Posted by The ShadowClaws [RP THREAD]

DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 09:25:50

Welcome The ShadowClaws...
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The NightShades [RP THREAD]

yosemite-winter-wallpaper-2.jpg:: Brief Description Of Land |Source ::
This is the whole land viewed by birds eye view

:: Introduction ::

Most of these dragons are the survivors of the dragon purge that had happen. These dragons seek vengeance on the humans for they had killed most of their kind. They live in the mountains and hide from the humans since they know humans don't venture up the mountians. Here they take refuge and watch the whole land from above. There is a down fall to living in the mountains though, there's not much prey that come up the mountians, so they share hunting grounds with another pack and are serperated by a boarder.

:: The ShadowClaws ::   

AMqhEz.jpg:: Brief Description Of Territory |Source ::

A rocky, baren land and is winter all year round, less life around these parts of the land.

:: Rankings ::

:: Alpha ::
~ Castigador | Male | 12 Years Old | Played by :
DarkHydra ( #95687 )

:: Beta ::
~ Vixen | Female | 6 Years Old | Played by :
WildFire ( #36595 )

~ Crota | Male | 8 Years Old | Played by :
Shy**BBS** ( #51494 )

:: Shaman ::
~ Ostara | Female | 12 Years Old | Played by :
BlazeRed ( #27478 )

:: Warriors ::
~ Khsari | Female | 5 Years Old | Played by :
InsertCleverNameHere ( #36227 )

~ Dark Dreams | Female | 9 Years Old| Played by :
Nyx [BrF] ( #76015 )

Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Hunters ::
~ Lilith | Female | 7 Years Old | Played by :
Nyx [BrF] ( #76015 )

~ Jester | Male | 11 Years Old | Played by :
Joker ( #93618 )

Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Warrior apprentices ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Hunter apprentices ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Shaman apprentice ::
~ Zyalon | Male | 6 1/2 Years Old | Played by :
Winterpup ( #38121 )

:: Den Mothers ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Hatchlings ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :


:: Hunting Grounds ::

forests-of-north-america.jpg:: Brief Description Of Territory ::

The hunting grounds are shared and the orange path is the border lines. None of the other pack may pass or chase prey in the other packs territory. If found guilty of passing they shall be captured and kept in the camp of the others until the alpha themselves come in peace to the others camp and escorts their packmate back home and shall recieve a punishment. If prey has been chased from ones side and the prey goes to the other you are not to kill it since it is on the other side.

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 14:38:04 by DarkHydra (#95687)

DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 09:57:45
Castigador // Male // Alpha // 12 // Location: Alpha Den // Mentions: None

Castigador woke up quickly. He had a nightmare... the same one that he's been having for the past 5 years. He always had dreams of watching his family die, he's been having the same nightmare for 5 years and he still hasn't gotten used to having it. He was the alpha of his pack so he acted like he wasn't scared of anything but there was one thing that did.... the thought of his family dying. This is wht made him hate the humans. This is why the Shadowclaws will rule. All humans will pay. All humans will die. Castidor got ready as he walked out of the Alpha den, ready to command the ShadowClaws and lead them to victory!

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 17:01:57 by DarkHydra (#95687)

Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 10:48:27
Lilith|Female|Hunter|7|Shadowclaw|Hunting Grounds|Mentions: Crota in thoughts

Lilith was blending into the grass as she watched a flock of goats graze on the grass. She slowly opened her wings and sprang on top of a large goat and killed it quickly. Without wasting another second she lept onto another and killed it too. By the time the others ran she had already killed 4 of them. 'That should feed Crota and some of the pack' she though triumphantly as she grabbed a goat in each claw and carried them back to the dens.

