Posted by Roseclan • RP Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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2017-04-17 03:30:54



A Warriors Roleplay

Mods: InsertCleverNameHere and Potato Lord

For centuries, three clans of big cats have dominated these lands: Solclan, full of powerful and highly dominant lions; Shadeclan, the secretive clan of tigers; Roseclan, a collection of leopards, jaguars, and cats of similar stature. Without human influence, the three clans have grown to large sizes and thrived, learning to coexist within their own borders and, by extension, becoming more social than their non-clan cousins. But they are not alone. For nearly as long as the cats have survived here, they have shared the island with a group of canines¹. Having been proven the weakest and by far the least dominant, the canines were driven into "The Mud," a small swamp on the far-east coast.



An amalgamation of species, Roseclan is governed by a well-spoken snow leopard named Swanstar. Just like its population, the territory consists of several different climates: Snowy mountains, forests, plains, and a small section of jungle overlapping from Shadeclan. All sorts of prey are found here, from hare to deer to mountain goats.

Roseclan contains multiple different climates/biomes within its borders. The further north one goes, the drier and warmer it gets. On the east and west coasts, the air is more humid but varies as far as temperature with how far north or south one goes. To the south, especially below the river, the daytime temperature drops to 30° - 0° and less, declining the further south one goes.



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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 05:52:16 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-05-27 16:28:24


Stoneclimber | Male | Camp | Warrior | 108 Moons | Mentions: Frozenglow, Glacierwing [Minor] Swanstar [Direct]

"I'd hate to miss a good morning patrol." He replied, lowering himself onto his haunches in order to finally confront his slightly moist fur. Curving his upper body, the tom ran his course tongue over his spine, licking away the slick trail the melted snow had caused. An ear flicked at her commentary and briefly, Stoneclimber glanced in the direction Frozenglow had sauntered off and purred, "Not much a cub anymore, dearest." Their son, who had once been smaller than the size of Stoneclimber's own paw at birth, had grown up and while perhaps at times the young male might not seem like it, he was a warrior of their clan now. As was their daughter Glacierwing, who he had yet to spot among the variation of felines. Straightening his posture, Stoneclimber lapsed into a familiar watchful silence, content with the sounds of their camp slowly coming to life with the remainder of the members rousing from their nests and the activity going on outside of the dens. His tail curled neatly around his paws as he looked on with intelligent slate grey eyes, waiting for any signs of a patrol to be sent out. Even though he had only just arrived to their camp, Stoneclimber was always eager to contribute to holding their territory and providing food for everyone.

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 22:42:31 by Century Salvation ☪ (#77658)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 21:28:02

{My apologies for the shortness this time around. Don’t have much energy at the moment, but I was stubbornly determined to get some replies out.}

| Mambafang |
Female • 48 Moons • African Leopard (Melanistic) • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Rattlecub, Cliffwalker / {Indirectly} Swanstar

Mambafang’s glanced after Rattlecub as she scurried away, watching as she sifted through the fresh-kill pile in search of an appropriate piece of prey. “You shouldn’t be so hard on her. She won’t be a cub forever, and her behavior is hardly unusual. Do you think Clan-born cubs don’t play in mud or pounce on tails?” Though her tone was scolding, it was not unkind and should Cliffwalker find the courage to meet her gaze she would find only warmth and amusement. “She is hardly a bother. I’m quite fond of your sister. I hope, when the day comes for her to be apprenticed, Swanstar will consider me for her mentor,” she admitted in a more hushed tone. “What would you think of that?” She asked curiously, wondering if the Cougar had heard tales of her traitorous parents from the other cats.


| Brody |
Male • 33 Moons • Pantanal Jaguar • Rogue
Location: Roseclan Territory • Mentions: {Directly} Nightfrost, Echosoul, Frozenglow / {Indirectly} Copperthorn

Brody tensed as the leopards flanked him, expression betraying his uncertainty, but Nightfrost’s explanation made sense and soothed his rising hackles. “Understandable. I will comply,” he relented, trying to ignore the uncomfortable closeness of Echosoul and Frozenglow at his sides. Copperthorn seemed an unusual name, but oddly fitting for his brother. He was confident this cat must be who he was looking for. Shaken from his thoughts by Frozenglow inquiring his name, it hit him he had never shared it when Echosoul initially asked. “I’m Brody. May I ask, what are you called?”

