Posted by -STUCK- Feedback Request: New Layout

Katze (#3)

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2023-10-13 22:29:46
Quoted from the October Development Update #61:

New Lioden Layout

We previously shared a preview of a new layout that we had designed for Lioden's recode. There was a mixed reaction, and we've taken that on board. We went back to square one - we'd like to get your feedback on a new design that we've created, heavily inspired by the current layout - just spruced up a bit, and modernized to use more current web technology!

Some Notes:
* This is not the final iteration of the layout, it's a preview build - there may be minor issues that will be fixed, or things that we rearrange. Please don't worry about bug reporting or making suggestions for repositioning at this point - we're looking for feedback about how the layout as a whole feels to you!
* This layout should be fully mobile responsive, including the lion images and their layers
* We are about 99% of the way with color contrast accessibility, and the new accent colors (buttons, progress bars [hunger, energy, etc]) should be colorblind friendly.
* Alerts can cause a problem due to very similar brightnesses so icons have been added to alerts to counteract any bad interactions with colorblindness.
* Layout Preview Settings: At the bottom of the page there are two options for layout settings.
* Text can be resized to your preference within a range. The current default text size (90%) is the most similar to Lioden's current text size. 100% will be the new default when this layout launches, but we will automatically set everyone who is a member at the time to 90% so it's less of a harsh adjustment right away. The plan is that when the layout is implemented, this will be a setting on your account that you can change at will.
* The site's theme can be changed to the game's existing layout themes (Day/Default, Night and Desert) and there is a new Dark theme. We are still tweaking Dark theme, and it's important to note that Night and Desert are lower contrast themes and may cause accessibility issues.

Preview a Lion Page

View the Theme Elements Page

Bonus: Landing Page (Xylax is unhappy about the age of the art we've used, it will be updated ;D)

Please give any and all feedback within this topic! We may not be able to respond to all comments, but we will read everything and take your thoughts into account.

UPDATE: Post by Abbey (#1)
UPDATE 2: Post by Abbey (#1)

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Edited on 14/10/23 @ 05:31:04 by a Moderator

Barrow (#395503)

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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:33:50
The updated new layout feels much better!

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jon (#374128)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:35:22
I do like it, but it's a lot to look at. I also noticed that the main male's stats were out of order, having hunger first instead of energy, and impression and experience switched too, which would throw me off if it were to get implemented.

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Dante ~ G1 Revived
mRLC [Main] (#80013)

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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:36:42
@Abbey perhaps you could clarify what parts of it are “broken” and need fixing because as you've probably seen, most of the players don't consider it broken. If we knew what you were trying to fix then maybe it would be easier for people to give constructive feedback. At the minute, it seems a lot of
People are just considering it a pointless change that's overcomplicating the current system.

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Auris (#229394)

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2023-10-14 02:37:50
The new updated page looks fantastic!! I think it's close to perfect and I'm excited for the recode now. Only last nitpick I have is that the chat doesn't have the alternating colors which I feel is easier to read but that's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things! Genuinely so hyped now!

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才藤 (#389089)

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2023-10-14 02:39:14
The new layout is far too spaced out and takes a whole lot of space for nothing, to the point where it feels messy and bloated - like a cheap mobile game. Even keeping the text size at 80% (the minimum) doesn't help to alleviate the problem. Let me explain what I mean step by step.

-The icons in navbar add to the bloat and feel completely unnecessary, I cannot see why the navigation links cannot just remain simple text. If this was done in an attempt to alleviate visibility since navbar has been downsized, I will say that keeping it as it is right now would be a much cleaner look instead of making it harder to parse and use.

-The divider lines on bookmarks and game statistics add unwanted spacing. I realized that this is likely geared towards mobile users but really, there is no justification why miscellaneous information that is irrelevant to most players most of the time takes so much of the page. If you are really keen on retaining mobile accessibility please consider at the very least reducing the padding on linebreaks for bookmarks, and completely remove the dividers for game statistics.
To better illustrate what I mean, I urge everyone to take a look and realize how much space the new layout actually takes. Both of these screenshots were taken at 100% page size. We went from a compact UI to a giant, stretched mess.

-Feed and play buttons similarly suffer from that same issue. There's really no good reason I can see why the play/tussle/groom bar needs to span roughly 35-40% of the line it is on, together with the feed bar. It really feels like a change for the sake of change. Look how much cleaner the sane proportions would look:

And you could keep the breed/autobreed button in its corner as it is, where it cannot be accidentally clicked. You could even eliminate the need for a separate line for breed/reverse breed/find a stud buttons and reduce the already redundant spacing by placing them in-between the interaction and autobreed options.

-Stats, appearance, currents could all do with some downsizing when it comes to width for that same reason. Additionally, I don't see why Mutation specifically needs a new and completely separate tab that adds to the bloat. Just keep it last on the appearance tab OR add it to the breeding information tab, since that is where it would be most relevant.

-Marking tab could be easily capped off at 10 to prevent the weird overflow that kills symmetry with appearance tab and stretches the page even further. It feels especially strange since there is already an "expand" button available for the UI, which will open that entire tab fully.

-Equipped decorations do not need the icons. Most of the decor names are incredibly intuitive, and if the staff is worried about making them clearer, there is an option of adding icons and description into the mouseover tooltip instead. As is stands right now, its just more crowding for minimal benefit.

