Posted by Sickened World .:Role-Play:.

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:35:07
Sign Up Thread

It's been about 17 years since the humans died from the deadly illness that plagued them all. That plagues us all as well. It's a horrible thing, that sickness. There are no warning signs, nothing to discern the clean dogs from the infection carriers. It changes your insides, screws up your mind. I've seen it take over a dog in less than a week, I've seen it drag out the process for over six months. It's different for everyone, but for the young and the old, it seems to work quicker, seems to break them easier. Infection carriers, the ones with the early symptoms, must be run off, or better yet, killed. It doesn't matter if it's your sister, your brother, you Ma, your Pa or even your own pup, they must be exterminated. It's the only way to make sure they don't spread the virus. It may be sad, but the world is hard, and you need to be able to survive in this desolate wasteland... I guess that's why I'm here though.

First thing you need to know is what to watch out for, or what to expect from a carrier. In all my days I've seen just about everything there is to discover about the ravaging things that walk this earth, but my information will be outdated soon. They're always evolving, changing, growing...

Role-Play Explained
This particular RP idea is around a post apocalyptic world, where there are dogs among other animals who carry an 'infection'. The infection causes many symptoms including bloodshot eyes, inability to feel pain, sensitivity to light, schizophrenia, etc. You could play as either a clean dog, or an infected. The infected are playable because they are not dead, just severely ill.

1.) This is a Semi-Literate to Literate role-play, so proper grammar is needed. 3+ sentences are required.
2.) No God-modding or Power-playing.
3.) Your characters cannot be mates, socialize!
4.) Breeding and Birthing need to be faded out.
5.) No killing another player's character unless given permission.
6.) No Mary/Gary Sues
7.) No force-breeding
8.) Follow ALL Lioden photo image use rules.
9.) Put 'Kangaroo' in your post if you read all the rules.


*Clean; an animal that is free from the affects of the illness

*Infected; a dog or other animal that has been infected by the disease. It is not yet able to spread the disease. Shows mild symptoms of a carrier.

*Carrier; an animal that has the full symptoms of the illness. They are now highly contagious and prone to mutations of sorts. Symptoms include;
-Sensitivity to sunlight
-Inability to feel pain
-Increased aggression
-Bodily Mutations
-Increased hearing
-Foaming of the mouth


-No existing packs-

Dj Jackie-Female-Clean-Cat
Weather; Temperature; Time of day; Season

Weather; The skies are clear, not a cloud seems to be in sight. The air is dry, and the land dusty.

Temperature; It's hot outside, temperatures are peaking at about 95 Degrees [35 Celsius] during the sun's peak. At night the temperature seems to cool down, dropping to about 70 Degrees [21.1111 Celsius.]

Time of day; The sun has set, and the carriers can now see more clearly than in the blaring light of day.

Season; It's the middle of summer, and the heat is almost unbearable. The land is dry, parched from lack of water. Days are usually sunny and clear, but the occasional storm may pass through. With all the dry vegetation sprouting from the city, fires are an ever existent threat.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 08/03/15 by AlpacaJoJo (#27121)

Whale Biologist 🐋 (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 08:49:39


He wagged his tail, "Tonight, we do." he joked lightly. "I'm Aberdare, and this is my sister, Persica. She's sort of shy.." he bumped his shoulder to her's. He panted lightly, the hot sun still just angling into the sky. He scooted back from the doorway to allow Archangel inside.


She felt her skin get hot under her fur. She was not.. okay, she was shy. But don't tell other dogs! She would've figured he already knew that. Brothers. She dipped her head politely to her. "N.. nice to meet you." She mustered to say. She looked down at her paws, not knowing where else to look.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 09:01:05
Archangel gave the pair a grin before stepping inside. "Why are you so shy?" She asked, sitting back on her rump. "You're too pretty to be shy." The shepherd make a slight sound, sort of like a whistling giggle. "It's good to hear he's your brother though. That way I can crush on you if I want." Archangel really didn't seem to have much of a sensor on her words; she openly shared her thoughts with dogs she had only just met, and probably creeped them out. "Sorry." She woofed, while she was clearly not. She rolled onto her side, peering at the pair from the corners of her blue eyes. Amusement sparkled behind their dancing surface, giving an invitation of friendship to everyone she met. The panda shepherd seemed to make most feel as though they had to protect her, what with her innocent puppy-personality drawing them in. Yet, she always scared them off before she managed to become too attached to them. A habit, maybe. Or perhaps a lingering sense from her puppyhood, one that caused her to refuse true friendship despite her perky nature.