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Edited on 28/05/17 @ 21:28:41 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2017-06-01 03:00:33

Male | 28 Moons | Liger | Warrior
Location: Beyond RoseClan Border | Mentions: Swanstar - Brody - Nightfrost - Frozenglow - Echosoul {Indirectly}

Concealed in the shadow of trees he walked on, the scent of elk in his nose and the the wind to his face, caring his own smell within its breeze south of him. Large paws eerily quick with the weight of him, and his tail hung low twitching and vibrating as he drew closer to the bushes that hopefully concealed his prey. Away from camp without anyone's knowledge, he knew it best not to make his own patrols, but after his announcement to the leader in private that'd he'd help in no battles, especially against MudClan, he felt he'd had to do something for his fellow clan-mates, worried she think he turned his back on them.

Hoping that wasn't what it seemed, he was only worried about the death a battle would cause, and couldn't help but agree with the canines in their desperate need for equality, but dared not say that to anyone. The sound of voices interrupted his thoughts and he froze in place, the faint crunch of hooves hopping through fallen leaves drawing farther and farther. But he couldn't help but ignore it along with the disappointment at his failed hunt, when one of the voices sounded foreign to him, and one of the more familiar he knew belonged to Echosoul.

He's always been quiet fond of her, somehow drawn without realizing it to her motherly attitude. Getting a bit protective of his clan-mates, he stalked silently towards a low hanging tree branch, the golden rays of sun hiding his unusually bright pelt and five foot figure rather well. The large male could see the stranger talking to the snow leopardess, along with Nightfrost and Frozenglow. The male himself was rather large, but looked harmless, the conversation not at all aggressive or threatening. He sat still and continued to watch, making sure to remain downwind of them, hoping a sudden change in the breeze wouldn't expose his eavesdropping.

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 12:39:59 by NaiPherah {Mottled Primal} (#88158)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-01 13:06:43

Nightfrost| 30 Moons| Jaguar (Melanistic)| Warrior| Mentions: Brody [Directly] Frozenglow, Echosoul [Indirectly]

Hearing the two males speaking behind her, the ebony fae turned to glance over her shoulder, her ears picking up the rogue's rumbling answer to Frozenglow's question. Loner names had always bewildered her, but she knew that it was probably the same for those that didn't follow the warrior code, or believe in Starclan. They most likely thought that the clan cats were insane, basically worshiping the ghosts of their ancestors that supposedly lived in the sky, controlling everything that happened. Putting it that way, their misunderstanding and aversion to doing the same made sense, not that Nightfrost would ever betray her beliefs. She knew that Starclan existed, but also understood why some might not share in her faith.
"I am called Nightfrost." The answer was simple and smooth, delivered in a friendly tone as the she-cat veered towards camp, leading the small, impromptu patrol home. She hoped that none of the warriors of her clan got the wrong message. She knew that some were more likely to attack first and ask questions later, including Copperthorn, the one that Brody might be looking for. If that happened, she didn't know what the consequences would be. Worry in her eyes, Nightfrost vowed to herself that she would defend this newcomer no matter what, even against the much bigger males that padded around camp. It was foolish, she knew, but there was something about him that intrigued her.