-The icons in lion actions (kill/secure/chase) also feel extremely unnecessary, considering all of those options are already color-coded and explicitly tell you what they do. Instead of icons, I feel like it would be far more beneficial to add tooltips when you mouseover said options which explain what all of them do. There have been so many questions about the difference between killing/chasing/reserving, so I feel like it would be a good thing to make that information a whole lot more accessible on the spot while eliminating the icon bloat.

-This is more of a nitpicky pet peeve but please keep lion names centered on their pages. Orienting them right below the logo doesn't feel intuitive and doesn't naturally draw the observer's eye, meaning you need to consciously search for the lion's name on the screen before you notice it.

In closing, to show just how much worse the new lion page has become with all the stretch. This is the current lion tab and the experimental UI lion tabs, both at 30% zoom (the most you can zoom out in a browser).

Please note the scroll bar on the new lion page - even with all the zoom, it still isn't enough to display it fully.

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Alexotl (#214509)

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2023-10-14 02:39:24
I really like the updated layout, but how will it effect hunting pages? Currently it's really cramped and small when I go to select Lionesses to hunt on mobile, will that also be changed?

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Dante ~ G1 Revived
mRLC [Main] (#80013)

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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:40:58
Another concern I have is data use. With extra pictures on the page, will this significantly affect data use for mobile users? The site’s already very data hungry as it is

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frosty 🪶 (#229018)

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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:50:36
The only thing I really like is the dark mode option.. it just feels so cluttered and I'm really not a fan of the font, king image constantly being on display, the chatbox, plus the lion page having so many boxes. It feels as though it would be less mobile friendly than the current UI with the amount of scrolling that has to be done, and as phones are considerably smaller, I assume all of that text makes it even worse.

Plenty others have shared my exact thoughts on it, so I won't go on too much.

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Edited on 14/10/23 @ 14:52:31 by frosty ★ (#229018)

🌈 Abbey ⚡🦁 (#1)

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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:50:54
@Dante ~ G1 Revived RLC [Main] (#80013)

There is too much to list honestly, and without going down to really technical information, there are some things that aren't that easy to explain why it would be easier with a new layout.

A few examples:
* Current front-end framework is 10 years old and uses jQuery in a lot of places which is an old and slightly out of date technology - we would be moving away from this, which should - by itself - speed the site up.
* With new technology comes better ways of being able to view things - tooltips become easier to add, we can use modals (popup panels, for things like sending a player a message - we could use a popup, never navigate away from the player's page itself, or blocking/reporting players, reporting topics, etc).
* Buttons are too small and don't have enough to distinguish them from each other, in a lot of places there is not enough spacing.
* Text is too small on mobile and doesn't allow flexibility for sizing up/down as easily as a new layout would give.
* Contrast in a lot of areas is not great.
* Some things don't have a fixed location - on the lion page is a perfect example: on the feed/interact bar, once you've fed to full and played to full, the breed buttons move further and further left. These, ideally, should not change location.
* The site generally just feels dated and cramped. We basically want to spruce things up a bit.

@才藤 (#389089) your lion page comparison is a bit disingenuous - you used a dynasty or immortal lion that doesn't show any of the stats, currents, breeding information, etc.

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Endless G2 Sepulture
10M CR1K+ (#307891)

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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:51:08
I understand the need to fix issues, but this seems to be a very big jump from the current design. It immediately made me think of certain games from the 90s and 00s and not in a nostalgic good way. More of a "nope". I can confirm that on the desktop it is visually unappealing and just feels far too busy.

The current design is visually clean and minimizes scrolling. My daughter and I looked at the new version on her phone and ... just no. She's already said she will likely stop playing as the scrolling and crowded design are just too much on mobile.

TL/DR: Far too busy, too neo-esque, not mobile friendly in terms of visual appeal or space, visually abrasive (her term, she's neuro-divergent and it's too much for her, visual overload). I agree, as it's too much for me as well. Some change is good. Too much will simply drive away players.

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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:53:37
@Abbey Apologies for the comparison, here's a living/breedable lioness from my side - I just grabbed the first lion on my main account which is a frozen sub.
The difference is still incredibly noticeable.

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Argon (#288231)

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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:56:03
I just the saw the updated preview and it looks soooo good! I hope this not only makes it more accessible for mobile players but makes it easier for the admins to work on. If they’re doing everything they do on a creaky code, imagine what they can do after this update!

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🌈 Abbey ⚡🦁 (#1)

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2023-10-14 02:56:26
Sorry to nitpick but there have been some updates to the lion page since you took that screenshot as well ha.

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siren (#256397)

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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:57:07
The updated version of the new layout looks a whole lot better!!!! My only gripe is that the add marking and reveal fertility should be near or worth breeding info and markings respectively and in the night theme the name card (example would be where it says ‘breeding information’) is a bit too dark it looks kinda weird but other than that I like it!

THANK YOU so much for listening to the community on this.

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Edited on 14/10/23 @ 03:00:01 by siren (#256397)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2023-10-14 02:57:24
要 , actually they're pretty close in length! Old layout example does not have Update Lion dropdown expanded, and new layout has 4 lines of status icons while old layout page has 1. If you expand the Update Lion and add few lines to the old layout, they even up to be equal in length

Made screenshot: with expanded Update Lion Bar, they're nearly identical in length! Look at the bars - they're so close together its literally just the difference of a few lines.

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Edited on 14/10/23 @ 03:03:01 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

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