Posted by Biome Revamp

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-18 08:05:02
This time, I try to be short, even if it should be long.

My suggestion is about:

Biome Revamp

What we have:
- Biomes make no sense
- NPC difficulties lack a system - All too easy NPCs in high level biomes - Impossibly hard NPCs in low level biomes
- Some NPCs are too OP (Eg.: snakes mostly do 40+ damage at one bite, or kill in a single bite)
- Nothing regulates when and how often our attacks miss and how much damage they will do
- Stats still don’t affect the outcome all too much
- Bonuses seem to be just visual, they don’t affect outcome and how effective you are in the battle - Eg. you have max arrows in strength, your strength-based attacks will not change, you wont hit harder.
- Impossible to work on a tactic at most NPCs - what attack works is always random - Makes it frustrating
- Levels only block you from Biomes, but otherwise having them makes no sense - Any lion can beat any NPC. Low level NPCs (while they give less rewards) are just as hard to beat as those in the same level.
- Snake constantly gives quests that need us to go many biomes down, and seeing NPCs pop up randomly, us not able to seek an NPC directly, we can waste 100 energy to find them, leaving us with low rewards for a long time.

What we need:
- A system.
- NPC difficulties rising the higher Biome we visit, while lower level NPCs become much easier to beat, but of course give lower rewards
- OP NPCs should do less damage than now, level of lion should have a say in the damage done and received. Not just regulate it by making them miss more often.
- Level/stats/different system should aid us against missing hits. It should depend on something and we should be able to improve it.
- Stats should affect fights more OR implement a new system to help OR combine lion’s stats and skill points together.
- Bonuses should give us proper effects. Eg.: If we have max strength then make it count, no matter what NPC we fight against -like rhino or elephant- It is STILL a bonus.
- NPCs should have set moves/abilities against which we can work and form a basic tactic.
- Makes Biomes count. Maybe unlock all biomes for all levels, just make exploring and NPCs hard if someone explores there on lower level lions than the requirement, but if they do beat NPCs there, then give them much higher rewards.
- Lion’s level should affect difficulty in Biomes. - Eg.: If we are lvl21 in the lvl21-25 Biome, then of course it will be still hard. But as we level up, that Biome should become gradually easier. At lvl25 there should be a significant difference.
- There should be more chance for the snake to give quests which correspond to lion’s level. Or make us able to search for specific NPCs by difficult tactics, following trail, etc. I know we have snake scent but not everyone has it. We shouldnt be so much dependent on an item to complete a quest.
- Reduce NCL encounters. Seriously... Almost every second encounter is an NCL, taking explore steps from other NPCs.

Other suggestions:
1. Make NPCs look more alive when battling by making them use some of the battle moves we have. Make them actively trying to grab us or make them rest as well to gain back HP. The text should also correspond to the moves they make. Not just 'NPC hits you for x damage' or 'NPC misses'. Tell us what move they used. Tell us the exact HP of the enemy and us, display the stats they are given so we can follow our chances.

Do not make us wander in the dark and wonder why we hit so low damage and why the NPC hits so hard all of a sudden. Right now, NPC battles are very confusing and some are frustrating.


Thank you for reading.

This suggestion has 182 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 30/11/15 @ 05:43:55 by Axel (#6627)

❝dynne❞ (#37227)

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Posted on
2015-01-13 05:26:50
I like the general idea of the layout and that, yes, it is harder, but... Yeah, it has no rhyme or reason. My king is only in the jungle, and I just flat out avoid fighting gorillas. All that happens is that it 'bashes my head', even if I've grabbed it and am on it back, and the battle is over pretty fast. A lot of battles just become a miss fest, and while I can win most battles, sometimes due to missing nonstop, I lose some battles cheaply.

