Posted by Of Men & Mongrels (Sign Ups OPEN)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-14 17:21:04
Of Men & Mongrels➶Sign Ups

Long, long ago Wood Elves created the four islands. They were not named, because Elves had no need for names. It was simply: the four islands. The elves created a beautiful place, where they expected all to live peacefully. With their gentle ruling, the islanders did live peacefully..up until the humans found the place. Once discovered, the human king at the time wanted it conquered. When the humans invaded, many of the elder elves decided to retire and return their bodies to nature, not wanting to die by the hands of humans. Some, however, fought the humans. Most who did perished. Those who didn't perish, escaped into the lush forest and later ran to Paliwerth. This was a major milestone in the history of the four islands, for everything would change after that.

When the humans said 'I'll conquer', they meant it. The humans completely dominated the first island, which the human king named Aberith. After exploring a little, they found the second island. The humans went to capture it too, when they found absolutely nothing valuable on it. They decided to make a truce with the elves, a truce the elves to not exactly believe in. Humans and elves still, to this day, fight over the equality of Haflings and Changelings.
The massacre of the Anthropos caused another fight between humans and elves, but after the massacre the elves were prosecuted by the Anthropos too, and so they dropped the issue knowing it was probably for the best.
As the years went on, the humans soon took Xuiron (which was a scarcely populated island anyways). They were elated to find that the island was littered with gold and jewels, but they had the sole problem of not being able to grab it. Humans had no idea how to extract the stuff, so they hired the elves. Humans barely set foot on Xuiron now, and Dwarves are happy to get paid in heaps for doing what they've done for years.
Now, suddenly after long tense years of waiting for the bomb to be dropped, its happened. One bloody killing of a Hafling, then the murder of a human, has sparked an ember in the elves and peaceful creatures that originally inhabited the islands. The human king grows more paranoid, and awaits the news of a rebellion, of war. But when will it come?

Info Thread
OOC Discussion

All Lioden RP rules apply. (This means no gore, no inappropriate scenes, ect.)
This is Semi-Lit, more than a sentence please.
I like RP's better when I'm not left behind. If you are RPing with a group, try to use the turn system and not just leave someone in the dust.
No god modding, power playing.
No Mary Sues/Gary Stus. Characters are betters with flaws. <3
Bring on the drama! In Oc, not OOC.
This is a medieval rp.
Put where are you in your post, like a destination please. Or just say in the post wherever your character is.
Have fun! :D

Full Name:
Alias: (Nickname)
Nationality: (what country they were born in)
Rank: N/A (unless you asked me for one and I approved)

Personality: Optional (Not optional if you wish to have a rank)
Appearance: (if a picture, use a link please. Remove asterics: <*a href="URL HERE">link<*/a>)
History: Optional

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Edited on 16/07/15 by Rottikinns (#64965)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-14 17:21:11
Of Men & Mongrels➶Characters

Gehric Lithdel 24 - ♂ - Dwarf
Yutte Lithdel 24 - ♀ - Dwarf
Blakely 15 - ♂ - Halfing
Natica Malya 230 - ♀ - Snow Elf
Ethandral 100 - ♂ - Halfing
Vanya Theindiel 114 - ♀ - Wood Elf
Elias Merellien 213 - ♂ - Wood Elf
Lorikeet Brunhild 20 - ♀ - Seer
Maska Blackburn 24 - ♂ - Human

Katherine St. Claire 17 - ♀ - Human
Character Name 00 - ♂/♀ - Species
Character Name 00 - ♂/♀ - Species
Character Name 00 - ♂/♀ - Species
Character Name 00 - ♂/♀ - Species

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Edited on 19/07/15 by Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-14 17:21:18
Full Name: Gehric Lithdel.
Alias: N/A.
Age: 24 yo.
Gender: Male.
Species: Dwarf.
Nationality: Aberith.
Rank: N/A.

