Posted by ✧ A New Beginning ✧ [Dragon's Step remake!]

clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-15 17:20:56

Main Roleplay Thread


I would prefer if you asked me beforehand if you can make a guardian for the sanctuary. There are 3/6 guardian slots filled.

Gods, goddesses, and anything of the like are not allowed. Creatures such as demons and the like are, however.

You do not need to use the exact copy of the CS I have provided. You can tweak it, change it around, whatever!

You don't need to just make dragon OCs! Humans, elves, non-realistic & realistic animals, and so on are allowed, too! (Only dragons and elves are allowed to be guardians, though.)

If you and a dragon are paired up (not romantically, but paired up as like.. the dragon's your mount or whatnot), that dragon you are paired up with will be the only dragon, unless they die, then obviously you can get a new one.

Unlike other dragon roleplays, (including WoF ones) this roleplay does not abide by the human-age system. Instead, we separate the ages into a few separate categories:

An infant dragon who is below the age of 100.

Juvenile / Adolescent:
A preteen/tween dragon whose age is above 100 years, but below 1,000.

Teen Dragon:
A teenage dragon whose age is above 1,000 years, but below 2,000.

Young Adult:
A young adult dragon whose age is above 2,000 years but below 4,000.

Adult and beyond:
A fully grown dragon whose age is 4,000 years or older. (I suppose they could start to be considered as elders at around 10,000 years of age.)

Anywho.. here's the CS!
Rank: (only include this if you're a guardian)
Power(s, if any):
Love Interest:

For your first CS, you will need to provide a roleplay example. This is only because I'd like to see how you roleplay, nothing else. :)

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Edited on 12/04/23 @ 16:37:05 by clementine | she/they/its (#218151)

Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-04-02 11:48:31
Name: Hoko
Age: something….old enough maybe 1000+. I have a feeling/thought him and Fuyumi have lived together since they were children
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Cat…? Like his original size is that of a panther, and his species is known for communicating with the wind, yet looking like normal cats if they try.
Rank: (only include this if you're a guardian)
Personality: Is a cat, will rp it out
Appearance: “" A midnight charcoal tabby tom-cat with white swirls over his coat. (I own this guy :P, do not steal!)
Shorthair chocolate midnight charcoal ticked mackerel tabby with white swirled
Power(s, if any): Human speech, growing bigger to a tiger size, cat things (Like smell and night vision), intelligent, and air magic. Plus has wind spirit’s blessing. He can fly using his magic, but not normally. Lemme just elaborate on that. The wind will protect him, even healing his wounds. He has a strong instinct and his whiskers are extremely sensitive to changes in the air, temperature, etc. The wind courses through him, allowing him to move extremely quickly, striking with the strength of the wind, including the kind that would carry off houses. This does tire him after a while, however, as it’s a blessing, but even though he’s not a normal mortal cat, he cannot contain all of the winds. When he uses this blessing to his best, his pelt’s white swirls will glow a light green with darker runes appearing,his black fur will reveal a light green glow, his eyes will glow green, and his body starts to take on the appearance of a wind spirit. There will be swirls of wind around his paws, and his tail will take on the appearance of a lion’s tail, with a white-green tuft on the end, also glowing with rapidly spinning runes. However, this form is only accessible when a wind spirit sacrifices themselves.
Kin: None so far
Love Interest:pm with cat ig.
Other: Likes the sky, flying with Fuyumi(his caretaker), oreos, butterflies…

Ps: I use this character in another roleplay in a different name (Nightsong) so excuse me if i get mixed up :)

Voice: Kaedehara Kazuha from Genshin Impact

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Edited on 09/05/23 @ 16:10:48 by Winter(G2daedal) (#265714)

Scorpioness[side] (#227302)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 05:32:15
Name: Istriea „Rosewood” he/him

Age: around 450yo (young adult / current life)
Gender: male
Sexuality: graysexual gay
Species: Rose Incense Tiger beast (my original species I'm working on)

