Posted by The ShadowClaws [RP THREAD]

DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 09:25:50

Welcome The ShadowClaws...
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The NightShades [RP THREAD]

yosemite-winter-wallpaper-2.jpg:: Brief Description Of Land |Source ::
This is the whole land viewed by birds eye view

:: Introduction ::

Most of these dragons are the survivors of the dragon purge that had happen. These dragons seek vengeance on the humans for they had killed most of their kind. They live in the mountains and hide from the humans since they know humans don't venture up the mountians. Here they take refuge and watch the whole land from above. There is a down fall to living in the mountains though, there's not much prey that come up the mountians, so they share hunting grounds with another pack and are serperated by a boarder.

:: The ShadowClaws ::   

AMqhEz.jpg:: Brief Description Of Territory |Source ::

A rocky, baren land and is winter all year round, less life around these parts of the land.

:: Rankings ::

:: Alpha ::
~ Castigador | Male | 12 Years Old | Played by :
DarkHydra ( #95687 )

:: Beta ::
~ Vixen | Female | 6 Years Old | Played by :
WildFire ( #36595 )

~ Crota | Male | 8 Years Old | Played by :
Shy**BBS** ( #51494 )

:: Shaman ::
~ Ostara | Female | 12 Years Old | Played by :
BlazeRed ( #27478 )

:: Warriors ::
~ Khsari | Female | 5 Years Old | Played by :
InsertCleverNameHere ( #36227 )

~ Dark Dreams | Female | 9 Years Old| Played by :
Nyx [BrF] ( #76015 )

Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Hunters ::
~ Lilith | Female | 7 Years Old | Played by :
Nyx [BrF] ( #76015 )

~ Jester | Male | 11 Years Old | Played by :
Joker ( #93618 )

Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Warrior apprentices ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Hunter apprentices ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Shaman apprentice ::
~ Zyalon | Male | 6 1/2 Years Old | Played by :
Winterpup ( #38121 )

:: Den Mothers ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Hatchlings ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :


:: Hunting Grounds ::

forests-of-north-america.jpg:: Brief Description Of Territory ::

The hunting grounds are shared and the orange path is the border lines. None of the other pack may pass or chase prey in the other packs territory. If found guilty of passing they shall be captured and kept in the camp of the others until the alpha themselves come in peace to the others camp and escorts their packmate back home and shall recieve a punishment. If prey has been chased from ones side and the prey goes to the other you are not to kill it since it is on the other side.

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 14:38:04 by DarkHydra (#95687)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 05:46:43
Crota | Male | Beta| 8 years old | Location: Camp| Mentions: Lilith, Zyalon

Crota couldn't help but chuckle as the smaller female tried to hide her embarrassment. Her question about a mate though almost made him blush, yes he would have liked one but honestly no one wanted a broke dragon. "Me have a mate? I ain't that great. Besides who wants a dragon that can't fly and is blind in one eye?" he chuckled but a glint of sadness flashed across his face. He tried to never let it get to him but sometimes it was just hard.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 05:53:09
Lilith|Female|Hunter|7|Shadowclaw|Hunting Grounds|Mentions: Crota

Lilith scoffed at what Crota said and put her wing back at her side. "It shouldn't matter what the dragon looks like, it should only matter if they actually care about their mate. For example I don't care that you can't fly or that you are blind in your one eye! Those stupid humans did that to you. It is not who you are, you are different on the inside Crota. You have to look past appearances and look at what that dragon is like." she growled. Once she realized what she said her eyes widened and she looked at Crota hoping he didn't hear the last thing she said.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 06:49:15
Khsari | Female |5 years | Warrior

Khsari circled the borders in the air, patrolling for outsiders and forming an appetite. An unlucky bird crossed her path and was subsequently snatched by the dragon's thin jaws. It did little to sate her hunger, but would do for now. As the she-dragon soared on the air currents, she watched the world around her from the sky. A cluster of tan, brown, and grey specks in the distance revealed the humans' village, fanning a flare of hatred in Khsari's belly.

