Posted by Harry Potter-RP Thread

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 09:31:00
Welcome to the RP Thread! Here are the rules:

-No power playing or god-modding. I understand that certain spells, such as Avada Kedavra, can be used, but please talk it over with the other player first before using it. Otherwise, you must give the other person a chance to block it.
-I allow cussing, but please don't use a curse word like three times in each sentence.
-18+ situations? I couldn't care less, but don't be TOO explicit, if ya know what I mean...

Lyanna Malfoy
Kate Blackthorne
Stella Lovegood
Tala Nightstorm
Mercury Black
Alexandria Yaeger

Gerrit Woxworth
Ashleigh Okumura
Alice Weasley
Conis Kirn

Lyle Osteen
Celeste Leving
Damien Lucas Black
Maple Sallese

Nicole Torqui

The roleplay will start with the students boarding the Hogwarts Express :3. Let us begin! XD

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 14:42:43 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

Celticwolfie (#45055)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 09:34:39
Conis Kirn/ Griffindor/ first year

Conis nodded and moved back to her bed to rest on. Once she was next to it, she pulled the blankets back and flopped onto the bed. She would yawn before curling up on the bed. She was pulling her arms to er chest while was was closing her green eyes. This was going to be a good year, though, she may have to read some of the book in the library. She wanted to learn as much as possible while trying tto figure out a path.

"Sleep well then." She said in a rather soft tone to not wake the others. She would close her eyes and soon rest. Her mind slipping off to sleep.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 09:35:55
(Now I shall put a lovely time skip in place :3
*Skips magically to the next morning*)

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 09:49:24
Namira Nafus/Second Year//Lesbian//Gryffindor

Namira yawned quietly and sat up in bed, hearing the soft mew and the scratching noises of her little lion's claws against the blankets. She looked up at the clock, shielding her eyes from the sun streaming through the window, and huffed. She really didn't want to get up today. She slid out of bed and started going through her suitcase, trying to find the robes that she had tossed into it last night. She pulled them out and quickly got changed, searching quickly for her brush and yanking it through her short hair a few times to rid it of tangles.

She turned around a picked up her lion cub, holding her against her chest and smiling like an idiot. She couldn't wait to see what classes she had today; she loved learning, especially in this place, where she could learn the things that her muggle parents told her were only fake stories. She felt a slight pang in her chest at the thought-her mother hadn't exactly liked the fact that Namira was a wizard, and had shunned her for it. She slowly made her way into the common room, minding her own business and pulling out a book she had brought down to read.

Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna sat up in bed, stretching her arms up over her head. She ran a hand through her messy blonde hair, smiling like an idiot. She looked over to see Kate still on the other side of the bed and slowly slid out of the blankets, heading for the showers as quietly as possible. Lucky for her, she had extra set of robes; she had fallen asleep in hers last night. She took a shower and changed into her new ones, moving to the mirror to brush out her long, still-wet hair. It was a painful process, and took much longer than she would have liked, but she knew she didn't want her hair to look like a rat's nest. She walked back out into the dormitory, looking for Delilah, whom she quickly found.

"Hello, love. Nice to see you in a better attitude." She chuckled as she picked up the python and slid her around her neck. She shot one last look at the bed before heading downstairs, where she would wait for Kate to get up.

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Edited on 01/01/16 @ 16:54:52 by Calla N.<<Legolas's Girl (#76766)

Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 11:08:31
Alexandria Yeager | 6th Year | Female | Bisexual | Pureblood | Slytherin | Tagged: None at the moment. Anyone in Slytherin common room who wants to interact. Open for a roommate as well.

Her alarm clock blared at the side of her bed, waking Alexandria from her slumber. She growled slightly, rolling from her lying position until her legs rested over the edge of the twin-size bed, her hand smacking tiredly at the clock until it shut it's annoying blaring. A large yawn excaped her mouth, a deep sigh slipping from her chest before she stood up. Her lithe arms stretched above her head, tilting her hips until she felt her muscles stretch tight. She hesitated a moment, before deciding she didn't need or want to take a shower. She dug through her bag, pulling out a clean set of clothes and a hairbrush.

She quickly got ready, slipping her wavy black hair into an easy ponytail before grabbing Milly, setting the petite cat on her right shoulder before heading out of her dorm room, noting her roommate hadn't awoken yet. She quickly moved into the common room, grabbing a cup of coffee before flopping down in the closest chair. "Fuck mornings." She mumbled to herself, electric blue eyes still drooped with tiredness.

Gerrit Woxworth | 6th Year | Male | Bisexual | Pureblood | Gryffindor | Tagged: None. Anyone in Gryffindor common room who wants to interact. Open for roommate as well.

Gerrit awoke naturally, having set his internal clock years ago, always waking up at the same time without the need for the obnoxious beeping. He figured it put him in a better mood anyways. He quickly slipped from his bed, cringing a little when his feet hit the cold floor. He slipped his slippers on, grabbing a towel and a fresh wardrobe before heading to she showers. Not long after, the hot water was running off his lithe muscles, his blonde hair dripping with water as he scrubbed himself.

He opted to not dry his hair off, and instead he used his fingers to brush it up into a messy blonde bun. He walked easily into the common room, smiling softly at any familiar faces he spotted. He spied a feww nervous looking first years, and gave them a bright smile, hoping it would ease their worries. It seemed to work a little, as they brightened a bit before putting a little more umph into their step and heading out of the common room. He smiled softly to himself, moving to lean against the wall with a hot cup of coffee in his hands. Well, it was mainly creamer, but there was some coffee in it.

