Posted by Roseclan • RP Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 03:30:54



A Warriors Roleplay

Mods: InsertCleverNameHere and Potato Lord

For centuries, three clans of big cats have dominated these lands: Solclan, full of powerful and highly dominant lions; Shadeclan, the secretive clan of tigers; Roseclan, a collection of leopards, jaguars, and cats of similar stature. Without human influence, the three clans have grown to large sizes and thrived, learning to coexist within their own borders and, by extension, becoming more social than their non-clan cousins. But they are not alone. For nearly as long as the cats have survived here, they have shared the island with a group of canines¹. Having been proven the weakest and by far the least dominant, the canines were driven into "The Mud," a small swamp on the far-east coast.



An amalgamation of species, Roseclan is governed by a well-spoken snow leopard named Swanstar. Just like its population, the territory consists of several different climates: Snowy mountains, forests, plains, and a small section of jungle overlapping from Shadeclan. All sorts of prey are found here, from hare to deer to mountain goats.

Roseclan contains multiple different climates/biomes within its borders. The further north one goes, the drier and warmer it gets. On the east and west coasts, the air is more humid but varies as far as temperature with how far north or south one goes. To the south, especially below the river, the daytime temperature drops to 30° - 0° and less, declining the further south one goes.



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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 05:52:16 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 12:55:26


Stoneclimber | Male | Camp | Warrior | 108 Moons | Mentions: TRC Party, Rowanheart, Langurtail, Boomslangstorm [Minor]

Stoneclimber watched as the group left the camp, inwardly saying his brief good-byes to everyone of them. The rain continued on and rather watch the remaining youngsters frolic in the thin puddles, the snow leopard male settled himself comfortably and off to the side of the entrance, though he was still able to see the majority of camp. Errands ran around his mind, his shoulders would be heavy with responsibility until the clans broke apart from The Roaring Call, but thankfully Boomslangstorm seemed to be staying behind. The slender male would be a good help. He blinked as a jaguar male, face stern, moved into the warrior's den. He recognized Rowanheart as the warrior reclined in the darkest area of the den. Stoneclimber didn't offer a greeting and none was given. And soon enough, Langurtail had trailed inside. Stoneclimber closed his eyes, listening to the rainfall though not sleeping. It was soothing, this bad weather, soothing to his ears and to his sense of smell. There was a misty aroma in the air and it was nice to inhale.

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Celtic (#97854)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 13:58:47


Rowanheart| 38 Moons| Pantanal Jaguar| Warrior| Mentions: Langurtail {Directly} Stoneclimber {Indirectly}

A light, flirtatious voice tore Rowanheart's gaze from the floor, and bringing his burning amber eyes up, settled his sights on the small, lithe form of Langurtail. Her greeting had been somewhat subdued. He couldn't blame her, his usual bad mood made him a little snappy, not that he'd ever apologize for it. Ah well, he guessed he'd be civil, at least for today.
"Oh, hello Langurtail. I've had better days. And what about you, the rain getting you down?" He asked, deep, charismatic voice like velvet rumbling through the air. The brute's tone held a hint of light-heartedness, obviously trying his best to remain somewhat likable. Swanstar's mate lay not far away, and Rowanheart had an unusual amount of respect for the male snow leopard. Perhaps it was because he had a diplomatic air about him, or that he never bothered the jaguar with ridiculous chatter. Whatever it was, Rowanheart would do his best to keep the peace with him around.

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LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-06-09 16:11:57
Frozenglow shook his soaked pelt the fur dark with rain and looked into the dark sky a chill swept through his fur and he smiled welcoming the cold. He looked around and saw the cats heading to their dens or staying out to enjoy the rain. Leaping down from his perch and into a large pudle the big cat splashed around without care, a loud growl ripping from his maw as he danced in the falling rain. Standing up and shaking once more the young snowleopard spotted his father, the older toms face relaxed and head lifted to the sky. Frozenglow yawned and walked over to his dad sitting next to him quietly and relaxing.

The old she-cat groaned in annoyance as a drop of water landed on her nose and slid down her cheek. Opening one eye she looked out the elders den entrance and watched the rain pour onto the ground. Rolling upright and opening her other eye the old leopardess yawned and blinked her eyes sleepily as she rolled her shoulders. Popping her neck and back as she stretched Ghostwalker crawled forward to lap at the water pooling at the dip in the entrance to the den. After she relieved her thirst the Amur leopard sat up and looked around the den finding it empty. The leopardesses stomach growled softly with hunger and she rolled her eyes scooted closer to the entrance, tail dragging behind her. "Hello , can someone get me something to eat ?!!" The she-cat yelled her voice a little strained the big cat pouted and poked at her belly with one paw as it growled again.