Rank: n/a

Personality: in RP


tiger form: giant tiger with amaranth red fur and dark mahogany red stripes similar to melanistic tiger, rose incense tiger's are are big, when standing they are 2,5m to 3m tall in shoulders, rarerly they grow larger, they have thicker, fluffier fur than regular tiger and they have very characteristic scent of fresh rose incense/floral scent. Istriea is medium sized tiger in his original form, he can fully understand human speech and gestures, but he's incapable of human speech in this form, feline vocal cords aren’t exactly created to make human sounds anyway.

human form: handsome young man, in this form he has tall, slender figure, yet he still possesses his tiger strength. Istriea has long straight carmine red hair and eyes in shade of golden amber, he's usually seen wearing black robes with subtle gold embroidery, belt with violet tassel and red scarf. He can fully communicate with humans and other species in this form.

Unfinished drawing of Istriea:

Art is mine, hands off

Powers: can shapeshift into human form, thick skin (immune to non-spiritual weapons, but very vulnerable to gemstone weapons, even not enchanted can be dangerous for his kind), healing blood (but it only works if tiger gave the blood willingly, used only in life-death kind of situations and only works once, as one person cannot be healed twice this way)

Love Interest: open (hint: they were his rival in previous life)

- some Rose Incense Tiger’s can remember their previous lives, for Istriea it is his first reincarnation, in previous life he lived up to more than 1500 years (still he died quite young)

Species info:

RP example: Istriea was quickly packing his belongings which wasn’t that much – some dried meat, human food, small sewing kit and fluffy blanket, he needed to move out of his den as fast as possible, local lord wanted an extraordinary gift for his spoiled lover and decided that
Istriea’s fur or even better a captured Rose Icense Tiger would be a perfect gift! Not tempting the fate, he begrudingly decided to leave this place, as soon as he heard the gossip, better being safe, than sorry and vision of being some domesticated pet made Istriea both furious and disgusted.
Last time he checked his now former den, leaving it looking as if it was abandoned centuries ago and fled into the night.

*I might add/change some thing later in the RP

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Sweatytesticle (#259067)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 09:54:24
Name: Lance he/him
Age: 1000 years(preteen)
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Species: dragon
Personality: Lance is a rather gentleman to be honest, he tries his best not to be a snob like his family members. He aims to become a guardian as soon as he’s old enough.

Appearance: unlike his sister Blur, he was born with magnificent wings that tuck neatly into his sides. He too has split scales, only his make a bit more sense. Red in the right and white on the left. Complicated black markings cover his body, he’s quite a sight to see. Especially standing next to his impressive family members. He wears golden earrings and a white cloth lined with golden fabric to complete his look.

Power(s, if any): only of his insecurities he hides the best he can is he was born powerless. No fire, not even a spark.
Kin: father, mother, sister, many others
Love Interest: none for now, but very open!! He is Pansexual
Other: since he lacks powers it would only make sense that he knew how to protect himself. He is very skilled in combat, but never takes advantage of it.

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Edited on 14/04/23 @ 18:31:28 by Sweatytesticle[DM me Melon] (#259067)

samael🪽 (#237217)

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Posted on
2023-04-16 16:01:08

quinn. spawn
5,463 years
female - she/her
demiromantic, pansexual

Evenly muscled and taller than she is wide; Esoquinn almost towers over her wyvern peers - though she is far from a brute. Two curved horns protrude from her head like a ram, a pair of ragged wings that are torn and close to unusable, burnt umber scales across her entire body that morphs into ebony. Her orchid hues have an almost primal look to them, hidden by a gleam of indifference. A scar crosses her shoulder, the scales around there jet black and burnt as if the wound had not been treated properly - the origins, for the intrepid to uncover.

Her scent; like daffodils, candles, and ink. (I do not know the measurements for wyverns :3)
shenhe from genshin impact by chelsea kwoka.

