-LOCKED - Hunting Stuffs - Poll Time!
Posted on 2014-12-15 06:33:03
Hello lions!

We've listened to your feedback, suggestions and comments and have decided to give you guys a poll regarding the hunting feature to see what you feel is best, and to gauge more public opinion and where it's sitting.


There are four options that are available on the poll, and I will explain each of them:

Option 1 - Revert back to 1 GB to skip hunts, and additional hunts go back to normal.
Basically we return to how it was before the SB skip was switched. Skipping was a luxury.

Option 2 - Keep the new system. Pay SB to skip hunts still, but no additional hunts.
Everyone has the same playing field, and it's effectively capped.

Option 3 - Change the system to have skipping incur a cost of 1000SB OR 1 GB (whichever currency you'd prefer to use), with each skip causing the price to increase in tiers. The proposed is increasing the SB cost by 100SB at a time, so the first skip would cost 1000SB, second would be 1100SB, 1200SB, and so on and so forth. Additional hunts would return as they were before - 10 SB per hunt.

Option 4 - The same as option 3, except also tier up the cost of additional hunts. First additional hunt costing 100SB, increasing in 10SB increments. Second 110SB, then 120sb, etc etc.

You can vote on the polls page - click here for a direct link there.

Please keep in mind that Lioden is really dear to us and we care about all of you on here! We listen to each and every one of you but have to make decisions to try to balance the game where we can. We don't want to remove competition and we also don't want to make things completely unfair, either, so it's all about finding a nice middle.

Thanks for sticking with us guys!

Pls don't poop on me for this. ;0;

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The Shepherd (#47002)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 04:22:42

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[PFM] (#49233)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2014-12-16 04:23:03
Option 4

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Silkworm (#50816)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 04:23:14
I think they should at least change it back for the holiday season. People will be off from school and work (most people), and it'll give the admins a chance to see if people will continue "stat-grinded" as people say. It will also give those people who say they don't have time to get on.. time to get on. If they do, then good for them for getting hunts in. If not, then that's where your problem is. They talk about having no time, but then when given the chance, they don't give on? (That's all on what could happen, not what's really happening or going to happen.)

And now I'm not saying to just look at the opinions of the more dedicated players, but to take their thoughts into consideration and also try and incorporate the interests of those not on as much. I've read people want a fair chance, but if people have the time to get on and do extra hunts.. then it's punishing them to take away extra hunts.

If you're worried about the leaderboards and you're someone who doesn't have the time to get on a lot.. then your efforts are futile anyways. I've read where people have been saying that it taking away the extra hunts is good, one because it makes things fair and two because people aren't taking the time to appreciate their lions. If people want to get high stats for their lions, then that shouldn't be a problem. They should be encouraged. And if they want to accomplish that while their lioness is still young.. what's the harm done?

With this new update, there's hardly a fair chance anyways. The damage has been done. Those players who "stat-grinded" have the high statted lionesses and it'll be a few generations before the stats wear down.

I know I am new, but just reading through these threads has got me thinking. I am very interested in things reverting back and allowing me to have the chance to hunt, add hunts, get high stat lionesses— the whole shabang. If not permanently, at least a trial run. See how things go.

I choose Option 1, but that's just my opinion.

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Kea [side] (#30174)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 04:26:43
Option 2

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koben (#328)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-16 05:25:44
adding to my opinon again (it currently still stands at option 2 is best) (with option 4 as back up -as long as there are still *some* limits to hunts imposed (the amount of hunts one can add is a MAX of 30) but skips unlimited. /and/ that the teirs start lower and stay low for the first 10 skips and first 15 additional hunts.

is that everyone should give this current solution at least 2 weeks to test it for them selves to see how it impacts them each daily THEN and only THEN repoll to make the decision

edits in bold
(as of today i have used nearly 3 differnt hunting parties (18 total lionesses) inproving all my lioness not just a select 5lioness - think about this when you do look at option 2)

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Edited on 16/12/14 by koben (evil) (#328)

Indigo *DDA* PM
19641 (#15126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-16 05:41:47
Lol, yeah I actually agree with you Koben! I feel this poll was way to rushed and people have not had the time to really think about all the implications of Option 2 staying as permanent solution. The poll makes it sound as if Option 2 would contribute on evening the stat situation out (which a lot of people would like to see) when it really isn't. All it does is establishing the monopoly of the top percentage and preventing anybody of ever catching up to any of us on the boards (be it male or female).

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FraidyCat (#51162)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 06:27:39

I dunno where you're coming from, but I assume this means I should explain myself better! Er, late, but better than never and laying idle while this passes/

I believe that instead of messing with a delicate player economy, we should add a new mechanic instead. You would be able to use this loophole until a certain point (~1000 stats gained, maybe?), it would not hinder long-time or short-time players. After this point, a dice is rolled to see if you gain stats per hunt, per lioness or not - starting with a very very low DC that you're likely to pass and ending with a very very high DC. The hunt cap can remain off, it just wont be as effective.