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Edited on 09/06/17 @ 16:12:51 by LilLeo (#101751)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 20:59:23

| Tidebreaker |
Male • 34 Moons • Pantanal Jaguar • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Silverwind / {Indirectly} Swanstar, Brokenfeather

A new voice joining the conversation had Tidebreaker turning to find himself face to face with yet another of the unusual white-furred leopards he had met upon fist setting paw on Roseclan territory. They seemed quite common here, though it appeared they needed to make frequent trips to the colder parts of their land in order to survive here. Though Tidebreaker was curious about the snow-clad mountains that loomed on the horizon he knew he wouldn't thrive there. "Hello, I am called Bro-" He paused, catching himself nearly giving away his old name. "Tidebreaker," he corrected himself quickly. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Before he could inquire Silverwind's name Swanstar headed for the camp entrance and the other chosen cats moved to follow her. "I hope we can continue this conversation once we return," he commented apologetically before hurrying to follow the other cats, trailing Brokenfeather as the deputy exited camp.

((Sorry to cut this conversation short. Tidebreaker and Brokenfeather already left for the gathering, but I set this just before they departed so we don't leave you hanging completely.))


| Mambafang |
Female • 49 Moons • African Leopard (Melanistic) • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Rattlepaw, Stoneclimber

"Don't get too excited just yet," Mambafang advised, eyes gleaming with amusement. "It's all up to Stoneclimber. He's in charge remember." The black leopard's gaze scanned the camp in search of Swanstar's mate and soon found him resting near the entrance of the warrior's den. Despite her warning, Mambafang doubted she and Rattlepaw would be excluded from a patrol. It was about time Rattlepaw experienced one. "I'll go see what the plan is for the day. You might as well grab something to eat if you like. The rain will ruin the prey before long." Padding closer to where Stoneclimber rested, she dipped her head in greeting. "Stoneclimber," she addressed the temporary leader. "Have you decided on any patrols yet?"


| Longthooth |
Male • 27 Moons • Clouded Leopard • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Indirectly} Rowanheart, Langurtail / {Indirectly} Swanstar

Longtooth had never yet left his nest, the presence of pounding rain apparent from the noise of water splashing atop the den roof. He doubted he would be chosen for the Roaring Call, but kept alert on the off chance he was incorrect. There was no sense of disappointment when Swanstar did not call for him and the silent leopard merely closed his eyes and curled tighter into his nest. The sound of heavy pawsteps had them slightly opening again, catching sight of Rowanheart plodding inside and soon after Langurtail following him. He watched the two warriors lazily through half-lidded eyes, in no hurry to join the conversation, but aware of any words passing between them.


| Specklepaw |
Female • 12 Moons • African Serval • Warrior Apprentice
Location: Camp • {Directly} Ghostwalker / {Indirectly} Swanstar

Specklepaw stared after Swanstar as she led the Roaring Call attendees out of camp, wishing more than anything she could join the leopardess, but also understanding why she hadn't been chosen. The nervous adolescent wasn't quite ready for such a large gathering, most of the cats involved being more than twice her size. The thought made the spotted she-cat shiver. There were few large cats she was truly comfortable around, but Specklepaw had always felt safe with Swanstar and her family. It was truly an honor the noble leader had decided to mentor her after all the trouble she had with Blackclaw. The abrupt yowling of a hungry elder had her leaping into the air in fright, spooked by the demanding request. After all four paws touched solid ground once more she glanced anxiously over her shoulder to find the demand had been issued by Ghostwalker. Specklepaw sprinted to the fresh-kill pile, picking through the sodden prey until she found a rabbit that was only mildly soaked before rushing to drop it at the elder's paws. "H-here you are Ghostwalker. Sorry it took so long."

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Edited on 09/06/17 @ 21:05:15 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 00:05:11
Langurtail | Female | 24 moons | Clouded Leopard | Location: Camp | Warrior | Mentions: [Directly] Rowanheart, Longtooth [Indirectly] N/A

Langurtail purred softly at the brute's kindness. "I must say that the rain isn't my favorite weather. It just makes me hunt even more, ruining most of the fresh kills." She chuckled lightly. It was true though. The rain ruins some of the prey and the whole clan has to work harder to bring in more. At least the warthogs were easy. Langurtail looked around the den and saw other felines hiding from the rain. She recognized a few felines such as Stoneclimber and Longtooth. Longtooth is a reserved leopard. Maybe he'll talk a few words today? "Hello, there Longtooth. Seems to me that a little tired?" Langurtail purred but the last sentence came out more as a question. If he was a little bit tired, Langurtail didn't want to bother him. Well, not that much.

