Posted by Sickened World .:Role-Play:.

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:35:07
Sign Up Thread

It's been about 17 years since the humans died from the deadly illness that plagued them all. That plagues us all as well. It's a horrible thing, that sickness. There are no warning signs, nothing to discern the clean dogs from the infection carriers. It changes your insides, screws up your mind. I've seen it take over a dog in less than a week, I've seen it drag out the process for over six months. It's different for everyone, but for the young and the old, it seems to work quicker, seems to break them easier. Infection carriers, the ones with the early symptoms, must be run off, or better yet, killed. It doesn't matter if it's your sister, your brother, you Ma, your Pa or even your own pup, they must be exterminated. It's the only way to make sure they don't spread the virus. It may be sad, but the world is hard, and you need to be able to survive in this desolate wasteland... I guess that's why I'm here though.

First thing you need to know is what to watch out for, or what to expect from a carrier. In all my days I've seen just about everything there is to discover about the ravaging things that walk this earth, but my information will be outdated soon. They're always evolving, changing, growing...

Role-Play Explained
This particular RP idea is around a post apocalyptic world, where there are dogs among other animals who carry an 'infection'. The infection causes many symptoms including bloodshot eyes, inability to feel pain, sensitivity to light, schizophrenia, etc. You could play as either a clean dog, or an infected. The infected are playable because they are not dead, just severely ill.

1.) This is a Semi-Literate to Literate role-play, so proper grammar is needed. 3+ sentences are required.
2.) No God-modding or Power-playing.
3.) Your characters cannot be mates, socialize!
4.) Breeding and Birthing need to be faded out.
5.) No killing another player's character unless given permission.
6.) No Mary/Gary Sues
7.) No force-breeding
8.) Follow ALL Lioden photo image use rules.
9.) Put 'Kangaroo' in your post if you read all the rules.


*Clean; an animal that is free from the affects of the illness

*Infected; a dog or other animal that has been infected by the disease. It is not yet able to spread the disease. Shows mild symptoms of a carrier.

*Carrier; an animal that has the full symptoms of the illness. They are now highly contagious and prone to mutations of sorts. Symptoms include;
-Sensitivity to sunlight
-Inability to feel pain
-Increased aggression
-Bodily Mutations
-Increased hearing
-Foaming of the mouth


-No existing packs-

Dj Jackie-Female-Clean-Cat
Weather; Temperature; Time of day; Season

Weather; The skies are clear, not a cloud seems to be in sight. The air is dry, and the land dusty.

Temperature; It's hot outside, temperatures are peaking at about 95 Degrees [35 Celsius] during the sun's peak. At night the temperature seems to cool down, dropping to about 70 Degrees [21.1111 Celsius.]

Time of day; The sun has set, and the carriers can now see more clearly than in the blaring light of day.

Season; It's the middle of summer, and the heat is almost unbearable. The land is dry, parched from lack of water. Days are usually sunny and clear, but the occasional storm may pass through. With all the dry vegetation sprouting from the city, fires are an ever existent threat.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 08/03/15 by AlpacaJoJo (#27121)

Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2015-03-03 10:25:02

He continued down the street, his footsteps barely audible, aside from his long nails tapping the pavement. He passed by some unseeable animals, but he couldn't tell them apart from the dark surroundings of the city. Hopefully he would find some clean animals, as he felt his ache of loneliness grow. He took a breath, smelling nothing that particularly stood out from anything else that he had smelled before. He frowned, and continued to pad ahead.

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-03-03 10:27:49
@Silver/Rin- Are you okay with Kato running into you? I just wanted to ask you beforehand.

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Edited on 06/03/16 @ 22:24:05 by navarre (#32090)

Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2015-03-03 10:28:14
((@Stygian-Zin It's perfectly fine with me :>))

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-03-03 10:39:13
Kato | Following Leon
He rounded a corner, not heading anywhere in particular. He just wanted something more exciting to happen. His prayers must have been answered as the outline of a dog came into view. He narrowed his eyes, as he tensed with eagerness. Slinking forward, Kato stayed a fair distance away from the canine, but was close enough to see the canine almost perfectly. Every few minutes, Kato grew closer. If the dog didn't hear him by now, he would for sure, smell him. If not smell him, then possibly hear the wheezing noise. With a sly, yet dark grin, Kato let a small cackle crawl up his throat. Oh, how he enjoyed this.

