Posted by Sickened World .:Role-Play:.

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:35:07
Sign Up Thread

It's been about 17 years since the humans died from the deadly illness that plagued them all. That plagues us all as well. It's a horrible thing, that sickness. There are no warning signs, nothing to discern the clean dogs from the infection carriers. It changes your insides, screws up your mind. I've seen it take over a dog in less than a week, I've seen it drag out the process for over six months. It's different for everyone, but for the young and the old, it seems to work quicker, seems to break them easier. Infection carriers, the ones with the early symptoms, must be run off, or better yet, killed. It doesn't matter if it's your sister, your brother, you Ma, your Pa or even your own pup, they must be exterminated. It's the only way to make sure they don't spread the virus. It may be sad, but the world is hard, and you need to be able to survive in this desolate wasteland... I guess that's why I'm here though.

First thing you need to know is what to watch out for, or what to expect from a carrier. In all my days I've seen just about everything there is to discover about the ravaging things that walk this earth, but my information will be outdated soon. They're always evolving, changing, growing...

Role-Play Explained
This particular RP idea is around a post apocalyptic world, where there are dogs among other animals who carry an 'infection'. The infection causes many symptoms including bloodshot eyes, inability to feel pain, sensitivity to light, schizophrenia, etc. You could play as either a clean dog, or an infected. The infected are playable because they are not dead, just severely ill.

1.) This is a Semi-Literate to Literate role-play, so proper grammar is needed. 3+ sentences are required.
2.) No God-modding or Power-playing.
3.) Your characters cannot be mates, socialize!
4.) Breeding and Birthing need to be faded out.
5.) No killing another player's character unless given permission.
6.) No Mary/Gary Sues
7.) No force-breeding
8.) Follow ALL Lioden photo image use rules.
9.) Put 'Kangaroo' in your post if you read all the rules.


*Clean; an animal that is free from the affects of the illness

*Infected; a dog or other animal that has been infected by the disease. It is not yet able to spread the disease. Shows mild symptoms of a carrier.

*Carrier; an animal that has the full symptoms of the illness. They are now highly contagious and prone to mutations of sorts. Symptoms include;
-Sensitivity to sunlight
-Inability to feel pain
-Increased aggression
-Bodily Mutations
-Increased hearing
-Foaming of the mouth


-No existing packs-

Dj Jackie-Female-Clean-Cat
Weather; Temperature; Time of day; Season

Weather; The skies are clear, not a cloud seems to be in sight. The air is dry, and the land dusty.

Temperature; It's hot outside, temperatures are peaking at about 95 Degrees [35 Celsius] during the sun's peak. At night the temperature seems to cool down, dropping to about 70 Degrees [21.1111 Celsius.]

Time of day; The sun has set, and the carriers can now see more clearly than in the blaring light of day.

Season; It's the middle of summer, and the heat is almost unbearable. The land is dry, parched from lack of water. Days are usually sunny and clear, but the occasional storm may pass through. With all the dry vegetation sprouting from the city, fires are an ever existent threat.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 08/03/15 by AlpacaJoJo (#27121)

Whale Biologist 🐋 (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:15:54


He shrugged, flicking her cheek with his tail. "You'd be surprised how much up-walker food is still left in buildings. You would know, if you ever did anything but keep watch." he pointed out dully. She never went anywhere that had any chance of being a close space, end of story. Instead, she paced outside. He never knew if anything went on when she was alone, but when he came back and she was still alive, he didn't ask questions.

Shaking the thought off, he hurried down the road, making sure she was following him.


She dropped her head, rolling her eyes at her brother. She didn't care if rodents liked grubby old food. She wanted to eat something real. Not something she could eat in a bite--if it weren't for the small bones--but something she could savor, that wasn't gone before she could taste it. She hurried, too. Maybe there would be a rabbit along the empty fields surrounding them.

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Crumbinatr (Maki) (#43022)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:16:26
Hikaru perked his ears to the chattering of a cat, he snickered softly and shook his head. He turned to the small rabbit which was dead by the time it was infected. "Guess your immune system failed huh little rabbit?/ He cackled towards the dead rabbit and soon pounced on it smashing it's bones inside. /Oh does that hurt? I'm sorry/ He snickered as he soon started to eat it, tearing the flesh from it.

Miko watched as his 'brother' passed the building he was in, he let out a relaxed shy as he soon ran out the door to an area where Hikaru could not find him so easily, yet, the only place was with other dogs, which, would bring out the timid nature of Miko. Coming to a stop a sniffed the air smelling to clean dogs nearby yet, a faint smell of another dog infected. He lowered his ears as he looked around cautiously.

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:20:54
(I get all bubbly about Nyx's chattering, I love it for some reason eep!)


She sat back, listening to the two males speak. So both were healthy which was definitely a plus but that sound, that sound no doubt they both could hear was making her fur stand on end. Her ears swiveled constantly trying to pin point where the creature was and she simply couldnt figure it out, even with her increased hearing.