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 13:49:33 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 07:49:06

Jester | Male | 11 | Hunter | Location : Hunter Den | Mentions : Castigador

Jester had recently join this pack. So far it was.. Ok. He was currently sleeping in the hunters den. He opens his eyes with irritation as the voices of others awoke him from his slumber. How can someone get sleep here when everyone is so loud He snorted at his own thought. He lashed his tail around with irritation as he perched himself up with his two front arms ( he has no back legs ). He slithers out of the cold rocky den. His glowing eyes faded as the light hit them. He let his eyes adjust to the sunlight as he sees commotion coming from the north of the den, where others suddenly dispersed as he came to see Castigador was at the center of all of it. He made his way over to the alpha and coiled his beaten tail around his body and sat next to the alpha." Good Morning Castigador." he said as his tounge flickered after he spoke.

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 14:50:59 by Joker (#93618)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 09:19:48
Crota | Male | Beta| 8 years old | Location: Camp| Mentions: Lilith

This time Crota felt his face grow warm. Was Lilith trying to confess something to him. "Are you trying to tell me something Lilith?" he whispered as he leaned down and nudged her. His one functioning eye looked her over admiring her beauty. Yes it was true Crota had a crush on Lilith, he had taken a liking to her the moment he laid eyes on her. He had never thought that she would even think of him in the same way, was it possible she did?

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 23:26:40
Ostara // Female // Shaman // 12 Years Old // Location: Camp // Mentions: Castigador, Zyalon

Ostara listened to Castigador's warning, a flash of concern appearing in her golden eyes. She had a feeling that this threat he felt coming might have to do with humans, or the pack of dragons they were raising in her old home. "Whatever is coming, I'm sure we'll be able to handle it. Violence is not in my nature, but know that I will fight for this pack if it's necessary. I've had my home taken before, and I won't allow it to happen again." She told him before looking over to Crota and Lilith. "On a lighter note, it seems like we'll have a new couple within the pack soon." She whispered to him, a small smile easing onto her features.

Hearing the familiar voice of Zyalon, she turned her head to rest her gaze upon the apprentice. "Morning, young one." She said happily. Soon noticing that he seemed a little self-concious, she nudged his shoulder, trying to help him ease up a little. "Have you checked the herb stocks already?"

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 00:01:28
Lilith|Female|Hunter|7|Shadowclaw|Camp|Mentions: Crota

Lilith blushed and looked at Crota shyly. She looked at her claws before answering. "Umm... well the thing is... umm." she said shyly. "Well I really like you Crota!" she said quickly hoping he didn't reject her. She quickly became fascinated with the barely touched goat laying in front of her. She played with the fur and traced little patterns in the ground trying to distract herself from her embarrassment.

Dark Dreams|Female|Warrior|9|Shadowclaw|Camp|Mentions: Crota, Lilith

Dark Dreams quickly finished her goat and looked over to see Crota and Lilith becoming quite close. She stood up and opened her wings, preparing to take flight. She crouched down and sprang up into the air and flapped her wings to move her self forward. She zoomed around the camp a couple times before heading for the boarder to do a patrol.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 01:07:58
Crota | Male | Beta| 8 years old | Location: Camp| Mentions: Lilith

Crota chuckled as Lilith spoke quickly, gently his nudged her side with his nose. "So you like this old battered dragon huh? his features softening as she began to trace patterns. "Well I guess that is fitting because I rather like you to Lilith, always have" his deep voice rumbled as he moved even closer to her. His tail moved brushing over hers, he was glad that she had finally said something. But as if it wasn't clear that the two had liked each other before, there was now no question about it. "I would be honored to have you as my mate Lilith" he whispered softly so only she could hear him.