Bramblepaw| 18 Moons| Persian Leopard| Apprentice| Mentions: Open for Interaction, Stoneclimber [Minor- Indirectly]

The muggy heat of the jungle seeped into short, thick fur, making the heavy body that it belonged to feel even more so. Fog rose from the forest floor, blanketing the surrounding area in a dense silver mist. Dark tree trunks barely peeked out of the gray, their green canopies showering dappled light down on the ground, illuminating the young leopard's way home. This close to the river, the haze was particularly thick, but he knew how to navigate it, he had been there often enough to know where to go. Not far from where he was, sat his personal training hollow, close to the Solclan border and basically unpatrolled by his clanmates. Every once in awhile a small group of warriors would return to refresh the scent markers, but little prey survived there and rogues avoided it specifically because of the murky air. Thanks to this, no one had yet to find where he disappeared to. It frustrated his mentor greatly. Using large, stumbling paws, the apprentice ambled towards home, soon breaking out of the brume to catch a whiff of the familiar scent of home. Stoneclimber would be searching for him by now, he was sure, and that set his wandering pace to a faster speed.

Birds called out to warn others as he passed beneath them, not even caring that his loud walk would alert prey. He wasn't on a hunting mission, he was on a survival one. If Stoneclimber managed to catch him out of camp... Bramblepaw shivered at the thought. Not that the old snow leopard was vicious by any means, but he did know how to make one feel quite bad about missing out on training. Heaving a sigh, the tom hurried on, intent on reaching camp in record time.

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 13:54:50 by Arcan (#97595)

Steel (#89903)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-06-01 13:37:18
Echosoul • Female • 93 moons • Warrior • Outside • Mentions: Brody, Nightfrost, Oakfall

Echosoul shifted, and murmured "I'll go alert camp..." but knowing her quiet, shifty tone, she was probably just going for a walk. It always calmed her overactive and anxious mind. She then shifted into the trees, sighing as she disappeared from view from Brody and Nightfrost.

However, as she merged into the forest, she came literally nose-to-nose with Oakfall, a fellow clanmate. Her eyes went wide, and her skin under her heated up. She wasn't used to close proximity, and her general fondness for the liger didn't assist. He was calm, gentle, and she was pretty sure they agreed that canines should be freed. With some shuffling steps, she shifted backwards, opening her mouth to apologize.

But, she quickly realized why he must have been there without speaking. Eavesdropping. With a nod, she gave him a shy smile and began to move deeper into the forest.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-01 15:23:12


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Swanstar • Female • 95 moons • Leader • Camp • Mentions: Stoneclimber; Brody Party

"Oh, I know," Swanstar replied, her tone holding mock complaint and her regal body pressing against her husband's, "But a mother can dream." In that moment, as she mentioned her now-grown son, her chest ached with wishful thinking. Was she in a position to have another litter? Is her beloved Stoneclimber? Most importantly, was the Clan? She was the only female Clan leader and Roseclan was already routinely ridiculed. Solclan, ruled by the majestic and powerful Eveningstar, was full of muscular and ferocious lions. Shadeclan, the stealthy and bulky tigers, by the formidable Scorchstar. Roseclan was, by far, the weakest. An amalgamation of everything from a gentle Liger to the minuscule, yet feisty, caracal. A few species, including herself and her family, also required a considerable amount of time spent in only the coldest of climates, which lie a considerable amount of time away camp. The tip of the female's tail twitched as she dived deeper into the pool of her thoughts, broken only by a peculiar smell (paired with a few familiar clanmates') that wafted through camp. The strange smell also seemed to incite a degree of emotion in a certain jaguar — Copperthorn — whose fur bristled and eyes betrayed fury, confusion, and a hint of joy all in two sepia irises.

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 15:24:11 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Alintune (formerly
Ali) (#110083)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-01 17:05:15
Cliffwalker | Female Argentine Cougar | 26 moons | Warrior | Camp | Mentions: Mambafang

Cliffwalker bit her tongue. She didn't like the idea of any cat but her mentoring Rattlecub. But they'd chosen to live here... and that meant abiding by Clan customs. And making friends. Which Rattlecub seemed to have a good grip on already. She did speak highly of Mambafang. The bigger, fiercer cat scared Cliffwalker - then again, most cats with any confidence in themselves scared Cliffwalker. She didn't want to think about Mambafang mentoring Rattlecub at the moment, but she made a note to herself to come to terms with it soon.

