Posted by Roseclan • RP Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 03:30:54



A Warriors Roleplay

Mods: InsertCleverNameHere and Potato Lord

For centuries, three clans of big cats have dominated these lands: Solclan, full of powerful and highly dominant lions; Shadeclan, the secretive clan of tigers; Roseclan, a collection of leopards, jaguars, and cats of similar stature. Without human influence, the three clans have grown to large sizes and thrived, learning to coexist within their own borders and, by extension, becoming more social than their non-clan cousins. But they are not alone. For nearly as long as the cats have survived here, they have shared the island with a group of canines¹. Having been proven the weakest and by far the least dominant, the canines were driven into "The Mud," a small swamp on the far-east coast.



An amalgamation of species, Roseclan is governed by a well-spoken snow leopard named Swanstar. Just like its population, the territory consists of several different climates: Snowy mountains, forests, plains, and a small section of jungle overlapping from Shadeclan. All sorts of prey are found here, from hare to deer to mountain goats.

Roseclan contains multiple different climates/biomes within its borders. The further north one goes, the drier and warmer it gets. On the east and west coasts, the air is more humid but varies as far as temperature with how far north or south one goes. To the south, especially below the river, the daytime temperature drops to 30° - 0° and less, declining the further south one goes.



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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 05:52:16 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-05-25 13:23:55

| Boomslangstorm |
Male • 30 Moons • Tanzanian Cheetah • Medicine Cat
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Finchfeather, Cliffwalker / {Indirectly} Rattlecub

Finchfeather’s cantankerous response was not matched by the playful glint in her eyes or her grinning expression, and for that Boomslangstorm was grateful. He didn’t have the patience to deal with a grouchy queen this morning, and while Finchfeather’s situation certainly entitled her more leniency from the irritable medicine cheetah than the usual birthmother, a cat could only take so much attitude before snapping back at the offender in return. “Good morning Finchfeather, Cliffwalker,” he greeted both with a respectful dip of his head. As Cliffwalker asked after Rattlecub’s whereabouts, Boomslangstorm scanned the camp, but found not even a hint of the mischievous puma cub. “If she’s not in the nursery you best begin checking the rest of camp. It won’t be the first time a cub has snuck out,” he suggested before moving closer to Finchfeather, gaze carefully checking the heavily pregnant female over for signs of new wounds or anything out of the ordinary. "How are you feeling this morning?”


| Mambafang |
Female • 48 Moons • African Leopard (Melanistic) • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Rattlecub

The slightest sound of scuffling paws struggling through brush behind the warrior’s den had a subtle smile easing across Mambafang’s muzzle, eyes remaining closed as she awaited the attack that was soon to follow. To anyone who glanced the black leopard’s way, it would appear as if she hadn’t a clue she were being hunted, calm as ever, body language relaxed and unsuspecting. She flicked her tail again, a bit more force behind it this time to make the movement more enticing for the hidden cub. Now, she need only wait for Rattlecub to make a move.


| Brody |
Male • 33 Moons • Pantanal Jaguar • Rogue
Location: Roseclan Territory • Mentions: {Directly} None - Open

Clan territory was rich with prey compared to the lands beyond, tempting scents taunting him at every turn. He had yet to catch anything, too concerned with keeping watching for Roseclan warriors on the prowl. ’I shouldn’t have come here…’ he thought grimly, but he had already come this far and it seemed cowardly to turn back now. An odd call in the distance caught his attention moments later and Brody paused, wondering what kind of creature could utter such a peculiar sound. Creeping forward on silent paws, he peered through the undergrowth at a large, plump bird with brown feathers and an ugly, naked head. Blinking in surprise as he had never seen such an animal before, he watched it for a time to gauge the bird’s defenses before feeling confident enough to attempt hunting it. Pressing forward, he waited until he could no longer go unseen before pouncing upon the bird, paws slamming it to the ground as he prepared to deliver a killing bite to the throat.