Personality: Gehric, to put it shortly, is to the point. He likes to get things done, accomplishing his goals are what makes up his life. There is no time for fun and games- unless of course, Yutte is involved. If Yutte starts a game of tag, how can he refuse? So yes, he does have his playful side, which is mostly only shown around his close friends or family. He can get a little loud and boisterous, if he's comfortable enough. Otherwise hes rather dark and brooding, seeming to be unapproachable. Gehric, like most dwarves, has a pretty short fuse, though its hard to light. Very few subjects set him off, but the few that do he is very passionate about. He is not afraid to throw a punch, or an axe for that matter. Maybe he's a little too eager to release some anger out on a human punching bag, one can help that. He's disliked humans from a very early age, seeing their unfair and merciless ruling. He has a strong distaste for them, and isn't afraid to turn his back on a human in need.
Appearance: Standing a little taller than most dwarves, he towers at 5'6". His build is thick and stocky, having built up a muscular figure over the years. His hair is a dark red auburn color, and hangs straight down to his shoulders, with a few braids here and there. His beard is short, having been burned off in an accident the previous year. His eyes are a chocolate brown, and freckles muddle the space below them, across his nose and cheeks as well. His upper torso has multiple tattoos of black and brown, all having some meaning to him in one way or another. His apparel consists of hunters boots and trousers, and (if hes wearing a shirt) a plain white tunic. He has leather armor in his pack, but he doesn't use it much.
History: Gehric and his twin Yutte were orphaned at birth. Their mother died during childbirth. Their mother knew that dwarven twins were uncommon and life threatening, and so she took up the aide of am elven healer. Alas, there wasn't much the healer could do. The twins survived, but at their mothers expense. The elven healer had been told that the dwarves father had been lynched by the humans months before, and that the mother spent her last coin making sure her twins were delivered safely.
Not wanting the mothers last struggle to be in vain, she took in the orphans and raised them as her own. The elf, Visla, had a medical assistant that lived with her, a female satyr by the name of Goldwig. The two raised the dwarven children, but knew not the way of the dwarves. So- the twins learned elven customs instead. They learned to be compassionate towards nature and all its creatures- even humans since they didn't bother them much. The family lived in a herb shack in the forest outside of Aberith's capitol, and they lived happily up until the twins were toddlers. The humans found the shack and saw that the elf was harboring a hafling. They demanded the creature leave, or they were all to be imprisoned. The elf decided Aberith wasn't the country for them, and moved the to Paliwerth. Their they grew up peacefully, the twins growing up to help their adoptive mothers run the new clinic. After they turned 22, their elven mother decided it was time they learned flew the nest and learned of their own species culture. She gave them supplies and sent them on their way, wanting them to return home only after they had visited Aberith and witnessed their own species way of life. Gehric and Yutte, as adventurous as they are, had no problem with this. They wanted to know the Dwarven way of life anyways.

Full Name: Yutte Lithdel.
Alias: Yuyu.
Age: 24 yo.
Gender: Female.
Species: Dwarf.
Nationality: Aberith.
Rank: N/A.

Personality: Unlike her brother Gehric, Yutte has an outgoing personality. She is loud and blunt- saying what comes to her mind. She rarely thinks before acting- being the type of person to jump in feet first without assessing the situation. Yutte adores her brother, like how he adores her, but she loves getting him into trouble way too much. She is an instigator, and will shoot off on you with her sailors mouth if you aren't careful. She goes to far more often than not- but that's okay, because Gehric does all her physical fighting for her. Yutte does have a sweet and caring side, but its rarely shown, even with Gehric. She prefers to joke and laugh off anything awkward or serious rather than sit down and talk about it.
Appearance: Yutte stands at 5'2", considerably shorter than her brother. She is also short and stocky- but curvy. She has the same dark red hair as Gehric, but its braided into two plats and both hang down to her hips. She often wears her hair up, pinned out and away from her neck and face if its too hot. She wears leggings and a long tunic for traveling, wearing riding boots. While in the city she wears more lady appropriate attire, consisting of a dress or something a little bit fancier.
History: The same as Gehric's history.

