-LOCKED - Hunting Stuffs - Poll Time!
Posted on 2014-12-15 06:33:03
Hello lions!

We've listened to your feedback, suggestions and comments and have decided to give you guys a poll regarding the hunting feature to see what you feel is best, and to gauge more public opinion and where it's sitting.


There are four options that are available on the poll, and I will explain each of them:

Option 1 - Revert back to 1 GB to skip hunts, and additional hunts go back to normal.
Basically we return to how it was before the SB skip was switched. Skipping was a luxury.

Option 2 - Keep the new system. Pay SB to skip hunts still, but no additional hunts.
Everyone has the same playing field, and it's effectively capped.

Option 3 - Change the system to have skipping incur a cost of 1000SB OR 1 GB (whichever currency you'd prefer to use), with each skip causing the price to increase in tiers. The proposed is increasing the SB cost by 100SB at a time, so the first skip would cost 1000SB, second would be 1100SB, 1200SB, and so on and so forth. Additional hunts would return as they were before - 10 SB per hunt.

Option 4 - The same as option 3, except also tier up the cost of additional hunts. First additional hunt costing 100SB, increasing in 10SB increments. Second 110SB, then 120sb, etc etc.

You can vote on the polls page - click here for a direct link there.

Please keep in mind that Lioden is really dear to us and we care about all of you on here! We listen to each and every one of you but have to make decisions to try to balance the game where we can. We don't want to remove competition and we also don't want to make things completely unfair, either, so it's all about finding a nice middle.

Thanks for sticking with us guys!

Pls don't poop on me for this. ;0;

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2014-12-15 19:50:24
I personally support option 2. Because I believe Lioden is not about numbers. It's about beeing a lion. It's not a show site, we dont own a reserve with best lions; we have a pride, a family. The main reason to play the game should be bonding with your family of lions, not breeding\training the best breeding stock. This is not a traditional show sim like dog and cat sims out there, so it's no wonder if people are trying to apply classic show sims rules here, they get frustrated Lioden doesnt work that way.

But a possible suggestion: keep both the 100 SB skip price and the extra hunts, but make hunt adds limited to 1 per lion per a certain amount of time, say, 1 hour like it is on sub males? That would possibly make adding hunts reasonably limited?

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Xerophyte (#23282)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-12-15 19:58:47
@Mad Hyena
I appreciate that there are different ways to play lioden, and I think that is what the disagreement with option 2 is about. But the old system for hunting did not prevent anyone from playing lioden in a way that had nothing to do with numbers. Users ability to roleplay or breed for certain appearances was not hindered. However what option 2 does is destroy a way of playing that many people enjoy, namely working towards high stats. This hurts a section of the user base needlessly, when it should be possible for multiple play styles to co-exist.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2014-12-15 20:28:23
I of course understand that there are many ways to play Lioden. What I meant to point is: stats are not Lioden's top priority, in situations people start to abuse system and overdo things with stats, it's only natural stats would suffer another limitation to prevent many problems. Stats have been limited and slowed down several times already; Lioden is still in beta, features are constantly getting tweaked and changed.
Admins are not trying to hurt anyone; any changes made simply mean the feature wasnt balanced properly and people started abusing it beyond what admins had planned for it. So please remember, if stats are getting limited, that means admins never meant stats to be earned that fast in the first place, and just fixed it to reflect that. ^^

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 20:41:42
You forget that the problem was NOT with the additional hunts but with the skip hunts feature. Until then, everything was fine. The additional hunts were removed as a result to people abusing the skip feature and not the additional hunt feature.

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Alyx{CleanTripleIce} (#23562)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-12-15 21:17:13
Axel is right. I think the best thing, since the site can really agree, would be to simply return to the formula we had before. That would be option 1, correct? I think that Option 2, thought it sounds cool, really isn't the best for the site. Any of the others are better, really, at least in my opinion.

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Nerdy Wolf (#45477)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 22:13:45
Option 2

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Absinthe (#27352)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 22:39:29
I would just like to say a big thanks to the admin team for actually LISTENING to the players and giving them the option to vote on changes. That's something you don't see a lot of with games like this. Very much appreciated! To the polls I go! :)

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Shichibi (#34877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-15 22:43:28
Also, which is why I rolled over, I am feeling something with this new system (2), that I never had on Lioden before:

The NEED or MUST to rollover, otherwise you will fall behind for sure and will lose stats, that you cannot work towards when you have the time for.

So far Lioden was the most time-friendly sim game I have been on.
You didn't have a forced 'new' day, here you could rollover and start a new day at your own leisure, removing the need to log in everyday and the fear that if you don't, your lions will run away due to starvation and boredom.

Though now, I HAVE to rollover, I MUST hunt and if I cannot spend 5h on LD, then I HAVE to spend the skip-SB to be able to gain those 10 hunts I cannot make up for later on.
The sheer fact, that this Option 2 might stay and I will fall behind with the lionesses that I have trained, without skipping, so far through hard training their moms, saving SB to spend it on decent fathers and then training them now, will be enough to either scare people away (like some said, they won't rollover until this is solved) or scare them into a "you must, if you don't want to fall behind" situation.

Neither nor is a pleasant one =/ ..

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Wispa (#37238)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2014-12-15 22:44:40
I have read through several post where people seem to think there is some "pitting" of casual players against more active players. Honestly I do not think the more active players are trying to imply that at all.

Yes, I am a house wife and Yes, I have a lot of time each day that I can spend playing lioden.