((I would really appreciate if someone could interrupt him/catch him in the act. I need a reason for him to be brought back to the camp.))

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Edited on 25/05/17 @ 13:25:48 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Steel (#89903)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-05-25 13:50:14
Echosoul • Female • 93 moons • Warrior • Outside • Mentions: Brody, Rocktree
The leopardess got up with a grunt, ignoring her older, but smaller and darker-pelted brother. She rumbled "I'm going on a patrol" before plunging into the darkness of the forested thicket. Her furry ears picked up the sound of bones cracking, and stepping. Bursting through a wall of foliage, she yowled "Who are you?" Her fur prickled, and her eyes were wild. She was obviously feeling bad about cathcing him, but it was for the welfare of the clan.

Rocktree • male • 93 moons • Warrior • Outside • Mentions: Echosoul

Rocktree nodded as his sister left, and he took to absentmindedly staring at the sky.

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-05-25 16:19:15


Stoneclimber | Male | Camp | Warrior | 108 Moons | Mentions: Frozenglow, Rocktree, Echosoul [minor],
Snowstar [Direct]

He twitched an ear as he gazed at the rabbit his son had so graciously offered however he currently did not have the appetite for the prey. As Frozenglow picked up his goat and trekked back into camp, Stoneclimber closed his mouth around the foot of the stiff carcass and followed him at a slower pace, raising his tail in acknowledgement to Rocktree adn Echosoul. Slate grey eyes would survey the gathered felidaes, many who were now active, in search of the pale and darkly spotted coat of his mate, who was not immediately detected. Tail lashing irritably, Stoneclimber continued to pad after Frozenglow to the fresh-kill pile, where he re-deposited the hare, a distracted look overcoming his facial features as the tom brushed his tail thankfully along his son's back before stepping away.
He only spotted her when Swanstar rather positively trekked towards him, running her slender and beautiful head underneath his own and resisting a bit of her own weight against his bulk. The feeling of her coat brushing against his was quite well-received, he could feel the soft texture as well as the body head radiating from underneath. Whiskers quivering in satisfaction, the leopard flicked out a course tongue and ran it over a well-rounded ear. Eyes gleaming in slight amusement, he rumbled, "Hello to you as well."

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 22:43:03 by Century Salvation ☪ (#77658)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-25 16:22:39
Nightfrost| 30 Moons| Female Jaguar (Melanistic)| Warrior| Mentions: Brody, Echosoul (Directly)

Black fur rippled as the quiet female stood, her golden eyes taking in the camp before darting to the exit. It seemed that no one would notice if she was gone, especially since they were occupied. A hunting trip would be good for the clan. Stretching graceful limbs, Nightfrost trotted away, heaving a gentle sigh as the smells of the forest hit her nose. This time of year everything was green and peaceful, with plentiful prey that was easy to catch, and track down. Large, wide paws savored the soft grass beneath them, sharp claws sheathing and unsheathing slowly. Stealth was one of Nightfrost's strengths, and it helped her in gathering food. Her dark pelt moved like undulating waves as her powerful body carried her forward, dodging even the smallest of twigs that would give her away, alerting the whole forest to her presence. A long, black tail twitched gently, giving its host balance. Scents bombarded Nightfrost's sensitive nose, some more familiar than others, but one stood out to her. She had never smelled it before, yet somehow it seemed familiar. Rounded ears pricked forward in curiosity, and the female veered in the direction it was coming from, her hunt for prey completely abandoned. Upon coming closer, Echosoul's familiar pale coat came into sight, along with the more stunning golden fur of a rogue male jaguar. Nightfrost halted, pupils becoming slits as she assessed the danger before her. There was no way the smaller snow leopard would be able to take him on by herself should he attack... Lurking a little ways away, she slipped into the brush, sneaking out behind the male without a sound.
"Yes, that is a good question." Her calm, easy voice broke into the air, smooth as velvet with a hint of mystery.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-05-25 23:07:52

| Brody |
Male • 33 Moons • Pantanal Jaguar • Rogue
Location: Roseclan Territory • Mentions: {Directly} Nightfrost, Echosoul

"Who are you?"

