Posted by The Gorilla Enclave Rework [+537/-15]

jester [im autistic]
โ˜˜๏ธ | ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ (#187561)

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Posted on
2020-02-04 14:09:18

The Enclave Rework
So, I've had bits and pieces of this idea for a while, but a bit of a tumblr post and a bit of talking with my friends finally pushed me to make it. Like one of my other suggestions, the July Celestial Stone Rework this is aimed at fixing the state the economy is currently in. While the item economy is booming, lions are... stagnating. That's because there's not enough incentive to remove 'valuable' lions from the economy. While the celestial stone is one way to remove already grown lions from the economy, what if we could start with the source, the cubs?

P.S. If you guys like this suggestion, take a look at this suggestion that deals with Enclave pricing.

The Big Idea
The whole of this rework would aim at revitalizing the lion aspect of the economy. This would be done through gorilla quests similar to the Difficult+ level of quests, and adding more things that the gorilla can request, such as breed-only eye colors like draconid. And if the gorilla can request those things, the frequency needs to be severely adjusted. It also aims at making the enclave more convenient. Let's go ahead and get started.
NOTE: Combo Bases would be excluded. No reason to have the gorilla ask for combo base cubs

Fixing The Economy
When you hear about the economy, what do you think about as being a problem? Is it the overabundance of rosette lions, or how about the fact that breed-only eye colors are basically meaningless now due to how wide spread Dawn, Starshine, and Draconid eyes are?
This is what this part entails. The Gorilla should be able to ask for breed only traits at ANY level.
My point is, the gorilla enclave should be a sink for cubs and a way to remove lions from the economy. It should have a similar purpose that the January event has- to remove silver beetles from the economy and protect against inflation, but only in this case, it would be preventing lion prices from dropping drastically. And the gorilla did work, to the point where the Dun mane color only has 57 non-king lions in game with it at the time of this post. Meanwhile, a breed only mane, let's use Citrine for an example, has 1,000 non-king lions with it. There's a problem here. A massive, massive problem. There should not be 1,754% (please correct me if my math is off) MORE lions with a Citrine mane than a Dun mane, especially since Citrine is breed-only, while dun can come from any NCL or Rolled King.

TL;DR: Make the gorilla able to request breed-only traits, and exclude Custom traits from the damn thing entirely. Noctis Pelage has more lions with the marking in a single slot than Noctis Cover has entirely in game, in all ten slots.

Quality of Life Changes
First and foremost, yes, this includes the awfully sought after change you were all wondering about- under this rework, Enclave Quests WILL change at rollover instead of every 24 hours. No other daily feature on the site is measured by hours, it all resets at rollover. Even wet/dry seasons change at rollover. There's no reason why Enclave Quests should be every 24 hours.
Next up is adjusting the cost of the items- there's no reason for Lion Meat to cost as much as the Feline Apps- Lion Meat sells for 2-5GB based off the time of year, Enclave Apps sell for up to 60GB.
MT should also be transferrable between accounts. Every other โ€œlimitedโ€ currency is. The not transferring it block doesnโ€™t make much sense, given how most of the items (other than Jolly Pose + Apps) can be obtained other ways year round. (thank you booty scouting and serval for reminding me to add this)
The price of skipping a quest should also be reduced- given how limited some mane colors are in game (cough, Dun), it'll be hard to find any lion in TC with that mane color, much less a cub in game with it. I think it should be dropped to about 50-75sb.

TL;DR: Reset at rollover instead of every 24h, item cost adjustment, 'skip quest' cost reduce, MT transfer between accounts.

If you've read all of this, thank you for paying attention to my rambling. I'm a newer player on Lioden, but I've noticed all of these problems just specifically with Gorilla Enclave. It's annoying when you're given a quest that has no lions on TC for it, and then you have to pay more than most fodder cubs are even worth, and then risk having to pay it again because the Gorilla only asks for NCL or Custom manes, even though almost no one puts those on their kings willingly, which then means the amount of cubs with them born are reduced with each coming generation (as soon as I get the money, I plan on changing my King's mane to Dun, after I found out how bad the problem is while making this post).
As with all of my suggestions, if you have any ideas or criticism, please let me know. I know this would be a fair bit of coding, but if we don't do something about the economy now we will be paying for it later on when it completely stagnates. I don't have a happy note to end this on, just that something needs to be done before it basically becomes 'itemden'.