Dark Dreams|Female|Warrior|9|Shadowclaw|Warriors Den|Mentions: Open

Dark Dreams was crouched in the darkest corner of the den getting ready to brace the daylight and find another warrior to spar with so she could hone her strengths again. She sighed as she stood up and slowly walked into the light. She winced as the light hit her eyes and closed her eyes into slits. She looked back at her shining blackish brown scales and her translucent wings and smiled cruel as she though about spilling human blood on them.
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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 07:37:48 by Nyx [BrF] (#76015)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 10:52:02
Crota | Male | Beta| 8 years old | Location: Beta Den|

The large brute stood slowly, the night had offered no sleep. His one good eye looked out of the den as he made his way into the light of the new day. Crota looked towards the Alpha's den noticing as Castigador made his way out. His tail flicked across the ground as he decided to make his way over. "Sleep well?" his deep voice spOkeechobee out as he approached his alpha.

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DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 11:15:57
Castigador // Male // Alpha // 12 // Location: Camp // Mentions: Crota

As he walked out one of his betas came out to the camp and asked if Castigador slept well. "No" he replied. "I had the dream again Crota, and it hasn't gotten any better." "But no matter... How about you? Did you sleep well?" he asked. He kept thinking about the dream. He thought about if tht ever happened to his clan... If he ever let tht happen... He'd never forgive himself....

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DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 11:18:40

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 18:18:57 by DarkHydra (#95687)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 11:25:43
Khsari | Female | 5 years | Warrior | Shadowclaw

Khsari tapped her forked tail against the ground, even though she was still curled around herself. The lean she-dragon had been awake for some time now, but hadn't felt like getting up quite yet. Though as the world began to whir into motion around her, she changed her mind. She lifted her dished face from where it lay on rough bear fur and yawned, revealing long, sharp teeth. She lifted herself on the knuckles of her wings and placed her feet below her, crawling out of her mountain cave. She was the only dragon she knew of who lacked true front legs, instead using the strong, boney knuckles of her wing to stabilize her front end. The dragon lingered for a moment on the edge, taking in the cool, crisp air before leaping from her perch and unfurling her patterned, leathery wings.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 15:03:37
Ostara // Female // Shaman // 12 Years Old // Location: Camp // Mentions: Castigador & Crota

Ostara awoke from the same, tormenting dreams she had gotten almost every night in a row since the purge of dragons. They were horrible nightmares, filled with blood, cries for help and the smell of death. The dreams had really bothered her for the first few weeks, but she had gotten used to them now. She missed the forests, and felt like the dreams were the only things keeping her in the mountains, and away from the trees, reminding her of what horrible, blood-thirsty creatures infested it now.

Slowly, she stood up and walked outside. The morning sunlight struck her white scales as soon as she stepped out of her den, making them glitter like diamonds. Her golden gaze landed upon Castigator and Crota, and she decided to try and talk to the two, hoping it would take her mind off the nightmares. "Good morning, *Hodoerea." She greeted the two, using the word her tribe would use to address higher-ranking dragons "I hope I'm not intruding on an important conversation."

[*"Hodoer(ea)" means "Wise one(s)" in the language of Ostara's tribe, she's going to be using it a lot when greeting higher-ranking dragons :)]

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 21:20:21
Crota | Male | Beta| 8 years old | Location: Camp| Mentions: Castigador, Ostara

Crota frowned as Castigador told him that the nightmare that haunted him had only grown worse. He never had nightmares about his past, as he as constantly reminded of what was done to him, all he had to do was look behind him. There wasn't much he could do other than to try and comfort the brute and Castigador didn't seem like the type to want that. "Castigador...If you are thinking about what I think you are, you know that it won't happen. I won't allow them to make it up that mountian." he felt a low rumble in his chest but forced it away. "I maybe useless as a dragon but I won't fail at protecting them" His voiced trailed as Ostara approached them. "Good morning Ostara."

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 11:23:12 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 00:53:38
Lilith|Female|Hunter|7|Shadowclaw|Hunting Grounds|Mentions: Crota, Castigador, Ostara

Lilith was reaching the Shadowclaw camp when she spotted her long time crush Crota talking to her alpha, Castigador and their shaman, Ostara. She slowly descended into the camp with the four heavy goats still in her claws. As soon as she landed she dragged one over for each of her higher ranking pack mates. "Alpha Castigador, the largest goat I could find, you need your strength especially with how tired you look. You to Crota! You look like you haven't slept in ages! Ostara, how have you been?" She said as she passed the goats to their respective dragon.