Brody inwardly flinched, slowly turning his head to face the warrior as Echosoul burst into the small clearing. He'd grown so focused on his prey he had stopped listening for approaching pawsteps. The turkey still struggled beneath his paws and he was loath to let it escape, but eventually the bird's outstretched claws lashing at his chest and wildly beating wings became too much and he stepped aside, allowing the tom his freedom. He eyed the smaller cat, another creature of which he had never encountered of on his journey. She was like no leopard he had ever seen, with thick white fur dappled by darker spots. How peculiar... As he opened his mouth to speak, another voice sounded behind him and he was met with a more familiar sight, another jaguar, though her pelt was black as night, her spots barely visible under the darkness of the forest. Golden eyes narrowing, he felt any confidence he might have had left ebb away. He was outnumbered. "My name is Brody," he replied, a long pause following as he decided how much he should tell them. "...I mean no harm. I've come to see my brother."

((Hey Arcan, I tried to respond to your message earlier, but your inbox was full. Of course I’d be happy to interact with Nightfrost so I’m glad you made the post without waiting for a reply.))

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Edited on 25/05/17 @ 23:08:15 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-05-26 07:08:02
The yong tom rolled his eyes at his parents display but brushed his head against his mothers side and flicked his tail tip under his fathers chin before walking to his den and climbing into the tree. He lifted his head up and viewed the camp , deciding on what he should do. He turned around and jumped onto the branch of a neighboring tree and looked down and saw copperthorn strolling away from the tree. Frozenglow continued crossing trees and leapt silently into the surrounding forest enjoying the feel of bark against his paws following a hunting trail of the other cats. He was getting ready to leap to the next branch but stopped as he looked down. The big tom crouched and stared at the two she-cats confronting a rouge leopard. He stayed still so to not to bring awareness to his position as he watched silently.

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Steel (#89903)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-05-26 07:57:29
Echosoul • Female • 93 moons • Warrior • Outside • Mentions: Brody, Nightfrost

"You can't be here." Her terse nature showed through but she was not afaraid to take down this male: her large size made her even more fearless. She stood about the same size, but maybe a little smaller. However, her shifting eyes and twitching tail told another story. She felt very nervous at the same time.

Looking at Nightfrost, her eyes said "What now?" She didn't feel like she had enough authority to tell this... surprisingly handsome... male what to do.

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-26 07:57:41
Nightfrost| 30 Moons| Female Jaguar (Melanistic)| Warrior| Mentions: Brody, Echosoul (Directly)

"Your brother?" This question was said in a much gentler tone of voice, as Nightfrost circled around to Echosoul's side, her eyes glinting with curiosity. Very rarely did a rogue venture into Roseclan territory for such a peculiar reason. That is, if he wasn't lying. She hoped not, the male did seem a little forlorn, perhaps he really was looking for his family. Flicking her ears, Nightfrost delved into her memory, trying to figure out whom it might be. None of her clanmates had ever mentioned a wayward littermate. Of course that didn't mean it hadn't happened. Molten gold settled on the tom's muscular form, studying it silently as the jet black she-cat thought of what to do.

(Sorry it's so short, at work and a sneaking XD Thanks PotatoLord, I'll clear it up immediately)

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LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-05-26 10:49:53
The large tom creeped forward to the edge of the branch watching this unusual scene play out. His front legs draped over the side and his back legs hunched as he sat awkwardly trying to hear. If anyone looked up they would see him hanging out of the tree about to fall. Frozenglow growled softly and narrowed his eyes glaring at the male leopard. He shifted his back foot and slipped he caught onto the branch tensing as the leaves rustled and his bottom half hanging off the branch. He gulped trying to pull himself up but he was slowly slipping he was barely hanging onto the branch as it was. The snow leopard yelped as he fell out of the tree with a loud thump. The cats around his turned there heads and stared at him. He stood up and shook his fur trying to play it cool as he sat up and cleaned his paw. He coughed before saying " Don't mind me Im here for support Ladies " He said awkwardly to the she-cats.