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Edited on 06/03/16 @ 22:24:51 by navarre (#32090)

Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2015-03-03 11:17:20

He didn't notice the other dog at first, since he was so focused in his own thoughts. However, the stench of another animal was something he did notice. It was surprising, since he didn't know that there was another living being nearby. Perhaps they were friendly? A feeling of excitement bubbled inside of him, and he swiveled his ears. Leon turned around, searching for the other animal.

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-03 12:51:52
Azrael | Interacting with Calypso & {Ater?}]

Azrael continued to trot forward into the ever-darkening night. The scuffle of paws and the scent of carriers was stronger and more clear now, making the trouble they had from being out in the open even more noticeable, more real. After a bit of walking, Azrael was pleased to find a building that looked actually accessible, seeing as the front porch of the two-legged home had a screen door, that was hanging wide open, swaying slightly in the hot gusts of wind that every once in a while occurred. Growling lowly to quietly signal to the others that he had found a somewhat suitable place to stay for the night, Azrael veered off the asphalt street he had previously been walking on, and into the sparsely vegetated yard that lay in front of the house. " I say we stay here for the night, it has easy access and easy escape routes. Besides, there may be a few rats in there." He said quietly, swiveling his one good ear as he awaited for a response from the dogs he was traveling with.

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-03-03 13:02:22

Her ears flicked over and over as she listened to the larger dog speak. She wasnt quite sure who to trust or who to follow for longer. Her clouded eyes seemed locked on the floor as she followed him aimlessly, at least to her, through the streets. "Could you give me some time to figure the place out before we go completely silent? I don't need your help doing it unless you want it to go faster." She hated asking for assistance it pained her greatly.

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42 (#50349)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-03 13:31:41
{Myka hasn't gotten into a legit fight yet. that's when she goes all berserk, other than that she can control her mental state. The disease affects her more physically than mentally}

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-03-03 21:56:02
Kato | Following Leon
You could say Kato was nearly invisible in the night, his black coat, which was duller then ever, due to how he failed to maintain. It was merely a shadow in the night. As he slithered through the darker alley way shadows, he paused. The dog had stopped, and was turning around. His gaze never completely stopped on where he stood, so the canine probably couldn't see the Carrier. He was surprised the smell didn't instantly tell the dog, Carrier, too. But most dogs were clueless like that, to his delight.

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Edited on 06/03/16 @ 22:26:51 by navarre (#32090)

tae | twp | (#39133)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 01:59:44

(Sorry guys I was gone yesterday I only read the lines of the dogs I'm interacting with T-T)
He sniffed around the yard with the other two he was with. Azrael did make a good point, but he still didn't know what to think of the female as he didn't even know her name. ''...I'm sorry, but you never said your name?'' he said turning to the female, his voice had a hint of sarcasm but he really did want to know her name. She might not be a threat but she is certainly no friend either. Although he wanted to try and be nice to her his short temper gave him away. '' Do whatever you want...Me and Azra will go search this place, you may join us if you wish.'' Ater glanced at the other male as if to signal him to move.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 06:57:06
Twist warily made his way down an abandoned street, pulling his ears back at every sound. His fur bristling, the shepherd made quite the unwelcoming sight. His lips were stretched back to reveal long, sharp teeth that glistened in the moonlight. Perhaps he would find a friend soon, perhaps not. Twist couldn't care less either way. They would all die soon anyway. He caught the scent of a rabbit and carefully tested the smell for a trace of illness. When he detected none, he proceded forward with a new goal. Clean food was scarce in this city, and a dog had to catch everything he could in this age. His eyes locked onto their hopping target and the Merle mix bolted towards it with incredible speed. He toyed with the creature, pulling back enough so it believed it had gotten away, but then dashing in and inflicting another wound. Soon the bleeding rabbit flopped into its side, breathing shallow and ragged as it bled out on the cracked pavement. Twist happily tucked into his meal while it's heart was still beating an erratic rythm.