The puma sighed. "You remind me of our mother, who in a sense mentored me, so I can't complain. Maybe that's why she likes you so much." As the words came out of her mouth, she realized they were true - Mambafang and Snake were both stubborn and caring. The kind of cat that'd claw your ears off and shove an extra helping of food down your gullet at the same time. At least, that's how she'd come to understand the black leopard. She turned to look at her at last, and was shocked by how familiar that pale yellow gaze felt. "That, or she just likes the idea of being mentored by another cat named for a snake."

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 17:05:35 by Ali (#110083)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2017-06-01 22:09:55
Glacierwing | Snow Leopard | Female | Warrior | 30 Moons | Hunting
A gentle wind wafted between the boughs and branches of the forest canopy, bringing with it a thousand arrays of scents from the surrounding land, and a tantalizing chill that whispered of the colder, snow laden climates that called to her kind. Glacierwing breathed in slowly, letting the flavors of the air bathe her tongue and tell her where she could find her next target. A distinctly delicious scent caught her attention and an excited smile moved her lips. Pig . Shadows and dappled rippled across her mottled grey fur as the young leopard rose from her perch amongst the higher branches of a tree, breaking her almost perfect camouflage and sending a host of brightly colored birds screeching into the sky, having alarmed them with her sudden movement.

Claws digging into the bark, Glacierwing scurried down the trunk of the tree and landed silently on the leaf laden floor below. All was quiet. The birds recognized the presence of a predator and the silence they brought gave her an eerie sense of carnivorous glee. But it wouldnt do. Any self preserving prey animal would know that silent birds meant danger, and so she started to move, her large white paws making no sound. She kept to the shadows, and kept low. The scent of the pig led her further into the forest, mingling with the smell of damp earth, mushrooms and broken ferns.
Glacierwings pupils narrowed suddenly, focusing on a muddle of upturned earth and the prints of cloven hooves pressed into the ground. She stilled completely, not moving a muscle. Her snowy-furred ears pricked and she allowed all the sounds of the forest to swallow her up. The birds had resumed their singing now that she had moved on. The scattering of various small animals in the undergrowth tempted her to divert her attention. But she knew she was close. Sure enough, the sounds she was listening for made themselves known. A soft grunting and squeaking, to her right.
A few seconds later and she was creeping through the undergrowth, eyes dark with the intense concentration only a cat on the hunt can bring. The bristling hide of a boar could now be seen between the roots of a tree. The pigs nose was rooting through the earth and ferns.
Glacierwing bared her fangs in a grin of satisfaction. She tensed her back legs and rose ever so slightly off the ground. With a massive burst of energy, she thrust off the ground and easily covered the distance between herself and the prey.
Claws ripped into tough skin. Teeth buried themselves in the throat and jaws clamped down hard on the windpipe. A choked off squeak and a minutes struggle, and it was over.
Hot blood dampened Glacierwings face, turning the one gray females face into a scarlet painting. "Gotcha," she breathed and whooped. Stomach stinging with hunger, she began half carrying/half dragging her catch back to camp, eager to show her parents her latest kill.

Glacierwing | Back in camp | Mentions Swanstar and Stoneclimber
Glacierwing staggered into camp, now exhausted at having dragged the boar all the way. Her breathing was labored and her tail drooped with weariness but even so she lifted her head and called "Your favorite huntress has returned everyone! Feast your eyes upon my glorious-" she cut off mid sentence, only just having detected the tense atmosphere of the clan. She followed her mothers gaze to Copperthorn, who had the oddest expression on his face. She felt a flutter of disappointment that her catch wasnt going to be the absolute BEST thing to happen to him to today, or even the most notable. She dropped the boar on the kill pile and padded over to her mother and father "Is...everything alright?" she asked in a confused tone.

