Posted by CLOSED - Custom Characters for HS/USD

Peachily (#146569)

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Posted on
2024-02-12 16:52:12

You can order Custom adoptables from me on this thread! Customs are BRAND NEW characters, meaning I am not doing art of existing characters on this thread
This thread will run only until Feb 28th, and will be closed again until next year.

Before getting into it, I am ONLY accepting heart shells or USD as payment for customs. This is non-negociable. This is a sister post to my Feb OTA Adoptables thread. While on the OTA adoptables thread i sell adopts on set bases for various types of LD currency, I am only accepting heart shells or USD on this thread for custom adoptables. All customs created on this thread will have their own unique lineart in a simple art style similar to whats offered on my OTA thread.

I am only doing FERAL characters. Still don't have hands and feet down yet, sorry yall I specialize in felines, dragons/reptiles, cryptids, and canines but can do various other feral creatures as well. I will not be doing accessories on these customs, Just the animals themselves. This is also non-negociable..

- Be nice!
- Dont overcomplicate the descriptions of your character, please stay precise and to the point so that it is easy for me to understand what you want!
- no off-topic and unrelated chatter/spamming

Every custom has a set price of 450HS or $20, this will not change regardless of the complexity of your custom. USD payments can be done through Paypal or cashapp.

> If you are paying in Heart Shells, you are given until the end of the month to pay for your custom regardless if I have finished it or not. If i did finish your custom, I will message you to let you know and write you down on the SECOND comment of this thread as a "User who Owes". You will receive a heavily watermarked version of your custom until you pay what you owe; Once you are ready to pay, message me to let me know and I will send you a list of items to get from the HS shop as well as an unwatermarked version of your custom. Failiure to pay before the end of the month will result in a perma-block and the resale of your custom.
> For those of you paying in USD, you pay after I am finished with your custom.
Paying me upfront gives me MASSIVE amounts of anxiety & stress! So, PLEASE do not try to pay immediately.

There are THREE slots open at a time
When all slots are full, you are allowed to ask for a spot on the waitlist. you can still post a filled out custom form if the slots are full, you will just be added to the waitlist.

One more thing, once you receive your unwatermarked custom after paying in full, the custom is YOURS. You may edit or do with it as you please, so long as I still receive credit for creating the custom. I don't use toyhouse, so please credit my DeviantArt


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Edited on 27/02/24 @ 22:50:53 by Peacheweie (#146569)

Peachily (#146569)

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Posted on
2024-02-12 16:52:19

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Edited on 07/03/24 @ 19:51:18 by Peachily (#146569)

Peachily (#146569)

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Posted on
2024-02-12 16:53:01

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Edited on 07/03/24 @ 19:51:10 by Peachily (#146569)

Peachily (#146569)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 16:25:49

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Edited on 13/02/24 @ 18:33:42 by Peacheweie (#146569)

✧ Beetle G1
07.16.21 RLC ✧ (#301846)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 19:00:12
> Species: Mimic (visualized as a cheetah)
> If your Species has special features, please explain. (Ex. Mohawk, wings, Horns, etc): The eyes are blurry, and oddly large and off putting if one isn't looking close enough (like the heat waves people see when it's extremely hot and arid outside)
> Gender, if any: female
> Color palette (No moodboards): Cheetah Colors and a greyish, emerald green with flecks of gold and red for her funky eyes
> Markings you Dislike: N/A (open to most!)
> Markings you like: fading colors, spots, the eye stripes
> Anything else I should know about your custom? She is heavily centered around the idea of a hungry cryptid in the middle of a starving, arid desert/canyons (the setting of my den); this is her currently if you want the vibe!
>[OPTIONAL] Lore: The desert has become sanctioned with disease and peril. To escape it, Mimic creeps into the crowded canyons to find food. Her eyes a gleaming mystery lain upon all those who venture too far, too lost, into the depths of the canyon maze Mimic now calls home.
> Payment type (USD or HS): USD <3

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[G1|Ra|Fissure] (#302293)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 19:09:31
> Species: Some sort of dragon creature?
> If your Species has special features, please explain. (Ex. Mohawk, wings, Horns, etc):
-Long and lengthy body
-Moving mouth parts (I want them to be able to open their mouth in an interesting way)
- Feather wings on the back of their head, when threatened they open
- Feathered wings behind the shoulders (basically where wings usually go)
- Feathered wings on the hips
-All skin except for the lower legs and tail
- Want them to have a “Looks can be deceiving” vibe, so if they could be beautiful/enticingly pretty that would be cool!Was thinking maybe some sort of sparkle/shimmer look in some areas