Archangel bounced down a narrow side street, her head up as she hummed a tune to herself. The young female had no idea of what danger could his around every corner; she hadn't been exposed to the illness as of yet, and hardly knew of it's exsistance. The pretty female stopped to watch a cat as it hunted for mice before she continued on her merry little way. Archangel gave a yip as she pounced on a beetle, then rolled onto her back as she gazed upon the night sky. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth and her ears pressed up against the peak of her skull, giving her a very odd, very cute, expression.

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Whale Biologist 🐋 (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 07:17:08




He scented the air. A dog was near. He stood up slowly, careful not to wake Persica. He crouched by the doorway as he saw a slim white-and-brown splotched female came down the street. He poked his head out and looked from one side to the other. No carriers in sight. For now. "Hello, do you need shelter?" he asked in a soft voice. He couldn't imagine the innocent-looking she-dog was infected, or even cruel, like some of those hardened dogs he'd skirted.


She sat up, barely having dozed off while Abe took guard. She stood a bit wobbily and stopped just beside him, her fur brushing his. She blinked hard in the dark and whispered to him, "What's up?" then, she could see her. She usually didn't pay much attention to other dogs, because most of them just scared her, but the pretty, spotted dog outside made her wag her tail. She was so cute, with her tongue out, looking all hopeful. She tried to ignore the fact that it reminded her ever so slightly of Abe.

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-04 07:22:28
Azrael | Interacting with Ater & Calypso

Azrael lifted his head curiously as he listened to the female's request and comment. He figured silence and body language were key signals at night, mainly because any real loud noises would attract Carriers from at least a block's radius. Turning around, Azrael voiced his concerns, catching the glance that Ater had gave him, and giving a small flick of the tail to acknowledge the signal. " Before we check this place out, I would like to know exactly why you need us to-" Azrael stopped talking immediately once his eyes caught sight of the female's own. They were a glossy, {clouded?} blue. The eyes of a blind dog, that explained it. Growling lowly, he muttered a quiet, "Never mind." Though he was upset, it wasn't necessarily towards the stranger, just himself. He should have known, or noticed her disability sooner.

Turning around, back towards the house, Azrael began to trot across the dusty yard. As he was walking, he spoke to the female. " I agree with Ater, do what you wish. Though if you want help from me, I'm going to need to ask a few questions. Number one, as Ater here asked or rather pointed out, what do you call yourself?" He reached the porch as he finished the question, looking back at the female with an expression of cold thought. He waited silently for her to answer, ready to throw another question at her when she was finished.

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Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 08:19:43

He had a feeling that the other had to be near. Taking another breath, he took in the same scent from before. Following his nose, he padded to where he assumed the other was, albeit paces away, just in case. He sniffed again, making sure that he had indeed followed the scent, and not something else. "Hello?" he barked, taking notice of a black body among the surroundings.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-03-04 08:42:18
Archangel jumped to her paws excitedly as she heard another voice, her tail whipping. She gave a vigorous nod to the male's question, then cocked her narrow shepherd head to the side as a female dog came into view. "Hello!" She yapped, bounding over in two long leaps. "I'm Archangel. What's your name?" She asked, her voice, while mature, was bubbly and happy, a compete contrast to the world she now lived in. Her personality seemed as though it belonged to a puppy, not a fully grown shepherd dog. Her legs were long, her back strait as a shepherd's should be, not roach-backed as nearly the entire breed had been before the humans died out. Her ears were perched on the top of her head, slightly sideways but leaned inwards slightly. Her tail was in a lazy curl, still wagging with the ferocity of a tornado. The female was almost too pretty, her icy eyes a wonderful pop of color to her brown, black, and while face. But upon closer inspection, one could see the slight splay to her left hind paw, and the crooked twist to the end of her flagging tail. She wasn't perfect, as her carelessness to check these dogs showed. No dog was ever perfect in this age, no matter how hard any of them tried. There were always flaws that couldn't be fixed. "Do you live here?" She asked a couple of beards after her last question.

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