Dark Dreams|Female|Warrior|9|Shadowclaw|Warriors Den|Mentions: Crota, Castigador, Ostara, Lilith

Dark Dreams eyes locked on her alpha, beta, and shaman all sitting in the same space. Her belly growled at the scent of freshly killed goat. Looking up she saw the small green dragon they call Lilith with a large goat in each claw. 'Well with her around we will all eat well!' she thought as she walked over to where they kept their food. She waited until Lilith landed and took three of the goats over to their superiors only to take the last one for herself. She tore the fur from the body and laid it to the side. Hearing the crunch of the bones breaking and shattering made her smile as she ate the goat.

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DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 04:09:18
Castigador // Male // Alpha // 12 // Location: Den // Mentions: Crtoa, Ostara, Lilith, Dark Dreams

Castigador greeted everyone as they came. He then adressed Crota silently "I know you won't Crota. I know everyone of you would fight fearlessly to protect each other, but it's just the 'Wht if?' that kills me." Castigador then excepted the goat from Lilith and said "Thank you Lilith!" He then stated "Everyone must be careful, I can feel something is coming. I don't know if it's good or bad but it's something and it's definitely something to be very careful of" he looked at them all with a serious look in his eyes hoping that his message was clearly heard.

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Wintersolstice (#38121)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 04:40:37
Zyalon // Male // Shaman apprentice // 6 1/2 // Location: Shaman den// Mentions: Ostara

His tail sweeping back and forth restless in his sleep as he dreamt of soaring above the clouds with his parents free from the harm that was caused by the curse of the humans it ended up coming to a bitter sweet ending. Slowly opening his eyes and gazing around the den in which he shared with his mentor, Ostara, he sits up. Talons scraping against the cold rock he stretches out his cramped wings and his tail swishes over his hind legs. Running his tongue over his fangs his foggy mind finally came to a realization that his mentor had already left the den and began the day. Standing up he scans over their supply list making a mental note of whatever he could remember to get if they were low on stock. Thats normally how he would busy himself seeing as he wasn't that grand in knowing their purpose yet. First step, learn what the herbs are and where to find them.

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Wintersolstice (#38121)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 04:41:06
( Btw, hi i'm the new Shaman apprentice. ^-^ )

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 04:58:55
Crota | Male | Beta| 8 years old | Location: Camp| Mentions: Castigador, Ostara, Lilith

Crota nodded, if Castigador felt something coming then they should all be prepared for what ever it was. The though of humans made his blood boil, the scars where is wings used to be began to hurt sending a sharp pain through his back and spine. His head turned looking at Lilith, he couldn't help but admire her beautiful green scales as she handed him a goat. "Care to share this with me?" he offered picking up the goat and moving closer to her.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 05:33:23
Lilith|Female|Hunter|7|Shadowclaw|Hunting Grounds|Mentions: Crota

Lilith blushed under her green scales and nodded in agreement. She moved as close as she dared and tried to look at anything but Crota. Her mind raced at the closeness of Crota and she tried to take a bite of the goat but got a mouthful of fur and hid her embarrassment under her wings. "So Crota, have you though about taking a mate yet? Shadowclaw needs more dragons to make it stronger." she asked still hiding behind her wing.

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Wintersolstice (#38121)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 05:39:40
Zyalon // Male // Shaman apprentice // 6 1/2 // Location: Camp// Mentions: Ostara, Lilith, Dark-dreams, Castigador, Crota

Ungracefully swooping to his feet and folding his wings back up by his side once more he works his way out of the den and lets out a small hiss his eyes narrowing due to the glaring sunlight. Shaking his head and squinting to see his gaze sweeps over the dragons in the clearing. " Good morning high ones, good morning Lilith and Dark dreams." he dips his head in greeting and works his way over to Ostara to stand beside his mentor. Small and scrawny compared to her in size comparison he sweeps his tail over his talons in a self-conscious manor.

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