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Edited on 15/07/15 by Rottikinns (#64965)

SlyBlue (#65669)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-16 02:20:59
Full Name: Blakely (has yet to remember his last name)
Alias: Blake
Age: 15
Gender: male
Species: Satyr
Nationality: Aberith
Rank: N/A

Personality: Blake is a very kind and gentle Satyr, and wouldn't hurt a fly unless for survival. He is very skittish and often hides when faced with others of his kind, but will warm up if they mean no harm. He is an introverted and quiet Satyr, who speaks more with his eyes than his mouth, but isn't completely mute. He will talk, but only when he feels like it. He isn't very anger driven, but will try protect those he cares for. Blakely also doesn't associate much with the other species, but that doesn't mean he won't.
He is very introverted and often shuts hismelf out of the world around him, and keeps himself company with books about all sorts of things. He taught himself to read at a very young age, and took a liking to it, before his parents were taken. He doesn't like the humans much and is very afraid of them, and also has a small hatred for them.

Appearance: Blakely is about 5' 5", and has a slender and skinny figure. He has dark long dark brown hair with thin blonde streaks in his hair, a trait he acquired from his mother, and big, emerald, doe eyes. He has small curved horns just above his pointed ears, and his skin is fair, for he lives in the shadows. Living by himself, Blakely is often not seen wearing any clothing, but does wear gloves and a jacket made out of animal hide that he made himself for the bitter winters.

History: Blakely was born in a meadow on a spring night, hence his name. His mother lived through the birth but was taken by the humans shortly after, and requested that her mother would look after her son. Blake's mother never returned, for she was quickly exiled and sent away to be ravished by the mongrels, and it didnt take long for them to find her. Soon enough, Blake was old enough to understand that when the humans take his kind away, they don't ever come back. A handful of years past and one day, blakely's grandmother went out hunting when she was suddenly taken and captured by the humans. When she never returned, Blakely realized what had happened to her and knew she would never come back.
He spent a alot of the time upset about it, angry, but he remember what his grandmother had always told him. She had told him to never give up, and to learn to survive on his own because she would someday not be there. To the day, blakely has learned to adapt to the wilderness and now lives in the shadows, where he has always found home.

Full Name: Maska Blackburn
Alias: none
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Nationality: Aberith
Rank: N/A

Personality: Maska is the type of person that is cold and relentless, but once you get to know him, he's not such a bad guy. He's in his head a lot of the time, but only because he's always thinking. Many people would think he isn't very smart, but he's actually quite the opposite. He likes to read, finding knowledge, but he likes discovering new things for himself. He often ventures out into the wilderness to gather items for his family's shop in town. He is quite talented at creating, anything really. Whether it's ideas, battle strategies, armor, weapons, contraptions, you name it.

Appearance: Maska is a pretty built guy, standing at a sturdy 6'0" height, Maska is a force to be reckoned with. Maska is of the Native American ethnic background, having tanned skin, long straight black hair that reaches his neck, and dark brown eyes, which he inherited from his mother. While quite intimidating looking, considering his stoic nature, Maska is actually quite nice, but appears to have a good sense of leadership, though only shows it occasionally.

History: Maska was born and raised in Aberith, living in the forest with his parents growing up. When Maska was about 16, his parents decided that moving into town would create a better life for the whole family. He's been living in town since then, helping with keeping the family's shop running, though he still dreams of being in the forest again.

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Edited on 18/07/15 by SlyBlue (#65669)

The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-16 02:56:47
Will make a form later.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-07-16 13:17:48
Full Name: Natica Malya

Alias: Nati, Nat

Age: 230

Gender: Female

Species: Snow Elf

Nationality: Paliworth

Rank: N/A

Personality: Natica is clever, but can be suspicious and sometimes has trouble trusting people. However, she is reliable and trustworthy to the people close to her. She's usually only for herself but if a person is close to her, or she has been paid to protect a person, she will put them ahead of her.
She loves books and shiny things, but given a choice she'd go for the book. Nat has a deep fear of humans, and it would take quite a lot for her to look past the awful things they had done.
She's shy and quiet at first, but once someone gets to know her she opens up a bit. She's still more thoughtful than talkative, but loves to be around people who matter to her and is always up for a bit of fun. That being said, her quiet nature contrasts with her willingness to adventure, seeking thrills. That's partially why she's a thief for a living.