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Edited on 26/05/17 @ 14:11:55 by LilLeo (#101751)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-05-26 11:19:47


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Swanstar • Female • 95 moons • Leader • Camp • Mentions: Stoneclimber; Frozenglow

Stoneclimber, in all his masculinity, still folded under the weight of his wife's loving touch. As Swanstar ran her elegant body along his, she felt every tiny muscle and strip of sinew pushing against the weight of her own frame. A gravelly purr made its way from the back of her throat when a sandpaper tongue scraped its way around her ear and she broke from the embrace. "Back just in time for morning patrols, I see," she murmured, stepping alongside her love. Her steel eyes followed her son's retreating form as he scaled a tree and left towards the woods. "Silly cub," she hummed, chuckling at Frozenglow's disinclination to stay around his parents for more than five minutes.



"If all the world's a stage, then I want better lighting!"

Finchfeather • Female • 30 moons • One Month Pregnant • Birthmother • Camp Mentions: Boomslangstorm; Cliffwalker

"I haven't seen her," Finchfeather replied, glancing around camp to see if she could spot the young cougar. "I'm sure she hasn't gone far though," she chirped, hoping to reassure the younger female. Her large brown eyes traveled to the Medicine Cat, his figure similar to her own, and let him scan her sandy pelt for any new imperfection or unusual blemish. "I'm just fine, Boomslangstorm," she laughed, her spine weighed down with the weight of unborn cubs, "A little achy, but other than that, just as fine as yesterday. But now that you mention that, I am feeling a bit peckish."

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Alintune (formerly
Ali) (#110083)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-26 14:21:05
Cliffwalker | Female Argentine Cougar | 26 moons | Warrior | Nursery | Mentions: Finchfeather

The cougar bit back a frustrated sigh. Of course Rattlecub would make their morning difficult. "Thank you, Finchfeather. When I find her, I'll tell her to bring you something to eat - if she's so eager for the privileges of apprenticeship, then she can do apprentice chores, too." Pelt hot with embarrassment for her sister's mischief (and what that implied about her own role as a guardian), she stood and trotted to the middle of the clearing, where she opened her ears and mouth to begin her search. She was bombarded by the noise of voices, pawsteps, fur brushing on fur. She wanted to find her sister and get out of there.

Then, behind the scratching of claws on bark, she heard another harsh noise - the shuffling of brambles....

Rattlecub | Female Argentine Cougar | 7.5 moons | Cub | Camp | Mentions: Mambafang, Cliffwalker

Rattlecub almost launched herself out of the brush without gathering her paws beneath her first, she was so eager. She tucked her forepaws underneath her and wriggled her hindquarters to find a firm, secure hold with her hind paws, just as she'd seen the warriors do. Pleased with herself for remembering, she rocketed out of the brambles.

And landed face-first in the dirt.

Pain lanced through her hind leg where it'd been caught in the brambles and yanked her down to the ground. Undaunted, she wriggled free and charged. She'd once watched Cliffwalker fumble over a fox right before chasing it down for good. Rattlecub locked the black tail in her jaws. Success! She wrapped her forelegs around it and began raking her hind paws through the thick fur, unaware of her older sister's approach.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-05-27 00:45:10

| Boomslangstorm |
Male • 30 Moons • Tanzanian Cheetah • Medicine Cat
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Finchfeather / {Indirectly} Rattlecub, Cliffwalker

