my pride will cherish this gift forever! Thank you all! We will return! My pride has been through a lot and only seek the best for others!” “Until we return!!” Bage grabs the gifted item and chicks and hazel and make their journey back home. Not before hazel and chika take off running like wild hogs!

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Queen of Darkness
Skye (#319595)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 23:44:24
*the same three males from before walk in and look at rust and smiles* we will take rust today and give her a new home

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🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-08 23:47:13
"Of course! I'll get her things together, and shes all yours! |She said before running to get the cub, quickly giving her a swift lick on the head and sending her off with the three.|

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Queen of Darkness
Skye (#319595)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 23:48:23
*they smile and play as they head back to their pride* thank you. We will be coming back often to see who else we can take in

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Bbug0804 (#301749)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 09:14:26
A lioness named Hyena walks into the den with such grace and authority all the cubs stop in the tracks and watch her. Noticing the Stagnate air she looks around and shows a big smile with all her pearly white teeth “please go on! I would love to visit each one of you!” As hyena walks around playing with the cubs she spots silk playing with other cubs making a big mud castle! Hyena walks up to them all and ask if she can join. Caustique Silk say yes. Hyena sees this and goes to find the prettiest rock to give to her. Shocked by the colors silk snatches the rock and set it right on top of the castle. Hyena giggles at the enthusiasm she has! She gets up to find the lioness dealing with a crazy amount of cubs! After helping with the others she asks “I have fallen in love with Silk. My husband always come in here but I had to see for myself and I am quite pleased seeing all the cubs play the the toys brought!! She would be perfect with the rest!” With a small smile she wait for the lioness response as for this is her first time ever going to get a cub herself after the great loss

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Edited on 09/09/22 @ 10:16:37 by Bbug0804 (#301749)

🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-09 10:19:47
"Its wonderful to finally meet you Ma'am, I must say, you'r husband is quite the character!" |The lioness says with a small chuckle.| "The cubs absolutely adore him! anyways, I'll get Hyena ready to travel with you back to your prides territory!!" |She says, before gathering the cubs belongings as quickly as she can, as to not keep the lioness waiting. Soon, after a final lick on the head from the lioness, the cub is ready to leave the den with Hyena, and dances around her paws as they leave, causing Blue'Stream to laugh with glee as she watches them leave and travel back to their home.|

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Bbug0804 (#301749)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 10:22:07
Thankful for the acceptance hyena give the lioness a tap on the head with her showing respect. “Thank you for allowing us to adopt so many. I know we come often but if you ever wonder how they are doing you and all of the caregivers are more than welcome to come check up on them!” With a wide grin she giggles watching silk take off in the opposite direction of their pride lands prancing to her they both pick up colorful rocks on the way home (that will become their thing)

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Bbug0804 (#301749)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 17:20:28
Bag comes shutting in happy to see All the smiling cub faces getting down into a play stance with them! Not even acknowledging all the adults there until a cub name tan comes crawling up and pounces on his back catching him off guard and scaring him! Bage look genuinely terrified! Finally relising that it’s a cub he continueS to play around with tan! After a few hours Bage comes trotting up to the beautiful lioness “ good afternoon! Here I am once again! I would love to adopt tan if possible! She has touched my heart ! If you would allow me of course! I have once again ( through my wife’s request because she has found you all so precious) more bags of toys!” Bage sits there looking at the lioness like a cub waiting to get throw a giant wildabeast leg

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🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-09 17:34:50
|The lioness smiles with joy as she watched the frequently returning lion play with the cubs, and bond with tan, soon asking to bring her home with him.| "Of course! Also, please do give your wife my regards, she's a wonderful lioness! Just as you are an amazing lion!" |She said as tan started headbutting her leg, urging her to get her things, causing her to laugh| "Just a moment, and she'll be good to go!" |Before gathering the cubs things, making her calm down a bit. Eventually, the lioness places the cub at the lion's feet, resisting the urge to laugh when she starts darting around his paws with glee.| "Shes good to go! Also, I almost forgot to mention, please thank your wife for me! For the toys and such." |She said with a purr|

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Bbug0804 (#301749)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 17:42:31
“Absolutely ! Your one of her founders lioness she’s met! She will be VERY happy to see me come home with yet another cub! “ Bage once again bows down to the lioness in respect while getting attack lpby the little cub. Taking all of his strength not to laugh in this serious moment (knowing a king bowing down is a great respect) watching tan doc the exact same to the lioness “thank you again. He puts his head to her showing great appreciation to the lioness, “ I’m sure we will meet again! Apologies for my wife coming in here and scaring the cub! (She told me ) “ he grabs little tan and takes off fast as the wind to their pride. Without relising he stops and looks at the lioness “ hey, did you know our prides are connected? “ with a giant smile both the cubs like kiddos take off running into the wind laughing and yelling at the top of their lungs

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🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-09 17:47:25
|The lioness tries to call out to the lion in confusion, but the lion has run off to far to hear her, so she turns to the prince since the king of the pride will be passing soon, and she doesn't want to burden him. Since he has no idea what the lion means either, he decided to stay in the center for a while and ask him, or anyone from his pride that comes to adopt, what that means. Not in a hostile way, but in a curious way, as he didn't like conflict within this pride, or with any other prides, as much as the next lion, and he simply wanted to ease the nerves of the lioness.|

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Bbug0804 (#301749)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 17:59:05
Lowly yphearinf the lioness Bage stops “I said our prides are connected! Over the giant tree by the river is pride lands start! Grinning ear to ear he takes off chasing the cubs throughout alll of their land ! Beyond happy to have yet another cub into their pride ! And beyond happy to know the king and lioness somewhat except Bage as a usual customer :) even though it is a great privilege to come into the den

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mushroom (#316935)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-10 14:28:44
|a palamino lioness with some ebony markings walks up to you| 'hello! my name is yona, i was looking for a cub and saw a pretty one' |she looked around the cave| 'oh yes, there!' |she pointed at smokey| 'may i have her she is very pretty and my pride will take wonderfull care of her'

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🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-10 14:32:26
"Of course! I'll get her things together, and then she'll be good to go!" |she said before darting to the cub to alert her of the news, getting her things together and sending her off with the lioness.|

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