Appearance: Natica is 5'11 and has short white hair. Her body is in nice shape, and she has a lean figure and a pretty face. Her eyes are a pale yellow-gold color, giving them a startling appearance. Her ears are pointed, like all elves' are, and her skin is the extreme pale and ashen color common to her species.
Mainly, Nat wears dark clothes that contrast against her skin, usually riding dresses, but when she needs them she has trousers and tunics. The colors she usually wears vary from blue to black to green, but occasionally red. Something she is never without is her cloak, which is coal grey, and has a hood she uses often.
Her most prized possession, she wears on her wrist; a silver bracelet made for her by a dwarf she was very close to until the humans killed him. It is very intricate, takes up about 4 inches of her forearm. There is a gem the color of her eyes inlaid in the top of it.

History: Natica was born in Paliworth to a poor family. Her father was a merchant, and her older brothers helped with a small farm her mother ran. She was the youngest of 4, and the only girl. When she was 7, news came back that her father had been taken by some humans. Her mother made plans about 2 years after for an arranged marriage, to take place when Natica was 50. The marriage would give her family some money and a lift in status, but Nat wasn't interested in it. She spent her time with her brothers, learning how to fend for herself, pickpocket, read, and fight with a sword and shoot a bow. By the time she was 42, it was an easy decision to run away; the boy she was betrothed to was of no interest to her, and wished her to be a simple housewife to care for him. Nat ran away to Aberith, and befriended a dwarf by the name of Han (About age 56). In Aberith she prospered as a thief, despite being a Snow Elf. Due to some trouble with humans, Han took her to his home country, Xuiron (About age 78). After some years, humans again caused her trouble, and this time blood was shed. Four humans were dead, and so was the dwarf. Panicked, she said her farewell to her friend before fleeing back to Paliworth (About age 110). She spent a good deal of time traveling, and has still not really settled down. It's hard for her to stay in one place, because of fear restlessness, but she gets lonely traveling so much.

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Edited on 16/07/15 by Hawkmask (#41743)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-16 13:21:14

The both of you! <3

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Edited on 16/07/15 by Rottikinns (#64965)

Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-07-16 13:26:12
Awesome, thanks! <3

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Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2015-07-16 13:47:19
Full Name: Ethandral
Alias: Thandral-but only by close friends
Age: 100
Gender: Male
Species: Changling / Centaur
Nationality: Paliworth
Rank: N/A

Personality: Ethandral is a very mischievous being. Even though most of his kind are calm and wise, Ethandral is a very playful person. He loves to pull parks and often hangs out with the elves. Ethandral is defined ly a ladies man. Girls flock to him. Because he is young for his species, he is very energectic. He is basically a teenage boy. Thandral doesn't care for books or education. It never really meant anything to him. Yeah, someone died at this pointment in time. So what? He wants the 'here and now'. But there is one thing that he loves other than playing pranks and teasing people. Ethandral loves playing his pan pipe. And he is pretty good at it too. It may be the only thing his father is proud of him for.

Appearance: Ethandral

Standing at about 6 feet at the whithers, Ethandral is only average size compared to some of the other centaurs. He was never considered short, but is most define try not all that tall. He has long, dark brown locks that he keeps nicely groomed. The boy's upper body is very well maintained (meaning he is ripped). As for his lower body, he has a buckskin coat that makes his earthy green eyes pop. As for his arms, well, that was something his father had. As you go down his arms, they get darker as they get to his hands until they are a deep brown.

