Posted by Lion R.P Clouds Shadows: Pm to Join!

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-02 03:50:41
The Clouds Shadows

It's a new generation. Lions are alone and prides are breaking. Lions wander not knowing where to go or what to do. Most wish for a pride. Will they join together? If so will they fight for power?
In these times the only protection is under the Clouds Shadows.

Welcome to the RP! In this RP all lions start out loners then slowly come together to form a pride. You pay start off in pairs you like, say if you have cubs or a sibling. The goal for our pride is to survive and prosper. Everyone has place in the pride. Like a hierarchy. Once we meet then we decide who and where the roles will go.

Code for looks:
<*img src="" height=350 width=400>
(Just remove the *)
Plan Cubs with the one you bred with. Split evenly unless it's just one cub.

Character Form:
Look: Link (use coding if you know how.)
Personality: RP'ed out (Optional)
Desired rank:
Other: Read the Rules

Rules, Must Read:
- Follow lioden rules
- Fade when breeding and birthing
- Ask for permission before killing or breeding
- I decide the weather and time of day
-The Queen is the main decision maker along with the king. The sub-queen is the kings true mate, she has less work to do to mainly watching over the cubs and lead breeder.
- The king may breed with any breeder female
- The Queen may only be bred with the king. (UNLESS. You really want that drama. *Wink. WINK*)
- Subs must consult with the king before breeding
- Put @ next to your lions name if in heat
- All females can be bred with by the king, unless there mates with a sub at some point. Hunters and healers have a choice.
-Sexuality is an option; If gay or other put in Other
-Pregnancy last 3 Days, and nursing last 6. Each day is a day but counts as (.5 months for age.) So two days= 1Month.
- Be respectful of your fellow RP'ers
- At least 2 sentences per post
- Be literate
- No powers or god modding
- Cussing is allowed but no offensive words please
-If you've read these rules. In other write "Eagar Beaver", This will change every time someone signs up.
- You may have as many characters as you want. BUT you are not allowed to be your own mate.
- Please try to use lioden wardrobe for your lions looks but if you have a piece of fanart you are just dying to use, you may use that. No real lions.
-If you become inactive in the RP with out telling anyone your role may be given to another player or dismissed all together (and what I mean by inactive is if you are not on lioden at all for say a week.) Please let us know if you are not going to be on; and or need a hiatus for your character.

The Pride: Koharu Pride. (Pm for meaning)
- Haku

His True Mate_Sub-Queen: Mwako (Testing)






- Coahoma



Post format: lion name - pride and rank - in heat or not/wounded or not.

Watering Hole
Hunting Area

Heat= @
Wounded= W
Pregnancy= P1, P2, P3
Nursing= N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6
Cubs can be controled by player at 3mths but must not wonder away from mother until weaned at 7mths
Aging= Every 1Day is 2Mth, unless your 1yr and under, then it's treated as a day.

Character Sheets

View and Post Character Sheets

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Edited on 08/03/16 @ 19:11:16 by AYO(GravityFalls)801 (#66355)

Kupigwa (#83577)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 06:25:43
Nyumbani, Female, In Koharu Pride, 1 year and 6 months, Tagged: Haku.

The young lioness sat next to the king while calling the other lions. She was a little... nervous. Nyu had not talked to many lions since she was a cub, and Nyumbani feared that others reject her.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 06:29:42
King Haku|2yrs 8Mths|Male

Haku looked over to the young one after he made his speach. "So kid, what position do you want?" He nugged her playfully and with intrest. She was quite. "You know, the more you speak the more I and they will know about you. What I know roght now is already pretty nice."

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Kupigwa (#83577)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 06:33:30
Nyumbani, Female, In Koharu Pride, 1 year and 6 months, Tagged: Haku.

'' We-well... '' She stammered a bit. '' I do n-not know. I've never been in a pride, ya' know? '' Nyu said a little sad. '' I do not know what are the ranges. ''

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 06:38:29
King Haku|2yrs 8Mths|Male

Haku nodded in understanding. "Well lets see. The ranks are:
King, My Sub-Queen(A.k.a. True mate), Heirs, Subs, Hunters, Breeders, Healers, Adolescents, Cubs. I'm the King of course. The cubs are too young to choose a rank though I let Adolescents so they may train in that area. Heirs are a Rank I shall choose later on life, subs are strictly for males." He allowed her to think on it, he would not pressure her.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 06:43:04
Mwako/ Loner/ 4 Years old / Female

She couldn't help but smile at Haku's words. He seemed like a strong and caring lion, perhaps they would be more compatible then either thought. "It never hurts to try" she found herself blushing slightly realizing that she had offered herself as his potential mate. But she turned her head to look at Koi who now nuzzled into her. "And you and Betta are beautiful princesses, and always will be in my eyes" she purred as she ran her tongue over Koi's head.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 07:15:27
King Haku|2yrs 8Mths|Male
Cub Betta|8Mths|Female
Cub Koi|8Mths|Female

__________________________________________________________________________________Koi enjoyed the comfort. Betta looked at them with a small sense of sarrow. She though would not allow them to know this. She looked at Haku and pounced on him. "Your our step-dad then. We've never had a dad. Right Koi?" She looked over to Koi who looked up in awe. "Thats true! Our mama said our real dad abandoned us because. Well the same reason she did." She was dissapointed for a second but it faded when she looked at Mwako, then back at Betta. "I'm sure that we won't be left alone again." Haku watched with sad confusion. Betta noticed and took a moment to whisper an explanation. "Well thats just insane. You two are the cutest little things I've met. I mean Betta look it how tough you are. Koi, your just so smart" For his nexxt sentience he bowed low so it seemingky was just them three that was to hear it, though obvious to anyone. "As for Mwako. We are three lucky lions."