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-06-01 23:26:51


Stoneclimber | Male | Camp | Warrior | 108 Moons | Mentions: Swanstar, Bramblepaw, Nightfrost & Co., [Minor] Glacierwing [Direct]

The male glimpsed towards Swanstar with a look of somber adoration as a familiar clouded expression ghosted over her soft, feminine features, the RoseClan leader tucking herself into her own thoughts. He understood the longing. Had it been so long ago that he'd been wrestling his cubs in the center of camp? Making a fool of himself and lurking at their tails to ensure they didn't cause trouble? The moons passed so quickly. It seemed that only yesterday did he tuck his head across his mate's flank as she nursed. Great Ancestors, he felt old despite having many good seasons left. He blinked in realization, then glanced around the camp once more. No, not searching for his family this time but for the familiar pale golden onyx-spotted coat of Bramblepaw -- his apprentice. Cool silvery grey irises hardened just slightly as he failed to immediately locate the leopard. Just about everyone was up and about, he doubted Bramblepaw would still be in the apprentice den. Stoneclimber released a long, weary sigh. The young tom was probably outside of camp again, it wouldn't be the first nor the last time, he was sure and as always, Stoneclimber would not fail in giving him an earful. His nostrils flared slightly as he inhaled, the muscles under his coat growing taut as he tensed, breathing the aromas in the air which carried freshly into the clan's camp on a healthy breeze. Swanstar had sensed it, too, he noted. The fragrance was RoseClan, but not all, he was afraid. He couldn't pick out individual scents but there was certainly RoseClan cats on the winds, laced lightly in something... unfamiliar. Carefully masking his expression, Stoneclimber looked at the gathered felines, wondering if they, too, had noticed. He was a little too intent on puzzling over what he was smelling and was only notified of his daughter's presence when he saw the young female gliding towards them from his peripherals. "Everything is fine." He spoke softly, tail twitching in the short grass. Perhaps just some clan-members returning to camp, He thought and Stoneclimber managed a warm smile towards his daughter, hoping to distract himself from the slightly frigid atmosphere. "You were hunting?" She smelled of boar and adrenaline, sign enough to tell she had not been lounging in camp like the majority of her clan.

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 23:29:31 by Century Salvation ☪ (#77658)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2017-06-02 04:36:06

Male | 28 Moons | Liger | Warrior
Location: Beyond RoseClan Border | Mentions: Brody - Nightfrost - Frozenglow - Echosoul {Indirectly}

The ligers breath caught in his throat as Echosoul closed in on him from the other side of the trees, not quick enough to hide his hulking form from her fast approach. Their noses touched before she took a few steps back, clearly shocked to see the warrior there, but he could also tell she knew what he'd been doing. With a curt nod from the leopardess, as well as a smile he almost didn't catch, she was on her way.

Thankful out of the small group huddled together within the forest, it was Echosoul who had found him out, he made sure his steps were silent and he turned to follow her lead. Hopefully the she-feline would let him in on the strangers reasoning for being amongst RoseClan territory.

"Do you know him?" His voice quiet as well as masculine despite his personality that was well known for being cub like. He wasn't sure what he was expecting as an answer, as the group seemed quite friendly towards one another. He was just far enough to see each cat clearly, but as the wind carried his scent away, it wasn't strong enough to carry their voices with it.

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LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-06-02 05:36:09
The young leopard alongside nightfrost and the rouge Brody edged closer to camp following Echosoul's fading pawsteps in the undergrowth. Brody had asked for the cats around him for there names and Frozenglow replied in a soft tone" well Brody I am Frozenglow and it is a pleasure to meet you" the tom smiled at Brody looking him over with a large smirk. Frozenglow perked his ears and saw Echosoul's little bump with oakfall and watched her shy away. Frozenglow walked onward and nudged the ligers shoulder in greeting as he passed on with the small group next to him. The pale spotted leopard held back a laugh as he heard his sisters exclamation ring through the trees they were close enough to see cats from camp sitting or walking back from hunts or patrols. Frozenglow could smell the tension from where he was walking and slowed his walk now caught up with the leopardess.