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 10:49:39
Kato | With Leon
With an ominous cackle, Kato stood and stepped closer to the dog. To the point where he could see him. By now, he was sure the dog could smell the noxious scent practically pouring out from the Carrier. With bared teeth, he licked his gums, as saliva dripped from his lips. Kato probably looked even more terrifying with the blood that had now dried on his snout. However, he remained awfully silent. Not a single snarl rose up his throat, not even a huff. He kept his stare steady, his eyes glowing eerily.

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Edited on 06/03/16 @ 22:28:27 by navarre (#32090)

Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 11:00:12

The rancid stench of the other animal hit his nostrils, burning his nose. How he didn't notice it was beyond him, but the other seemed to be a carrier. Or at least somewhat sick. Honestly, the dog was intimidating, and he felt himself contemplating taking off, leaving the mix behind. However, he still didn't know the dog, and couldn't really perceive if he was a threat. That would come from actions.

However, the other seemed to be content with staring back at him.

Deciding to start the conversation himself, Leon flashed a smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. I'm Leon, and it's nice to meet you!" his tone was usual for the black dog, cheerful and friendly. If the dog did attack however, he would make a run for it. The last thing he needed was to get hurt in an area like this.

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Whale Biologist 🐋 (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 11:10:59


He couldn't help but laugh a bit. "I need some sleep. You two can take up watch, I hope?" he dipped his head and walked to the further side of the room. He plopped down. He laughed quietly to himself, again. He'd never understand she-dogs.


She felt her skin get even hotter. She shrugged minuscule-ly. She looked up, daring to meet her bright eyes. "No need to appologize." she said, trying not to be too quiet. She hated how most dogs always asked her to speak up. She didn't want to have to. She was loud enough, wasn't she? Aberdare never complained.

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Crumbinatr (Maki) (#43022)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-04 11:14:00
Hikaru cackled as the dog hurt himself on the pile of bricks. "How nice of you to skin yourself for me!" He widened his eyes as well as his jaws as he let out a large echoing cackle. "Come on and join me! It will be a quick bite I promise!" He started to walk closer to the dog as he gave a toothy grin, blood started dripping from his mouth, his own blood, "Come here little doggie.."

Miko was long gone from the two, he was scared.. he was a coward. "I can't even protect a dog..I can't when it's with my own brother.." tears fled from his eyes. ""This world turned cruel. . Why must I, the coward be would have been another story.. but my brother saved me.." He sat down in the middle of a building looking down as he slumped down to his feet and belly. "Its a cruel world indeed.."

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Edited on 04/03/15 by Shade General Maki (#43022)

navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 21:38:31
Kato | With Leon
Kato stiffened. Either this dog was downright messed up in the head, or it was trying to make friends with a Carrier. With a shake of his head, he chuckled. "Oh, it's very nice to meet you, Leon." Taking a step closer to Leon, he sat down. His head twitched, and his pupils never remained still. They almost shook in a way, and from the glow in his eyes, the other canine probably could see it. As he sat silently, though not that silently with an occasional snicker bubbling up his throat, he stared the other dog dead in the eye. At the same time, he clenched his jaw, and began grinding his teeth, producing that awful high pitched noise.

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Edited on 06/03/16 @ 22:30:33 by navarre (#32090)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-03-05 00:23:39
Archangel have another quick smile before pulling herself to her paws. She looked the two dogs over, and noticed the warmth that radiated off of Persica. She figured the female was blushing under her pelt, and that made Archangel giggle. "Have either of you eaten lately?" She asked, shuffling her paws slightly. The panda shepherd's blue eyes danced with uncontrollable excitement, her fur practically jumping off her frame.

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-03-05 09:41:00

The black and cream dog lied her ears back as both males seemed to throw daggers at her. Her hear dropped however hearing what seemed like the larger one get upset, she was prepared to open her mouth and leave if it were an issue, however soon enough he spoke again and she say down. Her clouded eyes shut for a second though it made no difference to her. "My name is Calypso, I'm willing to answer any questions you have." She said, opening her eyes once again.