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 07:53:51
Loner|Ignis|Male|1 year

Smiling at Haku he turned towards Mei and Dunkel, sitting next to them he looked at the lioness and lion besides them. 'Healers huh? I better start getting to know them, I will probably end up in their care way too often' Nodding towards them, he playfully bumped Mei "So great huntress and body guard Mei, any chance I could be a hunter?" Ignis knew that he would probably be made an apprentice before he became a hunter but he didn't care, hunting has always been one of his favourite things, that and flirting with everyone.

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bucky barnes
{1032/3000} (#48555)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 08:02:03

Erebus } Adol

Erebus watched as the various lions went up one at a time to get their preferred position. He had no clue as to what he wanted to be or what he'd be most useful as. He could probably be a hunter, or maybe he could be the one to watch after the cubs. The thought of the various jobs that the pride needed to be filled was a bit overwhelming. Everyone already had a good idea of what they should be.

The adolescent saw Opeyami talking with a female he identified as Mei. Hopefully the male wouldn't mind if Erebus took refuge next to him.

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Kupigwa (#83577)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 08:18:50
Nyumbani, Female, In Koharu Pride, 1 year and 6 months, Tagged: Haku.

'' I-I dont kn-know... '' Nyumbani hesitated and then asked. '' What would be better? I could be a hunter, but... '' Nyu hesitated again. '' I do not know. ''

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Dina RSC (#81592)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-02-12 08:53:39
Leola, Female, Loner, 4 years, @
She looked around at the others, and thought that nobody would pay her any attention even if she tried. She walked over to a place away from the others and sat, and cried, her shoulders shook, and the sobs came. She glanced at the others, and turned away, feeling like she was left out.

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Hiamovi (Dragon
Decor Master) (#73407)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-02-12 12:10:54
Coahoma|Female|9 years|Healer

"I'm glad to meet you too Mei," she smiled, as she gave her a few licks of affection. "Hope you will find one that you fancy soon..." With that, she stepped back, watching as another lion stepped up to her. Looking at the gear he had on him, she thought that he definitely must be a healer and shaman like her. Being patient, she waited for him to be done with his application so she would be able to have a talk with him.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:17:35
Loner Dunkel|8yrs 10Mths|Male
Loner Mei|2Yrs 8Mths|Female
Loner Haku|2yrs 8Mths|Male

Mei smiled at Ignis. "Hunter? I can see why you would end up in the healers caree already. I suppose adding Hunter to you list will add a reasonable reason." She smiled and nodded. "Hunter it is. At least for now Hunter in training, though I'm sure your already skilled well in that area."
Haku made sure to keep patient. There was no reason to rush things. "Alright kid. You can be a Huntress in training for now. Just to test the waters until or unless you find something else you'd like to do." He aknowledged her fear, and made sure not to put her on the spot, so to say.
If there was anything, anything at all in the world. It was hearing the noise that was crying. It made him angry rather than pitiful. He stood up and did his best to keep his claws kept away. He stood tall and loomed. Looking down on the crying adult lioness. Keeping his anger away from his voice. "There is no reason to be so childish. You are a grown lioness are you not? What position are you aiming for?" He sat looking highly serious. He would end the crying any way possible out of sheer annoyance. "What's bothering you? The position already taken? Some type of pain? Your heat?" He could easily smell the heat. It was strong. Of course it was usual for a male to take a female imeadietly if she was in heat though he was not that type if male. He didn't even know her name.
"I am Dunkel. You are?"

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:25:29
Mwako/ Loner/ 4 Years old / Female

Watching Haku speak with the cubs her smile only grew, he seemed to be great with cubs, after all Betta had already taking a liking to him. It gave her great pleasure from them to call her their mother, knowing that she could never replace a mother. But in their case she could just take over where their own had failed. Looking down at Koi she couldn't help but notice how filthy the cub was. "My goodness you are filthy Koi" she exclaimed silently. "You two will definitely be needing a bath"

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:33:02

Zira is relieved that they are just sleeping. Her eyes glimmered when the lioness said a pride. She placed her tail up high and perked her head up, closing her eyes. "May I join? I'm a good hunter and good protection for cubs." She say down and folded her ears. "Or do I have to talk to your king?" She added smiling a bit. Trying not to seem threatening with that, smile.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:49:29
Look: 2dj73fc.jpg
Name: Kalin
Gender: Male
Age: 10Yrs
Personality: RP'ed out
Desired rank: Sub-Breeder
Family: Children Spreaded Around
Mate: Passed On. (Wanting new one)

Loner Kalin||10Yrs|Male
The gaint elder male wondered towards a large source of water. Very much tired from his journey, only holding some regret over leaviny his children to pursue his own dreams. To move on from the past. It was not right to abandon cubs he knew that. He did so anyways, he left them in the care of his older children. He knew they'd be best off. He was wrong. He also figured that the moment he was too far off to go back. He had to move forward and this forming pride seemed to be it. He was listening in on the words a bit off into the tall grass. He approached and sat in the background. Waiting for a moment to speak.

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