Additional Ideas
- The ability to send multiple cubs per day. One daily quest which awards Monkey Teeth, and then a place to send fodder cubs for small rewards, such as small amounts of SB or even high-use carcasses. From #41669
- A timed cub sink, similar to the Lioness Quest, where you are rewarded for foddering a certain amount of cubs within the time limit. From #70500

wow. i'm not a new player anymore.. i still stand by this suggestion though. enclave is so bad at its job of removing cubs from the economy it's almost laughable. while you're here, check out my other fodder suggestion, the collector and the clan based off of it

This suggestion has 547 supports and 15 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/12/23 @ 02:04:01 by jester [im autistic] โ˜˜๏ธ | ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ (#187561)

๐Ÿ… Tiger | FROZEN (#181564)

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Posted on
2020-02-04 14:13:58
support :>

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Booty Achieved (#150661)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-02-04 14:30:07
Also adding that we can transfer Monkey Teeth between linked accounts would be awesome too with the overhaul

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๐ŸŒป the serval
spots (#98320)

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Posted on
2020-02-04 14:38:51
I fully agree with all of this, but also please add that we can transfer MT i cri

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jester [im autistic]
โ˜˜๏ธ | ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ (#187561)

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Posted on
2020-02-04 14:39:35
Damn, that was gonna be a part and I forgot about it. Thank you guys for reminding me, Iโ€™ll add it!

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Ladwick (#12065)

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Posted on
2020-02-07 20:18:24
I fully Support! all your ideas!!!

I kind of wish we could do the gorilla quests more than once a day, too. Three might be pushing it but two seems fine? The more times you could do quests in a day, the more lions could poof from the face of Lioden. Less lions = better market. Maybe? Although MT would increase site wide. Maybe have it to where you could unlock an extra quest a day if you do x amount of quests or buy an item with MT to unlock the extra quest, it can't be easy to achieve. Or maybe the extra quest shouldn't have MT as a reward but something else? Idk, I'm just spit balling here, sorry. xC

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2020-02-09 07:40:22
Yeah, I remember bringing this up on your thread as well, for the Celestial Stone. I have no idea why they implemented the GE the way they did. It's basically useless and just puts even more app markings in the game.

Supported, obviously. I'll repost what I said on your Celestial Stone topic (I din't know you made an Enclave one too!)

Another option is an Enclave rework. Enclave wasn't even implemented the way it was suggested, I don't think. Enclave should work like this, in my opinion: Each day you can "give away" a certain amount of cubs (say, 10 or 25) for 10 SB each. That's only 100 or 225 SB -- a minuscule amount. Not at all gamebreaking, but it still encourages people to get rid of worthless cubs that clog up the market and never sell. You can get more than that from playing the minigames like Serengeti Shuffle every day. Plus -- they can leave in the current Gorilla system, but make it even better. Each day he'll ask for three different traits, each giving a different reward depending on its difficulty -- just like it is now, but you can do all three. The easy one for 2 MT, medium for 2, and then hard for 3 for a total of 7 MT per day. Just like you get for doing 1 Difficult quest per day, which is only one very specific cub. This removes more cubs from the game. They could still let you shuffle his requests for SB, too.

You could even play around with more ideas here, like more stats/markings/rarer bases = more SB, etc.

Enclave asking for one very specific cub (most of which might not even exist, because it has some obscure mane mark like Heather Ends) isn't enough.

I want to reiterate, with emphasis: giving away ONE CUB per day DOES NOT WORK. People need a way to get rid of mass amounts of cubs that no one wants to buy. Just saying "oh well chase them!" doesn't work. People don't want to get rid of things for nothing in return. Give them even just a small amount of SB per day, however -- PLUS the Monkey Teeth from his daily requests -- and their minds will change.

