-LOCKED - Hunting Stuffs - Poll Time!
Posted on 2014-12-15 06:33:03
Hello lions!

We've listened to your feedback, suggestions and comments and have decided to give you guys a poll regarding the hunting feature to see what you feel is best, and to gauge more public opinion and where it's sitting.


There are four options that are available on the poll, and I will explain each of them:

Option 1 - Revert back to 1 GB to skip hunts, and additional hunts go back to normal.
Basically we return to how it was before the SB skip was switched. Skipping was a luxury.

Option 2 - Keep the new system. Pay SB to skip hunts still, but no additional hunts.
Everyone has the same playing field, and it's effectively capped.

Option 3 - Change the system to have skipping incur a cost of 1000SB OR 1 GB (whichever currency you'd prefer to use), with each skip causing the price to increase in tiers. The proposed is increasing the SB cost by 100SB at a time, so the first skip would cost 1000SB, second would be 1100SB, 1200SB, and so on and so forth. Additional hunts would return as they were before - 10 SB per hunt.

Option 4 - The same as option 3, except also tier up the cost of additional hunts. First additional hunt costing 100SB, increasing in 10SB increments. Second 110SB, then 120sb, etc etc.

You can vote on the polls page - click here for a direct link there.

Please keep in mind that Lioden is really dear to us and we care about all of you on here! We listen to each and every one of you but have to make decisions to try to balance the game where we can. We don't want to remove competition and we also don't want to make things completely unfair, either, so it's all about finding a nice middle.

Thanks for sticking with us guys!

Pls don't poop on me for this. ;0;

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:35:15
I myself like to keep a small pride because it easier to manage. For me being able to keep 5 more huntresses wouldnt be a reward but a curse because more lions mean more mouths to feed, less income. So if it is not a reward for us, then what else can we get as a reward for our time?

For some people stats indeed are not a reward, but they still have looks they can work for. Now, if the system stays like this, then what will those who want to work for stats get?

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Kovu the Original
Floof (#24258)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:40:00
Leave Sunny out of it. Leave one of the nicest players I've met on LD out. It's a game. It is a game. You all act like she killed someone. But its a game. She played the game to the best of her abilities and you're all singling her out. Even the Admins. She's been singled out and she feels alienated by the community. The fact thay the prior post specifically called out "people going a little spending crazy. This little loop home is about to close" is disturbing. There were other ways of adressing the issue. You couls have left Sunny out of it. I wish all of you would just back off and leave her alone. This alone amounts to bullying what you're all doing. And she's been under attack for Rev, Sentry, and now these three girls. Honestly? If I had the funds I'd have done the exact. Same. Thing. I planned on it too. Until I had to cut hours and barely made a hundred dollars. Hell I cut my hours last week and made less than twenty. But don't think for a minute that I wouldn't have done it. I would have gladly. I've bought over 1300 GB in the last five months. I would have gladly spent a fraction of that on hunting and stat grinding my lionesses. Hell I would have done it even without the change to 100 SB.

All those fixes up there? They're broken, option two especially.Option two ruins the game. Completely. There's no point in having leader boards if only those who buy the highest statted cubs can achieve them. Which means the new players cant get anywhere without paying to win. Honestly if push comes to shove and this is left in place I'm freezing my main and hanging out on my side.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Kovu the MagiKovu ~ IO (#24258)

Griff 🐈 (#26694)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:41:56
The system shouldn't stay like this, for the sake of those who want to train for stats, this system is detrimental to big prides, too, though less so. as we will have to train more lionesses to go beyond 10 hunts with best results.

My point was that a balance needs to be found that does not inconvenience either side. Though I voted 2, I have been leaning more towards option 1. The system was good as it was. The only issue with that is that for a lot of people it is like holding something good in front of someone then pulling it away again. [would also happen with options 3 and 4] Complaints from those who liked skipping for 100sb will happen, but option 2 will stagnate stats altogether and anger a big part of the playerbase as well.

I honestly think none of the poll options will fix the issue, some other solution needs to be found.

Edit: @Kovu. I am sorry your friend is facing harassment from doing something that is essentially not against the rules. Harassment IS against the rules, so I strongly advise she reports the people who are sending her such messages.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Griff (#26694)

Wispa (#37238)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:50:34
I totally agree that all should have the chance to earn the rewards they are trying to achieve!

Initially I was not so much into stat breeding... I started playing only towards the end of June this year. But I have always sent my lionesses on additional hunts (when I have the time), that is how I earned money in the game.

I set a timer and would send my lionesses hunting every 30 minutes. Every few days I go to the monkey shop and sell all my extra food. I know a lot of people sell to other players, but it was just easier for me to sell it to the monkey and be done with it. That is how I earn most of my SB and later used it to buy GB. Now I will totally admit to buying GB. I have bought GB on several occasions - to retire my king, buy a lioness, etc. In all honesty I could regularly buy GB in decent quantities, but I like knowing I worked hard to achieve goals instead of just buying them.

