Posted by The ShadowClaws [RP THREAD]

DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 09:25:50

Welcome The ShadowClaws...
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The NightShades [RP THREAD]

yosemite-winter-wallpaper-2.jpg:: Brief Description Of Land |Source ::
This is the whole land viewed by birds eye view

:: Introduction ::

Most of these dragons are the survivors of the dragon purge that had happen. These dragons seek vengeance on the humans for they had killed most of their kind. They live in the mountains and hide from the humans since they know humans don't venture up the mountians. Here they take refuge and watch the whole land from above. There is a down fall to living in the mountains though, there's not much prey that come up the mountians, so they share hunting grounds with another pack and are serperated by a boarder.

:: The ShadowClaws ::   

AMqhEz.jpg:: Brief Description Of Territory |Source ::

A rocky, baren land and is winter all year round, less life around these parts of the land.

:: Rankings ::

:: Alpha ::
~ Castigador | Male | 12 Years Old | Played by :
DarkHydra ( #95687 )

:: Beta ::
~ Vixen | Female | 6 Years Old | Played by :
WildFire ( #36595 )

~ Crota | Male | 8 Years Old | Played by :
Shy**BBS** ( #51494 )

:: Shaman ::
~ Ostara | Female | 12 Years Old | Played by :
BlazeRed ( #27478 )

:: Warriors ::
~ Khsari | Female | 5 Years Old | Played by :
InsertCleverNameHere ( #36227 )

~ Dark Dreams | Female | 9 Years Old| Played by :
Nyx [BrF] ( #76015 )

Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Hunters ::
~ Lilith | Female | 7 Years Old | Played by :
Nyx [BrF] ( #76015 )

~ Jester | Male | 11 Years Old | Played by :
Joker ( #93618 )

Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Warrior apprentices ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Hunter apprentices ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Shaman apprentice ::
~ Zyalon | Male | 6 1/2 Years Old | Played by :
Winterpup ( #38121 )

:: Den Mothers ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :

:: Hatchlings ::
Name | Gender | Age | Played by :


:: Hunting Grounds ::

forests-of-north-america.jpg:: Brief Description Of Territory ::

The hunting grounds are shared and the orange path is the border lines. None of the other pack may pass or chase prey in the other packs territory. If found guilty of passing they shall be captured and kept in the camp of the others until the alpha themselves come in peace to the others camp and escorts their packmate back home and shall recieve a punishment. If prey has been chased from ones side and the prey goes to the other you are not to kill it since it is on the other side.

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 14:38:04 by DarkHydra (#95687)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-01 12:31:09
Tuzkren | Male | 4.5 years | Rogue

The sturdy, copper-scaled dragon galloped through the trees as a rather sizable goat fled ahead of him, running for its life. Determined, Tuzkren lurched forward, extending his strides until he was in the air not far above the ground with his wings spread. He gained on the goat quickly now, eventually coming close enough to land again and pounce at the prey. The body of the goat became trapped between the Norwegian dragon's powerful jaws and it kicked and squirmed in protest. In a quick maneuver, the dragon pinned his prey under a large front leg and grabbed its head, flicking his neck to immediately end the goat's life. He set it on the ground before him and settled, laying on the grassy ground as he began to tear into his meal's flesh.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 07:50:08
LIlith|Female|7|Hunter|Beta Den|Mentions Crota

Lilith smiled in her sleep as she felt Crota lay down around her and set his head on her back. She dreamt of their future together and what their future hatchlings would look like. She slept peacfully curled in Crota's side and soaked in his touch. She woke up in the wee hours of the morning but didn't move wanting to be comforted by the feeling of him and wanting to make sure he slept well.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 12:22:59
Khsari | Female | 5 years | Warrior

Khsari spread out her toes and landed on the ledge of her cave. Yawning with wide jaws, she crawled into her home as sleepiness overtook her body. A pile of various furs sat stacked in a corner, across from a pile of different sized bones. She curled onto the cushy furs, folding her wings and resting her head as she drifted into sleep.

Tuzkren | Male | 4.5 years | Rogue

Tuzkren swallowed the last bit of his meal and stood. Not wanting to be followed by scavengers in search of more food, he lifted a huge forefoot and batted the remaining bones and scraps into the woods, scattering them effectively. Satisfied, the male began to trot a winding path back to his small camp. The camp lay in the center of a clearing; a tall stone, engraved in the ancient dragon lanuage, marked his mentor's grave and a round boulder was his bed. The boulder sat in a perfect spot so that in the morning, sun would warm the stone and the sleeping dragon for several hours, providing Tuzkren with sufficient energy. But as the night grew dark, a fatigued Norwegian dragon cambered onto the boulder and curled up, resting his large head on his forefoot and slowing his breathing.