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DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 01:27:09
Castigador // Male // 12 // Alpha // Main Den // Jester, Crota, Lillith

Castidor watched as Jester made his way over to him, sat down, and said good morning. "Good morning" Castigador responded. "How r u on this bright morning?" He asked. As he waited for a response, he saw as Crota and Lilith did some talking and then suddenly something changed between them. They seemed... happier now? Castigador was confused. He was pretty sure some mates were just made but he wasn't gonna say anything just in case he was wrong. He looked up at the bright sky and thought. He then became aware that his family was all in this one area. All in the mountains. Together. He smiled realizing that their family would continue to get bigger and bigger for as long as they all would live.

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Edited on 26/08/16 @ 08:28:07 by DarkHydra (#95687)

Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 01:34:10
Lilith|Female|Hunter|7|Shadowclaw|Camp|Mentions: Crota

Lilith smiled when Crota whispered to her. "Crota I will be your wings and I will be your sight. I will be your mate, your love, your everything. But only if you will be mine." she whispered as she put her head under his chin. "I don't care that you are battered. I care that you are you and that is all I need." she said liking the way they fit together. Her tail moved over to his and curled around it.

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Wintersolstice (#38121)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 02:57:54
Zyalon // Male // Shaman apprentice // 6 1/2 // Location: Camp// Mentions: Ostara

He lets out a small rumbling laugh a small smile spreading across his face, " Of course i have. I've already made a list of the ones we're running out of as well. Would you like me to go look for them?" he questions excitement laced into his voice. He didn't know why he truly got so excited ever doing simple things such as finding herbs used for remedies. It was most likely because for once he felt like he belonged, he felt useful. The tenseness he had earlier had since vanished the moment Ostara opened her mouth.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 04:37:23

Jester | Male | 11 Years Old | Hunter | Location: Camp | Mentions: Castigador

" I'm quite well, Thank you for asking." he said with a curtious nod to the Alpha." This is a nice place you have chosen for your pack." he said with glint of satisfaction hidden in his glowing white eyes. Over all this place is ideal for dragons escaping the cluches of humans. he said in his head as he thought of the humans. Ugh.. Humans. They are nothing but mer peasants. All they do is stay in their tiny, mimble homes and kill. he shook the thought of humans and decided to ask the alpha a question." So how do the hunters hunt, and where do they hunt?" he asked with curiosity as his forked tounge flickered.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 05:33:06
Khsari | Female | 5 years | Warrior

Khsari began to descend slowly as her stomach started to rumble. The food pile lay below her, stocked with deer, goats, a few cattle, and some sheep along with other, miscellaneous carcasses. The smell drifted into her nostrils, coaxing her mouth to water as she approached the ground. She extended her toes and spread out her wings as she descended, the air slowing her down considerably until her feet hit the ground. She stood up on her legs for a moment before supporting her front on the knuckles of her wings. Khsari extended her neck toward the pile of carcasses and grasped a limp, black sheep from the top. She set it gently in front of her and began to tear at the flesh.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 07:55:58

Jester | Male | 11 | Hunter | Location: Camp | Mentions: Castigador and Valerix

His thoughts were suddenly disrupted by a screech of a dragon. His ear twitched as the loud screeched ringed though his ears. He didn't know if it was him hearing things or was it real, so he decided to ask his Alpha that was right next to him." Castigador, did you hear that? Sounds like its coming from down the mountain." he said with his tounge flicking. It didn't sound like it was from anyone from their pack, can it be another pack's member in trouble? He wanted to know but he couldn't unless Castigardor came along. His eyes glowed with anticipation.

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Edited on 26/08/16 @ 15:00:21 by Joker (#93618)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 08:02:10
Khsari | Female | 5 years | Warrior

Khsari abruptly lifted her head, a scrap of flesh hanging from the corner of her mouth. She quickly lifted her head and let the scrap drop into her mouth, swallowing it whole. "What," she asked, cocking her head in confusion. She'd let Castigador handle it mostly, but she knew he'd ask her to stay close behind.

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