I really do want both sides to be happy and feel they are getting out of lioden what they want out of it.

I would really like to have additional hunts back for people who are like me.

I think skips need to stay in the game for people like you.

Maybe cap both.

Each lioness can only hunt say 20-30 so times a day.
Each lioness can only be skipped a certain amount a day.

That way people who do not have lots of hours to spend here can still get in there hunts and some additional hunts.

But people like me can also still have growth and the potential to take a low stated cub and get them to a higher place. I just want to be able to take that little NCL stated pretty girl to a place she might never have been able to get with out the time I can invest in her.

But I don't want casual players put at a disadvantage, I really don't...
I just want the game to stay fun for everyone who plays lioden. We all come here to get away from whatever is going on in the real world.

I want casual players to find a happy place here and I want active players to keep their happy place.

Together we can make Lioden an even better game than it already is ( I fell in love with the game in June when my daughter showed it to me). Of all the games I have played Lioden is by far my favorite for so many reason.

I like that each person who plays can be different with diverse goals that they strive for.

I want a solution that benefits this diversity...

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Wispa [Naturalist] (#37238)

Shichibi (#34877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-15 23:59:16
Well, but there lies the whole issue, no?
With this new option 2, it WILL rule out some aspects and sides that people enjoyed, worked for or with and got a reward for spending so much time on the game.


Sorry, wrote this when my sis called ... will have to read up again on this page.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Shichibi (#34877)

Griff 🐈 (#26694)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-12-16 00:02:20
Well said, Wispa, that is something I, too, want. I personally never used the skips though, buying food is cheaper and I also have plenty of time to be online. Nor did I ever really use the extra hunts, as I am not a stat breeder. I breed for looks and collect lions. I am neither a casual nor a hardcore stat breeder, but I am invested in finding a solution that would help people, as I like to see this site thriving and people happy. My outsider's perspective might cause me to overlook things, though, and I am sorry if I do.

@Shichibi. Oh, I definitely agree, option 2 as is is a bad idea, it's hard to understand the ramifications if you are not a stat breeder though, so the majority will pick it just for the low skipping price. I think that should definitely be kept in mind when the staff makes a decision.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Griff (#26694)

Kasai (#50427)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 00:04:48
Def option 2

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Kassy (#44779)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2014-12-16 00:12:26
Option 2

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Kovu the Original
Floof (#24258)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 00:44:35
*sighs* I don't care if you will all hate me for this. I don't really give two cents what you care about. I say two things. We need to re run the poll. With two new options. "other" and "I don't care about stats".

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Shichibi (#34877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-16 01:01:38
There we go, read up.
I do agree, never said aynthing different, that there should be both sides.
While I liked the 100 SB skip thingy for poorer palyers, especially recalling how I felt when I started the game and GB everywhere was overwhelming.

Though, I always refused to buy things, I think I only bought 2 lionesses on both accounts.
One was, because I never got a maroon coat and I direly wanted one to have this coat in my breeding stock and the other one was a decent statted lioness, wich I trained really hard and spend piety from the last event on her, and an Infernal marker, to make her pretty AND high statted => http://tinyurl.com/lcn2q7b
She is the highest I have ever had and I trained her on my own and it makes it worth so much more to see pretty and good cubs coming out of her... taking this away from also new players, is not fair, imo.
Especially new players who, like me, like to work work work for their stuff XD.

If I couldn't work, work, work on LD, and buy everything, it would get so dull and boring - for me again - that I couldn't have anything to look forward to =/.

As said a couple of pages ago, I think there should be a free for both sides or limited skipping, with increasing.
I will explain though, what I mean again:

There should be a limited number you can skip per day, with like 2-3 times being at 100 SB and then it will rise up.
Or just a limited amount, but it shouldn't be 10 times, allowing you to not spend any time on the game at all.
(I think you should at least put in a little bit of effort)

Then, I think we would limit the additional hunts to either 10 per lioness or 20 per lioness, or maybe even 15 only.

I know that some people manage to pull off 30 or 25 hunts, but we all have to agree that we will need to find a middleground.
Even though I have to say, that the additional hunts weren't sooo much the problem as to the whole unlimited, 'cheap', skipping.

Also, it would be good, if it is possible at all, that the system tracks how much a lioness have been skipped over.
So, even if you have two accounts, you cannot 'cheat' your way through and just transfer lionesses to another account, use the 5 skippings there and then transfer them back.
Kind of like it now tracks the coolingtime for submale patrolls.

All in all a limited skipping with like 5 per day and only 10-20 additional hunts per day should fix the problem, no?
Though, I voted for option 3, because the additional hunts weren't the thing that caused the problem and skipping could get adjusted when it comes to tiers.