If feathered wings look weird please make them skin wings!! Preferably with claws so they look kinda graby/hand like
> Gender, if any:
> Color palette (No moodboards): one of these? Idk Im bad with colors but I do want browns, blues, blacks, and maybe pinks/reds?
> Markings you Dislike: Any markings with shapes in them (like trees and hearts)
> Markings you like: Spots, stripes, split markings, piebald/patches patterns, ticked patterns, iridescent patterns
> Anything else I should know about your custom? : They are going to be a shapeshifter!
>[OPTIONAL] Lore: A beautiful beast that suddenly emerged from the depths of the earth. They may appear to be kind and gentle, but in reality it is very hostile and dangerous. With a tendency to take on any form their victim might find the most inticing, aswell as mimic their loved ones. Only ever showing genuine kindness to its handler, whome it made a bond with long ago
> Payment type (USD or HS): HS

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Edited on 13/02/24 @ 19:39:34 by JinkeyDinks [G2|Nefer|Tovero] (#302293)

for feb) (#253980)

Hot Stuff
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Posted on
2024-02-13 19:14:55
Edit: Adore my custom, would definitely recommend!

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Edited on 18/02/24 @ 03:48:25 by Yenn🌵(semi-hiatus) (#253980)

Peachily (#146569)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 19:44:22
Yenn🌵(semi-hiatus) (#253980) - I will add ya to a slot once your form is completely filled out, to keep it fair for everybody

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-crypt- (#324931)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-02-13 19:52:12
> Species: TV.. dog-dragon thing?
> If your Species has special features, please explain. (Ex. Mohawk, wings, Horns, etc):
TV head
Long, lanky body
Extra Fluffy neck and tail
4 legs
Little wings on it's back
> Gender, if any: Male
> Color palette (No moodboards): + white and/or black. You're free to stray a bit from the colour pallet if you think it'd look best, it's just the general vibe I'd like for him! ^^
> Markings you Dislike: none really, just not alot of rosettes/spots, if any
> Markings you like: stripes, split markings (like piebalds/patches markings), sparkles, white or black marks around/under the eyes, belly white
> Anything else I should know about your custom? (if no, reply N/A): His expressions show up as keyboard emojis on the tv [>:), :'(, <3, ??, ect.])
>[OPTIONAL] Lore: Not anything rn, I typically figure this out based on the character
> Payment type (USD or HS): HS ^^

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Edited on 13/02/24 @ 20:10:43 by -crypt- (#324931)

for feb) (#253980)

Hot Stuff
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Posted on
2024-02-13 19:59:20
@Peacheweie (#146569)

Gotcha, I understand! I've gone ahead and filled the form out. Please let me know if anything needs to be explained further/edit my form at all.

Thank you!

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Aezla (#1910)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 20:04:07
I'd love a custom from you, your designs are always so pretty ^^
Could i be added to the waitlist please!

Edited with the forms:

I couldn't decide between these two ideas So 2 customs on my slot, ^^
> Species: a vampiric dragon?
> If your Species has special features, please explain. (Ex. Mohawk, wings, Horns, etc):
Long flowing wings that can sort of act like a cloak?
A fluffy neck mane (like a lions) in a soft shape
Two fangs protruding from the muzzle
Bat ears
Some sort of small simple horns on the head,
> Gender, if important: gender neutral
> Color palette (No moodboards): Feel free to merge/combine them or deviate from them if you think it looks better
> Markings you Dislike: overly complex markings just for the sake of being overly complex
> Markings you like: Markings that fade, Speckles/freckles that run across the body, Uneven markings, Lighter/darker colors around focus points
> Anything else I should know about your custom? (if no, reply N/A)
Sharp eyes that arent red as I'd like them to turn red when using magic, but the base eye color maybe gold? or a different color if it looks better
>[OPTIONAL] Lore: I might edit lore on when Im a bit more free
> Payment type: HS

> Species: snow Leopard/king Cheetah hybrid (more cheetah than leopard)
> If your Species has special features, please explain. (Ex. Mohawk, wings, Horns, etc): Long mane that goes all the way down to the tail tip
Extra fluffy tail that can spread out into a fan like shape
Horns on the head
Slender body
A broken halo above their head
Demonic wings, either a single pair or two pairs one lower then the other on the body
> Gender, if important: Feminine
> Color palette (No moodboards):
> Markings you Dislike: very complex markings just for the sake of being overly complex
> Markings you like: markings that fade, Speckles/freckles that run across the body, Uneven markings, Lighter/darker colors around focus points.
> Anything else I should know about your custom? Maybe slightly space/galaxy themed?
>[OPTIONAL] Lore: may be added
> Payment type: HS

