Posted by -LOCKED - remove the mating explore encounters

AsmodeusFangs (#142550)

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Posted on
2023-02-24 18:01:17
I know this suggestion doesn't have much substance too it but could the explore encounters that include images of lions mating be removed or optional to be removed entirely? they're genuinely uncomfortable and even if this game is partially about lion breeding, seeing drawings of lions actually mating can be very uncomfortable or even distressing for some players. I understand this event has a lot of jokes about this topic but these explore encounters feel like a step over the line.

This suggestion has 26 supports and 85 NO supports.

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vulturetalon •
irregular rolls (#243408)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 07:06:47
Rosie, I would agree with you that the game does not maliciously or intentionally encourage or condone animal abuse. While some people may interpret the game as a means of normalizing the sexualization of animals, I would argue that this is not the case. Additionally, the game makes no statements regarding the morality or acceptability of sexualizing animals.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 07:07:44
Rosia, you again take it into a zoophilia perspective... do you forget there's also a huge farming industry where assist the animals like the dwarf encounter every day, because its a veterinary practice used for livestock?.. You vilify ever gazing upon an animal mating but you forget there are literally thousands of people whos work is do exactly that, in order to provide other people with meat, wool, and other animal industry products?..

What we're saying is - you're taking those encounters way too personally. Try to see a bigger picture. Not every mating image is meant to present sexualising animals. Some are just jokes, depicting realistic nature. Its fine not wanting to see it, but its not fine going so far as claiming its zoophilia or enouraging animal abuse. Its not zoophilia, and it doesnt encourage anything.

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Edited on 12/09/23 @ 07:27:59 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 07:08:52
Rosia -
That is because mating IS fine and natural. Its not sexualization, its nature. Do you think folks working in the horse breeding industry want to do things with their horses? No, they don't. Even though a portion of their job is watching their horses do live cover or handling AI/Collection. Do you think farmers want to do things with their animals, even though they've more than likely caught them mating? Hell, I raise chickens. I've watched my rooster cover my hens countless times, but in no way did I see that as anything but nature doing its course. If anything, it filled me with dread because it meant chicks.

Though this is the most I'll speak on the topic, as well, I would like to note that I have never met a proshipper who has ever had any desire to do anything to a minor or a sibling or whatever else they're shipping in real life. In fact, I've found the term to have become so watered down that it really doesn't hold meaning, while at the same time being so overblown that its being used for things it doesn't apply to and weaponized to harm innocent folks. Mix that with the fact that a lot of things falling under 'proship' are therapist-recommended coping tactics and uh...I'm sorry, but no. Anti-proship has become far worse a thing than actual pro-ship ever has been.

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Edited on 12/09/23 @ 07:09:34 by Jenova :|: 3.1kstMRCinnaPrimal (#164933)

🤎 leon | semi
hiatus (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 07:12:46
The hugest gripe I have with some of them, the dwarf one in particular, is that some seem a mite mean to me. Not a huge deal. Though I think it's weird, they are just meant to be amusing, and I believe people are taking it a little too far. A toggle isn't the worst idea, though the precedent it would set might need to be shut down. It is a 16+ game.

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Rosia (#239452)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 07:14:19
I think I've said my piece. Agree to disagree. I just find such things in media personally harmful do to how I've seen people twist and turn it first hand, and that's that. I support removing these encounters, and there's only so many ways I can repeat myself, sorry.

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Edited on 12/09/23 @ 07:15:11 by Rosia (#239452)

wormy 🌟 PARTIAL
HIATUS (#329598)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 07:15:39
i feel like a changed image toggle would be better. i’d like to (im speaking in terms of the feb event) get the HS but not see the image. unfortunately, im going to click no support.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 07:19:58
Rosia, all I can say is, if you ever see people twist and turn such media depictions in a harmful way - report them immediately to all appropriate instances you can.
But those few bad apples shouldnt be a reason why much more other users cant enjoy a good laugh over something they fully realise is a joke. And that's why I feel this isnt a valid argument to remove the mating encounters from Lioden. Just because 1 pervert might take it the wrong way, the entire site should not be denied a good 16+ joke. And if you ever meet person who takes it the wrong way? Report immediately.

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Edited on 12/09/23 @ 07:21:15 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Rosia (#239452)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 07:26:05
That's fair Mad Hyena, I get your point. Also yeah don't worry I 100% do report those

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rive rebbles (#328515)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 21:46:21
It’s a 16+ game for a reason, and the images aren’t very graphic. you see no genitalia, it’s not detailed, etc. if that makes you uncomfortable there’s many other event encounters you’ll hate. there’s worse problems in this game than this, and if you cannot handle it i wouldn’t recommend playing the game in general, as that is one of the many reasons this game is 16+.

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rive rebbles (#328515)

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Posted on
2023-09-12 21:53:14
I do understand being uncomfortable by it which I’m a little weirded out myself I won’t lie. But there’s nothing they can do about that. The coding would be so difficult, and again, this game is facing difficulties that need to be fixed first. They can’t please ALL of us, and they can’t cater to YOUR wants and desires. If they tried it would be unenjoyable to play.

My best advice is to do your best to ignore the encounters best you can, or don’t play in February entirely. I know it’ll suck, but it’s either deal with that or deal with the encounters. They can’t make all of us happy, we’re all annoyed about one thing or another. Every last one of us.

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Posted on
2023-09-12 22:36:32
Hi there!

This has already been suggested on this topic. You're welcome to pledge your support there, or post any feedback or suggestions you may have!

As this is a duplicate topic, it will be locked.

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