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Steel (#89903)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-06-02 07:05:53
Echosoul • Female • 93 moons • Warrior • Outside • Mentions: Brody, Oakfall

"Oh, um. I don't know who he his is.... I, um, think he's some sort of, uh, trespasser." She murmured, turning her head so one green-grey eye was looking at the liger. "We can talk more when we get farther away." And with that, she took a mad dash forward, launching down into a thickly forested gully.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 00:37:27
Glacierwing | Snow Leopard | Female | 30 Moons | In camp | Mentions: Stoneclimber (directly)
"Mm," Glacierwing hummed with an affectionate smile towards her father. "I was out before dawn but only so I could enjoy the nights frost before first light. The boar was a nice bonus." Her thick tail wrapped neatly around her paws, the black tip settling on her toes. She quite often woke early so she could take full advantage of the wintry conditions the midnight hours seemed to bring, despite this meaning she often required a nap mid evening. Killing the pig had been just the thing to properly wake her up too.
Now she let her sky-gray eyes gaze around camp, taking note of who was up and awake. An odd scent was definitely in the air, as she had noticed before. It seemed that a couple of others had noticed the scent as well. Was it a rogue? Or a visitor from another clan? She was curious but by no means worried. Any threat would have been dealt with by the patrols guarding the camp. "I'm glad to see you're back as well," she purred to Stoneclimber, returning her attention to the male snow leopard. "I know its in our blood to return to the slopes but I can't help but worry you'll come back in less than perfect shape." There was a joking tone to her voice but any cat that knew her knew that her mentor, Snowheart, had passed away while hunting in the mountainous peaks. That particular memory had her concerned for any clanmate that went out hunting alone in recent months.

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Edited on 03/06/17 @ 00:37:55 by Sunfire (#26490)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 00:57:01

| Mambafang |
Female • 48 Moons • African Leopard (Melanistic) • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Cliffwalker / {Indirectly} Swanster, Rattlecub

“Your mother sounds as if she is quite the lady. A shame I’ve never had the pleasure of making her acquaintance,” Mambafang replied, noting Cliffwalker’s hesitance. It wasn’t unusual for kin hoping to mentor kin, but was rarely practiced. She hoped Cliffwalker wouldn’t be too disappointed when she was not named her sister’s trainer, and Mambafang expected if she was given the honor of mentoring the feisty cub she would be seeing a lot more of her. The question here, truly, was whether or not Swanstar would trust her enough to allow her an apprentice after her parents attempted coup all those years ago,

“You needn't worry, You won’t be an unwelcome face, so long as you don’t make a habit of stealing her away from me or interrupting training sessions,” she teased. “You’re welcome to offer input. After all, Rattlecub would be my first apprentice, and you know her best. She may not act like it, but your guidance is important. A constant in her life. I have no desire to replace you, I only wish to assist in her growth. She’ll be a fine warrior someday, and she’ll have you to thank for a good deal of her success.”


| Brody |
Male • 33 Moons • Pantanal Jaguar • Rogue
Location: Roseclan Territory • Mentions: {Directly} Nightfrost, Echosoul, Frozenglow, Oakfall, Copperthorn, Swanstar, Stoneclimber, Glacierwing, everyone else in camp

“Nightfrost and Frozenglow...those are certainly interesting names,” he replied politely, more privately of the opinion they were quite the mouthful. As he examined his guards he considered they were perhaps fitting somehow, the jaguar ahead of him had a pelt reminiscent of a starless night sky and the white leopard’s pelt was so pale he seemed to stand out against their darker surroundings. As Echosoul departed without giving her own name he stared after her curiously, but kept himself from inquiring further. If she had wanted to share her name she would have done so before leaving. Perhaps, there would be time for a proper meeting later.

