Posted by [+194/-14]Make "Will Kill" In Chat Rule
Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 16:54:26
I've recently seen a sharp uptick in people saying things such as;

"I'll kill this hybrid/RLC/insert-other-valuable-lion here if it doesn't sell."

Its a pretty crummy, and to be honest, kind of guilt-trippy tactic, it also applies undue pressure on potential buyers to make an offer then and there which can result in buyer remorse/potentially overpaying on a lion "because it'll die if I don't."

This is a sales tactic banned on many sim sites already, so to be honest I was surprised Lioden was allowing it. I know we're all adults here, but I'm an animal rescuer in real life and have dealt with people actually making these threats to me if I don't collect/take in their animal even when my rescue is full, so it hurts even more to see comments like these thrown about in chat like they mean nothing - and sure, its just pixel lions, a bunch of code, but it's the nonchalance and undue pressure such a phrase generates that's grinding my gears.

Maybe I'm overreacting, but I find it to be a low blow/scummy sales tactic and would rather it be removed from the site.

Frequent Comments -

But this will affect all deadlines on the site?!?!?!
I direct you to this comment.

This suggestion has 203 supports and 15 NO supports.

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Edited on 20/04/24 @ 09:08:13 by Fraekinn [Private Stud] (#57572)

Allie /G1 8x Strat
3x Rosette/ (#356565)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 16:55:59
I 100% agree this should be a rule break.

It's a pretty scammy tactic, and frankly annoying to see.

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Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 16:57:00
I'm seeing it more and more, at first I thought it was just a one-off, but I'm seeing a post like this in chat every 5 or so minutes, or even in the forums from time to time. I can't just block/mute everyone who does it or I'd be talking/advertising to very few people indeed!

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 17:08:02 by Fraekinn {7.6k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 16:58:36
Right now in my chat bar, I can see two examples.

"Selling a felis in my trade cheap, will kill if no good offers"

"I have 10 scales anyone want to trade! Felis for offers will kill if no good offers, come offer, shes young, you know you want to"

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 16:59:08 by Fraekinn {7.6k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

NaaDeza|G1 Ebony
Sealbomb SShR (#287256)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 17:01:24
Support! It 100% is a guilt-trippy tactic to try and get people to buy their lions. I've seen it used on dwarves and hybrids primarily.

Like girl you know you are not going to actually kill it stop that

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Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 17:03:07
Yeah! That's another thing; it's more often than not an idle threat! I've never known someone to kill a lion after saying this, whether its because they got a buyer or because they're biding their time to try again who knows? Personally, if I am going to kill a lion, I don't tell anybody or offer it for free in the giveaways chat first.

Why would you kill something you're trying to make a profit on?

Edit: There's been 4 posts of "will kill if not bought" since this thread posting... to show you how bad it's gotten.

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 17:03:59 by Fraekinn {7.6k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

Reaper Levi (G3
Svelte Nacre) (#402848)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 17:03:32
Once saw a DU up that was way too overpriced for how she was. Dirty potato with a common base and no marks, near 700 GB I believe? "Will kill if not bought". Ugh. Guilt-trippy and manipulative.

Heavy support.

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Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 17:06:40
Definitely! They typically overinflate the price and then try and guilt-trip people into overpaying.
I've rescued animals IRL where people have tried to sell them, found the market oversaturated (I specifically rescue rodents) and then they've posted on Facebook or something "will let loose/kill tonight if not rehomed". I can usually get them to hand them over for free, but it's still a really guilt-trippy tactic, and I know for a fact I've taken on more rescues than I should have at times because of comments like this.

edit: 5 instances now since the thread opened 13 minutes ago.

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 17:08:09 by Fraekinn {7.6k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

mousecouch🕷️ (#21960)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 17:11:14
It’s so weird to me because- they’re obviously NOT going to kill a pon with 3 heats left. Heck, they could even sell the heats themselves and probably make better/quicker money thank wasting the time posting about wanting to kill it. Support this!

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 17:45:21
I've this quite a lot as well.

A lot are for DUs, I think I saw one or two for a dwarf (like who would kill those?) and a few other muties when you know they more than likely won't be actually killed. Very irritating indeed.

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Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 17:47:17
Yeah, I don't know about this. It'd have to be worded very specifically because there is absolutely nothing wrong with chasing/killing/sending away lions on a deadline. e.g. I get rid of all lions I'm selling before 2 years old if they don't sell, and tons of other people do this too. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to hold lions past a certain amount of time.

That being said, this particular example of a RLC/hybrid/other rare lion etc does feel like a FOMO or guilt trip tactic so I can understand not wanting to allow it. Like I said though, there's nothing wrong with giving lions a deadline to be sold so I'm iffy on this.


" They typically overinflate the price and then try and guilt-trip people into overpaying."

Yeah, especially something like this. Personally I'd normally be kind of cold and just say it's the buyers fault if they fall for this tactic but I also understand it's pretty uncool especially for newer players that may end up overpaying for something they think is rare. Again, a FOMO thing.

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 17:48:50 by Thalath {Side} (#43831)

Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 17:55:54
The thing is, most people who are genuinely going to kill a lion if they dont sell either shove them in giveaway chat or just kill them. Is there a need to blast it all over chat that if something isn't bought it will be killed?

This rule change is specifically for advertisement in chat/threads, I will stess that. It'd read something like;

"Players are not to use advertising tactics that inspire guilt in chat. This includes but is not limited to threatening to kill lions that are for sale if they aren't sold."

If you know you're going to kill/chase/nature reserve a lion when it turns 2 years old, just remove it from the thread and do whatever action it is you want to do? No need to advertise that you're going to do it.

It applies undue pressure and does cause FOMO, but when its a high value lion for example you know they arent going to kill it and theyre saying it for clout.

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 17:59:09 by Fraekinn {7.6k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 17:58:24
Nah yeah, I agree with you on that. It's clearly to garner attention and pressure people into buying, so it absolutely feels like an underhanded tactic. I just wouldn't want it to be misunderstood as "any deadline is bad"

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Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 18:00:55
I did make an edit oops.

It wouldnt be any deadline bad; but to be honest why would you need to advertise a deadline (auctions excluded, obvs)? If a lion hasn't sold by 2 years old I typically find its unlikely to sell at all, just remove it from the thread/sales and dispose of it. I have never felt the need to put on a thread "Lions unsold by x date will be killed", and I have to confess I haven"t seen it on any threads either!

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 18:02:13 by Fraekinn {7.6k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 18:07:43
"If a lion hasn't sold by 2 years old I typically find its unlikely to sell at all, just remove it from the thread/sales and dispose of it."

That's kind of the point though. My thread had it, it was just to let people know that if they were interested in a cub, I would only be taking offers until 1 year and 11 months and if there were no offers by then, then off they go. There's nothing weird about that at all, though I suppose my thread may have fallen under "auction" in a way.

Some people also put this in their profile or caves. If you want one of the cubs, you need to speak up before they hit 2 years or they're gone. It's really not that weird of a thing to do and I'm surprised you've literally never seen it.

I'm just saying that "These lions are only for sale until they hit [x] age" is much different than yelling "BUY THIS NOW OR I KILL IT!!!" in chat.

Letting someone know how long they have to purchase something isn't the same thing as the weird guilt tripping people are doing that you're referring to.

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 18:15:20 by Thalath {Side} (#43831)

Reaper Levi (G3
Svelte Nacre) (#402848)

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Posted on
2023-06-04 18:14:57
I agree with that, Thalath :) Nothing wrong with the "Sale until X age" bit, just the more manipulative and guilt-tripping "BUY OR DEATH" tactic :)

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