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Celticwolfie (#45055)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 11:24:07
Conis Kirn/ first year/ Griffindor/ Bicurious

Having been used to waking early for helping her mother, Conis was up. Changing into clean clothes after a wash and brush. Brushing her teeth before leaving the girls dorm. She stopped at the stars realizing that she had forgotten the two books, she ran back up to retrieve them before coming back down. That was rather close, if she forgotten those she would've probably freaked out. She did not want to explain the notes she wrote within the pages of that book. It was something that would cause an uproar with most.

Reaching the last stop, she lept and stumbled to the couch. Thinking that she was ahead of the others, she was surprised to see others in the common room. Giving any was small smile, she walked out. She made her way to the lower floors, wanting to get both her and Flurr something to eat. Though, she would need to sneack food out of the great hall to the outdoor.s

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 11:38:06
Namira Nafus/Second Year//Lesbian//Gryffindor

Namira looked up from her book to see Conis, who seemed to be in a hurry. She smiled at nodded to her as a greeting, but she didn't think Conis had seen her greeting, so she returned to her book. Her headache from waking up so early, however, had begun to bother her, so reading was no longer an option. She sighed and put her book down, laying down across the couch and claiming almost the entire thing, propping her feet up on the side of it and dragging her little lion cub into her lap.

Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna had nothing to do but stare at the fire and pet her snake, contemplating every random thing that popped into her mind. She sighed and heard Alexandria's remark as she walked in, and Lyanna chuckled, nodding her head in agreement. "Mornings are shitty." She agreed, her eyes still fixed on the fire.

She really didn't have much to do until Kate woke up, after all, and she thought she might as well try to talk to someone else before resorting to becoming an antisocial girl who was glued to her I-Pod.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 13:05:13
Alexandria Yeager | 6th Year | Female | Bisexual | Pureblood | Slytherin | Tagged: Lyanna

Alexandria couldn't help but let out a soft snort at Lyanna's agreement with her. "Finally. Someone who doesn't think everything is rainbows and butterflies as soon as they wake up." She took another sip of her hot coffee, vaguely regretting not putting any creamer in it, but not regretting it enough to get up and go get some. One of her hands reached up, sliding across Milly's back as the cat purred brightly.

She let out another sigh, burying herself farther into the chair she currently took up. "One would think I'de be super excited on the first morning back at Hogwarts. But being at Hogwarts still won't change the fact that I hate mornings." She grumbled softly, pulling Milly from her shoulder into her lap, one hand petting the cat and the other holding her cup of coffee.

Gerrit Woxworth | 6th Year | Male | Bisexual | Pureblood | Gryffindor | Tagged: Namira, slight Conis.

Gerrit turned his head quickly when he spotted a girl almost run through the room, waving gently before she disappeared. He turned towards Namira, watching the girl set her book down before spreading out across the whole couch, pulling a little lion cub onto her lap. He smiled gently, absentmindedly petting Milly who sat atop his shoulder.

He pushed himself off the walk, strolling casually over to Namira. "You look pretty comfy there, m'lady. G'morin." He smiled brightly at the younger girl and her lion cub, his pale blue eyes waiting patiently to see what she would do.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 13:15:32
Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna chuckled at Alexandria's comment. "I, for one, have seen to much bad in life to even believe in rainbows anymore." She said softly. "Sugar, though, I do believe in. I eat too much food with too much of that for my own good." She giggled, trying to lighten the dark comment she had made. "I've always hated mornings as well. My parents always woke me up early just to peeve me and teach me all the crap they would normally teach a muggle schools. I don't know how people can stand math, I hate that shit." She chuckled.

Namira Nafus/Second Year//Lesbian//Gryffindor

Namira turned to see a boy who looked around sixteen with blonde hair striding towards her. She smiled back at him and started to move her legs. "Do you need me to move? I don't need the whole couch, you can sit on it if you like." She laughed. "Good morning to you as well. You seem rather cheery for someone who woke up quite early." She was surprised this boy was even talking to her; most of the older students completely ignored her. She wondered where he got the coffee for a moment, before finally asking. "Do you mind me asking where you got that coffee at?" She asked politely, gesturing to the cup in his hand.

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Celticwolfie (#45055)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 13:30:56
Conis Kirn/ First year/ Griffindoor/ bicurious

reaching to the great hall she managed to place food on her plate. Most of them were meet rather than normal food. She was looking to the others that might be there. Pulling the napkin out she was placing the meats off of her plant onto the napkin before wrapping it up. Then she would eat the rest of the food on her plate. The fruits, the bread and what ever left over meat that was on the plate. After drinking some juice, she got up and picked up the napkin to walk out the the yard. She looked around as she was carrying the white cloth in her hand.

The chilly air was actually helping her wake a bit more as she moving. She silently hoped that she would not need to explain every thing, but at least her mother's griffin was going to be able to run around in the forest. Speaking of the forest, she was making her way to there now.

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Aslan'sLioness (#23605)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 15:36:36
Kate smiled, "we all name our pets after people." She grinned. "Tell me more about your aunt? She seems amazing." (Sorry havnt been on. Been having internet difficulties)

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 15:38:00
(Oh yeah, recap: We had more people on, so we had a time skip. Lyanna just kinda fell asleep while talking on accident and its morning. She didn't want to wake up Kate so she went into the common room.)

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Aslan'sLioness (#23605)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 15:39:32
(Oh. Im sorry. )

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 15:40:46
(Oh no, it's fine, I need to recap everytime someone gets back on X3 you didn't do anything wrong)

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Aslan'sLioness (#23605)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 15:43:18
(Where do I come in?)

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-01 15:45:11
(Ah, I would maybe just have her wake up or something and go into the common room. That's where Lyanna is, anyways.)

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