Also consider: Growth Rates! They can be passed down from lion to lion, making a pedigree or particular rate a selling point for stat breeders. It could also be bred to fine-tune it, the best possible hunting lionesses learn most as early adults, much like racehorses. Breeding a lion that grows most in his last year with one that grows most in her first adult year would make a lion that grows most in their middle life. See? those prone to some mutations (like big claws, overgrown teeth, maned lioness, gigantism?) may make better huntresses, just like in the wild.

A growth rate would make lionesses gain the most stats via hunting in her 'prime years', and then slopes off to not much after - just like in real life. It would also mean that those with great huntresses in their lineage produce other great huntresses. Its just more fitting for a SIM! its how MMORPG works, I don't see why it cant work here - in an MMO.

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Gin (#2465)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-16 07:41:28
Maybe each option should be tested for 2-3 weeks and then stats all together removed until something that needs it is implemented. Currently they do absolutely nothing, except for the males in battles(barely still).

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Mask {|Returned from
Hiatus|} (#18537)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-16 08:40:29
I'm leaning towards option 4, but only if the tier prices will reset every 3 days or every X number of days. Maybe every Friday?

I don't like option two because on weekends, I'm well able to fit in 10+ hunts without the skipping option, and it would be extremely unfair if I were no longer able to extend the number of hunts for, say, my new 900+ lady that I'm training, just because some people wanted the skipping option to remain at 100SB.

I do use the skip hunt option now and then, but only around 3 times when I have the time to be on Lioden for longer than an hour.

So, for now, I'll place my vote for Option 4. Honestly, the majority of players don't use the "Skip Hunt" option as much they think they do, so keeping the price at 100SB and taking away extra hunts is kind of pointless. They just like the sound of something remaining at a constant, cheap price.

As for the price of the additional hunts, I personally think 10SB is a fair price, considering the fact that you can't really profit off of a hunt if you're extending hunts for multiple lionesses per hunt. 15SB - 20SB doesn't sound too bad, either.

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Mask *VV*LL*LAWS*CCS* (#18537)

Gwynneth (#19769)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 11:20:38
I'm going to apologise in advance, I find it difficult to post in public forums and to explain properly >< I hope it doesn't read as too rushed or is lengthy =/

As a cash poor time rich player, who is a stat and marking/looks breeder on the old system I usually fit 12-15 hunts in a day (could be more if I set a timer or could be bothered) and 20+ on a good day, I never used the skip for 1GB, frankly there's better things to spend GB on for me. I don't need to buy food and rely on selling my spare food to the monkey and feed alternate days instead of everyday.
I have a largish pride most with low- mid range stats with marks I like that are my breeders, they usually get 1 hunt each a day that I have no interest in spending time on training more but I have 4 high stat girls (my favourites) that go on every hunt I send, not for leader boards, since I don't care about them in the slightest, I do it for myself, I like seeing how high I can get them before they retire, can I get them higher than my last 2/3 high stat girls and outdo myself and then I usually save and use a leaderboard male for their last heat in the hopes of breeding a half decent replacement (which since the inheritance was nerfed is unlikely), I work hard to have the reward of seeing my favourite girls improve and the way things stand that reward has been removed for me D=

I get easily bored of games and have played and drifted away from many over the years that don't hold my attention, this is the first game that has held my interest for any length of time and already with the ability to not add hunts I can feel the boredom seep in. I usually spend 12+ hours on here and feel like I only need to stay the 5 hours to do the 10 hunts for my faves and find something else to do or not even logging in here and using my side since I don't go for stats there just marks since what's the point in staying my usual time? I used the new skip for 100sb combined with the added hunts and managed 22-25 hunts (all I could afford to do) and did it for stats, now there's now reason for me to use the skip, I'd rather save my sb and wait the 30 mins. But by removing the additional hunts (which were never the problem) I feel my gameplay/style and personal goals has been hindered/punished just because I have more time than other players do. How is it my fault some players have a job/school or whatever it is, I'm unemployed but when I have a job I'll have to accept I'll have less time to do the things I enjoy doing including here, but I wouldn't be complaining about how unfair it was I'd expect my game to suffer through lack of time and effort. I loved the studies/grades example someone gave, I'm sorry I can't remember the name >< I do crafts and don't expect to be good at it right away I have to work at learning it to be any good lol. And no I have nothing against players that don't have the time I do.

And since I've not seen anyone else mention it, surely a game, any game needs invested/active players? When I started there was no way I could have bred a high stat well marked lion, so I saved for a while and bought a 600+ stat lioness to train up, I needed to buy food and toys before I could sustain myself, where did those things come from? Invested/active players with established prides that had been playing for longer than me! If those invested players don't feel the need to put the time and effort in then that will surely filter down to the time poor/new players that want to buy a nice starter lion or food?

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Wispa (#37238)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2014-12-16 11:50:23
I agree with you Gwynneth (#19769) 100%.

I am in the exact same boat you are. After I got in my 10 hunts earlier in the day, I have only been logging in to see if there is any news on this issue. There is nothing else for me to do.

Edit: I edited out the whining...