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 06:05:41

"You can't damn bear jealousy."

||Silverwind||♀||62 moons||Snow Leopard||Warrior||Mentions:Tidebreaker&[directly]; Langurtail, TRC group[briefly]||

(I'm so sorry, I didn't read all the posts)

The female snow leopard slightly narrowed her eyes as she watched the group leave camp. She wanted to attend the gathering so bad. Maybe that way, she could see her brother. Shaking her head, she chased these thoughts out of her head. Silverwind closed one eye as the rain continued pouring down onto her pelt. She didn't bother staying in the rain at all, after all, snow leopards are resistant to rain, snow and cold. The female sighed as she sat down in the mud that formed due to the pouring rain. She looked at her side, observing a female clouded leopard wondering around camp, tryna' get some attention out of boredom.

After a few more minutes of standing out in the rain and watching the felines look around camp, Silverwind slowly got up and walked back to the warriors' den. She's had enough sleep for two days, so she probably will be stalking other leopards in their sleep. This thought made her chuckle, soon finding herself smiling useless. Silverwind closed her eyes and kept her eyes shut until a little dizziness caught her, causing her to open eyes quickly. She didn't understand why was she so fragile. The female was practising daily, yet she got tired easily when running. Maybe that was just how she's been born. Sighing, she started meditating on what to do today.

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LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-06-10 08:19:20
The elder snorted in amusement as she watched the roaring call patrol depart , and watched Frozenglow hop around like a kit then sit next to his father. The old leopard wondered where her daughters took of too. She shrugged and decided to find her adopted kits when the rain stopped. Snapped out of her thoughts she looked up to see speckledpaw drop a rabbit at her feet. The old leopardess smiled at speckledpaw and gently grabbed the rabbit. After taking a bite the she-cat paused and said to the small apprentice " thank you speckledpaw, why don't you join me for a few bites ?" The old cat said softly. Speckledpaw was small but would make a good warrior in time, Ghostwalker was proud of the apprentices and was happy to help any of them.

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 14:37:47


Stoneclimber | Male | Camp | Warrior | 108 Moons | Mentions:

(Sorry this reply is a little lacking ;-;)

Stoneclimber was only slightly aware of Frozenglow as his son came to settle beside him. The snow leopard only offered a grunt in acknowledgement, opening one eye merely to confirm before closing it again. The soft patter of rain was enough to lull one to sleep, but Stoneclimber was not tired. Both eyes would open warily, however, as he sensed the advance of another. The tom rose his head and glanced expectantly towards the female Mambafang as she stalked towards them. "Not particularly." Stoneclimber replied, pulling himself up into a sitting position. "Were you wanting to lead one? A couple hunting parties wouldn't hurt in this weather, though, I'd like to wait a little while more to replenish the borders."

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Condylarthra (#113925)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 12:18:45
Quailflight | Sudan Cheetah | Female | Camp | Warrior | 16 mo. | Mentions: Ghostwalker, Specklepaw

Since she knew she wasn't going to be chosen for the Roaring Call, Quailflight had scarcely bothered to listen. She was lying on her back at the edge of camp, smelling and hearing the rain, eyes shut against the droplets running down her nose and into her eyes. Her lids barely even cracked open upon hearing Swanstar's commanding voice. Her conscience twinged faintly at ignoring her leader, but figuring she had a mouse's chance in a cobra den of being picked for the gathering of Clans, there was really no point to paying attention.

She did perk up at hearing Ghostwalker shout for prey. Rolling over onto her belly and blinking away the raindrops, she saw Specklepaw dutifully carrying a rabbit over to the elder's den. Perhaps she should go over there anyway. Ghostwalker could be demanding, and it didn't seem fair to leave the nervous little cat to deal with her on her own, when all the other apprentices seemed to be hiding away in their den.

The heaviness of the rain cemented Quailflight's decision. Better to wait out the storm in the elder's den than among a bunch of warriors, likely all annoyed at not having been picked for the Roaring Call. She got up and wandered over to the elder's den, flicking the raindrops off her ears, and murmured a greeting to Ghostwalker and Specklepaw.

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Edited on 11/06/17 @ 12:19:55 by Condylarthra (#113925)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-06-11 15:18:00
Lionpool||Caracal||Female||Camp||Warrior||Mentions: [Direct] Quailflight Ghostwalker

Lionpool stood up, running in the rain, and saw a female she hadn't seen in a while: Quailflight. She walked up, and asked a simple question. "Can you tell me about Starclan again? Something's been troubling me for moons. I just need a refreshment, again." She had asked Quailflight questions about Starclan multiple times, as she must be tired of telling Lionpool about Starclan by now. But until she said to buzz off, Lionpool would always be interested in the cheetah.