(+) caring, forthright, flexible, organized, calculative, intelligent, empathetic, diligent, rational
(•) stoic, discreet, curious, assertive, untrusting, enigmatic, sarcastic, stubborn, secretive, protective.
(-) offhand, pessimist, distant, asocial, melancholy, impulsive, prideful, stern.

The presence of this demoiselle has long dropped the title of ‘unnerving’. The grief that plagued her has washed away over the seasons, eroding into something less intense than before. She was bright, unpredictable, a defiant child that disregarded the end for the means - but lessons have been learned, the hurt has been committed, she no longer wields such recklessness.

The hard way she has learnt that trust cannot be given so freely and fully as she once did, nor could she shut out both friend and foe. She has learnt the hard way, though as well as she is knowledgeable, she is no master in its arts.

A silver tongue is not a virtue that she adheres, but where honey-coated words will not take her; stark truth will. Her unimpressed and stoic demeanor often deters others from creating arguments with her, though the foolish may be ballsy enough to try. Esoquinn is from the core, blunt and assertive. She has never lost that constant of her life.

From birth was she defiant and stubborn, independence within every vein and the blood within it, something that she has not let up on since her youth. It comes off as overbearing often, forcing her will on others because she turns a deaf ear to their worries, not that she knows any better. Though as much as she comes off stiff, she is in good nature. If it were to mean the prevention of one’s hurt - she would swallow down her pride in a heartbeat.

Esoquinn is painfully - brutally - honest, with both her opinions and the truth. Not a single deceitful bone lies within her, though in certain cases, it could do more harm than good. Truthful as she is, this does not mean she cannot hide. Her history is an enigma to most, the secrets twisted within her heart deep inside a tale for only her most trusted. She knows how to clench her maw, swallow down the truth and evade questions thrown at her.

TBA. (find out in roleplay!)

Clairvoyance: Admittedly weak; but still present. It scarcely ever takes forms in visions and dreams, rather instead nauseating gut-feelings or otherworldly sensation that drives anxiety to her core. Regardless of how useful it could be if properly utilized - she considers it a curse rather than blessing.

presumed dead.
open !

roleplay sample:
Esoquinn had come with guilt plaguing her head and charred claws.

Waves washed away pain; grief coming and going like a daily rise. The smoke was long gone, faded into the sky and across the ocean, only for what left to be ash and charcoal. Though memories haunted the survivors, guilt dragged on for centuries and grief struck sporadically as if it came from the stars. Esoquinn had learned lessons, of life and death and all that in between, the inevitable and the fate of the ones who she had cherished.

She had arrived torn and shattered - she had come to pick up the pieces and rebuild to what was still there. The vivid color she remembered, so bright she had to squint, but it was not the hue of the forestation but rather the surplus of life that abided within Lōkahi. At the sight, the anguish had washed away, flaked like paint and flickered out of existence for there was hope. Hope in all its good and horrid forms, hope in everything that had ever been stolen from her. Hope in that they could heal, that she could heal.

She could do it for them.
This is really short! !!! !! sorry :(

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Edited on 27/04/23 @ 16:53:51 by samsung fridge (#237217)

💖Devils Wifee💖 (#220577)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2023-04-18 23:32:00
Name: Unyra {Means lucky dragon}
Age: 3,578
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Nature dragon
Personality: She is only ever sweet if she trusts you. She is very much all bark but don't tempt her to bite kinda dragon. She doesn't like when dragons gain her trust because of things that have happened to her in the past, but if you give her your trust she will forever love you.
- Skilled hunter
-Very sneaky {She is crazy silent}
-Mostly doesn't care
Appearance: Her wings look like wings, even with the light veins running through them. She is more colored with shades of green, which helps her hide in the forest areas as that's where she likes to live. Her under scales are a dirt brown color. She has scales around her eyes that are colored a bright vivid red. She has a wide wingspan, but maneuvers pretty well around the trees, but she is much better when it comes to open-sky flight.
Power(s, if any): If you have read WoF she has Leaf Speak.
Kin: N/A I don't think she will have any
Love Interest: N/A but open!
Other: ✨chair✨