Though, right now we all try to stop this ridicolous grinding, but it also came from the fact that people could sit there, stockpile SB, because there is NOT MUCH MORE to spend it on, that brings and older player any kind of use or advantage or how you would like to call it.
All oasis items which are worth something to them, maybe, are bought with GB and if you have a decent stud, you have a more or less fluent GB income, so you won't even need to exchange GB for SB, or vice versa.

This drastic skip price drop only showed us, that there are many more flaws in this economic system, not just this one...


@Kovu: Being overly dramatic or aggressive won't bring us far.
It was an error made by the mods or one mod or whomever, not by the player(s), if she gets harassed, there is a report function.
If the staff is harassing her or singeling her out, like you hinted, then this an even more serious issue and not right at all.

Btw. I have only seen her name being mentioned on one page, twice (or thrice?), storming in, bringing her name up again and letting your anger out, won't bring you anywhere .. infact, it only brings up her name AGAIN, when the people already moved away from it, because they agreed on not wanting to point fingers.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Shichibi (#34877)

Wild Turtle (#39994)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 01:01:46
For the record, I don't think anyone did anything wrong in this case either. I don't think that Sunny or anyone else who used the system the way it was allowed to be used did anything wrong. I don't have anything against them for doing it. I should have worded the above more clearly to point that out. My point was just that if we are left with option 2, no one has even the slightest chance of making the leader boards because of the situation the way it is, not that anyone did anything wrong.

I also went back and added this to my previous post where I dropped the name in the first place, just in case someone reads that. I really don't think anyone did anything wrong, I just think that option two is bad for the game. Option 2 is what isn't fair, not what anyone did in the last few weeks since the change was made. That is the point I am trying to make here. Static, limited growth, that is what is unfair to players because it enforces a gap that can never be bridged.

We're supposed to play the game the way we want, right? We're supposed to be able to focus on looks if we want to or focus on stats if we want to or focus on both if we want to. Option 2 limits players in a way that will take a lot of the fun out of the game for some players and force them into a grind or hard decision. That isn't fair.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Soren <The Glittersaurus> (#39994)

NinjaCheetah (#31940)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-16 01:37:06
Option one, definitely. As a player who is mostly, if not completely, a stat breeder, keeping things the way they were really messes with my gameplay. As others have mentioned, keeping it the way it is not stagnates the skill pool, as all lionesses, can only earn the same amount of skills as everyone else, and that makes it a lot more boring ;n;

I can understand that because of the poll results, things are likely to stay as they are, but everyone was happy with the hunting the way it was before all the changes were put in place, where as with the changes, many players who are in it for stats, such as myself, feel as if there has been quite a loss ;n; And I'm honestly not sure what to do now, as the fun out of the main focus of my game has been taken out?

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 01:50:34
I have to say all of this stat breeding talk is starting to motivate me to keep a better stat standard in my pride xD
Probably won't happen, but the motivation has been sparked.

Honeslty, at this point I'd just wish it would revert back to how it used to be. No need to come up with other solutions, we tried something new, it failed, now back to how it was.

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 01:51:16
Seconding Bilby,Griff, and others. I really think those just saying "Option 2!" have no idea what it would mean for us long term I also think many are just looking at the numbers and it's disappointing to see so many voting for something that may make things terrible long term. If things stay the way they are now for about a month and things change for the worst then I guess option 2 isn't the right option after all right? This is coming from someone why never used extra hunts hardly ever or a large pride.

I honestly just think things should go back to before but with limited skips.

Option 3 was my vote.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Mid [V.V] (#8680)

Silkworm (#50816)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 04:15:56
I think they should at least change it back for the holiday season. People will be off from school and work (most people), and it'll give the admins a chance to see if people will continue "stat-grinded" as people say. It will also give those people who say they don't have time to get on.. time to get on. If they do, then good for them for getting hunts in. If not, then that's where your problem is. They talk about having no time, but then when given the chance, they don't give on? (That's all on what could happen, not what's really happening or going to happen.)

And now I'm not saying to just look at the opinions of the more dedicated players, but to take their thoughts into consideration and also try and incorporate the interests of those not on as much. I've read people want a fair chance, but if people have the time to get on and do extra hunts.. then it's punishing them to take away extra hunts.

If you're worried about the leaderboards and you're someone who doesn't have the time to get on a lot.. then your efforts are futile anyways. I've read where people have been saying that it taking away the extra hunts is good, one because it makes things fair and two because people aren't taking the time to appreciate their lions. If people want to get high stats for their lions, then that shouldn't be a problem. They should be encouraged. And if they want to accomplish that while their lioness is still young.. what's the harm done?

With this new update, there's hardly a fair chance anyways. The damage has been done. Those players who "stat-grinded" have the high statted lionesses and it'll be a few generations before the stats wear down.

I know I am new, but just reading through these threads has got me thinking. I am very interested in things reverting back and allowing me to have the chance to hunt, add hunts, get high stat lionesses— the whole shabang. If not permanently, at least a trial run. See how things go.

I choose Option 1, but that's just my opinion.

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