Posted by Ash's pride rp!

💙Ash💙 (#336197)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-01-06 07:09:05
You are walking in the endless desert, almost passing out from the heat. You can smell a female lion out in the distance and start speeding towards it in hope that She'll help you. She is padding away before your cry out for help. You approach her hopefully and he is holding a large, plump, juicy, cactus root. She introduces herself and says. "Hello, I'm Phantom Strike. And I sense that you want this cactus root.. you can have it." You reach for it. and she pulls it away. "Ah, ah ah...." your ears drop. "If you want it then you will have to join my pride. or if you don't then you will have to find the closest watering hole which you probably won't live to see......Considering your...erm...circumstances" she then offers you the root again, do you take it and join his pride? Or do you go and find the watering hole that is miles off?

No Op characters as that's self-explanatory
have at least 1 line per post.
fill out your character sheet
If you have beef or drama with someone just take it up in DMS, this place is supposed to be positive.
Ask before killing someone, you are allowed to hurt someone severely but ask before killing, blinding, or giving them life-altering injuries. But you can always attack
You can have issues with someone in RP! that is perfectly fine.
mostly, have fun!

Make sure that if you have more than one character make sure you put their name before every message you send
you can have up to 10 characters.

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Edited on 19/02/23 @ 20:56:10 by |~💙Ash💙~| (Dm me 'melon') (#336197)

r (#335567)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-02-03 20:29:25
"Indeed, we are newcomers!" She says in a kindly way. "I mean ofc we do have our own story to tell?" she says questioning.

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Edited on 03/02/23 @ 20:30:23 by Beautiful-AnimalLover (#335567)

Shani (#414761)

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Posted on
2023-02-03 20:34:07
She continued "One moon ago I arrived with Anastasia when she was terribly ill, we were searching for help and I knew of this pride's existence from... previous observations. Anyways one of your lionesses, Trinket, provided us with aid and once Anastasia was well we started exploring the area hoping to bump into you. Cora joined us not long ago." Citali paused and whispered to herself "Was that everything? I've repeated it so many times I can't event remember." She chuckled.

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r (#335567)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-02-03 20:42:19
shed nod at what Citali says "I joined because I knew that if I wasn't with another lion or at least a pride there would be a low chance I wouldn't be alive from being on my own but at least I'm smart". she smerked

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💙Ash💙 (#336197)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-02-03 20:46:44
Phantom strike: "What are you interested in doing around here? Being a brood mother or hunter? Because I have no time for those who cannot carry their own load"

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Shani (#414761)

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Posted on
2023-02-03 20:54:35
"Of course" She paused and thought, she could hunt but she didn't enjoy it. "I love being around cubs, I could be a brood mother." Citali answered.

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Edited on 03/02/23 @ 20:55:12 by Shani (#414761)

r (#335567)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-02-03 20:58:54
Shed responds "I would like to be a Brood mother, oh how I miss cubs climbing all over me." shed chuckle. "all though I was a hunter in my last pride, id like to take care of cubs because I used to train them!" she says in a soft and kind voice "and if you haven't noticed the scar on my face & tail it was from hunting but its healed now."

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Edited on 03/02/23 @ 20:59:19 by Beautiful-AnimalLover (#335567)

💙Ash💙 (#336197)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-02-03 21:05:58
Darker light: he slinks off to where God knows.

Phantom strike: "and how do I know I can trust you?" She tilts her head

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Shani (#414761)

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Posted on
2023-02-03 21:17:54
"What would I have to gain from hurting your pride as a lone lioness?" Citali shrugged "I guess you can't trust me yet, you don't know me, but I'll prove myself... you'll see" The lioness cracked a smile and swished her tail from side to side, awaiting Phantom's decision.

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💙Ash💙 (#336197)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-02-03 21:23:10
Phantom Strike: Her tail flicked, a dust particle landed on her nose causing her face to twitch in accordance. "Hmm...sure, I'll let you join. But I have my eye on you for a while until I decide fit."

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Shani (#414761)

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Posted on
2023-02-03 21:30:07
Citali nodded in agreement "seems fair" She yawned- the lioness had missed her frequent nap which was a common attribute of her lazy nature, it looked like her daily schedule would have to change. "Are there any tasks you'd like me to tackle- do I need to be shown around first or will that wait?"

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♡ ᴠᴀʟ ♡ (#277200)

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Posted on
2023-02-03 21:57:28

“May I be a hunter?” she spoke softly, finally looking up at the queen, and admiring her colors. “I have strength and swiftness, even though I look slim and dainty.” She smiled sheepishly, standing tall.

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Sweatytesticle (#259067)

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Posted on
2023-02-03 22:04:22

-“well, I found the little red one hiding in some sand to get away from the heat, and the other terrified and hidden in a bush. Its a shame cubs find themselves in these situations… I was thinking about mothering them until they got older.”-she’d had a few cubs, taking care of them was a chore but it was always worth it. Unlike humans lions don't turn out to be failures./j she loved how small and yippy cubs were. They bought her joy -

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Darkshadowx (#227826)

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Posted on
2023-02-04 05:58:04
The female nodded, her tail flicked. "I think that would be good for them" she rolled on her back. "I never thought about having cubs before" she honestly stated. She paused thinking to herself. "Is it hard taking care of them?" She stretched her good paw. Eclipse was known for her curiosity and the million questions she would ask. Even though she just turned 2 her childish actions may never go away.

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Darkshadowx (#227826)

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Posted on
2023-02-04 06:00:07
The young male cub walked out of the den. His eyes landed on the fresh carcass. His eyes narrowed as soon as he spotted lions nearby it. He lowered himself to the ground slowly making his way to it. Hoping he wouldn't be spotted but he stuck out like a sore thumb.

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Sweatytesticle (#259067)

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Posted on
2023-02-04 12:28:53

-“i guess it depends on how much patience you have.”-she recalled the first cubs she had. Both males. One fiery and confident, the other a shy and quiet lion. Both no doubt caring. She was always a very patient lioness, teaching, caring for, and loving them was but the easiest part. Watching them grow and leave was all worth it.-“it’s usually worth it at the end.”-she smiled, remembering the good and bad memories.-“but you shouldn’t rush into it, make sure you’re ready for such a responsibility.”-

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