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-11 16:31:52

Bramblepaw| 19 Moons| Male Persian Leopard| Apprentice| Mentions: Stoneclimber (Indirectly)

The young leopard male lounged on a tree branch high above his clan-mates, avoiding the rain by hiding beneath a particularly thick patch of leaves. He had intertwined them himself, making sure that the knot of branches would provide a good enough shelter from the downpour. It was of course temporary, but the thick limb beneath his body was comfortable and sturdy, and he enjoyed watching the others from a hidden place. Bramblepaw sighed as the large group of Roseclan cats left for the Roaring Call, feeling slight disappointment that he had not been chosen to attend. Of course, he was only an apprentice, and he had yet to go to his first gathering of the clans, so maybe next moon would be his chance. With a purr, he perked himself up with the thought, his tail hanging off of the branch. From below, it would be the only part of him that could be seen, if only minimally. Golden eyes landed on Stoneclimber, and he vaguely wondered if they would be doing any training today. If not, he might be able to slip away to his training hollow and go over some new moves he'd been working on.

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Condylarthra (#113925)

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Posted on
2017-06-16 20:26:16
Quailflight | Sudan Cheetah | Female | Camp | Warrior | 16 mo. | Mentions: Lionpool

At the voice, Quailflight turned around suddenly, startled. She blinked at the empty space in front of her, perplexed and about to assume she was hearing things again, until she spotted the long, black ear tufts at the very bottom of her vision. She looked down at the much shorter cat.

"Lionpool?" Quailflight had had many conversations with the other she-cat, something that continued to surprise her. Others didn't typically want to listen when she talked about StarClan, let alone seek her out. She wasn't sure if she had ever been able to ease the carcal's mind, but that was no reason not to try. "What is it that's on your mind?"

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-18 17:47:08

| Mambafang |
Female • 49 Moons • African Leopard (Melanistic) • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Stoneclimber, Rattlepaw

Mambafang considered the notion of leading a hunting party before ultimately shaking her head no. "I think, I would rather take Rattlepaw on a border patrol. She's been looking forward to attending one. We'll wait for however long you need," she replied before stepping away to take shelter from the rain beneath one of the trees overhanging camp. She beckoned Rattlepaw closer with a flick of her tail, waiting for the apprentice to venture closer before giving her the news.


| Longthooth |
Male • 27 Moons • Clouded Leopard • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Langurtail

Longtooth's eyes opened fully, head rising from his paws to stare back at the leopardess as she asked him a question. "No," he replied simply, chin falling back against the mossy edge of his nest. "When I have a reason to get up, I will," he added, assuming she would ask why he was still resting if he wasn't tired.

((I'm sorry this is so short. Please forgive.))


| Specklepaw |
Female • 12 Moons • African Serval • Warrior Apprentice
Location: Camp • {Directly} Ghostwalker, Quailflight

Once the prey had been delivered Specklepaw prepared to make herself scarce. She was pleasantly surprised when Ghostwalker asked her to stay and share. "Are you sure?" She asked meekly, not wanting to take food from the elder if she was especially hungry. Ghostwalker was a much larger cat and likely needed more meat per day than herself. As Quailflight joined them she attempted to push down the anxiety gripping her belly. 'These are your Clanmates! You don't have to be afraid of them!' She scolded herself silently, forcing herself to respond with a friendly, "hello!" A small voice seemed to interrupt that thought, reminding her that Blackclaw had been her Clanmate too. Someone whom she had trusted to teach and guide her. Her ears folded back for a moment before she pushed memories of the black leopard aside. He was no longer her mentor, and she needn't worry about him anymore.

((I believe Lionpool has been dropped, as a heads up.))

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Condylarthra (#113925)

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Posted on
2017-06-21 11:49:19
Quailflight | Sudan Cheetah | Female | Camp | Warrior | 16 mo. | Mentions: Specklepaw, Ghostwalker

Quailflight had gotten lost in thought for a moment, listening as if to someone who wasn't there. It took her a moment to respond to Specklepaw. She glanced back over her shoulder.

"Hello," she said quietly. The little serval was always so quiet and anxious. Quiet suited Quailflight just fine. Anxious she didn't much know what to do with, but she could do her best to be kind. She dipped her head politely to the apprentice and to Ghostwalker in the den.

"Is there enough room in there for me, maybe? It can only rain harder."

((serves me right for taking so long to reply, i suppose))

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Alintune (formerly
Ali) (#110083)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-01 13:16:29
Rattlepaw | Female Argentine Cougar | 8.5 moons | Cub | Camp | Mentions: Mambafang, Finchfeather [indirect]

At her mentor's signal, Rattlecub glanced at the nursery. She saw no movement within. Finchfeather would know where to find it when she was ready. Rattlecub shook out her fur and her thoughts and bounded over to Mambafang. No need to let jealousy over her sister's night ruin hers. If she judged the look on Mambafang's face correctly - sometimes it was a little difficult - then they were going on a patrol tonight!

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