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Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2015-03-05 09:47:06

His ears flattened against his head for a minute, the noise digging into his ear canals like a maggot would. "So," he gulped, hoping the other would stop grinding his teeth, "what brings you here?" Of course, it didn't occur to him that he didn't know this dog's name, but he was more concerned with the fact that he smelled so rancid. He probably was a Carrier, otherwise there was something eating this dog from the inside out, that wasn't the disease that was rampaging the land. He felt himself naturally become more on edge, knowing how dangerous a carrier could be. Even so, he didn't seem to be aggressive, as Leon expected to already be attacked by now.

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tae | twp | (#39133)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 08:14:10

Ater looked at the female's clouded eyes, '' Okay Calypso, I'm Ater. '' he said '' Nice to meet you. '' he also added to appear welcoming to the female. After all he wasn't planning on making enemies everywhere he goes. Allies are good and welcomed, but only if they seem like they can be trusted. Calypso was in his trust category for now for two reasons. One, she was a blind dog how much harm could she possibly do and it is in her best interest to make an ally too. Two, she said they can ask her any questions and she will answer, not really a mindset of a hostile dog is it now? '' I don't have any questions for you, I don't care what you did in the past, but I do care for what you will do in the future...Care to join us? '' he said quite happy with his choice of words.

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Edited on 06/03/15 by Miss X { TWP } (#39133)

navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-03-08 01:06:17
Kato | With Leon
"What brings me here? What brings Kato here?" With that, he burst into maniacal laughter, saliva dripping from his bared jaws. His eyes remained creepily open though, as they glowered with madness. His back was arched, as his bones peeked through, only adding to the disturbing image. He again spoke, but his voice was deeper, and more dark. "I am here because I am trapped here, by that damn illness. You think I like it? Do you think I enjoy being sick!?" Kato let a snarl rise up his throat, which eventually mutated itself back into cackling.

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Edited on 06/03/16 @ 22:32:38 by navarre (#32090)

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-08 03:53:57
[Sorry I was gone guys, had to stay with my aunt for a while.]
Azrael | Interacting with Calypso & Ater

Azrael padded up the porch steps, nosing at the open screen door and sniffing at it. He checked the scent of the house, determining there was an old Carrier odor. This didn't concern him much though, since the scent was stale and faint. There hadn't been a carrier here in months. Twitching his good ear towards the conversation in the yard, Azrael calmly waited as Ater asked Calypso to join their small traveling pair. " We should continue this inside." Azrael proclaimed with a monotone voice as the hypothetical cogs in his mind turned while he thought. Ater seemed to have an improved attitude for the moment and while asking the blind dog to join them was kind, Azrael worried about traveling with her, seeing as her disability could be the end of their little group lest she had to take a guard shift while they slept, or if she got separated during a fight. She had proven to have some valuable information about the area though, and this fact lifted Azrael's spirit just a bit.

Walking into the small house, Azrael's paws immediately met old ripped up carpet, in what had to be the entrance to a living room of some sort. Looking around, he saw that there were the remains of some old furniture in the small home, and to the right of him the carpet switched over to tile, leading into an open kitchen area. Straight ahead, through the living room, a hall way could be seen, with a couple of doors visible along it's length. As he waited for the other dogs to enter the house, Azrael padded over to the remains of what had once been a couch, and jumped on. The cushion on the furniture was lumpy and dirty, and as he landed clouds of dust swirled up and around his head, causing him to let out a sneeze. Here he would wait for Calypso and Ater, ever anxious to ask the female a few more questions he found vital to the group's survival if it became a long-term ordeal.

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Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2015-03-08 04:03:11

He felt his skin crawl at the words of the other, who seemed to be called Kato. With a frown, he replied, his voice lower, "It won't help anything, but I'm damn sorry that you have to go through this." He wanted to continue to speak, to ask questions and prod for answers, but he bit his tongue. Still tempted to question, he glanced down for a moment, wondering if any further questioning would trigger an attack. He couldn't help himself, in the end. "How long have you had it anyway, if I may ask?"

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Whale Biologist 🐋 (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-03-08 07:36:38


He just stood there. He waited. He was not going to be a coward. He was going to die fighting, or not at all. He made sure he had solid footing on the stack of bricks. He met the wild, crazy eyes of the small dog and did not look away. What was he waiting for? Let the fight begin.


She jerked her head once in a nod, "We caught a rabbit about midday. Wasn't much for two full-grown dogs, though." She looked back at Aberdare. He already snored lightly. That dog could sleep through anything, couldn't he? She looked back towards the door, fearful of what may hide in the darkness.

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