She liked the sound, no she loved the sound! Dont take to much pride in yourself creature. it said to her but she ignored it. The feeling of a spine chilling around her, oh oh oh it made her grin and almost bounce with joy! Something she was practically doing, she had stopped moving, when she wasnt sure, and was slamming her front paws into the stone as she chattered, saliva dripping from her jaws. Here doggy doggy The voice said in her head, making a whistle like it was calling to her.

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:23:49
Kato | Open to interaction
A rather slim, dark figure prowled through an alley, almost invisible in the dark shadows. One may think it was simply an ordinary canine, but he was nothing close to ordinary. Nothing about him was ordinary. The dog's jaws were bared, lips curled, and foul smelling saliva dripped from his lips. His eyes were wild, crazy, sometimes even twitching. The canine took a staggering step forward, his chest heaving with almost every movement. He was inches away from the entrance to a dark alley, where lightness and shadows clashed. But he dared not cross it unless he absolutely had to. Gnashing his teeth, Kato turned away and walked towards the back of the alley, which he called home. You could tell he lived here, for his putrid stench painted every crack and crevice in the alley. Once he made it to the dead end, he sat down, his whole body trembling.

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Edited on 06/03/16 @ 22:01:00 by navarre (#32090)

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:29:35

Azrael glanced behind himself, just to make sure nothing was sneaking up on him, before turning to the other dog. " Thought I heard a carrier about a half-hour ago. Tried to pick up the scent and failed miserably. Smelled some blood though and followed it until I met you. I wasn't sure if you were a carrier or not, thus the rude meeting." He explained nonchalantly before focusing on the chattering once more. Sniffing the air, he caught a whiff of a carrier, maybe two, and a couple other dogs in the area. " I'm pretty sure the carrier is still wondering around though. And if my assumption is right, that chattering sound may be it." He told the other dog in a low voice, keeping his tone down just in case anything picked up their conversation. His ear twitched constantly, trying to locate the potentially deadly source of the sound.

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Edited on 01/03/15 by AlpacaJoJo (#27121)

tae | twp | (#39133)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:37:42

"They are always here." he said in almost a whisper. His head lowered a bit as he examined the much larger dog. His size made Ater feel like he is someone superior to him, but he didn't allow that to show. He saw scars all over his body, looks like he wasn't so lucky in the past. He sniffed the air once more, "There's a dog here close I can smell it...Oh and the name is Ater by the way." he said to the dog in a low voice. He hasn't talked this much to another dog in so long so his awkwardness was understandable.

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Crumbinatr (Maki) (#43022)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:41:14
Hikaru raised his head finishing the carcass as he could smell the faint smell of his brother which seemed he had left, he growled as he went out of the building following the shadow as he seemed to watch his brother near a few clean dogs, he smiled. /My precise bait seemed to have located other dogs./ he cackled rather loudly before hushing himself and climbing into the window above home watching his twin. He stayed low in the building covering his scent by the smell of dried blood, as if making it the blood on the street.

Miko lowered his ears to the cackle knowing who it was, "No good no good.." He whispered silently to himself ruffling his fur. "Why is this happening.." He huffed as he freaked out to the chattering of the mimic cat sounds. He lowered his head as he looked into an abandoned building which seemed a bit empty to him, yet had the presence of other dogs scattered in it.

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Whale Biologist 🐋 (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:51:19


Not far down the road, he saw the town he had expected. He gave up a steady speed for Persica and full-out sprinted towards the town. In moments, he was at the edge of the mass of buildings, panting. He wagged his tail. He drew in the scents of the place. Dirt, rodents.. dogs! He bounced up, almost forgetting to be quiet. He turned his head to look back at his sister, running low to the ground with her ears back.


When she looked back at Abe, he was gone. She pricked her ears, seeing a small cloud of dust falling away behind his small form. Glancing nervously back and forth one last time, she chased after him. Poor, impulsive brother. How instinctive must you be? She stretched her legs for each stride, keeping low to the ground, as inconspicuous as she could be.


The large, limp form of the dane tensed. His heavy eyes flew open. He quickly glance around the outskirts of the abandoned civilization. No one around. He relaxed, standing up and stretching. He hadn't meant to doze off, only to rest a bit. But he could never keep his heavy lids up for long, when he got that feeling in his legs from walking to long. He tested them, now. He felt less tired, but still sleepy from the nap.

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:52:29

Looking down so he could communicate with the other dog face to face, Azrael spoke once more. "They seem to be more common in this part of the city. Too many dark alleys for my liking." As he looked at the other dog Azrael noticed a scar that ran over the smaller dogs snout, but didn't ponder it too much. As 'Ater' had said, another dog was near. " My name is Azrael. I do believe you are right when you say another is near, I hope whoever they are watch their back. This town can screw with your head and a carrier can be upon you within minutes." Azrael sniffed the air, finding the scent of carrier stronger than before, though this made his hackles rise and skin crawl, he sifted through the various smells that hit his nostrils, until he pinpointed the scent of the other stranger dog. It was near, and he contemplated calling for the other dog, but he found the risk would be too great. He needed to be smart about his choices in this particular area...