Really, I'd like to see some improvement on that and I was thinking about making a suggestion about the battle system myself! It's not fun when kicks keep missing, over and over again, and while some enemies can be figured out, most don't have any real 'weaknesses' that I've noticed aside from dogs. And same goes for EXP gain. It seems nigh impossible, especially by level 9-10 when a single battle nets you only one point boost, while lionesses actually earn a decent amount per level by hunting and seem much more balanced in that sense.

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Edited on 13/01/15 by Nylocke {VV} (#37227)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-01-13 05:41:38
I have a few stray ideas myself. If you need any help with the suggestion, feel free to PM me.
I am currently working on a suggestion that deals with our stat problem.

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It's a Paradox
[Side] (#43368)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-18 06:45:53
Completely agree with this but if we're going to revamp biomes, why not actually let us explore our own territory? For example, in Explore, occasionally it will say "You here a roar in the distance. A lion must be trespassing on your territory!" or "You crouch to mark your territory." which doesn't make to much sense if I'm in the Dry Savannah biome but my Pride lives at a lake. If we're going to completely revamp Explore, I'd like us to be able to explore the biome we live in and have places that are farther away from your Pride's den (such as landmarks or the outskirts of another lion's territory) contain the higher leveled NPCs.

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Megan (#68826)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-11-15 19:41:11
So support, I have the beat 8 reptiles quest which is impossible. This is the third day and every time I either get hit for 200 damage or the black mamba bite.

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Checkered Okapi (#76332)

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Posted on
2015-11-17 01:58:27
A glimpse at the experience with NPC battles I've made so far:

case A) was my original first lion, rolled. Since I joined the game in Nov, this lion had the chance to receive a nice amount of additional stats from the Shamans (well, at least what you'd call "nice" for a rolled default lion). Occasionally, he reached Lvl 10 with 325 stats in his super short life. Up to the very end, he never reached the 3rd biome. He stayed in the 2nd biome (for Lvl 2-5 lions), because any attempt to fight against an NPC in the next biome was a plain desaster, even though the Tropical Forest is labeled as "Lvl 6-10" which shouldn't be mission impossible for a Lvl 10 lion with stats above default. Not sure if I'd call that a balanced gameplay. I made regular attempts in the 3rd biome every time he leveled up, just to see if his stats are starting to make any difference... nothing, up to the very end.

case B) is my current king, 1,2k stats. This one at least was able to enter the 3rd biome and has already managed to lose at least 2 fights in this one. (OK, it's not a huge percentage, he wins most of the fights until now, but still: a level 8 1,2k lion losing in a 6-10 biome? So stats don't matter at all? I admit I was flabbergasted, I expected to see a larger difference when I retired my rolled lion for the new high stat king.)

If stats don't matter - why having them at all?

Plus, you'd expect a game to be balanced for default lions... playable for kings without all too many additional stats and you'd expect getting those additional stats to make a larger difference. So when you invest game currency (may that be SB or mostly GB) to get hold of a higher stat lion, you expect to see a larger difference. Not sure why the NPC battles part of this game igores stats almost completely... (or why they're implemented at all if that is the case).

Plus, I agree with the poster who mentioned that the EXP gain might need a second look at. My current lion is only lvl 8 and even now the exp gain from battles seem a bit tiresome.

There's one thing I disagree with, though: I think the number of NPCs encountered is just fine. This gives you the chance to skip one you don't want to fight without worrying too much that it might be the only chance for exp before your energy runs out.

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Edited on 17/11/15 @ 09:49:48 by Artemis (#76332)

Isabella Lena (#49545)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-17 02:54:57
I do not get it...

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-11-17 02:57:01
Do not get what?

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-17 03:23:50
almost the whole toppic...

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Checkered Okapi (#76332)

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Posted on
2015-11-17 03:37:36
Just lost the next fight. I guess I'll avoid gorillas in future, I value my energy.

My lion will soon be 1,3k, for heaven's sake. Who were the gorilla NPCs coded for?
For 15k stat gozilla lions?

