Posted by ✧ A New Beginning ✧ [Dragon's Step remake!]

clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-15 17:20:56

- Intro -

After the Landia of Peace was discovered and the guardians Luna, Thorn, and Swan were in charge of watching over the Resting Place, it has been over a millennium almost. But, things have changed dramatically over the years since a massive wildfire burned away practically every being who inhabited the Landia of Peace. Those who were able to flee the voracious, lapping flames that enveloped the island found sanctuary on a new island that was much farther away from their prior place of origin and also much larger and wider than their initial home. They named this island, "Lōkahi", which is Hawaiian for harmony. There are, in fact, smaller islands that surround the main one, however they are populated by highly poisonous plants, thus making them uninhabitable toward magical fae, dragons, and the like.

After a while of building establishments and even a new sanctuary for the dragons, they all finally settled. Sadly, because of the former guardians perishing, new ones were chosen. Life as it was in their prior homelands slowly returned to normal, though deep down, everyone knew it'd never be the same.

As it was in the beginning, it is up to you to decide how your fate will play out.


Greetings, fellow players of LD, and welcome to my fantasy roleplay -- A New Beginning! This is a spin-off of my previous roleplay, Dragon's Step, in hopes for it to not die again! To those who have been a part of this roleplay since the beginning, welcome back! If not, I hope you enjoy the roleplay. :) The post below this will contain links that will lead you to the rules, OOC chat, and so forth! If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns regarding this roleplay, please feel free to shoot me a message.
HTML by Quake#69866 (BG was tweaked by me, this is not the OG BG of the HTML)

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-03-27 20:20:07
“Why….do you need knives?” She hastily added “No, no I would like to come, just a bit confused.”

She woke ages ago. Back when the sun hit the sky, in fact. But a certain little bugger was there to keep her distracted. She sighed as she watched her cat once again, meowing for food. “It’s too early for this….” she grumbled, giving her cat the food. “There, happy now?” She adjusted her gloves a bit, and started to head out. She looked back, and called to her cat “I’m leaving for the day!” The cat meowed in agreement, still buried in food. She sighed once more, and went out, closing the door behind her. Stretching her wings, she looked out around her, and thought *Well….might as well check on the town today.* She drew her cloak around her, covering her wings and tail, and she thought that it wasn’t too constrained. She flung her wings out, and jumped off of the mountain. She flapped her wings once or twice, saying hi to the wind spirits and birds. She cut through the air easily, heading toward the town. Once she got within 45 mikes or so, she swooped down, and landed running. She’d really perfer to head toward the town this way, what with all of the unusual characters there.

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Sepajeple (#176791)

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Posted on
2023-03-27 20:34:25
|Pausing for a few moments with evident confusion on his face, a sudden light clicked in his eyes. Moments later, he laughed. And laughed, and laughed, and laughed for almost a minute. It was a pleasant sound, so innocent and happy sounding. |"Aether, you are quite mistaken!"| Yuri finally said after catching his breath, |"I woodwork! You know, carve wood into shapes? I broke a knife yesterday and another one I have is on it's way out. I just needed some replacements. I also carve soap!"| Heading off into the general direction of the town, he kept giggling every now and then, still thinking about her utter confusion. |

|Nursing off his beer, he glanced around the tavern with practiced ease. To a casual glance, he looked asleep. with his hat low over his eyes and his cigar having long been abandoned to smolder in the ash tray. But that was just what he wanted. The right people would approach him in time, but until that time, he lies in wait. Every now and then, he would sneak a swig, but other than that, he sat motionless; heels propped up on the stool in front of him, bottle laying limply in his hand. |

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-03-28 04:14:54
“Does wood not fall into the category of being alive…?” she asked, embarrassed. She trailed after Yuri, evidently happy no murders were happening.

Seems like a newbie was in town. The tavern people were especially agitated. Something abotu a ring….? In any case, seems like the tavern was the place to go. Just in case, she brought something to help her fight, of course. This town was quite dangerous, after all.

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Sepajeple (#176791)

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Posted on
2023-03-28 06:36:11
|Yuri stopped for a moment, a gleam in his eyes. |"Of course Miss Aether, that is why I use trees that have already fallen, you would be surprised how many of these trees you see standing up while they are dead. Like this one here."| Placing a paw against the trunk, his practiced hand could feel the dryness of the wood, and without his powers, he could tell it was dead. But her fellow sisters of the forest were holding her up by her roots. |"May you be in peace, sister. I will have to come back for you."| Taking a few moments, he pressed his forehead against the trunk before moving on. |"I am glad you knew that; however, it means you are learning. Many have a hard time believing that trees have life, and that they are not just plants."| Smiling, he kept on forward. You would think that his antlers would get in his way, as they spread a good few feet on either side of his head. But they didn't bother him at all. It was weird actually, he walked through gaps that would seem a little too small, but he got through take my dead sisters and bring them new life through carving. It is both a hobby...and a spiritual experience; at least to me."|

|Suddenly bored with simply watching for hours, he stood up and stretched. By now, everyone in the tavern was talking about him, but they didn't know he was still there. Smirking to himself, he hit up the barkeep and ordered a shot of whiskey. Taking said shot, he set up at the bar and lit another cigar since his last one had burnt out. Then, surprisingly, he took out a pack of cards and started to play spider solitaire. After playing through once with a loss, he one once, then lost again. As he played, he thought about Tumbleweed, especially about where that dumbass lizard could be. He hadn't heard a report from him in forever. Sighing, he sat back and puffed on the cigar. Watching the smoke curling up towards the ceiling. Coughing, he hacked something up into the empty cup. Wiping his mouth, he puffed again. |

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-03-28 09:38:34
“Alive on the outside, dead on the inside….” She thought about it and it was kind of funny, in a dark humor way. Flicking her tail and shrugging, she said, “Well….I lived with some dryads a while back….”