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Edited on 16/07/15 by Rainy (#50952)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-16 14:13:02

@Rainy Yaay a centaur!
@Hawk No problemo! I'm super excited to see that Natica likes dwarves. eue

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Edited on 16/07/15 by Rottikinns (#64965)

Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2015-07-16 14:13:49
Yay!!! So excited for this

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-07-16 15:00:54
Full Name: Vanya Theindiel (Vahn-yah Thehn-id-ee-ell)

Name Meaning: Vanya has an Elvish name. Her first name, Vanya, means 'Beautiful' and her last name, Theindiel, means 'Truth'. So her name means 'Beautiful Truth'

Alias: She doesn't have a nickname, because she believes her first name is short enough as it is

Age: Vanya is young compared to some other elves, and is only 114

Gender: Female

Species: Wood Elf

Nationality: Paliwerth

Rank: N/A

Vanya is usually a calm and trustworthy she-elf, but if you manage to make her upset she'll make sure you get a front row seat to see your world burn before your very eyes. She hates lying and will only lie if it's for the best. She is trustworthy and can keep secrets, as well as being a loyal friend. She puts her loved ones' lives before hers and will do anything to protect them. She is not very fond of humans, but likes halflings, especially centaurs due to one saving her life in the past. She doesn't like violence and will use it as a last resort, since she's been raised to believe that violence is bad. She has a strong love for animals and nature, like most of her species, and has a horse companion that she loves dearly. Even though she seems calm and mature, sometimes she can't help but let her playful side show; and she actually loves to pull pranks. She isn't very strong, but makes up for this with her speed. Her preffered weapons are hunting knifes and bow and arrows, since swords take too long too swing in her opinion. She likes light and fast weapons. Sometimes she over-thinks things and starts to worry, and sometimes she can be a bit bossy, but everything she does is for the safety of her loved ones.

Appearance: Vanya

Vanya is certainly a pretty she-elf. She has long, black hair that has a single braid in it, along with green, metal beads. She has a pretty face with narrow cheekbones and striking, green eyes. She has golden dark skin, like most Wood Elves, and she has the pointed ears, of course. It is an understatement to say she is tall, and she stands at 6'3". She has an attractive, hourglass figure.

She often wears green, and has a ring and earrings given to her by her father. She never takes them off. She is usually seen wearing elvish dresses and a hood, but will wear more comfortable clothing when fighting.

Vanya was born in a wealthy family. Her father crafted some of the finest bows in Paliwerth. She didn't know her mother very well, since she died when Vanya was still very young. They were invited to work at Aberith, since the people there had heard of their fine weaponry, but they didn't stay for long before they decided they wanted to move back to Paliwerth. They didn't like how violent and war-based the people were there. They filled a cart with their supplies and set off back to Paliwerth, two horses pulling their cart. On their way back a thief approached them and killed her father, as well as stealing one of their horses. A centaur heard the commotion and saved Vanya. She thanked the centaur and gave him some money for his kindness. Her remaining horse had been injured and she traveled the rest of the way on foot, so the horse would have to pull less weight. When she finally reached Paliwerth her horse had died of exhaustion, and she found herself alone. She gathered together her remaining materials and opened up her bow shop again. Eventually she got another horse, since she wanted company.

Picture Source

She is Asexual, meaning she is not sexually attracted to others. But she can still romantically be attracted to people, though, and can have a relationship.

I'm terribly sorry if this isn't good or if this has typos, I made this on my phone.

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Edited on 17/07/15 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-17 06:55:18