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Edited on 16/12/14 by Wispa [Naturalist] (#37238)

Eeveeleafz (#33512)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 13:45:43
I'm okay with whatever

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Chieftains (#37687)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 16:51:17
This is sorta on-topic and off-topic at the same time, but it's mostly because I see people making a huge deal about stats and pointing fingers at other players who have found loopholes in the system to make their lions/lionesses have mega huge stats. This post itself doesn't have much to do with the hunting poll and what we should do about that, but what we should do about stats in general.

I honestly think we should just put a cap on stats if it's this much of a problem. Listen, I know that may sound a bit preposterous and out of the question, but think about it. A lot of games have limits on how many stats you can achieve. Adding it to this game would most likely lessen the value of stats, give players who have reached that level a sense of achievement, make battling in explore easier (not too easy though, of course lol), and give something else the game has to offer an opportunity to be more valued (imo I think that should be levels, but I'll get to that later).

If we were going to put a cap on stats, the limit should probably be between 1500 to 2010 stats. Meaning, you can only gain 250 to 335 points each skill slot. These are achievable stats (1500 would allow casual players to have some value on their lions, and as someone who had a rolled lion achieve pretty close to 1k stats before early retirement, this would be fair. If we picked 2010 stats to be the cap, this would make things harder to achieve, but still something players could probably get to with their second or third time playing).

You might be asking what we would do with lions over the stat limit, and I would probably suggest we set them and any lionesses to the highest they can go with the cap. There is also the choice of not doing this, but making the game much more difficult for them in terms of hunting, exploring, etc. I think that would be pretty hard to code tho (probably all that I am suggesting would be incredibly hard to code).

Now, about the levels being more valued thing. Players have already suggested we make levels more valued and I agree. What's the point of levels (besides getting to the Waterhole in explore) if stats reign supreme around here? In other games, that's something you want to achieve! When I first joined this game, I though that was the most crucial thing I needed to do (besides breeding pretty cubs :P).

I dunno. Again, this kinda goes much beyond what this news post about hunting, but seeing so many people complain about stats on this thread and around lioden in general is just so irritating that the only thing I feel like I could suggest to balance out the game was to lessen stat value. I'm kinda nervous about posting this too cause it probably seems ridiculous and out of place on this thread, so sorry in advance. Dx

But, I do want to know what you guys think about that. [If someone says to, I can repost this onto game development or watering hole for more feedback and discussion-- whichever would be best.]

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2014-12-16 19:46:51
Mmmmmm, you know an update is problematic when you can practically just come in and say "welp there goes any chance I had at the leaderboards" and it would sum up nearly everything you have to say.

But I'm not going to do that, because it would be completely unhelpful, and it applies to the last update (that is now locked) moreso, really. Instead, I want to vote to vote for Option 3. However, in complete honesty, I don't really think any of the options are optimal, as someone else pointed out earlier. For one, I think it would be better if the price on the skip option was a little lower -- maybe 500 and then increase by 100 each time? I think 1000 is just a wee bit high. Heck, I think even a starting fee of 500 might still be too high.

I was thinking, wouldn't a cap + price change on how many hunts you can skip per day also work? For example: Hunts still only cost 100 SB to skip, but there's a catch. Now you can only instantly skip ~10 hunts per day. It keeps it reasonably cheap and alleviates some of the grind, but prevents people from going completely bonkos with it. And naturally, hunts would go back to being exactly what they were before, since skipping is capped. Unlimited, 10 SB per hunt.

I understand the desire to try to make things fair. However, one last thing I just want to say is that just because you have to work towards something doesn't make it "unfair". Having to earn SB in order to afford expensive things that you want isn't unfair. Someone getting on the leaderboards because they have more time to play the game and work towards such a goal isn't unfair. I'm not saying anyone has said or implied anything like this, I just wanted to get it off my chest. :P

If anyone has effectively already said anything in this post before me, then... well... let's just say that I completely agree with you, then! 21 pages is a lot of posts to read.

I haven't been playing LioDen a lot recently, but I've been trying to keep track of the updates. I saw this one just a few hours ago and decided maybe I should post in the poll.

EDIT: Oh, just as an afterthought, I like the idea of lionesses getting stats per level, like kings. Just a small bonus, nothing crazy.

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Edited on 17/12/14 by Thalath (#41669)

Shichibi (#34877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-16 21:48:49
I have to say, I agree with Gwynneth and Wispa ...
This is another day of boredom on LD for me ... I don't have much to do, I just log in to make the hunts I NEED TO DO, or otherwise I will fall behind v__v.

The fun on LD, which includes to strive for something higher, being able to redo, if I miss something, just dropped heavily for me.

Also, I think a lot of people refer to the leaderboards, because it shows the stats of the highest on the whole game atm and thusly the people who have a say in the economy, if you care for stats and since stats are a big part of this economy and of the community, it counts and should be taken into account and not as a negative thing.
The problem is, that this game is still in BETA, so the stats and levels could have been a plan for the finalized game, so stagnating them is not good either (of course, that is only something the staff can really know about, i.e. if it is true or maybe not or what they've had in mind for the later game).

I really hope that this poll is not just a piece to keep us busy, while they will try to "let us wait it and the new system out" and let the gap getting bigger and bigger, which cannot be the solution to this problem.

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Edited on 17/12/14 by Shichibi (#34877)

Topic is locked

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