Shrugging her way into the tavern, she took great care in making sure she didn’t hit the door frame. It was a big door, but couldn’t hurt to be careful.

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Sepajeple (#176791)

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Posted on
2023-03-28 11:18:10
|He stopped and looked back at her, |"Druids, hmm? That would be interesting. Would you mind telling me? Maybe I know them, on my journeys I have met a few druids."| Sighing, he kept walking. As he neared the town, he could sense more and more details, and as such, he got a clearer and clearer picture. Yuri thought that he could sense a large magical energy, maybe a guardian? There was also another dragon a little to their left that was sleeping. He could tell this because of the absence of movement and the still thoughts. Although "still" wouldn't describe that dragons' thoughts in the slightest. Flicking his hears, he almost swore he could even hear the dragon's snores, but maybe that was just his imagination. |

|Cotton could tell someone was behind him, and he could tell that someone was a normie around here because of the inaction of the tavern guests. Because of this, he didn't really care. But as always, there was an appearance to upkeep. Sighing, he reached for the final swig of the bottle of whiskey, downed it, and slammed it back on the counter. then, he turned around and smothered the cigar he had been chewing on without smoking. Inspecting the...weird...humanoid in front of him, he leaned back on the counter and stayed silent, waiting to see what her first move would be.|

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-03-28 15:45:51
"No, not druids...the tree spirits, dryads are the tree spirit thingies...druids worship trees, no?" She glanced around the town, marveling at the creatures that were there. "They were in a grove that I think I know the general location can never be quite sure with spirits who have something to protect, like their home."

Peering at the newcomer from under her cloak, she noticed the chew marks on the cigar. Hmmm...looks like the type of guy to drink to impress people... There was a certain confidence in her stride, and she moved forward quite naturally. She took a seat close to the newcomer, but not too close, aware of her surroundings and wings. She moved her tail down, flicking it with disregard. Might as well see his response, no point in acting like I didn't see him. </i? She inspected him, finding nothing that would mark him as a major threat. Not yet, anyway.

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Sepajeple (#176791)

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Posted on
2023-03-28 16:27:15
|"Ah, mistake. And yes, the city is fascinating is it not? I do not quite understand the requirement of humans to band together. I understand protection and loneliness, but I am always uncomfortable in large in closed spaces. Three people is a croud to me, I could never live like this forever. But excuse me, I must go into this store here. I will be back in a minute."| Dipping his head, he went inside and purchased a few pounds of wax and new carving knives. This took him about 30 minutes or so, during the time, he sensed a guardian enter the village. Exiting, Yuri searched for Aether.|

|Cotton sighed, once again failing to contact with Tumbleweed. Grunting as an old injury flared to life as he sat up, he slowly made his way back to the bar. She was just a dragoon, one of them mix breeds. Nothing special. What a shame, he could deal with a little excitement. Pulling an empty bullet casing out of his pocket, he proceeded to flick it between his hands expertly. It dived and swooped between his fingers like it was alive. Finally, he tossed it in the air,, and shot it straight through the center. The whole movement of unholstering, aiming, cocking back the hammer, shooting, and shoving the gun back into it's holster took maybe a second. Once it was done, he went back to sipping a bottle. |"This place aint the fire pit I was promised, Ima kill that fucker."| Sighing, he drained the rest of the bottle, and slammed it down on the table. (How many is that today, four? with a few shots? Ima be drunk before long That shot was already a little fuzzy, damn.)|

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clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-28 16:35:30
(Try not to make Cottonmouth too buzzed, please and thank you! I’d rather that this roleplay stays as 16+ as possible.)

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Sepajeple (#176791)

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Posted on
2023-03-28 16:40:04
don't worry, thats why he is stopping :3

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clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-28 16:41:04
(Yes, but he’s also had multiple cocktails already and I meant to put a notice out earlier. ^^”)

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Sweatytesticle (#259067)

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Posted on
2023-03-28 20:14:40
The small dragon ran as fast as they could with the meat they stole, swiftly running through alley ways when they found a safe spot to rest in. They had just arrived a few days ago, and they were horribly poor. So todays objective was to make some money, just enough to buy food, so they wouldn’t need to cause anymore trouble. They wore a drape that had clearly gone through a lot, it was ripped and dirty, a small trinket holding it together at their neck. Quite loudly they munched on the mediocre meat, enjoying every bite they could. Even chewing the bone when they got finished. Resting their head on it as they thought about what to do.

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-03-29 07:01:42
She had wandered off a little bit, looking around town. Those tiny furry things, they were very adorable. She sat there, watching the cats and dogs of the town. They really were quite adorable, if small.

She sighed quietly, and mentally she was becoming tired of waiting. Patience was a virtue, but not taking chances was top priority. Also…the sooner she got answers the better. Besides, he was quite boring to watch. “I’m going to make this short. What’s your business here?” She said bluntly.

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🏳️‍🌈💜 (#207670)

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Posted on
2023-03-29 08:00:13
Kestrel is open//

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Sweatytesticle (#259067)

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Posted on
2023-03-29 08:56:27
They got up, having eaten all the meat off the bone they were going to make some money off of it. Some edgy creature was sure to want to wear it as jewelry or something. They went towards a familiar jeweler, willing to take a gold coin for it, making up some story about it being ancient and rare even though it was obviously just a beef bone. They left just a little more wealthy than they came, satisfied with what they made.

Where is Kestrel if you don’t mind me asking?))

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