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Edited on 17/11/15 @ 10:38:14 by Artemis (#76332)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-11-17 03:48:54
@Isabella Lena
In short, the issue is that no matter how much time, effort or money you invest into your lion, there is no progress in effectiveness when it comes to gameplay. Biomes make no sense because you can defeat any NPC there is -minus those that kill you in a few hits. When you lvl up or gain stats, there is no difference in NPC fights. Lower lvl NPCs dont become easier to beat, etc etc.

I know the pain. pretty much all Lioden knows your pain. Gorillas are known as one of the most OP NPCs that exist on Lioden. Right after Black Mamba. They grab you and beat your butt on the spot.

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Before (#25066)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-11-17 04:42:02
I agree with some, disagree with others:

"- NPC difficulties rising the higher Biome we visit, while lower level NPCs become much easier to beat, but of course give lower rewards"

It's sort of like that now, but you only notice if you have a low-statted lion. Each new biome provides a fairly large difficulty spike if you have low-ish stats. High-statted lions see basically the same difficulty, since there seems to be a cap for how well you can do. Support for making the difficulty change visible for high-statted lions.

"- OP NPCs should do less damage than now, level of lion should have a say in the damage done and received. Not just regulate it by making them miss more often."

Personally, I like the challenge. It provides variety to the wildlife, and makes you think about whether you really want to fight that Black Mamba or Gorilla. If you're just leveling, there's plenty of easier opponents. No support for this.

"- Level/stats/different system should aid us against missing hits. It should depend on something and we should be able to improve it."


"- Stats should affect fights more OR implement a new system to help OR combine lion’s stats and skill points together."

Yes to 1, but for the other two, I don't want PVP to be a required portion of the site, and because they have a large leaning towards skill, which for established kings only can be gained through PVP. So support on 1, but no support on 2 and 3.

"- Bonuses should give us proper effects. Eg.: If we have max strength then make it count, no matter what NPC we fight against -like rhino or elephant- It is STILL a bonus."


"- NPCs should have set moves/abilities against which we can work and form a basic tactic."

Some of them do, but support for adding more.

"- Makes Biomes count. Maybe unlock all biomes for all levels, just make exploring and NPCs hard if someone explores there on lower level lions than the requirement, but if they do beat NPCs there, then give them much higher rewards."

Neutral. Interesting idea, but the progression is also rewarding.

"- Lion’s level should affect difficulty in Biomes. - Eg.: If we are lvl21 in the lvl21-25 Biome, then of course it will be still hard. But as we level up, that Biome should become gradually easier. At lvl25 there should be a significant difference."

Support. It only makes sense.

"- There should be more chance for the snake to give quests which correspond to lion’s level. Or make us able to search for specific NPCs by difficult tactics, following trail, etc. I know we have snake scent but not everyone has it. We shouldnt be so much dependent on an item to complete a quest."


"- Reduce NCL encounters. Seriously... Almost every second encounter is an NCL, taking explore steps from other NPCs."

Neutral. I haven't noticed this problem aside from events where there's bonus NCL encounters. And I also appreciate the free Impression, although I wouldn't mind a more varied Explore.

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Checkered Okapi (#76332)

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Posted on
2015-11-20 14:37:52

my lion is now close to 1,4k.

he just lost 4 fights in a row in the lvl 11-15 biome.

this is not only ridiculous and frustrating, this lacks any sense of logics.

I seriously think of leaving this game until the NPC fighting system is revamped.

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Checkered Okapi (#76332)

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Posted on
2015-11-29 22:20:31
just a short update.

my lion is now lvl 13.

he now has 1,6k stats.

this lion just lost 4 fights in a row in the lvl 11-15 biome.

this is not a bad battling system, this is not a system at all.

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Edited on 30/11/15 @ 05:21:30 by Artemis (#76332)

Micah [Mandarin
Ferus] (#68002)

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Posted on
2015-11-29 22:26:11
Definitely support Axel, I wonder how you come up with such detailed ideas at times.
Glad this topic was covered as well.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-11-29 22:34:08
Thank you for the support, guys.

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