No no she's perfect! :D

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-07-17 09:46:18
Full Name: Elias Merellien
Alias: Eli
Age: 213
Gender: Male
Species: Wood Elf
Nationality: Paliwerth
Rank: N/A
Personality: Elias Merellien, unlike most younger elves, is a recluse that enjoys nature just as much as his older parents, if not more. This is a male who enjoys working on plants and making sure they're healthy; he'd much rather spend time outside, under the sky than doing anything else. Although he can sometimes be charismatic and charming, he's mostly a sarcastic, independent idiot. He prides himself in his extensive knowledge, though he prefers to stay quiet around others unless he's proving a point. If you irritate him, you better be prepared to take his sharp tongue and even sharper blade.
Appearance: Elias
+5'11" and 139 lbs.
History: Elias was born and raised in the outer regions of Paliwerth, with his parents and two siblings. They fared well and lived off the land for a long time together, until Elias' older brother left for Aberith under the guise of finding a better paying job. They all knew he was running off to find himself a woman. Then Elias' little sister left, wanting to explore the world. His parents actually urged him to leave after a while as well, thinking it unhealthy for him to have no drive to see the world. Elias just didn't want to deal with humans, or any other species really, and wanted to live out his life in nature, as his parents had.

Full Name: Lorikeet Brunhild
Alias: Lori
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Seer {masquerades as human}
Nationality: Zoezzedel
Rank: N/A
Personality: Like most Seers these days, Lorikeet has grown up to become a very quiet, secretive individual. Although she enjoys learning, she's not one to go out and push her boundaries unless she knows it will benefit her in some specific way. Since her father was an elf, she has a lot of knowledge about the natural world and respect for it as well. She's a compassionate individual, with a loyal heart and instinctive nature.
Appearance: Lorikeet
+5'5" and 123 lbs.
History: Although Lorikeet was born on Zoezzedel, her parents weren't that odd; they're marriage was considered odd though and probably what led them to the Zeozzedel in the first place. Her father was an elf, and her mother one of the rare female, human pirates. They fell in love in Aberith, and then fled to Zoezzedel together after her father's family didn't take too kindly in his choice in wife. That's where Lori was born. She eventually realized she was a Seer when she turned 12, but her parents were the only people that ever knew. The three agreed to keep it a secret until Lori thought she could handle it. When she decided she wanted to leave and journey to Paliwerth and then Aberith, she told her parents to keep the secret until she returned to see what she'd say. They agreed, and so she left home and traveled to the other islands as a human. Because of both her father's elfish-decent and her mother's own adventurous, pirate-nature, she's a bit of an odd ball any place she goes.
Other: Whenever her visions come, it's mostly in dreams and not about anything important; and normally just a glimpse, or a minute scene. She has received one vision while awake one time, and nearly scared her parents to death; she jerked in the middle of a sentence and then her eyes filmed over, leaving her blind and unresponsive for two minutes until she suddenly relaxed and continued her sentence.

{Pictures are not mine. Credit goes to original creators.}

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Edited on 17/07/15 by West (#43497)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-17 10:11:34

Awesomee! Seer's probably one of my favorite species. And Elias is a qt3.14.

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Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2015-07-17 14:28:02
Full Name: Katherine St. Claire
Alias: Kat
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Nationality: Aberith
Rank: N/A

Personality: Katherine is a firey character. She has no problem telling you what she thinks of you. You never have to wonder if she is talking about you behind your back. But she knows when to stop. Because she has to take care of Kara, Kat is often very careful about what she say to whom she says it to. But if you can get deep enough jn her shell, she can be very kind. Kat has had to learn many things, especially how to show compassion and grace. But you have to earn it with her. Katherine is a very determined girl and will do anything to keep her sister safe, even if it means to something stupid or cruel.

This young adult has no hatred towards the elves. In fact, she almost feels bad for them. But she does hate Dwarves. They just give her the creeps. She doesn't understand how a being that small can give birth to a baby about half it's size. Unlike most of the humans, Katherine doesn't mind halvlings. She actually finds them fun. It was actually a centaur that taught her how to use her bow and arrow set.
Appearance: Katherine

History: Katherine doesn't have a hideous history. She was raised in a family of four when both of her parents died of the plague. She was only 15 at the time. So she took a job at the local tavern to earn money so that she could keep her younger sister safe. They have been keeping their heads above the waters ever since then. Katherine is looking for a suitor who can keep her and her sister safe, but knows that most men won't be looking in the taverns for their brides-to-be.

(I'll post her sister tomorrow)

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