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Edited on 14/02/24 @ 21:23:23 by Aezla (G1 DR Sphinx) (#1910)

Peachily (#146569)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 20:05:44
Aezla (G1 DR Sphinx) (#1910) - Sure! Feel free to post a filled out form here, or I will message you when the next available slot opens for you. :)

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Seirykun (Mitsuki) (#198285)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 20:15:29
Hi Peacheweie! I would love to be added to the waiting list for HS if possible please

> Species: Lion/Leopard
> If your Species has special features, please explain. (Ex. Mohawk, wings, Horns, etc): I would love him to have a heavy fluffy mane and fluffy elbows, as well as the tail (a bit thin from the base and middle but fluffier at the end). Also would love if his eyes where a bit slit please :3 ♥
> Gender, if important: Male
> Color palette (No moodboards): ♥ Color Palette ♥
> Markings you Dislike: I don´t like fantasy markings (like hearts, flowers, stars, etc), also not little or small markings like little spots, speckles or sparkles please ♥ Also no gradients unless you think would look better and if it´s for the face/paws and/or tail (That would be good! but not primarly on the body and not too many colors or gradiet markings please ♥)
> Markings you like: I love stripes (like tiger or big lines as markings), toes markings, spots, patches, pie markings, sharp markings
> Anything else I should know about your custom? Would love him to have a serious or grumpy expression. Also not sure if this would go here if not I will change it 🙈 but I would love him to have sharp blue eyes (or icy eyes) and mostly covered in the brown color at the top ( ♥ something like this ♥) and if you think looks good with the design also a marking that goes from their eyes to their muzzle (or a marking that covers the top of their head, somethin like any of ♥ this here ♥) but if you think that eye marking thoesn´t look good on him then you can just ignore it
>[OPTIONAL] Lore: None for now, will decide later 🙈
> Payment type (USD or HS): HS

> Species: Tigon
> If your Species has special features, please explain. (Ex. Mohawk, wings, Horns, etc): I would love it to have a tiger like tail and a little tuft at the end, as well as fluffy cheeks but also have something similar to the dorsal fur (starting small and without it going to the the tail but ending on the shoulders) or even a bit of a fluffy neck (something to show that has a glimpse of a mane). Also would love if this baby could have a the half of their body to be divided in diferent colors ( ♥ something like this ♥) (not sure if like here with a light and dark color or a light yellow and darker yellow/orange like the palette? I will let you decide that ) Also I would love for the face to have a few tiger markings while the top half of the body is without or very few markings (not stripes), and the bottom half or rear to have tiger stripes please
> Gender, if important: Haven´t decide yet
> Color palette (No moodboards): ♥ Color Palette ♥ The principal colors I would like them to be like the palette on the middle but you can decide wich one works better if the original at the top or the one in the middle Also I would love the eyes to be red please
> Markings you Dislike: I don´t like fantasy markings (like hearts, flowers, stars, etc), also not little or small markings like little spots, speckles or sparkles please ♥ Also no gradients unless you think would look better and if it´s for the face/paws and/or tail (just like the form above )
> Markings you like: I love stripes (like tiger or big lines as markings), toes markings, spots, patches, pie markings, sharp markings
> Anything else I should know about your custom? I would love this baby to have like a gold vibe, their eyes will get red when angry (still need to decide if their eyes will be black or gold that why I would love them to be red ) Also if you decide to go for the light yellow front and black rear, then I would love the stripes to be yellow or light yellow. And if you decide for the light yellow front and dark yellow/orange rear, then I would love the stripes to be another type of yellow/orange, white or even the light yellow like the front please
>[OPTIONAL] Lore: None for now, will decide later 🙈
> Payment type (USD or HS): HS

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Edited on 14/02/24 @ 12:31:29 by Seirykun (Mitsuki) (#198285)

Aezla (#1910)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 20:18:39
Gotcha! Ill update my post with it in a bit once I figure out exactly what I want ^^

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Peachily (#146569)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 20:29:21
Seirykun (Mitsuki) (#198285) - added ya to the waitlist <3
Aezla (G1 DR Sphinx) (#1910) - absolutely, take your time!

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Seirykun (Mitsuki) (#198285)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 12:32:36
Hi Peacheweie! Just filled my form and decide to fill 2 forms at the end, hope that´s okay 🙈

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