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-03-01 09:57:54

Her heart pounded as they spoke of another dog being near, not quite sure if they were referring to her or the creature chattering in the distance. She flicked her ears before slowly making her way around the corner into the street where she believed they settled, her clouded blue eyes motionless.


She had finally stopped pounding on the ground though she simply plopped down to sit. Shut up! the voice yelled, cutting her chattering off completely. There my darling, now you'll scare them. She smiled, the voice was right, it was always right. Why would it lie to her, she was the god of this land wasnt she, purging the sick!

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tae | twp | (#39133)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 10:08:36

He looked at a now more familiar dog, Azrael. The scent of the nearby dog fainted a bit, ah so it was really near. Ater wasn't sure where to spend the night, but sticking with Azrael might be his best choice considering the fact that they could watch each others back. Two heads are better than one, right? He wasn't sure if Azrael would be too fond of his plan so slipping it in their conversation discreetly might be a good idea. "So Azra, can I call you that? What do you say we scavange around some other buildings, hm?" he said and looked up at him with puppy eyes. All he needed now is to say yes and Ater has one less thing to worry about.

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 10:18:23
Kato | Spotting Wulfund
After that rather special moment to himself, Kato got to his paws. Turning, he walked towards the spot where the dark shadow met the edge of light. As he neared it, he paused, his ears pivoted on his head as he strained to listen to a distant sound. The canine's nose flared as he sniffed the air. Were his sense's betraying him, or did he smell a dog? Peering around the wall of the alley, Kato squinted. A crooked grin was now splayed on his lips. A figure. A figure in the distance. Was it a dog? As he locked his gaze on the figure, he clenched his jaw, which was a habit of his. The figure was somewhat close, enough where Kato could make out the general outline. "Do my eyes betray me or is that a dog? Ooohooho, that is a dog!" Kato muttered to himself. His teeth were bared, and his tongue hung out from the side. He was more than just eager, he was shaking out of his own pelt. It had been long since he had last seen a dog, for not many came around here due to the growing population of Carriers.

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Edited on 06/03/16 @ 22:04:47 by navarre (#32090)

Crumbinatr (Maki) (#43022)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 10:21:52
Miko walked into the building seeing no dogs he sighed, but knew they weren't as far from him. Looking at the building he started climbing the rusty stairs loud creaking expanding from them as he did so. He whimpered at the sound knowing others could hear this. Finally reaching the top he sniffed the area smelling no sign of life. He sighed lying down and relaxing hoping to be left alone, but of course, that wasn't a question to his twin..

Hikaru smirked as he watched his brother go into the building. "Oh brother, how you should of killed me when you had a chance, but then you would've have someone to protect you from the plagued dog.." He gave off another loud cackle which echoed in the building he stayed in. Lifting himself up he walked out of the building starting to hum 'London bridge is falling down' He came to a stop as he looked into multiple building seeing none but could smell, faint and strong, scents of dog. "Oh how I love my brother leading me to new dogs.." He gave a large grin.

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Whale Biologist 🐋 (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 10:58:22


He straightened out his posture and looked around one last time. Then he stopped. and stared. He saw a black dog, acting strange. Acting like a carrier. The thing shook and bared its teeth, a most terrifying thing. He didn't know what to do. He knew he had a wall to his back. The wall still stretched several yards either way, with only a small, untrustworthy crack on the left that of course, he couldn't fit through. Beyond that, well, it was just a maze of buildings, and all a good 15 feet apart, for the road and alleys. There was no loosing a carrier, here. He swallowed, hard.


He let his tail wag a few times back and forth as his sister caught up to him. He licked the top of her head as he turned around. This time, they didn't need to exchange words. Now, it was all a hunt. He stepped quietly into the shadow of the first building. He drew the scent of the place in, sifting through the overlapping smells and picking out the ones he needed. A dog had been here, and a carrier before it. Thankfully, they were gone, by now. He swiveled his ears as he heard something scuttling to his left. Then something bounced from a crack in a building.


Instinctively, she darted after the scrawny rabbit that had hopped from the cover of the dilapidated shack. Before it could turn around, she was on it. Her teeth sank into its scruff and she subdued its feeble kicks with her paw. In moments, blood sprinkled her muzzle and the furry creature was very dead. She sat up, looking carefully around, then turning to Abe. "Hungry?" she asked with a wagging tail.

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Crumbinatr (Maki) (#43022)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 11:16:37
Hikaru raised his head to the smell of a fresh killed rabbit, he smirked as he turned around walking towards I
The smell. He crawled as the scent got closer to him, leaning to the shadows he scrapped his pelt on the decayed brings and wood. He begin to hum once more as he gave off quick cackles within it, coming to the end of the song she sang win a deep voice, "We all fall down..~" as he stopped singing and cackling it became silent, he stayed still stalking and awaiting. Having a large grin plastered on his face.

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