My daughter does not have nearly that much time and she is a much more casual player than I am due to her time restraints (school, activities, other games, etc).

What I think the active players are trying to say is that the time they spend on the site should still count for something.

I personally want an option that can benefit both sides of this argument.

For my daughter: she has already figured out that it is cheaper for her to buy food than it is to pay the fee for the skip in order to get enough food for her 2 prides. She generally only hunts a few times each day. To her the skips are nice just to add a few extra stats to a few chosen lionesses.

I have a small pride and enjoy getting on the and sending my lionesses to hunt, sometimes more than those 10 hunts a day.

The challenge of taking a little cub who basically has NCL stats and seeing just how far I can get her in her lifetime is fun for me. It gives me a challenge, a goal to strive for.

I will probably Never make it to the leader boards! And that is perfectly okay with me. I try to improve my lionesses stats as a personal goal not to earn public recognition.

With this system as it stands - That aspect of the game will be lost to me and others like me.

There will be no point in giving that low stated little cub a chance because I will be able to calculate before I even buy her what her maximum potential will be - there will be NO Way to ever get her beyond that.

Those active players are scared that if this becomes the way things are then they will have nothing to do on lioden once they have hit the hunting cap for the day.

We (who are active) choose to spend that time on lioden because we like the site that much. But are scared that if this is the way things will be then we want need to be here as much anymore.

We like that our time invested brings a positive return.

But for the casual players they too need to be able to find their place on lioden. They need to be able to get their hunts and give their lions what they need to prosper.

I honestly do not know how to fix this to make all people happy. Before the initial change to hunt there didn't seem to be a problem -- it was just the way things were.
Now though it is out of control.

I Don't want active players pitted against casual players -- but the amount of time a person invest in "ANYTHING" she/he does is always a factor in possible outcomes -- this applies to any game as well as the real world.
I'm sorry but it does.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Wispa [Naturalist] (#37238)

Griff 🐈 (#26694)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:00:25
Hmm, for more active players, wouldn't the option to have a bigger pride and be able to keep it up not be that reward for time put in. Even with cheap skips, more casual players can only afford so many lions at once, as it takes time to feed and play with them as well. Meanwhile, if you are on a lot and can afford to hunt a lot then you can maintain a bigger pride. I know there is a soft limit of 40 slots before you have to spend GB to get more lions, but 40 lions can take a bit of time to feed, especially without the feed/play all option that costs GB, more time than the more casual of players can afford.

Tldr: our reward is more lions XD.

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Shichibi (#34877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:02:14
No, it is not a reward, because we bigger prides enjoy training certain lionesses, some for stats only, some - like me - for stats AND looks.

The only thing for us would be, you (the system, not person) would force us to just use 10 other lionesses, which won't bring many of us far, because that isn't and wasn't ever, our goal =/ ...


Plus, I know casual players who have a bigger pride, too.
Because they can feed, like the large pride, only 2-3 days only and just spend those 10 times hunting = same outcome.


Feed and play all 2-3 days or when it is needed (when a lion/ess hits 35% mood or 60% hunger).

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Shichibi (#34877)

Griff 🐈 (#26694)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:12:06
Being able to afford a bigger pride is a reward for time and effort put into the site, though.

You can't have a large pride if you only spend 5 minutes per day on the site. You'll have to spend more time to hunt, or buy the food, for which you'd have to spend time to earn SB.

This has nothing to do with stat gain or the poll, really. It was an observation in reply to Wispa's question about rewards for time spent.

Stat gain would be another reward, but it is not the only one.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Griff (#26694)

Wispa (#37238)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:22:47
I know for me personally, I do not want a large pride. Currently I have only 3 adult lionesses and one little cub I just purchased who I had planned on training to raise her stats when she hits 2 (now I know what her potential is I almost wish I had gotten a cub with higher starting stats).

For people who want a large pride then yes that might very well be a reward, but for people like me it isn't :(.

(edited to fix typos)

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Wispa [Naturalist] (#37238)

Shichibi (#34877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:24:00
I don't see it as that, sorry.
You can afford it, if you for example buy GB, even casual players do that, especially those who might want to compete better, you exchange it for SB and can then skip hunts freely.
I.e. the more lionesses you have, the more you can hunt and maybe sell then.

Plus, as said before, I have never bought GB before, but I can afford a pride around 30 adult lionesses, I only downsized, because I got "rid" of those that I didn't want to keep or continue with breeding.
Otherwise, I could afford 40 just fine, but being online here and there, skip the hunts, choose another hunting party and so on.
Plus, if food is really that cheap, never bought some so I don't know, casual players can afford that with hunting and selling as well.

There is no "reward" in time and effort to put in a game like that, especially when you see prides who only keep 10 or less and just have 5 huntress which they train.
They don't have the "reward" even though they put the same amount of effort and time into the game as people with 40+ prides.

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Griff 🐈 (#26694)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:29:18
Then for you, it is not a reward, but that is by your choice. To me, it is a reward that I can afford a large pride by spending time here. Their stats are of no importance to me, aside from my stud's.

For some people stats are not a reward. That does not make either of those things invalid as a reward for time and effort put in. You want your stats, I want my lions, others want to chat or breed for mutations, or roleplay, all should have an appropriate reward. I was just saying there is another side to this, and they do not have to rule each other out.

I am not trying to oppose you. Those who want stats should have the option to get them. [within reason, as otherwise there'd be no issue.]

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Griff (#26694)

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