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Edited on 09/02/20 @ 07:44:28 by Thalath {online} (#41669)

The skrunkly (#125714)

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Posted on
2020-02-09 14:55:14
sae. the. economy.

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Island | side (#194828)

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Posted on
2020-02-14 10:36:41
"I want to reiterate, with emphasis: giving away ONE CUB per day DOES NOT WORK. People need a way to get rid of mass amounts of cubs that no one wants to buy. Just saying "oh well chase them!" doesn't work. People don't want to get rid of things for nothing in return. Give them even just a small amount of SB per day, however -- PLUS the Monkey Teeth from his daily requests -- and their minds will change."


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Zdie (#52994)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2020-02-26 18:03:49
I would also like it to stop asking for a minimum stat requirement.

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Bezthiel ๐Ÿ‰ (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-02-26 18:17:20

Problematically, we never really had an issue with the garbage manes, colors, and marks the gorilla asks for.

Since I've joined, I've always had problems finding cubs that have ...idk... golden unders 3 (I legit forget what these marks are called). Who breeds for that? If you want it, you apply it. You don't keep 2 dozen cubs with it, or 2 dozen cubs with a dun mane.

You keep the cubs that have traits that can only be bred. So we need it to he worthwhile to get rid of cubs who have traits that can only be bred!

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Polaris (#151542)

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Posted on
2020-04-10 02:45:21
No support because I don't like the idea that certain traits need to be artificially rare because reasons. That way next to no one gets them. I wouldn't be opposed to the enclave factoring in what bases/marks/eyes are actually the most common (looking at you, Sunset Feralis) rather than going by tier or mass cub dump quest options though.

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Edited on 10/04/20 @ 09:02:50 by I'll fuckin do it again (#151542)

[โ–ณ] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-04-11 13:13:30
Supporting this. Lioden's lion economy is in shambles, and at this point, incentive to remove lions from the system should definitely exist.

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Moon-Soul Pastel G3
Corrupted (#205430)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2020-05-12 15:06:33
It would be nice to give away cubs that didn't fit any criteria for MT as well, but not sure if that defeats the point of quests. Maybe 5 cubs for a Monkey Tooth or something?

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Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2020-05-12 16:41:34

Also maybe it's not such a bad idea to make Gorilla want the most common (not in the sense of genetics but in the sense of number of lions in the game) traits more often and traits like Dun mane - rarely. So it would meet our goal here.

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Moose of Nature (#110955)

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Posted on
2020-05-26 11:18:51
Heavy support.
With getting rid of cubs for SB to the gorilla, i have a small idea, but would require a silly new NPC just for the gorilla;

Player 1 sends Cub A to the Monkeys for 10sb.
Monkeys hold them for X amount of days before they are fully deleted.
Player 2 starts a quest, but cant find any cubs in the TC that matches, but the Monkeys have Cub A, which does match the quest requirements.
Player 2 buys Cub A from the Monkeys for 10sb and gives it to the gorilla. Quest ends.

And Player 2 could buy the cub from the Monkeys to sell to the Gorilla, who then gives you the MT and other prize (imp, exp, energy)

My lore idea for why the gorilla cant buy the cub, is because the monkeys do not like the gorilla over a silly game played years ago (maybe theyre just sore losers) and thus cubs between the two must go between a lion.

Player 2 wouldnt get the cub in their den, itd be in limbo (like cubs from reverse heats until theyre weaned) and only can be sold to the Gorilla for that specific quest (as the cubs wouldnt be available any other time, you can only buy cubs from the Monkeys that fit the requirements. i.e requirement is Dun Mane, so the monkeys wont show an Etheral Mane for sale)

I know its a lot and kind of messy, but if you can understand it, i think id be a cute way to get the cubs gone and help those who cant find cubs in the TC, specially with like Dun mane- its so hard to find now anyway, but if people just plopped those cubs with the monkeys, and another player gets a dun mane quest, they could find it slightly easier?

Ofc i could just be wanting a cute new NPC interaction lol

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