He found nothing beyond her healing wounds, a familiar surge of fresh anger threatening to wash over him as he examined the scars that would mar Finchfeather’s pelt possibly forever. If he ever had a chance to meet that coward Fatefleer again he might very well forget his medicine cat oath to do no harm and see how he liked a matching set. “That’s not unusual, if you like I can fetch you some boswellia to chew on for the pain,” he replied as Cliffwalker departed in search of Rattlecub. “Hm, in that case let’s hope Cliffwalker finds that sister of hers soon. If not I’ll bring you something.”


| Mambafang |
Female • 48 Moons • African Leopard (Melanistic) • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Rattlecub, Cliffwalker

A loud thump behind her had Mambafang simultaneously wincing in sympathy and doing her very best to hold in her snickering. Rattlecub’s eagerness must have gotten the best of her and led to a clumsy ambush. She doubted it would deter the cub from her target for long and was proved correct when needle sharp teeth closed around her tail and kicking hind paws soonafter joined her fangs. Mambafang heaved herself onto her forepaws, twisting the front half of her body around so she could peer down at Rattlecub. “Having fun?” She inquired, if Rattlecub’s attack was causing her any pain she gave no hint of it. The patter of approaching pawsteps had her head tilting in Cliffwalker’s direction. “Ooh, looks like you’re in trouble my little hunter. Here comes big sis.”


| Brody |
Male • 33 Moons • Pantanal Jaguar • Rogue
Location: Roseclan Territory • Mentions: {Directly} Nightfrost, Echosoul, Frozenglow / {Indirectly} Copperthorn

His gaze hardened slightly as the white-furred leopard claimed he was unwelcome and his body tensed, wondering if the females would team up to chase him off. “Is that your decision to make?” He asked, taking note of the uncertainty in her expression as she turned to her darker companion for reassurance. “Are you in charge of this land?” Nightfrost’s gentler tone and willingness to hear him out had him reconsidering his own tone and he gazed between the two apologetically. “I know I am trespassing. It wasn’t smart...I waited for quite a time at your border markings, but a patrol never came and if I’m being honest I’m not sure I was ready to face so many has been a long time since my brother and I have set eyes on one another. I do not know if he will want to see me-” He paused as a cat with a similar appearance to Echosoul dropped gracelessly from one of the surrounding trees, eyes widening with mild concern as the other male hit the ground. “...My brother’s name is Fire, or it was when I knew him. That might have changed after all this time. I’ve noticed cats rarely keep their cub names in adulthood. He looks a bit like me, perhaps a tad larger. He was the biggest cub of our litter. His fur would be similar to mine, only darker….not like yours mind you,” he continued, nodding to Nightfrost’s black fur. “Where mine is gold his is more...coppery I suppose you could call it.”

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Edited on 27/05/17 @ 00:45:42 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-27 10:40:45
Nightfrost| 30 Moons| Female Jaguar (Melanistic)| Warrior| Mentions: Brody, Echosoul, Frozenglow (Directly)

It seemed that Echosoul's words had raised his ire, but he managed to calm himself, which impressed the graceful fae. Most would simply attack, but she could tell that his reason for being there was extremely important. After all, he was facing three strangers and reaching out to them for help, despite what the consequences would be had he run into a more aggressive patrol. The expressions on his face when he spoke of trespassing were ones of respect, she thought at least, as if he truly didn't want to pass into their territory without permission. Without thinking, she laid a gentle tail tip on his shoulder, giving him a kind smile. Then, before she could say anything, a loud crashing sound caught her attention. When she looked to her left, one of her fellow clan mates, a male snow leopard named Frozenglow, sat sprawled out on the ground. Leaves still floated slowly down around him, expressing exactly what had happened. At the young male's words, Nightfrost lifted a slightly amused eyebrow and turned back to the mysterious jaguar.
"Worry not, I am glad you decided to press onward. Echosoul and I would be happy to take you back to camp, I'm sure Swanstar will know what to do." She replied, giving him a firm nod. Their leader would be less inclined to help had Brody actually continued traipsing through the forest in search of his kin. The lithe black female had an idea of who this stranger was talking about, but she couldn't know for sure, and was on the fence about telling him her thoughts on the matter. Still... he had come all this way, and yet she didn't want him to be disappointed should things go differently than wanted. Taking a deep breath, Nightfrost faced the golden brute and said,
"I believe your brother is now named Copperthorn. However, I can't be certain." With that done, she turned to Echosoul and Frozenglow, gesturing for them to flank the newcomer. Even though she was welcoming him with an open mind, it didn't mean the rest of the clan would. Treating him as they did any intruder would greatly increase his chances.
"I hope you don't mind, but leading you to camp like this is the best course of action. I don't want you to be attacked should someone get the wrong idea." Her words were grim, but there was a hopeful glint in her bright eyes as she began to trot away, her fluid movements making no sound.