A golden coat among the underbrush caught his eye as Echosoul slipped away and Brody was surprised to find its owner was a giant of a cat, larger than any feline he had ever met, with features that reminded him of both a lion and a tiger. How intriguing… It seemed all kinds of cats shared this territory. As they drew closer to camp he caught a glimpse of concern in Nightfrost’s gaze and paused, the other cats now visible through the trees. Anxiety welled up inside him and his own gaze flickered with doubt. What would he do if he wasn’t well received? Would Nightfrost and Frozenglow be punished for inviting an unwelcome guest into the heart of their camp?

Though he had just met them, he didn’t like the thought of either of these friendly strangers being harmed, especially as a result of his own foolishness. Forcing down his nerves, he allowed Nightfrost and Frozenglow to lead him through the entrance, nose immediately assaulted by a myriad of scents. Panic tightened his chest and flooded his mind as the Clan cats gathered around him and Brody resisted the urge to flee. He glanced toward a rather authoritative looking pair standing only inches away with a younger cat who looked the same age as Frozenglow, all of them snowy furred and darkly spotted. Gazing between the four of them, he thought he could detect a family resemblance

His gaze settled next on Copperthorn, taking in the various emotions flashing across his brother’s face. For a moment, he wondered why he had gone through with this risk. They had never been close. Both were fairly reserved cubs, yet while Fire had taken to entertaining himself Brody clung to their mother. The few times they had played together the slightly larger male had always proven overly rough, and Brody would shove him away with a disgruntled expression whenever their play-fights grew too much for him. He left their family shortly after maturing with no explanation. Brody hadn't been surprised, their peaceful lifestyle hadn’t suited the fiery young male.

Still, he could feel only joy to set eyes on kin again. “Greetings,” he spoke up awkwardly, dipping his head to Swanstar and Stoneclimber as he returned his attention to the mates. “My name is Brody. I have not come to you with the intention to cause strife, only to be reunited with the brother I lost long ago. Your followers escorted me here after...finding me wandering and hearing my story. I hope my presence does not cause offense and I apologize for trespassing. If you wish for me to leave, I will do so with no ill will. I only ask I be allowed to speak with Copperthorn. If only for a moment,” he finished, gaze once again shifting to meet Copperthorn’s.

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Edited on 03/06/17 @ 00:58:26 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Alintune (formerly
Ali) (#110083)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-03 02:05:36
Cliffwalker | Female Argentine Cougar | 26 moons | Warrior | Camp | Mentions: Mambafang, Brody Party

Cliffwalker detected a bit of flattery in the jaguar's response, but brushed her concern aside. She'd more or less been begging for it... although she was a little surprised Mambafang could read her so easily. "I appreciate...."

Before she could finish, though, Cliffwalker caught whiff of the unease in the air. She could smell her Clan's stress before she could smell the incoming patrol. She sat up straighter and kept her eyes trained on Brody as he approached her leader. She might have been in his pawsteps at one point, but that didn't maker her any less suspicious.

Rattlecub | Female Argentine Cougar | 7.5 moons | Cub | Outside Nursery | Mentions: Finchfeather, Boomslangstorm, Brody, Cliffwalker, Mambafang, Oakfall (minor)

The sudden silence of the camp stole Rattlecub's attention. She dropped the hare in awe as she watched the patrol enter. Around Oakfall's giant golden pelt she caught glimpse of the disturbance's source - a new leopard! She forgot all about Finchfeather and the medicine cat, and about grooming the mud off her pelt, and bounded forward eagerly. Her sister bolted out to stop her. Rattlecub leaped over Cliffwalker's great forepaws only to get her scruff caught in her teeth. "Easy. This cat isn't a Clanmate," Cliffwalker warned through her teeth. She set Rattlecub down between her and Mambafang and, sobered, Rattlecub crouched down there to watch the exchange from afar.

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