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Edited on 05/09/16 @ 20:00:47 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-05 13:01:26

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 11:39:24
Crota | Male | Beta| 8 years old | Location: Camp| Mentions: Lilith

Peacefully the male slept through the night. The nightmares that had plagued his mind the many nights before, had not returned on this one. As the sun barely broke into their den, Crota opened his one golden eye letting it search over his mates frame. He nudged her gently "Good morning my love" his deep voice whispered as he adjusted slightly.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 09:05:20
Lilith|Female|Hunter|7|Location: Camp|Mentions: Crota

Lilith felt Crota nudging her side gently so she rolled over on to her back and stretched her legs. After she stretched she stayed on her back and moved her head so she could look at her mate. "Good morning big guy!" she whispered back with love in her eyes. She flipped over and stood up to stretch her wings. As soon as she was done with that she ran over to Crota and head butted his side trying to turn him over. Giving up she pounced on his tail like a hatchling.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 10:01:32
Khsari | Female | 5 years | Warrior

Khsari bolted upright, her chest rising and falling with each rapid, heavy breath. She had been awake by a nightmare, but for whatever reason, could not recollect what it was about. Sunlight seeped in from the mouth of the cave, and she knew that it was about time she woke up. Disgruntled and groggy, the tan-scaled wyvern crept to the lip of her cave and perched on the edge, absorbing the sunlight.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-11 23:06:51
Madria laid in the sun warming up after a cool night. She looked like a giant hill laying their she even had rabbits and birds on her eating the green vegetation that grew from her scales. Madria never like sleeping in dens or caves, she didn't need one comaflage was her best defense.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-09-12 00:22:04
Crota | Male | Beta| 8 years old | Location: Camp| Mentions: Lilith

His deep chuckle echoed in the cave as Lilith attempted to push him over, before giving up and pouncing on his tail. He laughed moving his tail making it harder for her to catch. "Arnt we a lil old to be playing such games" He asked with a humored grin on his face.

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Wintersolstice (#38121)

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Posted on
2016-09-12 08:42:31
Zyalon // Male // Shaman apprentice // 6 1/2 // Location: Camp// Mentions: Open

Slowly blinking his eyes open, he gazes around the room sleep glazing his eyes. Swiftly getting to his feet he walks out and into the camp the bright sunlight causing him to squint his eyes. His tail swishes back and forth in slight annoyance as he walks to the food pile to get some breakfast. Just choosing a small deer, he sits by himself to eat his breakfast.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-12 12:46:39
Tuzkren | Male | 4.5 years | Rogue

Tuzkren blinked his amber eyes as he felt the warmth of sunlight soak into his rust-shaded scales. With sleepiness, his square jaws opened in a sharp-toothed yawn. He stood and slithered from his stone, crushing soft blades of grass with his large feet. The tall gravestone in a corner of the clearing cast a long shadow into the surrounding pine trees, concealing a family of raccoons that foraged in the brown, fallen needles. The nocturnal creatures were present there every morning just before they went to sleep for the day, returning only because the copper beast never made a move to make them his next meal. Tuzkren greeted them with a silent, mental "hello" as he stepped past Feykrojud's tomb, closing his eyes and holding his breath in respect. A long breath escaped his mouth and nostrils as he released air and stepped into the trees. The sweet smell of smashed pine needles reached his nose as he stepped on his narrow trail. The smell distracted him so much that he didn't even notice the faint, lingering scent of humans and the sloppily hidden bear trap.

A miniscule squeak emerged from the lever as a single copper foot activated it. The vicious teeth closed excruciatingly around the Norwegian dragon's ankle, immediately digging in and coaxing crimson blood from the wound. A blast of pain exploded through the dragon's body, forcing a harsh roar from his vocal cords and a thrashing struggle from the rest of his body. Dozens of birds fled from the surrounding trees and the family of raccoons scrambled back into the forest. The pained roar was surely heard from miles away.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-09-14 06:35:45
Lilith|Female|Hunter|7|Camp|Mentions: Crota

Lilith growled when Crota started moving his tail out of her reach. She flapped her wings to make herself barely off the ground and tried attacking her mates tail again. She eventually gave up and landed on Crota's back and nuzzled his neck. "We are never too old to act young! We can be older in age but still young at hearts" she rumbled in his ear. She licked his cheek and crawled back onto the ground.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-09-15 11:48:58
Crota | Male | Beta| 8 years old | Location: Camp| Mentions: Lilith

As Lilith nuzzled his neck, Crota rumbled lowly in his chest. Similar to kittens satisfied purring. His head turned as her sweet voice echoed in his ear, only to be followed by a gentle lick on his cheek. "That is true." He would reply as he stretched his neck out to nuzzle into her side. The only thing he could think about was the future. Perhaps a few hatchlings running around, growing up to become members of their pack, and of course the best part was now having someone to remain with, some he truly loved.

His loving expression was dashed away at the sound of a loud roar. Quickly Crota shot upright, knowing whoever had roared had to have been in pain. Without a word he rushed from the den, her ears having picked up the direction of the sound, which hadn't seemed to be that far off. His muscular legs pumping as he darted through trees, though he was not very fast he managed to make decent ground coverage. Feeling as though he grew near to the location of the sound, Crota halted in his tracks "Hellooo?! Where are you?!" He would try calling out "Please I only come to help. You sounded like you were in pain" He would add, forgetting about possible danger from the dragon who roared.

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Edited on 15/09/16 @ 19:10:04 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-15 11:58:49
[Is no one going to hear Tuzkren?]

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-09-15 12:02:18
[Editing my post for him]

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