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LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-05-27 14:25:54
The large tom dipped his head in acknowledgement at the dark leopardess and went to walk on the right side of the tom. He turned his head and spoke to the rouge as he followed the leopard in front of him. " So if you don't mind me asking , what's your name seeing as we can't call you rouge forever" the snow leopard chuckled as he half smiled at the male next to him in amusement. Frozenglow was excited and curious and glad he wasn't hopping around like some cub, he was a little embarrassed from falling out of the tree but knew that might be forgotten if Echosoul didn't say anything to Rock tree, But other than that he was enjoying walking with the small patrol.

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Alintune (formerly
Ali) (#110083)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-27 15:29:51
Cliffwalker | Female Argentine Cougar | 26 moons | Warrior | Camp | Mentions: Mambafang, Rattlecub, Swanstar (minor)

"Rattlecub!" Cliffwalker gasped as came to a stop beside Mambafang and got her first good look at her sister. "Your pelt! What have you done?"

Rattlecub sat up obediently, releasing the now-muddied tail. Cliffwalker took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. "Rattlecub, look at your fur. You're due to be made an apprentice any day now. If Swanstar called the ceremony this instant, how disrespectful would it be for you to walk up to her caked in mud with her warrior's fur between your teeth? Go wash. But bring Finchfeather some fresh-kill first - be careful not to get mud on it! And hurry. I went out hunting early so we could spend the day together."

Rattlecub mumbled something - an apology? An affirmation? - and bolted off. Cliffwalker watched her go and sighed. She did not want to meet the leopard's eyes. "I'm sorry she's always bothering you. Please, feel free to tell her off, or let me know if she gets too annoying. Sorry. I'll, uh... sorry." Tongue swollen and words thoroughly butchered, she licked her chest and began the awkward wait for her sister.

Rattlecub | Female Argentine Cougar | 7.5 moons | Cub | Camp | Mentions: Finchfeather, Mambafang, Boomslangstorm

Rattlecub sniffed the fresh-kill pile, wondering what the cheetah liked. She knew what Finchfeather normally enjoyed, but lately her tastes had changed. Boomslangstorm and Cliffwalker had explained that this was because of the cubs in her belly. Maybe their preferences overrode hers somehow. She settled on a hare and made her way to the nursery, with her head held high to keep it off the ground and her filthy paws.

She glanced longingly back at Mambafang. Cliffwalker was talking to her now. Rattlecub's throat burned with embarrassment. She hadn't even gotten to ask the warrior about her pounce! Had she been too loud? Had the mud hidden her scent long enough? Had her grip been strong? Was the aim of her hind paws good or off? Those were the important things to be talking about. Not apologizing for existing, which is what Rattlecub figured Cliffwalker was up to.

Rattlecub sat down a couple tail-lengths away from the nursery, fidgeting as she waited for Boomslangstorm to leave and free up Finchfeather. The cub eyed the birthmother's scars warily.


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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 17:06:11 by Ali (#110083)

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