Roleplay example:
She hopped from tree to tree, silently following her prey. She had been following them for at least 2 days now, but she had a job. As she watched the white scales through the leaves she unfolded her wings and glided down. "Okay Wintergreen, training is hard, but with you not trying it's impossible!" She threw her wings up. She watched her mother glide down, along with her father and 3 siblings. "Now Unyra, you can't get mad at someone else when it's the real world. Just imagine Wintergreen's laziness as a bonus challenge." Her mother tried to comfort her but she mumbles while turning around, her tail lashed causing a few plants to fly about but she ignored them and stomped off.

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Sepajeple (#176791)

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Posted on
2023-05-09 16:04:06
Name: κορακῖνος (pronounced ku-pa-ke-vos), is the name most people call him by. (Just copy paste it or call him kopa LMAO)

Age: κορακῖνος looks to be around 24-28 years of age, if you went by the human age system.

Gender: M

Sexuality: Non Binary

Species: Imp

Personality: It would be better if you found out :P

Appearance: κορακῖνος takes on a humanoid appearance, but that is the only humanoid feature about him. Atop his head rests a crown of beautiful golden horns, underneath resides a bed of raven black hair that almost gives of a black aura, hence his name which in demonic means "Raven." Beyond this, he has a soft red skin and several black markings all over his body, especially prominent under his eyes. These markings, the ones under his eyes, take on the appearance of black tears, as if he is constantly crying. Above these markings are bright yellow eyes that give off a flinty glow. κορακῖνος also has a tail, similar to other imps, although his tail isn't tipped with the normal spade like shape, atop his tail is a heart like shape, due to a malformity at birth. Height wise, he is about five foot three, five foot 4 of a good day. Weight wise, he looks slightly malnourished, and he gives of an almost vulnerable, crazed look. Like a staving animal. One thing he does constantly wear, because other than this it is normal clothes and always changing attire, is gloves. He doesn't like touching people, never has, and frankly, never will.

Power(s): κορακῖνος wasn't gifted with any special powers, asides from the Imp's natural immunity to any heat or fire affects and their natural resilience, although not immunity, to toxins. He also has minor fire powers, but again, that is pretty standard for an imp.

Kin: The only child, κορακῖνος's family didn't get along with their relatives. So it was just him and his father/mother
Mother: Slightly taller and fuller female Imp with green eyes and no black markings named Болезнь растений, but called Mama by almost everyone she knew.
Father: Unknown

Love Interest: Open

Other: κορακῖνος didn't have a bad childhood. They grew up poorer, and still are, but he was happy. κορακῖνος was an excellent student, acing every single assignment put in front of him and being placed in three grades above his current one at one point. Until the seizures started. The costly medicine through the family further into debt as Mama took loans out to keep her child healthy. Eventually, the multiple seizure attacks a day slowed, although he still gets them some times. Just when the family was getting back on their feet, Mama got dementia. Quitting school, κορακῖνος had to work two jobs just to afford the medicine. At the same time, he fell in love with another imp, that lead to κορακῖνος spending every penny he didn't have, only to be left on the side of the road after a few abusive years. Both sexually and emotionally...well and physically scarred, κορακῖνος still tries to pick up the pieces of his life while keeping his mother alive.

For your first CS, you will need to provide a roleplay example. This is only because I'd like to see how you roleplay, nothing else. :)

|κορακῖνος stared off into the distance, looking at something only he could see. Clutching the bag of food, he slowly opened it. All he could afford was two pounds of rice and a few half decomposing leeks. Sighing, he closed it and made his way back home through the slime and rat-infested street. Almost tripping over a rat as he opened the door, he dropped the bag into the gutter and ran inside. |"MOTHER!"|

Theme song: The Unlikely Candidates - Novocaine

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Edited on 22/05/23 @ 14:38:22 by Sepajeple (#176791)

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